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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💛💚 ONE
{Once Upon Our
Love Story…}

THEME; Love And Deceit.

CHAPTER 11💞 12

Gbemi Writes ✍️


{ ᴄʀᴀᴢʏ ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢ }

^^ Police Station ^^

“Melody ” Tessa called as soon as she spot her sister in the crowdy station.

“Are you okay?” Tessa asked noticing that she had dyed her hair back to black.

“I only poke my hand in his eyes cause he kept refusing to pay me, I didn’t punch him on the face like he claim” Melody explained.

” Don’t worry, I will handle it ” Tessa said as she went to the police counter to explain things to the police in charge.

“He’s asking for a million before he drop the charge, Is he serious?” Tessa asked.

“He will be here soon, it’s best you try to settle things with him” The officer in charge told her.

“This wont be happening if you had only focus on your studies” Tessa let out impatiently.

“Choosing to help you is now my fault right?” Melody asked with a look of hurt in her eyes.

“I didn’t mean it that way” Tessa quickly said as she crouch in front of her. “When our parents died, I promised to protect and take care of you. It’s been hard trying to make money but you should know that I will do my best to give you what you want”

“I know that Tess and am sorry for adding more to it” Melody apologise.

“You don’t have to apologise and just as we’ve overcome all problems, we will surely over come this one. Give me a hug” Tessa said which got Melody moving into her arms.

“I think some one has fallen for us?” Melody said suddenly.

“What nonsense are you spewing now?” Tessa replied as she ended the hug.

“If he hasn’t then I don’t understand why he keeps starring at us” Melody said and that got Tessa turning around only to see Connor there.

“What are you doing here?” Tessa asked as she went to him.

“Nicole told me what happen”

“He did? Well, you didn’t have to come cause am having it under….”

“Let’s go, my lawyer will handle the rest. This isn’t a place fit for you” he said as he went to introduce himself to Melody.

“Are you perhaps my sister’s boyfriend?” Melody asked as they left the station.

“No” Connor replied as he help the blabbering Melody into the car.

“You didn’t have to do this, am already handling….”

“This is one of the many things I want to do for you. So stop trying to make me leave and get into the car cause am here to stay” Connor told her tersely.

Not having a reply for that, she got in to the passenger seat and a while later Connor drove off leaving his lawyer to handle the situation.

Cynthia was waiting outside when Connor parked his car in front of the little apartment they live.

As soon as Melody got out of the car, Tessa turn to Connor.

“You don’t have to come in with us, thanks for everything” she began only for Melody to cut in.

“Aren’t you going to invite him for dinner? After the way he helped us, no way” Melody said as she quickly wrap her arms around his pulling him into the apartment.

“Take a seat right here Mr handsome, dinner will be ready and just so you know, we don’t cook the expensive dish you eat everyday but Tessa and Cynthia makes the most delicious food, you are going to love it. I need to get change” Melody inform before leaving the room.

“I will go get things ready for Dinner ” Tessa said resignedly before going into the kitchen.

Cynthia and Connor stared at each other in silence until Connor broke it.

“Nice seeing you again” he let out in a tense manner.

“Same here and you don’t have to answer this question but I really want to know what your intention is with Tessa. You really hurt her two years ago” Cynthia admitted and that got him chuckling nervously.

“Yes. I made a mess of things and that’s why I intend to set it straight this time”

“By doing what?”

“By winning her heart back, I really love Tessa and I promise to do my best to make her happy ” he replied, earning a smile from her.

“That sounds fair enough” She let out slowly just as Tessa reappeared.

“Dinner is ready”

^^ Hank’s Family Home ^^

Chris was starring at Cynthia’s picture when Frederick walk in.

“Can I crash with you tonight?” Frederick asked as he lay on the bed beside him.

“Cause I can’t sleep and that’s due to the crazy things I did” Frederick replied thinking about the kiss he shared with Fiona.

“What crazy thing?” Chris ask noticing his brother weary voice.

“I actually kissed a girl I shouldn’t have, Its something forbidden and crazy and yet.. I did it” Frederick confess.

