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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💛💚 ONE
{Once Upon Our
Love Story…}

THEME; Love And Deceit.


Gbemi Writes ✍️


{ ᴀ ᴏɴᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ sᴛᴀɴᴅ }

^^ Love Island Resort ^^

A lot of guest could be seen in the resort restaurant having their breakfast and amongst one of them is Teresa Reyes and her best friend Cynthia Snow.

While Cynthia gave justice to the food, Teresa kept talking on the phone with her younger sister missing out on the admiring look being sent her way since she’s one hell of a pretty girl.

“Don’t do anything silly until we return and face your studies, do not skip school and… Oh,you are on summer break. My bad but still don’t joke around till I return, love you too” Tessa said before ending the call.

“Always the strict sis” Cynthia tease as soon as she ended the call.

“If am not strict with that girl, she definitely will cause chaos some day” Tessa replied.

“And you will keep getting worked up if you don’t relax. We came to love tropical to get you to relax and you haven’t done that since yesterday ” Cynthia told her.

“It’s hard to relax”

“Why? Cause you keep thinking about that bastard Seven who cheated on you with that rich brat! It’s time you move on from him, he didn’t blink an eye before letting you go, you should also do the same” Cynthia added.

“And just so you know, don’t turn around yet but there is this handsome devil two table away who has been starring at you and he’s been doing that for a while now” Cynthia added in excitement and acting nonchalant, Tessa turned to stare at the guy she was talking about.

Apart from being handsome, he didn’t even bother to look away when their gaze caught, he flash her a dazzling smile, a smile which made him look hot.

“Isn’t he so handsome?” Cynthia cooed out in excitement.

“He is not!” Teresa denied hotly knowing she didn’t think that of him.

“I think he’s interested in you. Why not turn this trip of yours into a Love trip rather than a mending heart trip”

“There’s no way am getting involved with another man. After Seven’s betrayal, I never want to have anything to do with a guy again” Tessa said vehemently.

“You are only being hard on yourself. Just because Seven is a fool who didn’t see your worth doesn’t mean that other guys are” Cynthia said just as a waiter arrive bringing them a cup of latte.

“We didn’t order this”

“The gentleman over there told me to serve it to you, enjoy” the waiter told them before walking off.

“See! Apart from being handsome, he’s also thoughtful, I was going to order the latte for us but he did” Cynthia gush out in excitement and whispered a thank you at the green eye stranger who gave a nod in return.

“Say a word of thank you to him” Cynthia said but Tessa ignored.

“I didn’t ask for the latte so why should I thank him?” Tessa said bluntly.

“You really are a stubborn mule, don’t you see that by giving him….” Cynthia stopped to pick up her phone and after a few conversation, she stood on her feet.

“My boss just called, there’s some project the students did before their exam, we have to go through it. See you later and please try having fun even if it’s with that green eye devil” Cynthia added before sauntering off.

Tessa sat still sipping the latte the stranger bought knowing that he was watching her every move.

She tried to act like he didn’t exist but that feeling of being watched made her uneasy.

Slowly, she turn to stare at him only to clash on with a set of deep green eyes.

Something in her felt satisfied knowing that a handsome devil like him could be interested in her. After all, Seven made it clear to her that she can’t ever attract the handsome guys due to her poor looks while Blair, the girl he left her for kept laughing in mockery.

It would be nice to get back at Seven by showing an interest in that….oh no! What is she thinking? Tessa thought as she began to pick up her things.

She was about to get up when she saw the green eye devil standing beside her table.

“You startled me!” She as she stood up hating the fact that he’s a little more taller than her.

“Am sorry. I saw you taking your things, are you leaving?” the green eye stranger asked.

“I am”

“But I just ordered something else for you and…”

“Something I never asked for. Am grateful for the coffee you bought for us and that’s all ” she said wanting to leave but he stood in her path not giving her the chance to.

“Then you might as well stay and keep me company” he suggested lightly.

“Sorry but am not interested in that either”

“Then you might as well give me the chance to be your tour guide today” he suggested again.

“Why should I ?” Tessa asked.

“Cause I would like to keep looking at you” he replied bluntly making Tessa speechless for a while.

Never has a guy come onto her in a very straightforward manner.

“Look, am not interested in getting involved with you. I only came here to relax and so, kindly leave me alone” she stated before walking past him and luckily he didn’t follow her.

A while later, She was using the guide booklet provided by the hotel to tour the area when she saw someone familiar down at the beach side.

Seven stood in front of the water watching as his new found lover ran towards him only dressed in her beach attire.

Tessa watch as Seven lifted Blair into his arms giving her a kiss while squeezing her @zz right in public.

Seeing this made it clear to Tessa that wh@ťěver hope she had of Seven returning to her won’t ever happen since he’s moved on from her.

