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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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ONE BRIEF KISS – Episode 56

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” Here, a delivery. Mujin is kinda busy, can you do it instead?” Mrs Zhan said, giving her the address

She glanced at it and kinda disappointed it wasn’t the Li’s mansion. She wanted to see Ryan’s face even if it was just for a second

” Disappointed?” Mrs Zhan asked

” No ” she replied while Mrs Zhan chuckled

” It’s okay, he might still order some other time. Just delivered this first then you can go home. Don’t stay long okay?” She said and Violet nodded

“I’ll be back.. Violet said and ignited the engine, driving to the address on the package

Few minutes later, she found herself in front of a not too big mansion but she knew those living in the house would be really Rich

She pressed on the door bell and seconds later, the door opened revealing Remy who was smiling but stopped when he saw her

” Scholarship? ” He called, surprised

” Remy? What are you doing here?”

” Wait, You work at Zhan’s coffee and snacks?” He asked amazed

” You live here?” She asked but he just laughed staring at her

” Your order.. she ignored him stretching the box to him

” Wow, are we fighting? C’mon, let’s forget our differences and be cool what do you think?” He smiled but she had no expression on

” Who are you talking to?” Fargo asked from behind

” Violet?” He exclaimed. And the others came out too

” Violet?!!”

” It seems you guys love my name so much. It wouldn’t be a bad idea giving your kids the name ” she rolled her eyes

” I so much love her guts ” Remy smirked, walking back inside

” Are you seriously not gonna take this from me?” She shouted after him but he didn’t reply

” Justin, can you please sign this so I can leave here? ” She said

” Come in, or are you scared? Afraid of us?” Reece smirked

” Afraid of you?” She laughed, pushing him out of her way and walking into the house

She met Remy seated, playing games on his phone

” You ordered for burgers yet you wouldn’t take it from me?” She asked, her hands at akimbo

” Here, just sign so I can go ” she said stretching the notepad to him which he collected and dropped next to him, not signing it

” You’re in our home, and in here, you can’t do as you want… But feel at home though” Remy let out a pretentious smile

” Fine then, it’s my last order for the day anyways, I’ll feel at home like you said” she said and sat. She took the TV remote and changed the channel

” Where’s the kitchen? I’m hungry” She asked standing on her feet

When she got no reply from them, she walked around the house until she saw the kitchen. She smiled, entering it

She came out minutes later with a plate of pasta. She climbed the couch and started eating while the boys just stared at her like she was some kind of movie

” You made food ?” Justin asked sniffing the air

” Yeah I did but I made just one serving… For myself” she grinned

” f_ck this is Wow..” she Mõ@ɲed softly

” Will you stop that?” Reece and Remy warned, coincidentally

” Why? Is it affecting you both?” She smirked

” Do that one more time and I’m gonna bang you this minute” he said

” With your tiny Ďïčk? Nah, I’ll pass ” she said and the rest of the boys laughed

” Do you think this is your home?” Reece asked

” Who cares?” She shrugged taking another spoonful into her mouth

” Hmmm.. ” she Mõ@ɲ again sweetly and The boys turned to her with a frown

Reece felt his dîçk twitch in his pants and he quickly used his hands to cover up

” Oh my ” she Mõ@ɲ again more loudly this time

Reece couldn’t take it anymore and quickly snatched the notepad on the table signing on it

” Here, I’ve signed it. You can go ” he said handing the note to her

” Thank you for patronizing us. We’ll be looking forward to more of your patronage” Violet bowed dramatically before leaving the house

” She’s cr@zy..” Reece breath out

” Very cr@zy..” Remy agreed

” Wow.. Justin exclaimed, taking a spoonful of her food into his mouth

” Is it good?” Fargo asked and he nodded his head

” I doubt that, she can’t be beautiful, intelligent and a good cook too, it’s just not possible” Remy laughed

” You’re agreeing she’s beautiful?” Reece asked

” Well… I Never said she was ugly ”

” It’s nice ” Fargo said

” Seriously?” Remy laughed again

” I’m serious ”

Remy stared at them before taking the plate from Fargo. He scooped the food into his mouth and chewed on it slowly, nodding his head after a while

” It’s nice right?” Justin asked and he scoffed

” It isn’t that great ” he stood up

He tiptoed into the kitchen slowly to see if she made for everyone but his jaw dropped after seeing the pots empty

” That stingy w!tch.. he cursed and walked out of the kitchen only to meet his friends at the entrance

” Gosh.. you startled me..” he said

” You came to check if there was more right?” Fargo asked

” No, of course not. The food wasn’t even that great” he faked a smile, walking out of the kitchen

” Can’t believe she came in here and cook just for herself.. ” Justin said

” She just told you guys she isn’t a maid” Reece chipped in


” I’m back..” she removed her helmet

” You look stressed out” Mrs Zhan said

” Yeah, and that’s thanks to some people”

” You must be tired. You can go home”

” Bye ma’am and you too my Jin.. she wink at Mujin and he gulped

” Stop it already, she’s into someone…” Mrs Zhang said

” Must you say that, it’s just a crush” Mujin rolled his eyes and she chuckled

” So you finally agreed to it? You like her..”

” I don’t know what you’re talking about ”

” Of course you do” Mrs Zhan laughed


” Will Jeffrey not really come over?” Violet wondered, checking the time. It’s past five and she needs to be at the restaurant

” Is he mad at me?”

” Should I just stay at home? Gosh, this is driving me nuts.. she sat on the couch


” Brown..” Ryan called walking out of the house

” Young master.. he bowed

” I’ll be going to the hostel tonight so if Li Xue comes back tell him I will be back after the competition” he said

” But young master….. Brown trailed off

” What? ”

” I thought you said you weren’t going to the hostel?” Brown asked

” I did?” He asked back then it dawned on him he had actually asked Violet not to come over

” I will be out for some time and if I don’t come back on time, just know I left to the hostel” he said and entered his car, driving off


” Welc… Mujin couldn’t complete his greetings when his eyes landed on a guy who looked like he just fell from the sky

” Hi, I’m looking for Violet, I know she works here. I’m Ryan anyways, her friend ”

” Wait, am I drooling over a guy now?” Mujin shook his head, leaving his world of fantasy

” Who are you looking for my… Ryan? What a surprise to see Li Xue’s son” Mrs Zhang appeared

” You know me?” Ryan asked

” Of course, you’re the guy who’s driving my Violet nuts” Mrs Zhan replied

” Huh?”

” She has gone home and I don’t know her house. You can leave… ”

” I can’t, I need to talk to her.. ” Ryan said

” You should call her then don’t you think?”

” Oh! I didn’t think about that ” he muttered

” She doesn’t come here often so it’s useless asking me anything about her..” Mrs Zhan said

” You should know your employee very well ”

” Of course, you can’t teach me that ” Mrs Zhan smiled before turning to mujin

” Get us coffee..” she said but Ryan was already out of the shop

” That Silly brat.. how could he just walked out? He has become spoilt” she sighed

” Should I still make the coffee?” Mujin asked

” You can just make one for yourself” she replied


Violet was still sleeping on the couch when she heard a loud bang on the door. She sprang up on her feet immediately

” Who the hell could that be?” She sigh..

” Grandma doesn’t knock, Jeffrey doesn’t too ”

” Kylie and Kira..” she balled her fist, ready to give them and earful

She got to the door and twisted the knob. It opened revealing Kylie who was smiling broadly at her

” I knew it will be you two w!tches.. she said and made to hit them but stopped when someone appeared behind Kylie

Her eyes widened at once

” Ryan?” She asked shockingly.

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