“Don’t tell me you f^cking messed with your best friend girl? That’s crazy” Chris concluded the whole thing and though Frederick wanted to correct him, he couldn’t.

“That’s cheating man, you better let that girl go. Girls might come and go but a friend is for life ” Chris said as he got off the bed to get a glass of water.

“Yeah ” Frederick replied in a resign way, he pick up Chris phone only to see the picture he was starring at.

“Like why the hell will you have our teacher’s picture on your phone?” Frederick asked and immediately Chris snatch his phone from him.

“Except you are into her” Frederick added on seeing the guilt on his brother face.

“Dude, She’s older than you” Frederick said this as he sat up.

“Just four years older than me and is it a must that we like someone our age? I like Cynthia and I don’t care about what people think ” Chris stated bluntly.

“Woah…this is crazy” Frederick replied, laying back on the fluffy bed.

“It is crazy but you can’t tell your heart who to love” Chris muttered while Frederick thought of Fiona.

He pulled out his phone to stare at the message he sent her and she still hasn’t check it.

“You are right, we can’t tell our heart who to love” Frederick added softly.

^^ Cynthia and Tessa Apartment ^^

“Just like you said dinner was awesome” Connor said as he and Melody walk out of the house with Tessa and Cynthia following behind.

“That’s right and if you don’t snatch this great cook, your going to lose eating good food ” Melody said and that earned her Connor’s attention.

“I know you like my sister but you keep tip toeing around her, if you don’t strike now, you might just lose her for good” Melody added.

“Well, thanks for the advice” a chuckling Connor replied.

“Thanks for everything. If you hadn’t been there, Tessa would have taken the whole burden and am glad to know that someone is out there who cares for her in a romantic way. Am rooting for you ” Melody said as she gave him a hug.

“And just so you know, you have the most beautiful green eyes, if you weren’t in love with my sis, I would have made you mine” she whispered for his ears alone.

“What crazy thing are you saying now?” Tessa voice drifted their way and Melody shook her head in reply, giving him a wink before dashing back into the house.

“Take care of her for me and make sure she goes to school and forget about work” Tessa said as she gave Cynthia a goodbye hug.

“And also, I have some money saved up and…”

“Am not taking your money. I know am in need of money right now but I won’t get it from you since I know you need it more” Cynthia said as she refuse her friend offer.

“Huh…if you don’t mind my meddling. I know of a way to get you the money you need for your mom’s treatment” Connor interfered.

“I don’t intend to accept money from…”

“Well I do have it in mind to give you money since you will be working for me” Connor suggested.

“Cynthia is a teacher” Tessa reminded.

“Yes and I will be needing her services for my sibling” Connor replied


“Chris ” Connor answered.

“But Chris is a top student, he doesn’t need a tutor ” Cynthia countered.

“Huh…Chris is indeed a top student and since it’s his final year in senior high, I need a tutor to prepare him for his exams and to be sincere, Chris has been distracted lately ”

“I don’t know if he’s dating someone but he keeps starring at his phone all the time…it makes me worry and that’s why I need someone to draw him back into his book…do you understand me?” Connor finish slowly.

“I do and I definitely will take up the offer” Cynthia replied in excitement.

“Then you might as well begin tomorrow” Connor told her and a while later, He and Tessa were back in his car heading to the mansion.

Tessa sat in silence feeling a bit tense since no one else with them. She kept glancing at him until he caught her gaze.

“Am I that handsome?” Connor asked which got her flushing hard.

“I wasn’t thinking that, I just…I just want to say thank you. Thanks to you, my sister is okay and Cynthia found a way to get the money she needs for her mother treatment”

“You shouldn’t thank me cause Nicole was the one who told me of your problem, I didn’t magically appear like a prince ready to save his princess” Connor replied.

“Oh” Was the only reply she could think of.

“But am glad to be of help to you and the people close to your heart and besides, I really like your sister” he added the last part which got her laughing out.

“You should smile often, you look beautiful when you do” he said as he pick up her hand to kiss it.

A while later, Tessa woke up to see that she was still in his car but in a different place.

“Where are we ?” She asked Connor who have been watching her sleep.

“My condo, you and I have got to talk and there’s no better place than my house” he replied.

