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HomeOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A BetOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 75

OBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 75

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✍️ Authoress Cathy ✍️



“Are you sure you can’t stay? I’d love for you to come with us.” Swayer pouted as she held onto Sebastian’s jacket.

Anna bit her buttom lip to stop herself from laughing. It’s just weird seeing Swayer act all love struck.

“I would love to babe but I have somewhere important to be.” Sebastian smiled slightly.

“More important than me?” Swayer asked making a puppy face.

“Allow the young man already, jezz!” Fiona scoffed as she entered the room holding two gowns.

“I was actually enjoying the show.” Anna finally burst into laughter.

“Which one is better?” Fiona faced Swayer, blinking cutely.

“The blue one.” Swayer replied with a frown, turning her attention back to Sebastian.

“I’ll be waiting for you when you get back.” Sebastian smiled, pecking her on the lips but Swayer held him down and deepened the kiss.

“Gosh could you two rest already.” Chrystal rolled her eyes on entering the room.

Anna just chuckled, excusing herself from the room.

They were all going to Anna’s home including Fabiola since she refused to stay behind. She had moved in back with them already and things were back to the way it was, well except for the new couples but they were peaceful once more.

“Hey has anymore seen Maeve? She didn’t come home last night, again.” Anna asked on entering the living room.

“She said she will meet us at your home. I’m guessing she had something important to take care of.” Ivory muttered from where she sat, her eyes glued to her phone.

“Gosh I’m worried about her. She’s been acting strangely for a while now.” Anna pouted.

“Maeve is a big girl and can go wherever she like whenever she likes so chill.” Chrystal said, patting Anna’s back.

“All set!” Fabiola said excitedly as she entered the living room looking like a slay queen.

“Wow, you look like you’re going to your mother in-law’s house for the first time.” Chrystal joked and everyone laughed at her.

“What? I mustn’t have a reason to look hot now do I?” Fabiola rolled her eyes.

“Go girl! Just don’t let your boyfriend see you right now. It’s a real turn on.” Fiona winked and Fabiola’s cheek turned red.

“Stop turning the poor thing into a tomato.” Swayer intervened.

“Look who’s talking? Miss lovestruck.” Anna rolled her eyes.

“What?” Swayer tilted her head.

“I think she’s jealous you’ve replaced her with Sebastian.” Chrystal chuckled.

“Can we get going now before this turns into world war III.” Ivory muttered and got up from the couch, walking straight to the door without turning back.

“I feel bad for them. Well at least they are not the only single FAMICS.” Chrystal shrugged and left as well.

The rest followed and they all drove off to Anna’s home with Anna and Fabiola riding with Sawyer.


Sebastian checked the time for the fifth time as he was restless. He tapped on the message again and sighed.

“This might just be a prank or something.” He muttered but then the doors of the eatery made an opening sound and Sebastian raised his head slowly.

His eyes widened on seeing her, elegantly dressed. She looked hotter than the last time he saw her and her dress made her a flame.

He swallowed hard as he watched her approach him with her graceful steps.

“Sebastian.” She smiled, taking a seat next to him.

Sebastian just stared at her, wondering if he’s dreaming or she’s actually before him.

“Sebastian?” Gwen waved her hand and Sebastian finally got himself.

“Gwen.” He muttered still not believing his eyes.

“You haven’t changed a lot.” Gwen said with a smile as she scrutinized his appearance.

“I wish I could say the same for you. I could barely recognized you.” Sebastian said, smiling shortly.

“And yet you did.” Gwen said still carrying that smile.
“After all, one can’t forget their first.” She added with a serious face this time.

“You said you had something important to tell me about Swayer.” Sebastian said as he was beginning to feel uncomfortable. He felt bad for not telling Swayer exactly where he was going and why but since it was about her, it’s only right he finds out first before telling her.

“Yes, I did say that but let’s catch up first before we get to that.” Gwen said with a wink.

“I don’t have time for that. How did you even know about Swayer? Or that I know her?” Sebastian asked with a frown.

“Who doesn’t know Rose Marshall’s daughter? As for your second question, I have people. I also know your dating her.” Gwen replied, raising her hand up to place an order.

“So why then did you call me here?” Sebastian asked with a frown. He knew Gwen was stalling, she does that when she’s unto and he didn’t want to know what that was.

“Can’t we have a drink or two first before that?” She asked making a cute face and touching his hand which was on the table.
Sebastian immediately removed his hand and folded them across his chest.

“If you have nothing to say then I’ll take my leave.” He said and made to stand but Gwen held him back.

“Fine, I’ll go straight to the point.” She said with a straight face and Sebastian sat down.

“How well do you know her?” She asked but Sebastian just stared at her as he wasn’t interested in answering her question.

“Fine then, since you don’t want to answer, how about answering this. Do you know her brother is a drug dealer?” She asked and Sebastian furrowed his brows a bit before keeping a straight face.

“Is that what you do now? Go around digging into people’s family history? I thought you’d be better than this.” Sebastian scoffed, standing up from the table.

