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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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ONE BRIEF KISS – Episode 36

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That wasn’t what he wanted, he had a different dream. He never for once dreamed of becoming a business man, Never.

He had passion for something else but his dad wouldn’t understand. He’s doing all this because he never wanted his father to loose face even though he didn’t like his dad one bit.

” Yes ” He replied after a while and Li Xue released a breath he wasn’t aware he was holding

” When the chairman finally steps down and you need to take over, how would you build trust with the rest of the board? ”

” I value transparency in communication, so I would encourage open dialogue among the entire board ” he replied

“Now I see why your dad is so proud of you” Mr Ning said

“Thank you.. Ryan bowed his head

“Dad, I will be on my way now, I’ll be five minutes late if I don’t go now” he said

“Alright son ” Xue patted his shoulders lightly. He looked at his dad’s hands on his shoulders and a soft sigh left his mouth

” Carry on with the meeting, I Will be back shortly” Xue excused himself

‘ People would think he loves me alot meanwhile his business is what he loves most’ Ryan thought as he walked out of the room with his dad.


” Jeez I missed the bus… And there’s no taxi in sight” Chang fei grumbled lowly

Her eyes surveyed the area, searching for any taxi in sight till they landed on a figure

” Isn’t that Ryan?” She wondered. She took a closer look at him and a gasp escape her mouth when she saw who he was with

” Chairman Li Xue? ” She gasped again

” Why are they together?” She wondered, taking few steps to their direction

Ryan’s back was against her so he wasn’t seeing her

” The founder of Evergreen and Ryan? What’s their relationship?” She wondered again

“Bye son. Thanks for coming ” Xue said

” No problem ” Ryan bowed

” S… Son?” Fei gasped shockingly with dilated eyes

” Ryan is the son of Chairman Li?” She asked no one in particular

“This is… interesting ” She smiled as she watch Ryan get into his car and drove off


” You’re here.. Violet faced Jeffrey who nodded

” Grandma made breakfast, you can join us ” she said

“I thought you were mad at me because of what Kira said”

“Of course not. You’re my friend and it’s normal to like me cause I also like you. I wouldn’t be your friend if I h@ťěd you” She said and Jeffrey let out tight smile

” Shall we?” He asked and she nodded

” You look gorgeous this morning” he complimented

“Thanks ”

“Bye grandma Pamela.. Jeffrey said as he walked out of the house with her

” Your phone has been making weird sounds, aren’t you gonna check it out?” Violet asked as they got to the bus station

” It’s nothing serious, it must be from the school blog”

” The more reason why you should check it out…” She nudged him

” You’re in the blog too right? Check it out yourself ”

” I have a flat battery… Now check what’s happening” She jabbed him with her fingers

” Okay, okay, I will”

” Oh my f_ck ” he exclaimed after checking the blog

“What?”Violet asked, taking his phone


” Is he? Violet asked, surprised

“I’m surprised too… ” Jeffrey said as the bus stopped Infront of them



” Who uploaded this?” Mara asked, staring at her phone

” Ryan is chairman Xue’s son?.. Claire asked shockingly but Mara didn’t say anything

” Wait, you knew?” Claire asked

” Yeah, my dad and his are partners …. that’s how I got to know months ago” Mara explained, walking out of the room

” My question is, why would he keep quiet about being the son of Chairman Li? ” Claire asked

” No idea ” Mara shrugged


” Can’t believe his dad is the richest man in Hong Kong” Reece spoke up. They are on their way to school after seeing the news on the blog.

Remy was quiet all through

” Gawd, I thought my parents had money”Justin chipped in

“I’m not surprised, I’ve always seen the dude as someone from a freaking rich family” Fargo added from the drivers seat.

” What’s wrong with you? Why are you quiet ? I’m not use to your quiet attitude ” Justin turned to Remy

” Nothing…. He replied

” Nothing? And you’re quiet ?” Reece scoffed

‘ Who uploaded those videos and pictures?’ Remy wondered as Fargo brought the car to a halt. They alighted from the car and immediately Ryan’s car drove into the parking lots too

” Wow dude, had no idea you were the son of the great chairman Li.. Reece said while Ryan just stared at a direction

Reece traced his eyes and realized they were on Remy

” Oh, He didn’t tell us… But the school is aware of it already” Reece defended while Ryan let out a sigh and starting walking away

Remy stick his hands into his pocket, staring at him as he left

‘ He must be very angry right now… I knew the truth will be out soon no matter how hard he tried to hide it… He sighed

‘ Will I be the next to get discovered ‘ he sighed again and walked to class too

” I won’t forgive whoever did this” Ryan’s jaws clenched tightly, his grip tightening around the phone as he stared at the picture on it.

It was a picture of his dad smiling at him

He took in his outfit and discovered he was putting on the same outfit as in the photo

It then dawned on him the pictures were taken that morning but who took it he couldn’t fathom

Then he remembered he actually saw fei briefly.

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