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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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ONE BRIEF KISS – Episode 22

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He brought out his phone again

?DON’T UTTER A WORD WHEN YOU GET THERE… JUST KEEP MUTE” He sent and Brown read the message before nodding at it

He walked to the door and twisted the knob gently. He got in but didn’t find Xue anywhere around the sitting room

” How could you think of playing songs when the young master is at home? Didn’t you check your time?” The head maid said while Brown scoff lowly

That moment, Xue was descending the stairs

He walked to the sitting room and the maids greeted him, Brown wasn’t an exception

” And what are y’all doing here?” He faced the maids

” We.. I mean I was here to inform ma’am Leyan that dinner is served.. the head maid replied

” You can all leave.. he said and Brown turned to leave too.

” I wasn’t talking to you.. he said and Brown stopped on his tracks. He turned to Xue with his head bent

Ryan left his room to the sitting room, standing a few meters away from his dad.

Leyan too was just descending the stairs. She walked to Ryan and held his face in her palms

” My precious son” She smiled Sadly at him but he didn’t reciprocate the smile.

” Ni méishi ba? ( Are you okay? ) Have you eaten? Do you wanna eat with mom?” She asked but he removed her hands from his face before shaking his head in denial

” I said why did you play music when you know Ryan would be reading or sleeping?” Xue yelled drawing the attention of his wife and son

They both walk closer to Xue while Leyan sat closer to her husband

” If you choose to keep mute then you will have to drop your resignation letter.. Xue said

” You can’t do that dad.. Ryan spoke up and Xue tilted his head sideways to his direction

” What do you think you ar..

” It’s not Brown’s fault. I asked him to do it” he cut in, interrupting his dad

” And why is that? When your filial duty to me is just to read without disturbance?” Xue furrowed a brow

” Actually, I was done reading and decided to take a quick nap so I could wake up and read by 3am like you always want. But then, I couldn’t sleep so I asked him to play a song for me so I could sleep soundly. I see nothing wrong in what he did. If you’re to blame someone then it should be me. Spare him…..Please”.. Ryan said, leaving his mom and Brown surprised.

That would be the longest statement he had ever said since he started locking himself up in his room

Xue sigh before facing Brown.. ” and those nasty dance moves, did he tell you he wanted to laugh?” Xue asked and Brown stared at Ryan

” Maybe he was just too happy that it affected his brain” Ryan replied

” If you have nothing else to do, you can leave.. he turned to Brown and Brown nodded before walking out of the sitting room. He walked to his apartment and heave a sigh.

” That was close.. he breath out and switch off his phone. He laid on his bed and thought of everything that happened few seconds ago.

” Young master, thank you.. he smiled and close his eyes

” I will excuse myself “. Ryan said and walked back into his room

He locked the door from inside before advancing to his bed

” It’s been long I spoke that way…..

He shook his head and brought out his phone

? THANKS FOR KEEPING MUTE. He texted and laid on his bed.

” That was close.. he almost got fired” he smiled slightly after the drama of seconds ago pop up in his head and the the look on Brown’s face made him chuckle.

He wanted to sleep but Brown’s dance moves kept popping up in his head and he laughed shortly, revealing his cute charming dimples

He rarely laughs or smile, so one could hardly know he had dimples


” Should we go clubbing?” Reece asked

” Not after what happened the other day. I’m not ready for another temple run” Justin said and Remy rolled his eyes at him

” It’s fine then. Let’s just stay home today. It’s almost after 10pm already.. Curfew starts 12pm” Fargo said and they nodded

” I will just go make some noodles.. Justin said and his friends turned to him

” Aren’t you tired of eating? They said at once, coincidently

” Y’all Just mind your business will you?” Justin rolled his eyes while his friends took their lips in.

They weren’t against his eating habit since they all contributed equally to everything in the mansion

” I’ll be in my room. Reece said and walked to his room

” Good night Remy.. Fargo said walking to his room too.

” Good night chairs and walls” Remy said sarcastically and walked to his room too.

Justin came out of the kitchen and met no one in the sitting room. He sigh and sat down eating from his noodles

( If I get a reasonable amount of likes, comments and share before 10pm, I might consider dropping another chapter.)


” This is tiring ” Violent heaved a sigh

She was done for the day

” Well done ” her boss said and she forced a smile. She was d@mn tired

” Here.. her boss said giving them their pay.

” Thank you sir.. they said and collect the money

” Make sure you rest properly.. Xian said and they both nodded before walking out of the restaurant.

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