“But we could have done that…” She stop talking when he took hold of her hand.

“We can’t get enough privacy there and what I need to tell you is important ” he cut her off abruptly.

“Fine then, we might as…” She was cut off a second time when she saw Clarissa standing outside.

Connor lowered the glass down to stare at her.

“Why are you here?” His asked with a displeasing tone.

“Since you weren’t home, I thought you might be here and I was almost going to give up waiting for you when you arrived. Hello Tessa” Clarissa greeted.

“Well am busy with Tessa and…”

“That’s unfair! Have been waiting for an hour now. She’s taken your attention enough, it’s time for me to take over. Don’t you think so, Tessa?” Clarissa asked as she ran her hands down Connor body.

“I think you should stay with her” Tessa said as she got out of the car.

“Stop being ridiculous and get into the car” Connor stated as he got out of the car too.

“Don’t worry, I can take the taxi. Just stay with her” Tessa insisted.


“She can get home herself, let her be” Clarissa said as she held him from behind.

On seeing the intimate way she held Connor, Tessa quickly walk off and luckily for her, she found a taxi.

^^ Hank’s Family Home ^^

“If he was going on a date with his girlfriend, why kiss my hand?” Tessa asked no one in particular as she walk out of the bathroom all ready for bed.

The knock on the door prevented her from getting into bed.

“Can I sleep in your room for tonight…if it’s not a bother” Fiona pleaded and a while later, they both lay on the bed with Fiona snuggling to Tessa like a child finding it hard to sleep.

“Mind telling me what’s wrong?” Tessa asked.

“I can’t tell you” Fiona said in return.

“Fine then,I won’t press you for more answers but…will you let me cuddle you?” Tessa asked growing a soft spot for her.

Fiona nodded and got into Tessa’s arm while Tessa pat her on the back like she always did with Melody, hoping she get some rest.

^^ The Next Day ^^

Dressed and ready for school, Fiona left her bathroom only to see Frederick waiting for her.

“Ignoring me won’t make this go away, we’ve got to talk” Frederick said.

“You are right, we need to talk” Fiona replied as she stood where she was not wanting to go close to him.

“Am sorry about last night, I didn’t know what came over me and…”

“Let’s just forget it happen and I think the best thing for us is to keep our distance” Fiona intercepted.

“We already did that once and it was hard for the both of us”

“Then what do you suggest we do cause this thing is madness. It’s forbidden”

“You think I don’t know that too? I do and that was why I tried my best to stay away but the more I did that, the more I find myself wanting you” Frederick admitted.

“I will pretend I never heard that” Fiona bit out airily.

“Why? Is it because you are not totally immune to me? Is it because you also feel the same way?” He asked this while moving towards her.

“My feelings doesn’t matter” she said only for him to cup her cheek with his soft hand.

“It does. I know it’s a crazy feeling and it isn’t right but we can’t stop our hearts from beating for each other” he said and Fiona couldn’t help but to be mesmerized by his gaze.

“We can and we must” Fiona said as she move away from him.

“Tell me how then, am listening” he said crisply.

“You should go out with other girls while I do the same”

“It’s simple for me to get a girl like you’ve just suggest but what about you?”

“I can go out with Peter”

“I don’t want you going out with a guy who’s only trying to get into your leg” Frederick countered.

“Then there is Ken” she suggested again.

“I don’t want you going out with my friend either ”

“Well, there’s this senior in Chris class and he…”

“Am not going to allow you to date an older guy ” Frederick cut her off briskly.

“Then who can I date?”

“No one! I h@ťě the thought of someone else touching you just like you h@ťě the thought of Lola being around me” he said as he walk towards her again and this time he pulled her into his arms.

“I don’t want you belonging to anyone, I so much loathe it” With that said, he claimed her lips again.


Tessa woke up due to her alarm which kept buzzing and buzzing.

She sat up with her eyes close, yawning and stretching her limbs.

“I slept like a log last night, did you enjoy your night, Fiona?” She asked.

“I doubt that since I kept thinking about you” the deep masculine voice which replied got her opening her eyes.

“Good morning sleepy head ”

“What are you doing in my room, Connor!”

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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