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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Is it gone?” Elijah asked while staring at his hair in the mirror.

“Yeah, your hair is smoothie free now” his friend, Thomas replied.

They came here to help wash his hair.

“d@mn it! She has really grown golden wings!” He wiped his hands on the wall as he remembered what Jade did to him earlier.

“Ma n_gg@, Jade really surprised me, the Jade I know before will jump on your arms and scream yes” Thomas shook his head.

Elijah sighed and sat down then folded his palms together.

“Thomas I will make Jade pay” he said angrily.

“Have any plans in mind?”

“I don’t know yet but she will suffer for what she did to me today” he replied and nodded.



Gael, Micah and Harrison walked in only to meet Declan sitting alone in the dining and helping himself with some soft drinks.

“There you are, you skipped school today what happened?” Harrison came to sit beside him.

Declan didn’t reply, he took another carton of front juice and opened it before drinking.

The thing with him is that no matter how hurt or sad he is, he didn’t drink beer.

“Must be in a bad mood, share with us our leader” Gael sat on the other space beside him while Micah stood behind them with his hands in his pants pocket.

“She rejected me” Declan muttered.

“How come? When did you ask her out?” Gael asked with a confused look and Harrison nodded.

“I didn’t ask her out, she rejected me without waiting for me to tell her what I had in mind” he murmured.

Micah scoffed and brought out his phone and began typing.

“She must think too highly of herself then, what did you tell her?” Harrison asked with a frown.

“I couldn’t bring myself to say anything Harry, I just left” Declan sighed and took another juice to drink.

“Here’s what you should do, act like you don’t even need her, you’re Declan and tons of girls would pay with their life to go out with you, she wouldn’t be that relevant” Gael scoffed.

“She’s not other girls Gael, I know it right here that I wanna have something serious with her, I want to be that guy in her life” Declan sighed and sipped more from his drink.

“It’s hurts, I love her” he murmured.

“According to internet, the fastest way to get over heartbreak is to make sure you don’t see that person so I’m thinking of the fastest way we can ki|| Charlotte” Micah finally said something.

Everyone turned back to give him a look.

“Or Declan going on vacations can also help” he added.

Gael and Harrison rolled his eyes.

“And her name is Charlie not Charlotte” Gael said with a frown.

“Yeah please remind me of any time or day I said her name was relevant in my life?” Micah replied back.

Gael just scoffed, talking to Micah is just like he’ll be waisting his energy.

“Sometimes I wonder why we accepted you here in this band, you’re always abnormal and Declan” he held Declan’s shoulders.

“You’ll be fine, I’m going to hit the shower upstairs” he patted twice before standing up.

Harrison stood up and left too and Micah followed behind. Declan thought of Charlie and sighed.

“I will never be fine” he muttered.



Jade climbed down the stairs with a smile on her face.

“Mom” she moved to Tiffany who was doing her usual every morning, that’s setting some food on the dining.

She pecked her cheeks and came to sit on the dining table.

“What are we having for breakfast today?” She asked with a smile.

Tiffany looked surprised.

“You’re eating breakfast with us?” She asked and Jade nodded.

“You’re not dieting anymore?” Tiffany asked again.

“No mom, I’m already perfect with my looks, I don’t need to starve my poor self in the morning” Jade rolled her eyes.

“You surprised me this morning, have some bread let me call Nora” Tiffany smiled and gave the plate of bread to Jade.

“Thanks Mom” Jade smiled and took a slice, she began using her fingers to cut a pinch of it and eating.

Tiffany removed her apron and hanged it on the kitchen door.

“Nora, you’re late for breakfast today sweetie!” She shouted.

“Coming mom” a voice sounded from behind and both Tiffany and Jade turned back in slow motion to look at Nora.

She looked really different today, her hair was let free, no glasses plus she had some makeup on her face.

Her uniform was extra shorter and she was even putting on heels.

“Nora?” Tiffany called again.

“I’m here mom” Nora smiled and Tiffany crossed her arms under her Břě@šť and gave her a look.

Jade just eyed Nora from head to toes wondering what went wrong with her.

“Are you sure you didn’t hit your head somewhere?” Jade asked.

“I’m fine Jade” Nora forced a smile.

Tiffany shut her eyes tight.

“I don’t know why you’re dressed like this but sit for breakfast you’re late for school” Tiffany said.

Nora stared at the food then back at Tiffany.

“Actually mom I ate a lot last night and my stomach is still full” she muttered.

“Really?” Tiffany asked with narrowed eyes.

“Yes mom”

“Okay then let’s go, I’ll drop you off to school since Jade…

“Actually mom I want to go with you today” Jade Interrupted Tiffany.

“Are you sure?” Tiffany asked.

“Yes, you said I don’t spend time with you guys so I decided to do that today” Jade replied.

Tiffany looked at Nora in confusion.

“Mom let Jade go with you, I’ll find my way to school today” Nora forced a smile.

“Wait the both of you are confusing me, what’s going on?” Tiffany asked with a confused look.

“Nothing mom, see you later” Nora smiled and hurried off.

When she got out, her stomach grumbled and she held it tight.

“I’m so hungry, I didn’t eat last night too, should I stop at a nearby breakfast cafe?” She thought but shook her head when she remembered Charlie.

“If I don’t get pretty then how will I ever get Declan to like me, he likes Charlie because she’s pretty, pretty smile, hair and body, I wanna be her so bad” she thought with a sad expression.

She shook her head and began leaving to look for a taxi.



“Another day here” Roman sighed when he came down from the car.

He opened the front sit for Charlie and Brielle helped herself down.

“Guys is it just me or is everyone glaring at me?” Charlie asked as they found their way to the class.

Many students especially the females were all glaring and whispering around her.

“No way” Brielle gasped when they got to the notice board.

The big banner that use to have various informations about the school were filled with ugly pictures of Charlie.

The biggest one among all of them had a giant snake that swallowed Charlie’s head.

“Charlie is trash” Roman said as he was looking front.

“Excuse me?” Charlie gave him a look and he shook his head.

“Not me but look over there” he used his head to point a big decoration in the middle of the school passage.

“Charlie is trash” Brielle gasped as she read what the decoration says.


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