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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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ONE BRIEF KISS – Episode 40

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” Here ” Mrs Zhan handed her a backpack

” What’s this ma’am?” She asked collecting it

” It’s a little gift for your trip” Mrs Zhan said

” How did you know about that?” Violet asked, surprised

” I have my ways” she replied

” Make sure to wear everything in there okay? It consists of all the clothes and shoes you will be needing for the trip” Mrs Zhan said while she bursted into tears.

” Ma’am.. she cried and Mrs Zhan laughed

” You still look beautiful while in tears. Don’t stay long here and go have a proper rest” She said

” I’m grateful ma’am” Violet sobbed

Though she wasn’t the type to take things from people without refunding it back, but with ma’am Zhan it was different. She sees her like a woman she (Violet) could confide in.

” Bye jin Jin “She waved at Mujin then hugged Mrs Zhan before leaving the shop.



” Wow, You look cute ” Claire complimented Mara who was putting on a short tight gown that was barely covering her thigh, it was just an inch away from her @zz.

She was still smiling broadly when the attention of other students diverted. They were all suddenly staring at a direction

? Wow..

? What the hell…

Claire also stared at the direction and a wow escaped her lips. Everyone marvelled at the beautiful damsel who looked like she fell from the sky


She was on a white slightly ripped bum short, exposing part of her creamy thigh and an emerald green crop top which left her segzy bellybutton exposed and white sneakers

She had a white headband around her head with her hair tied up in a pony tail

The perfect Angel type of look!

Mouth went ajar as everyone stared at her.

She was the beauty of the day. She held to her bag firmly as she walked towards the students who couldn’t take their eyes of her.

” Are you okay?” Jeffrey asked and she nodded with a smile

He held her hands as they stood at a corner Waiting for Mrs Chan and Mr George.

Ryan’s car also drove into the school premises. He alighted the car and covered his face with his palm trying to avoid the sunlight from entering his eyes

? Lord take my soul..

Brown didn’t follow him this time, he did the driving himself

He was on a big blue pant trousers and a hoodie. His natural thick eyebrows were perfectly shape and his lips shining under the sunlight. The beauty moles on his face made him even more handsome

? Ryan or your parents?

? I’ll choose him over my parents

? f_ck, this is so unfair. I mean, how can one be so perfect.

Mara smiled to herself when she saw him. As usual he ignored the students and moved to an empty bench where he sat quietly

Fargo’s car drove into the parking lots and they alighted their car

Justin’s hair was slightly tinted. His edges were tinted gold while the rest of his hair was blonde

He was just too cute to look away from

Fargo had a white shirt on, along with black pants. His earrings glittered under the morning sun. Beauty Glitters were finely place just below his eyes

He looked ravishing

Reece had a bad boy outfit on which added to his beauty

Remy was the center of attraction among them. He had a plain white shirt on too on black pants along with a black Jacket

He had changed his hair color to blue

His eyes sparkled too.

? Why does it seem like we’re all going for a competition?

? I’m in love but I Don’t know who I’m in love with.

” Alright, Attention everyone” Mrs Chan clapping her hands gently seeking their attention

She just got there with Mr George

” Everyone is present right?” Mrs Chan asked and the students shouted a ‘yeah’

Her eyes surveyed the area and they landed on Ryan who was far away from the crowd.

‘ He came afterall’ She smiled before asking the students to enter the tour bus and they did

Ryan sat alone as usual

Remy sat with his friends, laughing and talking with them. Violet sat with Jeffrey, Yixuan and Fei. Mara and Claire.

Their bus took off and the students started singing loudly as the journey commenced



? Wow..

The students exclaimed as they left the bus . The view at the mountain was just great

” It’s beautiful ” Violet said admirably

” Yeah, very beautiful” Yixuan agreed

” Alright young boys and girls. Let’s set a tent so we could all rest from the long trip. By 5pm, we’re gonna start a fun game.. Mrs Chan said and the students gushed happily

” Now let’s start ” Mrs Chan added and they all set out to set tents

They were all done in an hour and everyone got a tent for themselves, trying to get some rest

Violet was sharing a tent with Jeffrey. Remy and his friends shared a bigger tent since they were four in number while Ryan was alone in his own tent

They talked and laughed while most students were already sleeping because they were tired from the long trip.

Seconds turned to minutes, minutes into hours till it was 5pm

” Gather around Everyone” Mr George said through the help of a megaphone

” It’s fun time kids ” he announced and the students began leaving their tent after putting on something comfortable

They gathered round Mr George and Mrs Chan

” The game is; you’re all gonna go into the forest just behind the temple

It’s very safe though but make sure y’all don’t Cross the boundary. The boundaries are set with red flags. So make sure you don’t pass the red flags.

” When y’all get into the forest, look for tiny pieces of red materials tied around trees. It’s very tiny so you all need to be at alert. The group that gets the highest number of material will win a laptop each from the school” Mr George announced while Remy hiss out loud

” Laptop? Like seriously? I’ll be roaming round the d@mn forest just for a laptop?” Reece scoff

” It’s purposely for those that don’t have one “. Mara said with an eye roll

” I wasn’t talking to you bîtçh” Reece retorted

” That’s enough ” Mrs Chan cut in

” Anyway, your time starts now. It’s 5pm already so by 6pm you all should be here. The least time should be 6:30pm. Any group that comes back a minute or second after 6:30pm automatically fails ” Mr George said

