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HomeOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A BetTHE END: OBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 90

THE END: OBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 90

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Maeve sighed as she stared at her plastic cup, thinking about nothing in particular. She was having a good time up until now and she suddenly wished she had stayed home with Fiona.

Someone sat next to her and she didn’t need to look up to know who it was.

“You okay?” Kyle asked worriedly.

“What do you want?” She asked dryly.

“Your forgiveness.” Kyle replied and she looked up immediately.


“I’ve been a jerk, I never should have treated you the way I did and I deserve to be beaten for it. I’m really sorry Maeve.” Kyle said, staring at her and expecting her reply but she didn’t say anything.

“Why aren’t you saying anything?” He asked worriedly. Was it too late to make peace with her?

“What do you want me to say?” She asked with a straight face.

“Look if this is about the twit I made I’m very sorry. it was a dumb bet and I had to do it. It got taken down anyways and my account was hacked. I promise I would never do such again and nothing is wrong with your p@zzy, infact, yours is the most beautiful I’ve ever seen.” Kyle rushed his words but Maeve was lost.

She didn’t understand what he was talking about but she now had her answers as to why she couldn’t find his account on the Slap.

“What twit Kyle?” She asked and Kyle furrowed his brows.

“The one I made last year about your.. wait, you didn’t see it?! Oh f_ck!” Kyle held his head as he knew he had just worsen his situation.

“You.. you insulted me on the Slap?” Maeve asked still feeling perplexed. When did this happen and how did she not see it? How many people saw it and who took it down?

Suddenly she remembered something..


“We loved you Maeve, I loved you. Did you know that Kyle had body shamed you on the Slap after your breakup?” Anna asked and Maeve frowned.

“What are you talking about?” She asked feeling perplexed.

“Exactly, you don’t know and you weren’t supposed to know. I had to agree to be gay just to have that post taken down before you could see it. I sacrificed myself, my happiness just so you don’t get hurt!” Anna yelled, hot tears falling down as she remembered Gracie.

“I don’t understand what you’re saying. When did all this happen?” Maeve asked as she couldn’t remember ever seeing Anna with a girl.

“It doesn’t matter now. She’s dead anyways and my purpose of dating her was accomplished. My anger is that after all I did, you still had the gut to stab us in the back. You weren’t even thinking about what it’ll do to our friendship!”


“So that’s what she was talking about?” Maeve asked herself staring at Kyle.

“Did I mean so little to you? You body shamed me? And I never knew because Anna sacrificed herself just to have it taken down. I acted stupidly not knowing what they had done for me.” Maeve muttered, her eyes getting wet.

“I’m really sorry Maeve and of course you mean a lot to me. I was just so blind back then to notice it but now I see how stupid I was. I’m sorry. I don’t want us to leave high school with our mistakes. We both made silly mistakes and if the famics can forgive you then you have to forgive me too.” Kyle rushed his words.

“My mistake was your fault! I wanted to get over you so badly that I thought if I liked someone else, it’ll help. That’s why I got obsessed with Sebastian! I was f_cking loosing my mind over our breakup because I was f_cking in love with you while you only used me to satisfy your f_cking needs!” Maeve yelled but the loud music didn’t let others hear her.

Kyle stared at her for a while, wondering if he had heard her right.

“You.. you were in love with me?” He found himself asking instead. Maeve rolled her eyes and gulped down the remaining content of her drink.

“You’re an idiot if you didn’t notice.” She said with a glare and made to stand up but Kyle suddenly held her down with one hand while the other cupped her face and he kissed her deeply.

Maeve’s eyes widened and she tried pushing him off but he pressed her down tightly not giving her a chance to do so. He deepened the deep kiss and soon, she found herself closing her eyes but she didn’t kiss him back.

“Kyle!!” Maggie suddenly shouted and that’s when he broke the kiss but he didn’t even glance at Maggie. He kept his gaze on Maeve’s lips while she tried to catch her breath.

“You moron! How could you be kissing another lady when you already brought a date!” Maggie yelled again and that’s when Kyle faced her.

“Can’t you see I’m busy?” He asked dryly before returning his focus to Maeve and Maggie reluctantly left them alone.

“Why?” Maeve asked, still flustered by his sudden action.

“Can we start over? Please?” Kyle asked instead but as Maeve parted her lips to give him a reply, he kissed her again and this time she responded.

She might as well just leave everything behind and start over, that’s how to know when someone is matured and at this point, she could say she’s finally a young adult.


