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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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❣️❣️❣️?CHAPTER 30?❣️❣️❣️
“Rex, please, give me back my daughter!! Please!” I cried running after Rex who’s taking my baby away with her little luggage.

My makeup was totally smudged up, I look messy panting and running after Rex.

He kept yanking my hand off, ignoring me.

I stood in front of me and went on my knees, shedding uncontrollable tears “Rex please, she’s all I have in this world please don’t take her away from me. I’m sorry I’ve been hiding her from you, please… Rex!”

He walked past me and I grabbed his knees “Rex, I’m begging you. Ria… Ouch!”

I winced as he stepped on my hand and went.

Mom ran to me and held me up “Rexford, you shouldn’t…”

Rex grunted with a death glare making her to shut up “Did you forget about our discussion?”

Mom bent her head, remained quiet like a fool.

“Rex, please!!” I cried as ran after him to the garage.

He entered his black Porsche and slide all the glass window up. I kept tapping it, begging him.

“Rex, please, I’ll die if you take her away from me. Please!! Rex!!” I cried as tears are coming out of my eyes, mucus coming out of my nose.

“Rex!!!” I cried “Argh!” I cried as Rex car ran over my foot.

I still didn’t care “Rex!! Give me back my baby, Ɓîtçh.” I yelled as I tried my best to bran after the car to the main road “Ria!!!” I cried “Argh!” I winced as I fell on.


“Ria!!!” I clenched my fist as I heard her cries.

“I’m sorry, Avery but you made me do this.” I whispered to myself.

“Errr.” Ria giggled and I smiled happily, holding my daughter.

I can’t believe Avery would hide this treasure from me for upto a month we just see each other.

We’ve attended many meetings together or tried to pacify her, trying to make her give me another chance but she still remained silent.

How did I find out?

I was at the back seat of my black Porsche, strolling around the city to cheer my mind up.

I can’t stop thinking about the day Avery saw me and Gianna and misunderstood everything.

Well I don’t know if Gianna took advantage of me but I still hope Avery forgives me.

I set my eyes out of the window, admiring the view of the buildings, trees and so on.

I frowned as I sighted Avery walking with a newborn baby with a pink stroller. Who’s baby is that?

“Quin, stop the car!” I ordered as the driver parked the car almost close to where Avery is. I don’t think she sees me.

Why do I feel some connections with the baby? She looks like and Avery. Could it be…?

Avery stopped walking and bent in front of the baby “Aren’t you adorable like mommy?”

Who’s the mommy?

I didn’t bother to come out of the car because I can hear what she’s saying.

“Errr.” The baby sounded cutely.

“Awww, don’t worry, when we get home, I’m gonna change your diaper, hmm? Mommy’s gonna change it. Mommy forgot your diaper.” Avery said as she walked away with the baby without seeing me.

My eyes was soaked with tears. Avery has a daughter and she didn’t even tell me.

No wonder she looks different, more chubby and cuter. But who’s the father?

“Hey Marcus!” I heard her voice.

Wait, Marcus?

I checked and was shocked to see that bastard hugging Avery, what’s going on between them? Does that mean..? No, it can’t be.

“Avery, this is my wife, Sharon.” He introduced a brunette girl.


I felt somehow relieved that Marcus isn’t the father. But who? I don’t want to cause any scene.

I’ll speak with Avery privately, I must find out even though I have no right. Don’t care.

“Quin, let’s go.” I said and the driver drove off.

I don’t know why I feel scared to talk to Avery about the baby. She doesn’t have any idea that I know about her baby. I can see she’s hiding the baby from me. Could it be…?

Nah, Avery can’t do such heartless thing. She knows how badly I wanted a baby with her since college.

But I feel suspicious, what if that’s my child? Can Avery be that heartless?


Dad snapped me out of my thoughts, making me to forget that I’m in the middle of a meeting with the clients, who are starring at me weirdly mostly because I’m in charge.

I cleared my throat and scoffed “I’m sorry. I’m just feeling some headache. So let’s continue the meeting.”

“Okay Sir, what about you launch the new perfume next week, because I have to go on a business trip to Puerto Rico.” The client said.

“Or since the perfume is ready, why can’t we shift it to tomo…”

“That will be a pleasure, Mr Armstrong.” I cut dad off.

“Okay, then we’ll see you next week, pleasure doing business with you.” Mr Armstrong said as we shook hands and they left.

Only me and my dad, remained in the meeting room.

“So, how about we just schedule our meeting with Miss Carmichael this morning, since we still have time?” Dad asked.

I shrugged “Sure.”

Dad took his phone and dialled Avery’s number “Come to the O’Empire now, we have an important meeting.” He hung up without hearing what she wanted to say.

Speaking of Avery, I still can’t stop thinking about the baby she’s carrying, for who?

I need to find out. Avery can’t just misunderstand everything and betray me like this.

“Dad, I need to go somewhere for some business thingy.” I stood up and left.

What’s wrong with this boy? I hope be doesn’t ruin my company with that his foolish and weird act.

