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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💛💚 ONE
{Once Upon Our
Love Story…}

THEME; Love And Deceit.

CHAPTER 13💞 14

Gbemi Writes ✍️


{ ʜᴇʀ sᴇᴀʀᴄʜ }

^^ Hank’s Family Home ^^

“What are you doing in my room? How on earth did you get in?”

“I saw Fiona leaving your room and thinking you were awake, I came in only to find you asleep and so, I decided to wait for you to wake up” Connor explained as he sat up.

” And just so you know, I didn’t touch you though I really wanted to” he added mildly.

“Fine! Have heard you and I want you to leave” She said this as she got off the bed aware of the fact that she’s naked underneath the silk night gown she’s wearing.

“Not until we’ve talked”

“We’ve got nothing to talk about and…”

“We do have something to talk about and that’s us” he said firmly.

Folding her arms against her chest in a protective way, she said.

“Okay, start talking”

“Clarissa isn’t what you think she is, she’s just a friend” he assured.

“Really? You expect me to believe that Clarissa is only a friend to you? Do you still see me as that naive girl from two years ago?” She bit out impatiently and that got him getting off the bed.

“No, you aren’t naive and Clarissa means nothing to me in a romantic sense. She’s just a friend” he said.

“Aren’t you even wondering the identity of the girl I plan to marry?” He tossed at her.

“There’s no need for me to wonder since Clarissa makes it perfectly clear” Tessa toss at him in return.

“It is you” on hearing that, Tessa’s anger died down, doubts clouding her mind.

“Me?” She asked in flat disbelief.

“Yes. It’s you I want to marry” he replied with all honesty.

“B…but… it’s crazy! I mean you obviously don’t love me and I don’t feel the same way, I might have felt something for you two years ago but it died when I found out about your deceit”

“And that’s why I plan on wooing you, I know it’s going to take a while but I will end up owning your heart ” he declared.

“And also…” He slowly made his way to where she stood. ” I love you Tessa. Have been in love with for years now and even if you weren’t Nicole’s nurse, I would have search for you and would be working my way into your heart” he said starring down at her.

“Hmm… Connor, I don’t think this mission of yours will be possible”


“When Seven broke my heart, I thought that I would never be able to move on but then you came along only for me to find out about your lies and I realize then that love isn’t for me, I no longer believe in love and I would rather remain single than to let my guard down and be hurt again” she said.

“I won’t ever hurt….”

“Don’t make a promise you wouldn’t keep, that hurts more than anything. Now that we’ve had our discussion, it’s time you leave”

She walk towards the door and was about to open it when he pulled her into his arms.

“Connor! I already made myself clear to…”

“But I haven’t made myself clear to you” he grated out while his hand tightened on her waist. ” I love you, Tessa. Have never felt this way for anyone and I don’t intend to give you up for anything in the world. We are made for each other, you are mine” he whispered down at her before claiming her lips.

Tessa was too stunned to react and before she could do, he lifted her up and automatically, she wrap her legs around his waist.

“You drive me nuts” he let out hoarsely while his hands familiarize itself with her body again.

Walking her back to the bed, he layed her on it before claiming her lips once again.

Tessa resistance melted when he began kissing her throat, she knew she shouldn’t let it happen a second time but… she just can’t resist him.

He was trailing kisses down her neck when the knock on the door intruded.

“Tell whoever it is to leave” he whispered into her ear and she would have done that if Nicole hadn’t call out her name.

Pushing Connor aside, she sat up straightening her night gown.

“You need to leave” she said as she walk towards the door.

“It’s just Nicole” he replied giving a shrug.

“The more reason why you should leave”

“Why do you want me to leave? It’s not like something is going on between you and my brother? ”

“And if it is? Will that get you to leave me alone?” She challenge.

“I would have since I wouldn’t want to hurt Nicole but you don’t have anything going with him, so I won’t be leaving you alone” he purred out.

“You really are annoying!” She let out before opening the door.

“Good morning” she greeted.

“Morning. Is someone with you?” Nicole asked.

“Yes and am about to take my leave” Connor replied as he walk out of the room.

“See you both around” he added and secretly gave Tessa a wink before sauntering off.

“Why was he here?” Nicole asked.

“To ask about my sister and thanks for your help. If you hadn’t told Connor, we would never have gotten out of it” Tessa said as she took hold of his hand.

“Am glad I could help” he said giving her a kiss on her hand. “Have got some therapy session today, will you come with me?” He asked.

“Of course, give me some time to get dress”


Frederick had only wanted it to be a mild kiss but when her lips touched his, he lost all cool.

Lifting Fiona by the waist, he made her seat on the desk before claiming her lips once again.

Fiona has never had a proper kiss in her life and now she’s doing that with her brother.

She knew what their doing is bad but then, she can’t control herself. Being close to Frederick like this makes her feel…contented.

A sigh escape her lips when he began to trail kisses down her throat and when his hand strayed to her B-__-bs, she could only melt in his arms.

“Touch me too, I want to feel your hands on me” he whispered and slowly she began trailing her hand around his body fumbling with his buttons.

“Not there, here” he said and took hold of her hand to guide it to his man hood.

Her eyes bulge out due to how big he felt and he let out a smile.

“This is what you do to me, Fiona” he said and kiss her again.

His hands went to her skirt zipper and was about to unzip when they heard the horning of a car.

“Am sorry, I didn’t meant to take it this far” Frederick apologise as he move away from her.

