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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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✩ A
( Fairies from Netherland… )


By Authoress Rhema ?






Seeing that he has been caught red handed, Declan waved at her. She smiled and waved back then faced her front.

‘Why does he make me feel funny?’ She asked herself in her mind.

“Declan stop this, as a leader of DMGH, don’t you know that drooling over an ordinary girl is really embarrassing?” Harrison held Declan’s head and made him face front.

“I’m not drooling” Declan muttered.

“Yes you are” Micah frowned.

Declan sighed and nodded, admitting defeat from his two friends.

“Okay I won’t look at her direction again but guys, I really think it’s love at first sight” he whispered.

“That shît is real?” Micah scoffed.

Gael also scoffed as he looked at Micah.

“You don’t even have a stable heart, always frowning, grumpy and angry that you’ll barely see him smile!” Gael said and Harrison nodded.

“I agree”.

“I really pity his future girlfriend, no girl can put up with a grumpy type” Harrison then added and Gael laughed.

“Atleast you were nice by saying he has a future girlfriend, me I don’t think he’d have any” Gael said and it was Harrison turn to laugh.

Micah smirked and looked at the both of them.

“You two realize that you’re talking about me in front of me right?” He said and Gael shook his head.

While the boys of them were talking, Declan stylishly looked at Charlie. She was taking something from her bag and her side view looked really pretty.

“Beautiful” he muttered with a smile.

The maths teacher then entered the class, dressed in her usual pencil skirt, glasses and text books.

“Good day everyone, where did we…” She stopped talking when she saw Charlie.

“Looks like we have a new student among us” she said.

“We have three ma’am, my friends are at the back” Charlie replied with a smile.

“Great, welcome to Cambridge high” the maths teacher smiled and faced the black board.

She was teaching when Nora came back in.

“I’m sorry miss Oprah, I’m late for your class” she bowed her head in apology.

“Just have your sit please” miss Oprah rolled her eyes and Nora went to her sit but was surprised to see a beautiful girl with an extra glowing skin, sitting there.

Charlie felt Nora’s gaze so she looked up and Nora almost gasped.

She’s so pretty!!

“I’m sorry I’m I sitting on your space? I can stand up if you want” Charlie said as she was set to back her books.

“N…No need, I’ll just sit beside you” Nora immediately stopped her, since there was still some space beside her, Nora sat down and it was beside Declan’s private sit.

As miss Oprah was teaching, Nora would slightly look at Charlie and was secretly admiring her beauty and skin.

‘Good glow, pretty face, smooth skin, green eyes, she’s beautiful’ She recited in her mind then thought of herself.

‘Maybe if I’m as pretty as this then Declan’… Speaking of Declan she decided to look at him and she could swear that she caught him looking at her.

‘He’s looking me!’ She screamed in her mind.

If only she knows that he was looking at the girl beside her, Charlie.

A thought came to Nora’s mind that, What if Declan suddenly likes the new girl? Well who can resist such a beauty like this?’ She thought and shook her head immediately.

She’s getting distracted again, if she continues like this then her grades will drop.

‘It’s okay Nora, nothing to be worked up about, remember Declan knows you have a crush on him now, what if he’s disgusted?’ She squeezed her face.

Charlie has been noticing the change of expressions on Nora’s face and was wondering what was wrong.

She shook her head and looked over to Declan’s side, he was watching her again but couldn’t look away this time.

Charlie hid a faint blush and looked elsewhere.

‘The way he’s looking at me, it makes my stomach feel somehow, I wish he can stop” she muttered and touched her stomach a bit.

Nora slowly looked at Charlie again.
Even her side view looked perfect, if one day Declan is to choose between her and Charlie then she was sure that she would loose.

How can she ever compete with this pretty face and smooth skin even perfect smile.

“My chest” she winced, feeling a slight pain there.



? Look it’s the nerd with the big dream!

?Why don’t you stop crushing on Declan and crush on me, instead of Noclan or Dera we can be Skyra, get it, Sky and Nora!

?So how many babies do you want with me since we all know that Declan is never gonna be yours!

?Can’t believe an ugly nerd as her can daydream about something like this, she’s obviously not his type!

?I bet if Declan was to choose between me or her then he’d choose me!

Nora fastened her steps out of the classroom and they kept laughing at her as they watched her leave.


Her heart skipped beats, that voice..

“If I’m not wrong, Nora right?” Declan who was behind her asked as he moved closer to her.

Nora was to shy and embarrassed to face him but Declan wasn’t, he came to stand in front of her.

“I believe this is yours” he stretched out her diary to her.

Nora looked at the dairy, she wanted to take it put he raised his hands up and she ended up raising her head to look at his face.

Her heart skipped plenty of beats.

Declan smiled at her and brought out his pen from his pocket. He opened the first page of the diary and signed his autograph on it.

“Thank you Nora for being a fan, you can have your dairy back” he handed the dairy back to her.

Nora collected it and Declan left, after he had disappeared off, she suddenly forgot about the humiliation because the only thing she knew now was that he fûcking signed on her book!!

“Oh my God an autograph from Declan! I wanna faint!!” She screamed and jumped in excitement.

Declan got to the Van that was waiting for them outside. The boys and manager Kim were sitting inside when he entered.

“There you are, I saw you talking with that girl in glasses, are you into her now?” Gael asked.

“I saw you talking to me, are you into me now?” Declan asked back and Gael chuckled.

“I can’t stand bullying so I had to do something and besides where are we going?” Declan explained before he asked and looked around the van.

The van is only available when they have concerts or photo$h00t or performance or tours or interviews and so on.

Micah was pressing phone and had earpiece on his ears while Harrison was eating.

“We have an interview to do, when we get there, you boys will change your uniforms to the cloth I picked, it’s at the back of the van” Kim fingers were dancing around his laptop as he spoke.

Declan groaned and leaned his hair back on his chair. He suddenly remembered Charlie and that faint blush that appeared on her cheeks earlier.

He didn’t even know when he smile.

“I just hope I’m not the only one feeling this way” he muttered and placed his hands on his chest, feeling his heartbeat.

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