My phone rang, Mayor Samuel. I picked up “Hello Mr Mayor.”

“I need you to be in my Whitehouse immediately, we need to discuss something.” He said.

“Will be there Mr Mayor.” I replied and he hung up.

I stood up and left the office building, entered the limousine and the driver drove off.

“Aw Cookie, you pooed all over grandma’s dress.” I pouted as I carried her up “You’re such a dirty cutie cookie, yes you are, yes you are.”

Ria giggled as she released more on my lap and giggled more “d@mn it! Oh you’re laughing? You ruined grandma’s dress and you’re laughing? You little cutie patootie.” I kissed her cheek, stood up, raised my dress.

We went to my bedroom and cleaned ourselves up, wore Ria a diaper and I wore another purple dress.

I took Ria back to Avery’s bedroom and lay her in her crib.

“Shhh, grandma’s gonna be back with food.” I whispered as I stood up and left the room.

I went downstairs to the kitchen to prepare her milk. The entrance door bell rang.

“I guess it’s a sushi delivery.” I said as I went to the door and opened the door and was shocked to see Rexford standing in front of me.

I fake smiled “Mr Orlando, what brings you here?”

“Can I please come in? I need to talk to you.” He said.

I scoffed “Um how about we discuss at the cafe near by…”

“No, inside.” He said as he went in without my consent.

Avery warned me not to let Rex knows about the baby, how did he even know where we live? I wish Aaron is here to handle everything.

I sighed as I closed the door, Rex sat on the single sofa and I sat on the couch “Do you need anything to eat or drink.”

“Nah, I’m good.” Rex asked.

“Oh, so what did you wanna ask?” I asked.

Rex showed me a pic from his phone, my eyes went wide to see Avery carrying Ria.

How did he know?

“I’ve been doing a little spying on her. Who’s the father?” He asked.

I scoffed “Why are you spying on my daughter?”

“Don’t try to change the subject.” He snapped angrily “Who’s the father of the child?”

“Learn to talk to your elders with respect, young man and you have no right to know anything about Avery or that baby, so get out since you’re proud and arrogant.” I said angrily.

He scoffed “I respect my elders a lot, than my father but anyone who lies to me or hides something that might be so important to me, deserves disrespect and punishment.”

“And before you say anything else, is this your son Dylan?” He showed me the picture of my son getting arrested by police.

“What’s going on?” I asked in worried.

“He got framed for raping girls, but he’s actually innocent. I have complete proof to send to Los Angeles Police but if you didn’t tell me the truth. I guess your son is spending his entire life in jail.” Rex smirked.

I knelt down “No, please don’t let my son die innocently.”

“Ma’am, please get up.” He said and I stood and sat back „I just need the truth. Who’s the parent of the baby?”

“Lemme explain everything, The day Avery caught you sleeping with her old friend, she found out she’s pregnant, ran away. I was in the car, during an heavy rainfall, on my way to my office when I saw the poor girl crying under the tree with rain falling on her, she’s about to pass out so I helped her, she told me everything and said she was pregnant with your first child.” I explained.

“Your first child.” That word hit my head hard, and my eyes was soaked with tears.

“S… So you mean, th…that baby is my daughter?” I asked in shakey voice.

Mrs Carmichael nodded “Her name is Ria.”

“I’m sorry this happened to you but she was also crushed that night.” She said.

I can’t believe this. I have a baby girl and I didn’t have any idea.

“Where is she?”

“Upstairs, in Avery’s bedroom, it’s…”

I stood up, ignoring her and ran upstairs into the corridor, search every room’s till I saw the bedroom with baby crib.

“Errr.” I heard the angelic little voice as I went to the crib.

I saw the most beautiful little angel, I gulped as I carried her, letting her smooth touch feeling my shakey hands.

She’s the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen in my life. She’s just like her mother, her brown skin, pink tiny lips, cute small lashes, tiny little fingers.

I put my index finger on her tiny hand and she grabbed it will all her little cute fingers and I burst into tears of joy.

So I’m the father of this beautiful little cherub and Avery didn’t tell me.

I sat on the bed, playing with my baby for the very first time.

I can’t believe Avery would hide this for me but I don’t blame her but still didn’t have the right to take my daughter away from me. I know how to deal with her and win her back. I hope she didn’t h@ťě me more.

“Waaa!” Ria cried and I smiled happily, lay her on my chest and kissed her head.

“Don’t worry, daddy’s here for you, mommy’s gonna be with us soon.” I said, feeling sure of myself.

As I took Ria from Avery, she will surely follow me and be mine again.”

“Avery, you’re hurt, let me treat your leg.” Mom sobbed.

“Leave me alone!!” I moved from her, feeling furious.

“How did Rex know that Ria is his daughter?” I asked angrily.

Mom sat on the couch, burst into tears “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for this to happen, forgive me. He just showed up and…”

She explained everything to me and more were running from my eyes.

I stood up from the couch, walking like a leper because of me foot straight to my bedroom.

I sighted Ria’s crib and burst into more tears, resting on it.

“My baby!!” I cried.

Poor Avery ?

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