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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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❣️❣️❣️? FINALE?❣️❣️❣️
“What?” She exclaimed and started choking and coughing.

“Calm down, I’ll get out for you.” I said panicking, rubbing her back.

“Is this how to… Why didn’t you tell me?!!!” She coughed.

This is my fault, I just want to surprise her.

“Okay… I’ll…” I stood up and wrapped my hands around her stomach and pressed it to remove the ring.

“You’re gonna be okay. Lemme call the ambulance.” I said, feeling worried.

She burst into laughter “Ha ha!! Gotcha!” She removed the from her mouth.

She didn’t even swallow it. She tricked me!

“You think you’re good at surprise!” She laughed and I laughed nervously.

“Dude, you scared me.” I sighed, collect the ring and knelt in front of her.

“Are you serious?” She asked, looking overwhelmed.

I chuckled “Avery, you and Ria are my life, I felt my own life is incomplete without you, I felt totally…”

“Shut up and ask the d@mn question!” She cried, smiling.

“Will you marry me?” I asked “Will you be my Mrs Orlando?”

She shook her head, shedding tears “No, don’t shook your head, you’re saying No, nod your head, please.” I pleaded.

“Yes!” She yelled and we hugged happily, I missed her head.

Best moment of my life.

“Afery.” I heard a really cute voice. Where did that come from?

Rex and I frowned at Ria “Huh?” “Did she just talk?”

“Afery!” Ria giggled.

My heart beat faster “Rex, Ria said my name. My baby’s first word is Avery!” I laughed.

“Oh my God!” Rex smiled.

I carried her and kissed my head “Say it again.”

“Afery!” Ria squealed and I squealed happily.

“This is the best day of my life.” I cried happily as I hugged Rex.

“Guys, hurry up! We’re gonna be late!” Aaron shouted from the corridor.

“Calm down weirdo, we haven’t even finish wearing the dress.” Adelaide scoffed setting my wedding dress with Yolanda.

Charlene is busy dressing up Ria and my mom, Rex and the rest are dressing up in other rooms too.

Adelaide and Yolanda came to Crownsberg last month to prepare for my wedding, Aaron didn’t approved the wedding between Rex and I because be h@ťěd Rex so much but he got over it.

Aaron groaned “Urgh, how long does a bride dresses, talkless of makeup?”

“It takes a lot longer than you think.” Yolanda replied.

“Urgh! I’m pretty sure you’re gonna miss the reception just because you’re wearing a wedding dress.”

Yolanda are one of the bridesmaids, Adelaide is my maid of honor.

“Dude, can you leave? We can’t even focus.” I shouted.

“Wh@ťěver Afery!” Aaron teased as he left.

“Finally he’s gone.” Adelaide sighed.

“And we’re done.” Yolanda smiled as they stood up.

And Adelaide gave me a artificial white roses, pearls and rhinestone flower bouquet then checked myself in the mirror.

Yolanda and other bridesmaids wore pink sleeveless long dress with slit, while Adelaide wore pink one shoulder sleeveless rhinestone dress with long slit.

I can’t believe this is me, dressed in white off-shoulder ball rhinestone wedding gown, my curly hair fixed and gelled with large rhinestone headpiece, my makeup and white rhinestone heels. I even once thought that I was never gonna wear this.

Because no one flirts with me except my best friend boyfriend. I can’t believe Gianna’s gone.

The both of them smiled at me “You look amazing.” “Baddie want to marry.” We all laughed.

We both promised each other that our wedding will be on the same day, even have our babies at the same time in the same labour room. To bad she’s not able to experience it. I feel bad.

“Hey girls.” Mom walked in, dressed in pink and white flare arm gown.

“Hi Miss Carmichael.” Adelaide and Yolanda greeted and left the room.

Mom smiled at me as she approached me “I’m so… You are so beautiful and gorgeous, I’m so happy.” She sniffed.

My eyes are soaked with tears because I’m gonna leave her.

“Come on sweetie, don’t cry, you’ll ruin your makeup.” Mom said, wiping my tears.

“I’ll miss you so much mom.” I sobbed as I hug her.

“It’s okay baby, I’m already missing you too. But hey, today is your wedding, be happy and joyful, not a cry baby.” Mom said, patting my head.

“I love you mom.” I smiled.

“I won’t reply especially when you’re a sad cry baby.” She said and I sniffed immediately and disengaged with a smile.

“I love you too.” She smiled and we giggled.

“Make way for the little bride.” Charlene said walking in, pulling a cute white little wagon, with Ria on it, wearing white tulle dress, and tiny veil on her head.

“Awwww, she’s so cute.” Mom squealed.

“Mama!!” Ria squealed and I pouted “Yeah, mama’s getting marry.” I squealed as I carried her.