And knowing that hurts, she thought as she crouch on the floor crying, not bothered about being watched.

She was wiping off her tears when the green eyed stranger came to her.

“Use this” he said as he stretch his handkerchief to her.

Choosing to wipe off her tears herself, she stood up.

“Are you a stalker? Why do you keep on following me?” Tessa asked.

“I wasn’t following you but instead, I was heading to my room when I saw you crying and decided to offer my help” he said.

“I don’t need your help what I want is for you to leave me alone” Tessa yelled at him and when she made to leave, he held onto her hand.

“I can’t do that” he stated firmly.


“I can’t stay away from you” he added bluntly.

“Why?” She asked slowly.

“I don’t believe in love but I do believe in fate and destiny and I know that it’s our fate to meet and our destiny to be together”

“This is crazy, I think you’ve had a lot to drink”Tessa told him and made to leave but he tug at her hand which got her moving straight into his arms.

“Do I look like a joker to you?” He asked mildly and she could see by the look in his eyes that he meant what he said.

“But we just met today and…”

“And that doesn’t matter. I am attracted to you and am sure that you are to me too, so why don’t we just give our selves the…”

“No! Am sorry but am not interested ” she said as she pull away from him.

“And am not going to leave you alone” he said with fierce determination.

“Then I will leave this resort!” She declared.

“If you leave, I leave too and am going to follow you around till you realise that we are meant for each other”

Tessa knew she should feel scared about this sudden obsession from a stranger but some how it thrilled her to know that someone is willing to go far just to get her

Letting out a sigh, she asked “What can I do to get you out of my life?”

“Don’t do anything, just give me a chance to show you that am the one for you” he replied.

“Fine then. Meet me here by two in the afternoon, we will have our first date and if it doesn’t work, you stay away from me” she said which got him nodding in return.

Quickly she head to her suite already thinking of ways to show the green eye devil that she’s not the girl for him like he claim her to be.

Four hours later, Tessa could be seen walking the beach with the green eye stranger while laughing out to the jokes he told.

Her plan to get rid of him by doing things a guy will h@ťě didn’t work.

Instead of getting angry by her tactic at pushing him away, he took the lead instead and made the day fun and exciting for her.

The sudden rain ended their tour which got them heading to the restaurant for cover.

“If you are cold, you can just wait in my room till the rain stops” he offered which she accepted without thinking.

It was when she was alone with him in his room that she realised her mistake in accepting his offer.

“You can change into this while I prepare coffee for us both” he said as he gave her his bath robe.

She got to his bathroom and was about to change when she saw some packet of condoms.

She was still starring at it when the door open and he came to pick up the condom.

“You weren’t suppose to see that” he said looking a bit flush.

“It’s okay. You are a man too and it’s only right to have such things around so when the urge takes….”

“I don’t sleep around and I don’t intend to do that anymore ” he said cutting her off.

“Why don’t you intend to?”

“There’s only one lady who I want to share my bed with and that’s you” he replied making her breath quickening while her stomach fluttered which made her feel weird.

“I need to get dress and you are getting in the…Arrgh!” She let out a scream when she slip on the bathroom tile, and luckily for Tessa, she was caught by him.

“Thanks” she muttered as she stared up at him.

“I can’t do this anymore” he said guffly as he lifted her up by the waist and onto the washing zinc.

“Have been trying to hold back all day but I can’t do that with you being this close, would you mind if I…kiss you ?” He whispered down at her and before he could, Tessa pulled his head down and initiated their first kiss.

A slow kiss turned into a fierce one which got him lifting her out of the bathroom to his bed room.

“There’s no going back if we do this, are you sure you want to?” He asked and she nodded wordlessly.

“You still haven’t told me your name” She said softly.

“It’s Connor my beauty. It’s Connor” he let out softly as he reclaimed her lips again while his hands drifted all over her.

“You are mine Tessa, only mine” he declared as he went ahead to take off her dress while he devoured the whole of her.

^^The Next Day^^

Tessa was heading back to her room to get change and spend the rest of the day with Connor when she bump into Blair.

The girl Seven had left her for and judging by the evil smirk on her face, Tessa knew that she was up to no good.

“Good morning little naive Tessa” Blair greeted in her usual mocking tone but Tessa chose to ignore it.

“I saw you with Connor yesterday and since you are leaving his room, you two must have been… You know what I mean” Blair said and this got Tessa giving her her full attention.

“How do you know Connor?” Tessa asked.

“It’s simple. Connor is my brother and am glad he did fulfil his promise” Blair added.

“What promise?” Tessa asked.

“The promise for him to seduce and bed you just to get you out of my way and out of Seven’s life for good”

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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