“She’s not the right one for you Sebastian.” Gwen said standing up too.

“Really?” Sebastian chuckled.

“She’ll only break your heart. That’s how rich girls behave.” Gwen said with a frown.

“Oh you mean like you did?” Sebastian asked with a scoff. “Well it’s a good thing Swayer isn’t you. I’ll take my chances with her.” He added before walking out of the eatery.

A man approached her later and she requested for a lemon Ç0çƙtail which he brought after some minutes.

After a while, another man entered the eatery and walked straight to her table, sitting next to her.

“Did you get it?” She asked with a smirk.

He simply brought out a brown envelope and dropped it on the table.

Gwen opened it and smiled as she glanced through the pictures. He did a fine job and took beautiful shots.

“Nice.” She smiled as she put the envelope in her bag.

The moment the girls came out of their cars, they were shocked to see Maeve at the entrance door.

“She’s getting creepier by the minute.” Anna muttered but later laughed it out as they approached her.

“Gosh Maeve, we hardly see you these days.” Fiona pouted as she interlocked their hands.

“I had to clear my head.” Maeve said with a smile as they all entered the Mansion.

Mrs Salmore was already in the living room when they all walked in. She was shocked to see the gang since she was expecting only Anna.

“Mum!” Anna screamed as she rushed towards Tracy, hugging her tight.

“Don’t be too clingy, it’s bad for my reputation.” Tracy joked, causing Anna to tighten her grip around her.

“Anna she’s turning red already. Cut it out.” Fiona chuckled and Anna finally let go.

“Mrs Salmore, it’s been ages.” Chrystal smiled as she walked towards Tracy, hugging her as well.

They had postponed the visit since Chrystal begged them to. She wanted to come along so she could meet Tracy.

“I wasn’t expecting the gang but wait, I’m seeing a new face.” Tracy said with a smile as she stared at Fabiola.

“This is Fabiola mum, she’s a good friend of ours, Fabiola, my mum and the coolest mother in the whole wide world.” Anna introduced and everyone laughed.

“Nice meeting you ma’am.” Fabiola said politely.

They suddenly heard footsteps running down the stairs and paused to see whom it is.

Evan smiled the moment he saw them and began running towards them.

“Evan!!” Anna screamed, stretching her arms wide but the little demon ran passed Anna and hugged Fabiola, surprising them all, especially Fabiola.

“It’s nice seeing you again Fabiola.” He said after breaking the hug.

Fabiola blinked severally, feeling perplexed as she couldn’t recall bonding with him.

“Looks like someone has a crush on you Faby.” Chrystal smirked and Evans cheeks immediately turned red.

“What? Of course he isn’t, right Evan?” Fabiola chuckled but he didn’t reply.

“She’s too old for you sweetie, come give me a hug.” Swayer smiled, spreading her arms.

“Old? I’m not old.” Fabiola pouted.

“You girls must be hungry since you came so early. I had Rebel prepare breakfast. Come.” Tracy said with a smile as she led them to the dining room.

Anna froze when she saw someone already seated there. She faced her mother and Tracy smiled as they took their seats.

The young man raised his head up since he had his headphones on and didn’t hear them come in.

He smiled the moment he saw Tracy.

“Another surprise guest I’m assuming.” Ivory said with a slight smile. She was already admiring his baby face and cherry red lips. He’s just so cute.

“Yes but the suprise is actually for Anna.” Tracy said and Anna furrowed her brows. She doesn’t even recognize the guy Infront of her.

Freddy took off his headphones so he could hear what Tracy was saying.

“Freddy, this is my daughter, Anna.” Tracy said to him and Freddy froze. He slowly got up from the table, blinking severally to be sure he’s seeing clearly.

“My, how you’ve grown.” He said shaking his head in disbelief.

Anna furrowed her brows, feeling perplexed. She’s didn’t understand what was going on at all.

“Don’t you remember me?” He asked but Anna shook her head.

The rest just kept looking at each other and back at Anna, also wondering what’s going on.

“Does the name Cariño ring a bell?” He asked and Anna suddenly froze.

She stared at him for a while but suddenly laughed, confusing everyone.

“You can’t be serious. You expect me to believe you’re him?” She asked with a frown. She didn’t want to believe he’s the one. It’s been almost ten years now since she last saw him so it’s possible.

“Anna he’s the reason I asked you to come home.” Tracy said with a bright smile. She was stopping herself from crying right now. She never thought these lovebirds would meet again and she was shocked that he still recognized her after so long.

She met with his parents and they agreed to have him come over.

Anna stood up from her seat not believing her eyes. Her heartbeat skyrocketed as she stared at Freddy. She had almost forgotten about him and now this? Where did he even come from.

Freddy immediately walked over to her side of the table and pulled her on to his embrace, hugging her tight. Anna just stayed still like a rock as she didn’t know how to react.

“I’ve missed you Sunshine.” He muttered, tightening his hold around her.




Anna don get boyfriend o?. Chai while Cathy is still single ??

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