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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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✩ A
( Fairies from Netherland… )


By Authoress Rhema ?






“Turn around and you’ll find out”.

Jade clenched her fist tight and shut her eyes tight before slowly turning around.

She met a familiar girl with dark hair, looking at her and smirking.

“Aren’t you the new student?” She asked harshly.

Brielle smiled and folded her arms under her brèast before moving forward.

“Yes I am and I saw you ran out of the classroom after talking to your friend” Brielle replied and moved her gaze to Jade’s eye.

“Also why do you have a black eye?” She added.

Jade scoffed and used one of her hand to cover her eyes.

“New girl I don’t think you know who I am” she said.

“Oh I do, you are Jade Bills, sister of a nerd named Nora and also known for dating a popular school hockey player named Elijah who has cheated on you countless of times” Brielle replied with a smile.

“How do you know all that?” Jade frowned.

Brielle moved closer to her.

“You’re quite popular” she whispered in her ears.

Jade pushed Brielle off and turned back to see her glasses on the floor.

She picked it up and wore it on her eyes.

“New girl..”

“It’s Brielle” Brielle Interrupted.

“Wh@ťěver! I’m not someone you can talk with okay? So mind your d@mn business” Jade hissed and stormed out of the rest room.

Brielle just smiled and admired her face in the mirror before leaving too.



Charlie was in her locker room when plenty girls rushed towards her.

“Charlie you were so awesome in class today, can you help me to sign here” a girl showed her a paper to sign.

Before Charlie could reply another one girl moved to block her view.

“I love your skin, and how do you get to glow this way, can you tell me your secret” this one caressed Charlie’s arms.

Charlie moved back and rubbed the arms that got caressed by a strange girl.

?And you’re hair, how did you get to make it this soft?

?How did you get to be so pretty?

?Tell us your secret Charlie!

?Tell us!

They began coming real close to her.

“I don’t have any secret to tell you guys, I was born pretty” Charlie dodged them and began leaving but they followed her.

?You were born pretty? Then were we born ugly?

?Can I borrow your face for a day?

?The skin is just all I need!

?I also love your body shape, give your beauty routine!

Charlie couldn’t take it anymore, she began running and surprisingly, they chased after her.

?Please Charlie, I really do admire you!

Charlie kept panting heavily as she was running, she got to a place but someone grabbed her hand and pulled her behind a wall.

When Charlie turned back, she saw Declan,she wanted to talk but he placed his forefinger on her lips, signalling her to keep shut.

Charlie’s eyes was wide open as she stared at him, her heart was starting to beat fast and she couldn’t look away.

Soon everywhere became quiet and Declan slowly released her.

“I’m sorry about that, that’s just how fans are now are days” he ruffled his hair backwards as he spoke.

“Fans?” Charlie asked and Declan chuckled a bit.

“You already earned yourself some group of admires with your extra ordinary glow. As a celebrity, I and the boys has faced a lot of this” he said.

Charlie chuckled and nodded, she arranged her hair and looked elsewhere. Her side view is the most prettiest part of her face that Declan loves looking at each time.

Feeling his gaze, she turned to look at him.

“Uhm, thank you for saving me but I have to go now” she said and without waiting for him, she turned around and began leaving.

Declan immediately ran after her, he grabbed her forearm immediately and she stopped walking but he suddenly didn’t know why he did that.

“I’m sorry, I’ll see you later” he muttered and slowly released her hands.

Charlie nodded and hurriedly left without looking at him.

Declan sighed and threw his head backwards.

“Declan you’re such an idiot! Why did you just do that, she might think you’re a freak now!” He silently scolded himself.



“Jade how long are you going to put on that glasses, you’re no longer pulling it off with your pajamas” Tiffany said to Jade who was climbing down the stairs.

Tiffany was arranging dinner on the dining room.

Jade ignored her and came to sit on one of the chairs.

“What are we having for dinner today mom?” She asked slowly.

“Shrimps with white rice” Tiffany smiled.

“That’s Nora’s favorite” Jade frowned.

“I know, she has been in a bad mood today so I decided to surprise her” Tiffany said with a smile.

Jade looked at the food in disgust.

“I’m always in a bad mood but you never try to surprise me with my favorite food” she muttered.

“Don’t be jealous, you know that’s not true” Tiffany replied.

“First of all I’m not jealous and secondly you don’t even know anything about me, you don’t know whether I’m angry or sad because all you do is think of Nora! Nora this, Nora that!” Jade scoffed and folded her arms under her brèast.

“Wh@ťěver Jade! You are the one who keeps pushing yourself away from us so why do you blame us now? If you’re not going to eat with us this night as usual then feel free to go to your boyfriend’s house since he’s your best family!” Tiffany snapped.

Jade angrily stood up and went upstairs, on her way to her room, she bumped into Nora then gave her a thick glare before leaving completely.

Nora still had a frown on her face when she came downstairs.

“Nora baby, look it’s your favorite shrimps and rice salad” Tiffany looked at the food she had prepared for Nora with a smile.

Nora still had a dull face as she sat down.

“What’s wrong? Don’t you like it?” Tiffany asked with her mouth parted.

“No mom, I do but I’m not in the mood to eat” she muttered and folded herself on the chair.

“What happened my dear, tell me” Tiffany moved her chair close to Nora’s.

This would be the first time she was seeing her in a bad mood so she was really worried.

Nora sighed and looked up.

“Mom” she called slowly and Tiffany looked at her.

“Yes baby, what’s wrong?”

“Mom I want to be pretty” she said sadly.

“Honey you are already pretty? What did Jade say to you?” Tiffany frowned.

“It’s not Jade this time I swear, it’s me” she sighed and curled her body up to the chair.

“There’s this new girl that just showed up in our school, she’s so beautiful, her skin is extra glowing, she has this fine green eyes and perfect smile and good body and soft hair..” Nora sighed.

She remembered the way Declan was looking at her.

“She looks like she can charm all the boys with just her smile, it’s the first time I’ll be looking at a girl and feeling so inferior” she pouted.

Tiffany smiled and held Nora’s hands.

“You don’t have to compare yourself with anyone, you are beautiful just the way you are so where are all these insecurities coming from?” Tiffany asked.

“I don’t know mom, I just have a tight feeling here” she brought Tiffany’s hands to her chest.

“I feel like one day she’s going to take everything away from me, my grades and…” She bit her lips to stop herself from saying Declan.

“Baby, keep doing what you’re doing, you’re just paranoid and it’s not necessary” Tiffany smiled.

“But does thinking like this makes me a bad person?” Nora asked slowly.

“No baby, it only shows that you’re human, come here” Tiffany pulled Nora for a tight hug.

Nora smiled and hugged her back.

Meanwhile Jade has been watching behind them with an angry expression on her face.

‘You’ve never treated me like this mom’ she thought and clenched her fist tight.

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