” Now I’ll be grouping y’all” he added

” Remy wang, Fargo Smith, Justin Ming and… Ryan Li, Group 1″ he said

” Mara Zhang, Violet Fang, Darren Lin and Jelly Yun, Group 2″

” Claire Cai , Yue yixian, Reece Xing and Jeffrey Xiao, Group 3″

” Chang Fei, Liu Li, Landon Wang and Zedd Lin, Group 4

Mr George kept grouping them till he got a total group of ten

” Your time starts now ” he blew the whistle and the students began their journey into the not too shallow forest for their search


” There’s nothing in this god-damned forest” Mara groaned, annoyed

She was even more angry that she wasn’t paired with Ryan

” That Bald head!! ” She balled her fist, referring to Mr George

They’ve been walking for minutes now yet nothing in sight

” Let’s just keep searching, I’m sure we’ll see one” Violet said and she glared at her

” I won’t argue. That’s what poor people always say” Mara rolled her eyes

” Don’t mind her everyone, let’s just keep searching” Violet said, ignoring her


” So what should we do after this trip?” Justin asked as they walked round the forest

” I haven’t thought of that yet.. ” Fargo replied

” f_ck, I’m exhausted. This trip was supposed to be fun right but what in hell are we doing in a forest looking for tiny pieces of some f_ckup materials?” Remy groaned and his friends chuckled

They really didn’t care about the being the winner since a laptop meant nothing to them

” Let’s just keep walking ” Fargo held his hands pulling him away

They kept talking and laughing while Ryan just followed behind quietly

He made to take another step when he heard his name

” Ryan ” he heard and his steps halted

Who could be calling him in a forest?

He turned but saw no one. He concluded it was his mind playing tricks on him

” Ryan ” he heard again when he made to take another step

He looked back and his eyes landed on Li Shu who was smiling at him

That smile he missed so much

” Li… Li Shu?” His lips quivered

He felt himself walking to his ( Li Shu’s ) direction. The more he walked closer to him, the deeper into the forest he went

He kept walking into forest till he could see Li Shu no more then it dawned on him he was hallucinating

He looked around and couldn’t find Remy and his friends either

Was he lost?

Fear grip him at once as he stared at the tall frightening trees which towered over him


” We found one ” Darren shouted getting the attention of the others

Mara just followed reluctantly after them

” OMG! ” Violet gushed happily

She was happy she would be getting a laptop for the first time.

They got fifteen already

” Hey, go get it” Mara told Violet with a smirk displaying at the corner of her lips. All she wanted was for Violet to fall or be seriously wounded

” How do you expect a girl to climb a tree?” Jelly asked

” Do you wanna do it instead ?” Mara glared

” It’s fine, I’ll do it ” Violet spoke up and Mara’s smirk grew bigger

Violet shook her head before going up the tree, the students were amazed to see a girl climb up a tree

” Wow she’s amazing ” Darren breath out

” I know right ” Jelly smiled

Their compliment were only making Mara mad

Violet came down from the tree, breathing heavily

” Jeez…I didn’t expect it to be that stressful ” She said and the rest laughed except Mara

” Let’s get going ” She added and the others nodded, continuing their Walk.

” Violet ” Jelly called, picking on her nails

” Yeah, What is it?” Violet asked

” I forget something behind and I’m scared of going back alone to get it” She replied

” Really?” Violet asked and she nodded slowly

” Alright let’s go ” she said

Jelly and Violet kept walking into the forest oblivious of where they were going to.

They came to a dead end with only a hill in front of them. Clouds covered it’s base so it was difficult to see what was beneath it

They walked to where the hill was.

” So haven’t you seen what you’re looking for?” Violet turned to her

” I’m sorry Violet ” Jelly said tearfully

” Why?” Violet asked confused

” Don’t forgive me and h@ťě me please ” she said and before Violet could fathom what was happening, Jelly pushed her down the hill

She screamed as she kept going down

” I’m sorry ” Jelly said in tears

” Somebody help” Violet cried, holding unto a stick firmly. She isn’t aware of what could be down the hill so she doesn’t want to fall.

Jelly cried for a while, she stood up and wiped her tears before going to meet the rest

” Where’s Violet?” Darren asked, looking behind her

” Oh, she said we should get going that she’ll meet us later” Jelly replied awkwardly

She locked gaze with Mara and Mara smirked

” Really?” Darren asked with a Frown

” Let’s just go and stop with all the unnecessary questions ” Mara rolled her eyes, walking away while the rest reluctantly followed behind


Mara and the rest walked out of the forest and Claire ran to her.

” Why are you all late? ” Claire asked and she shrugged

Remy and his friends were just leaving the forest too

” What took you so long?” Mrs Chan asked as she counted them. Obviously, one person was missing

” Why haven’t I seen Violet yet?” Jeffrey asked Yixuan and she looked around too and truly she wasn’t there

” That’s true. Where could she be?” Yixuan asked, walking to Mara

” Where’s Violet? ” She asked while Mara scoffed loudly

” Look here lowlife, Do I look like her keeper?”

” Ryan isn’t here ” Mrs Chan whispered to Mr George who immediately counted the students and truly two students weren’t there

” Where’s Ryan and Violet?” Mr George asked and a murmur began

” Ryan?” Remy asked looking at the students to see if he would see him but he wasn’t there

? He isn’t here and it’s late already…

? He must be somewhere in that scary forest, Gosh.

Chairman Li’s son was missing? Who could risk it’s aftermath? Absolutely no one

Mr George quickly faced Remy

” You went together, so where is he? Where the hell is your brother?” He asked and the students gasped

Remy turned to him with a blood sucking deadly glare.

If only looks could ki|| right now Mr George would be 6ft deep down

” What’s he talking about? Brother?” Reece muttered unbelievably, staring at Remy

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