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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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ONE BRIEF KISS – Episode 18

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She walked out of hall and met Jeffrey waiting for her patiently

” How was the exams? Jeffrey asked and she sigh

” Was it hard? Like really hard?” He asked concernedly

” you’re thinking I won’t pass? You worry too much Jeff. Did you forget what they do call me during high school? Violet the book guru.. she said and he laughed

“You’re too confident and I like that.. He said and immediately his eyes landed on Ryan who was leaving the hall too

“Ryan.. He waved and Violet faced the direction of the name and her eyes widdened when they fell on Ryan.

Jeffrey saw her reaction and wondered what happened

” Is he the Ryan?” She asked

” Yeah” Jeffrey replied

“He’s the guy I’m suppose to give the $100 note to.. she explained

“Oh, the money you claimed to be your lucky charm? He asked and she nodded.

Ryan didn’t spare them a glance until he was out of their sight

“Is he the guy you were talking about? The lonely, calm and Brilliant guy?” She asked and Jeffrey nodded.

‘But he spoke to me on that faithful day right? Or does he have mood swings? She wondered

“Or he is playing dumb? She thought again

” Are you hungry? Wanna eat something?” Jeffrey asked and she nodded.

They made their ways to the school cafeteria since they gave them twenty minutes break

Remy and his friends were leaving the cafeteria too that moment.

” f•ck! that girl is beautiful and…. Hot” Reece immediately exclaimed staring at Violet while licking his lips

” Yeah, she is ” Fargo nodded in agreement staring at her too

” what if she’s Jeffrey’s girl?” He asked

” well, I don’t care… Do I look like I’m ready to love her? Hell no!” Reece grimace and Fargo laughed

” I will surely get her.. he said and brushed his hair back stylishly before approaching violet who was with Jeffery.

Remy and the rest just stayed distance away, watching him

” Hey beautiful.. he said when he got to them

Violet ignored him and held Jeffrey. The action alone got Reece pissed off

She was ignoring him?

” I’m talking to you.. he said again

“As you can see I’m with someone, you’re not blind.. she said and made to walked away When Reece suddenly spanked her @zz.

His Friends stood at a corner laughing at his action.

Violet balled her fist tightly then grabbed his arm forcefully. Before he could realize it, her fingers were imprinted on his cheeks

That moment, he could swear anything that his brain malfunction for a few minutes

He felt his eyes spinning… He was already seeing stars

His friends burst into an uncontrollable round of laughter while Jeffrey’s eyes widdened.

Remy was laughing so hard that he had to hold the rails with one hand and his stomach with the other hand so that he wouldn’t fall

“The play boy is being played.. Fargo laughed

” yeah, he needed someone to kick his @zz” Justin said amidst laughter

” If you try anything as stûpid as this next time, then I can’t promise the safety of those filthy fingers of yours.. Violet said and held Jeffrey’s hands , together they left the cafeteria

“Violet why did you do that? What did he do?” Jeffrey asked immediately they got to the cafeteria

“That lûnatic! He touched.. He…..nevermind.. she said and Jeffrey sigh

‘ I wish I don’t get on their bad side because of you.. he thought

He knew Remy and his friends to be great bullies, no one dares to get on their bad side, absolutely no one!

“We have maths now and its our last subject. Anyway, see you soon” she said and he nodded

” Go show them the stuff you’re made of.. Jeffey said and She smiled before walking back into the exam hall.

She sat on her sit and minutes later, the mathematics questions were distributed.

“Exactly what I’ve been solving.. she smiled again

” Do you know the answers? Mimi whispered into her ears

Mimi is seated behind her

” Yeah, and good luck” she replied

” Can you help me with the answer to the first question?” Mimi asked and Since the supervisors were still not paying attention to the students, she took the opportunity to explained the answer to Mimi.

Ryan looked at her without saying a word

‘ She isn’t afraid of getting caught.. he wondered

” You can start now.. Mr George announced and violet faced her work as she began solving the questions.

Maths was one of the most simplest subject according to Ryan. So it was his turn to survey the students since he was really good in maths. Not that he isn’t good at others subject but he loves maths more

He walked round the hall and saw how students were solving the questions. He shook his head at their poor workings.

If their workings weren’t wrong, he was ready to help a few of them but he couldn’t since their workings and everything was wrong from the beginning

He had walked round the hall before heading to Violet’s seat. He stopped and saw her solving the questions. He took her paper and went through them..

He dropped them back and was about leaving when he saw the error she made.

Instead of getting negative one, she got positive one.

‘ Her workings are perfect so where did she get this stûpid answer from?” He wondered and looked at her again

She looked confused too. She knew her answer was wrong somehow but she couldn’t fathom where exactly she had gone wrong.

That was the only question she had difficulty solving. At first, her answer was five, she had to calculate again until she got positive one.

She sigh in frustration and then gave up on the question

‘ At least, this one question doesn’t mean I’m gonna fail right? She told herself

Ryan brought out his phone and placed them on his ears.

” When you make the value of x the subject formula, you divide both sides by the value of X which seems to have the negative sign not the positive….. He began explaining the question indirectly. His voice was low and calm, one could barely hear him.

Anyone would think he was making a phone call right now

Since no body understood him, the other supervisor didn’t bother saying anything because they didn’t understand him too

Violet paid attention to him as he talked, though it wasn’t that loud because his voice was calm. Her eyes widened when she realized her mistake

She smiled at once then picked up her pen and began calculating again

” A minute to go.. a teacher announced while she wrote as fast as she could and she was done immediately the teacher said ‘ stop

She sigh and looked at Ryan who was staring down at her.

“Thank you” she bow her head a bit but he didn’t reply as he walked out of the hall. She quickly submitted her papers before running after him

” Violet.. Mimi kept calling but she ignored her and kept running after Ryan

” Hey.. Jeffrey called immediately he sighted her

“I’ll be back Jeff” She told him as she ran after Ryan untill she caught up with him.

“Hi….Ryan.. she said but he didn’t say anything neither did he stopped walking. So she had to hold his hand

He looked at his hands then at he. She immediately let go of his hands after seeing his reaction

” Just wanted to thank you for earlier.. she said . ” and here, your money.. she added and brought out the $100 note

“I think it’s time I give you back what’s yours” she added

He stared at her then at the money.

” Firstly, I didn’t do that for you. And as for the money, i don’t remember giving it to you.. he said lowly

” Maybe you don’t remember but you splash muddy water on me some days back, your driver gave me some money which I returned to you but part of it fell and I saw this one on my shoes.

” I wanted to give you back then when I delivered pizza to your home but I didn’t bring it with me that day” she explained and Ryan finally remembered her

She was that girl?

” You can keep it. I don’t need it.. He said after a while and with that he started leaving

“Anyways… thanks for today.. she shouted after him but he didn’t look back till he got to the parking lots

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