“Alright alright, can I get your attention.” Mr Griffin spoke through the mic and everyone turned their attention to the stage, not because they were obedient students but because they knew what he wanted to say and they were curious to know who their prom king and queen would be.

“I’m so glad everyone is having a good time and so I apologize for my sudden interruption.” He said with a slight chuckle and everyone laughed a bit.

“Now without wasting further time..” He trailed off as one of the staff handed him a white envelope.

Chrystal’s heart was literally beating so fast as she wanted to know whom the prom king and queen would be, not because she wanted it to be her but because she didn’t want the king to be Ethan.
That would mean him dancing with another lady and she didn’t want that.

“Hey, miss me?” she heard Fiona’s voice and suddenly turned to her side. Her eyes widened when she saw Fiona on a beautiful pink dress, looking like the beauty queen she is.

“Wow, you actually showed!” She exclaimed and the rest of the girls turned to them. Swayer smiled brightly as she spotted her brother by her side and he winked at her.

“Great, so I’m the only one without a date.” Ivory joked.

“Of course not, you have Maeve.” Fiona smiled but Kyle suddenly raised his hand which was intertwined with Maeve’s.
“Oh my, when did this happen? well I guess you’re alone.” she chuckled and Ivory shook her head before returning her attention to Mr Griffin.

“This academic sections prom queen is.. Ivory Derby!” He announced and everyone screamed.

“Omg!! Go Ivory!” Swayer yelled and hugged Ivory.

“At least you got prom queen. Go girl!” Anna yelled.

Ivory went up to the stage with a bright smile and bent a bit as Mr Griffin placed the tiara on her head.

“Thank you!” She said excitedly.

“Say something to the audience.” Griffin said and she gladly grabbed the microphone.

“In your face Ɓîtçhes!” Ivory screamed and everyone laughed while clapping at the same time.

“Thank you all so much, I’m so happy! And a big thank you to my favorite ladies. I love y’all.” She said and blew kisses at her sister’s. They all returned the kiss and she handed the mic back to Griffin.

“And now for your king… this sections prom king is… Sebastian Daniero!” He announced and everyone cheered except, well his friends.

They all looked at Sebastian and Swayer who’s faces had a disappointed look. Anna bit her buttom lip, feeling bad for Swayer.

“I can just forfeit if you’re not okay with it.” Sebastian said with a smile but Swayer shook her head.

“No no it’s fine. Go on, get your crown.” She said and smiled at him.

Sebastian bounced his head and finally went up to the stage with everyone cheering for him this time.

Ivory smiled slightly as she watched him take his crown. He shook hands with Mr Griffin and was handed the microphone to say something as well.

“You’ll always be my queen.” He said to Swayer and blew her a kiss.

“Awwww!!!!” Everyone screamed and Swayer’s cheeks turned into a tomato.

After that, the floor was cleared for them to have their first dance.

While they danced, Logan walked up to Swayer and asked to dance with her. She happily accepted and he led her to the floor.

“Thank you for bringing Fiona. It means a lot.” She said with a smile.

“I’m sorry for missing your graduation and every other event I missed.” He said sadly.

“You know what, let’s just start over.” Swayer said with a smile and he bounced his head.



“So what like we have this place all to ourselves?” Sebastian asked as he walked around the living room.

“Yup. Everyone’s out doing one or two. I kind of like it. We can do wh@ťěver we want.” Swayer smiled as she brought out can drinks from the fridge and handed one to him.

They opened it and knocked it together before taking a sip.

“And what would you like to do, my queen?” Sebastian asked, dropping his can on the central table.

“First, I’d like that dance that was taken away from me.” Swayer pouted cutely.

“Granted, what else?” He asked naughtily, taking her drink away from her and placing it next to his on the table.

“Wh@ťěver you want.” Swayer replied and giggled as he pulled her closer by her waist.

“Wh@ťěver I want? Are you sure about that?” He asked but his gaze had turned dark this time.

“Of course. What? why do you ask? Are you planning on cutting me in half or something?” She joked.

“Swayer D’vile, you have no idea what I’m going to do to you tonight.” Sebastian whispered into her ear and Swayer’s smiles disappeared.

Before she could say anything, he slammed their lips together, kissing her deeply. He immediately raised her up, wrapping her legs around his torso and carried her upstairs, all the way to her room.



Hew? so this Story has finally come to an end ??
Initially, this wasn’t how I planned on ending this book but due to the excitement I got from my active fans, I couldn’t bring myself to break their hearts so I decided to give y’all a happy ending.

Encourage ur writer.. ?
Please Encourage Me By Sharing This story.

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