“OMG, lemme take a picture.” Charlene said as she took some pics of us with her iPhone 11 pro max.

“Guys, the wedding starting, aren’t you dressed up already?” Aaron shouted from outside and we all went out, enter our limousines and the drivers drove off.

We arrived at the Hall, Adelaide and I quickly went to the dressing room to fixed my makeup properly.

“Now you look good.” Adelaide smiled and I grinned “You’re the best.”

“Hey babe.” I heard Rex’s voice from outside.

I frowned “Dude, don’t come in, you know it’s bad luck if the groom sees the bride before the wedding.”

“I’m gonna leave, you two.” Adelaide said and left.

“Hey, you’re supposed to be the maid of honor to chase the groom away.” I grunted.

“I’m sorry and I promise, I didn’t see you, I just wanna show you something and I hope you won’t get mad.” Rex said.


“Hey sweetie.” I heard the a very familiar voice.

My eyes went wide as he walked in “D… Dad? What are you doing here?”

“Sweetie, I know I’ve been a terrible father to you and I don’t deserve to be here.”

“Then why are you here?” I asked bitterly “Rex, why did you bring him here?”

“Actually he came, I had no idea and he begged me that he wants to see you, by the way, he’s your father.” Rex said.

“Dude!!” I shouted.

“I’m sorry for being a terrible father, I’m just here to apologize, my mind is so full of hatred that I didn’t even spend time with my daughter, my son even left me, I even arrested my own daughter due to the hatred, I’ve been a terrible man since you were born, an heartless man, I didn’t even care that my daughter was pregnant, I missed my daughter’s college graduation, new job and baby shower. I’m sorry. I deserve to miss this wedding. I understand you don’t want me here, I just need your forgiveness.” Dad said sadly.

“I forgive you, dad.” I said.

Dad smiled and burst into tears “Thank you, my daughter.”

“But I have a condition.” I said.

“What is it, sweetie?”

“I want you to walk me down the aisle.” I smiled.

Dad smiled and I hugged him.

“Come on, Rex.” I said as I disengaged. No reply.


I think he’s gone.

I took a deep breath facing the priest side, everyone’s in the hall, expect Avery. Where is she? I can’t wait to see her.

I’m so nervous. What’s taking her so long?

The door was opened, the bridesmaids, ring bearer, flowers girls and others walked in.

Everyone stood up, and behold, the most beautiful royals angel walking down the aisle with her father.

I smiled. That’s my wife-to-be. I can’t believe it.

I squealed happily, waving at Yolanda, Charlene, mom and others.

I can’t believe it’s my day, I’m so happy.

She walked up to me and stood beside me and I opened her big veil which exposed her beautiful face, her flawless skin, pink glossy lips, beautiful eyes.

She smiled “So, how do I look?”

Beautiful, gorgeous, elegant, amazing, I’m speechless because I have no other words to describe her big beauty.

“Ow!” She slapped me.

“How do I look?” She glared.

I hugged her “You look like my brightest future.”

“Awwww.” She squealed as I hugged her waist, she frowned “What does that mean?”

I kissed her beautiful lips and pulled away immediately, knowing it’s not time to kiss yet.

“I’m sorry.”

“Very well.” The priest smiled “Rex Orlando, do you take this woman to be your wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?”

“I always do.” Rex said, starring at me with his amazing eyes.

“Avery Carmi…”

“Trent, Avery Trent.” I corrected and dad smiled.

“Avery Trent, do you take this man to be your husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?”

“I do.” I squealed.

“Then if there’s anyone here, who’s against this holy matrimony, speak now or forever let there be peace.” The priest said and everywhere remained quiet, except cricket sound.

Marcus coughed and everyone glared at him, he shrugged acting innocent.

“Ahem.” Aaron cleared his throat, everyone glared at him “Shhhh.” He shushed for no reason.

I rolled my eyes.

“Then I now pronounce you two, husband and wife.”

Everyone cheered and clapped “You may now kiss, again.”

Rex and I kissed passionately, hugging each other, everyone cheered, the flower girls threw petals on us, confetti blew, it was joyous.

*Few Minutes Later*
I stood at the altar preparing to throw the flower bouquet, all the bridesmaids, including Adelaide and ladies stood at the back of me.

I grinned happily and anticipated as I threw the flower. I turned and gasped to see Aaron holding the flower.

“Yes!!!” He cheered running from the bridesmaids, some were devastated.

I grinned as Rex hugged me tightly, carrying Ria. Best day of my life.

This day wouldn’t have happened if not for The Night Stand At Prom.

Awwww Afery and Rex. I can’t believe it has ended.

. Which side is your best moment In this chapter?

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