“It’s okay” she replied as she got off the desk.

“Fiona, I…”

“I have an assignment to submit, have got to go” Fiona said and picking up her school bag, she left the room.

^^ Study Room ^^

All dressed and ready for work, Connor went to the study only to see Chris there.

“Why did you hire a tutor for me?” Chris asked as soon as he walk in.

“Cause you need one, you’ve not been concentrating on your studies and since you will be getting into college, I thought you might need one”

“Well you thought wrong. I don’t need a tutor and so I suggest you fire her and…”

“Now listen up boy! You don’t give the orders around here. I do and when I say something, you must obey! ” Connor snapped losing his cool.

“Prepare everything for her arrival, she’s someone you know cause after all, she teach in your school” he added mildly.

“Who’s she?” Chris asked.

“It’s Cynthia, Tessa’s Friend” on hearing that, a smile lit up Chris face.

“You should have just told me who she is” Chris let out in excitement.

“Do I have to?” Connor asked in confusion.

“Yes, since she’s….never mind, I agree with you hundred percent that I need a tutor. Thanks Connor, you’ve really made my day with this” Chris said before running off.

“That’s confusing” Connor muttered wondering what is wrong with his brother.

“Good morning ” Clarissa greeted as she walk in.

“Morning” he replied crisply.

“Are you still angry about last night?” Clarissa asked as she perch her butt on his desk.

“Why wouldn’t I be? You did that on purpose right?”

“I didn’t. If I had known you were trying to have a important conversation with Tessa, I would have waited for you to finish it” Clarissa replied hotly.

“I know you Clarissa and I can tell when you lie”

“Fine then! I did interrupt you on purpose. You are always alone with her and it made me… jealous. After all am your best friend and she’s just your employee” she said with contempt.

“She is Nicole’s employee like you’ve said but to me she’s the girl I love and who I plan to get married to” He said briskly.

“You must be kidding right?” Clarissa asked as she got off the desk to stare at him.

“Am not and so, I want you to stop ruining my time with her. I still have a long way to go before I get to win her heart”

“So when you told everyone that you plan to get married, you were referring to her right?” Clarissa asked and he gave a nod in return.

“Then what about me!” She yelled at him.

“What does this have to do with you?” Connor asked as he gave her a measuring look.

“Everything, you jerk!” She yelled before running out of the study room leaving Connor to ponder on the things she said.

^^ Evening ^^

Chris stood outside the mansion waiting for Cynthia.

It’s past the time she said she will show up and she’s not here yet, did she change her mind… He thought just as a taxi approach.

“Chris!” On hearing that familiar voice, he looked up to see her running towards him.

“Am sorry for being late” She said breathlessly.

“Its okay. For a while I thought you changed your mind” Chris said feeling a surge of excitement.

“I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world” she replied having no idea how thrilled he felt by her response.

“Let me take that for you” he offered and she gave him her bag.

Together they went into the house and he took her up to his room where the tutoring will be taking place.

“My family are a bit rowdy and I didn’t want anything disturbing us which is why I picked my room for the tutoring, hope you don’t mind?” Chris lied through his teeth while hoping she wouldn’t notice.

“Of course not and besides I like the deco of your room” She compliment as she sat on the chair he drew out for her.


“What Melody will give to see such beauty” Cynthia muttered but he heard.

“Who’s melody?”

“Well she’s Tessa younger sister and she’s crazy about deco stuff. Am sure you will be glad when you meet her” Cynthia said.

“Err…why would I be glad?”

“Cause she’s around your age and she’s very pretty”

“Pretty girls aren’t my thing and besides I like older women ” Chris stated.

“Really? I never thought your taste in women to be that…deep” Cynthia said surprised by his reply.

“Older women are more attractive and very much responsible. I know one in particular who fits everything I want in a woman” Chris told her bluntly.

“Does this lady knows how you feel?” She asked.

“She doesn’t but I plan to win her heart slowly cause am very convinced that we both belong to each other ” He replied, his gaze on her.

“Well, whoever it is is lucky. If we don’t start soon then we might finish late”

After giving him some questions to answer, she went to say hello to Tessa and Nicole who were in the court yard returning to Chris room some time later.

She found him standing by the window starring outside.

“Are you done?” She asked.

“I am and… who’s Bobby?” He asked and Cynthia couldn’t help but to notice a trail of Jealousy in that question of his but she pushed it aside and quickly called Bobby.

“Yes, I will be with you soon” she said before ending the call.

“Am sorry Chris but I won’t be able to continue with you but I promise to spend a much longer time with you tomorrow”

“Why? Is it because you have to go and see your boyfriend?” He asked hating the thought of her meeting this so called Bobby.

“Just so you wouldn’t go around telling your brother something fake and end up getting me fired, I will tell you who Bobby is”

“Bobby is a detective I hired to search for a relative of mine”

“Who’s this relative?” Chris asked.

“My sister” Cynthia replied just as the door open revealing Granny Susie.

“Chris have you seen…there you are Fiona, I thought I told you that I….”

“She’s not Fiona, granny. She’s Cynthia my tutor” Chris said correcting his grand mother, who thought Cynthia to be Fiona.

“Oh! Sorry, I thought you were my grand daughter. I will leave you two now” Granny Susie said as she quickly shut the door.

“She shouldn’t be here, this is bad” Granny Susie muttered to herself before heading back to her room.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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