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HomeOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A BetOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 72

OBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 72

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✍️ Authoress Cathy ✍️




Sebastian faced her with a frown. If she had said this before breaking his heart then maybe it would have made him feel better but now, he just feels more pain.

“And is that suppose to make me feel happy?” He asked coldly.

“I.. I just wanted you to know.” Swayer muttered, wiping her red and wet eyes but still the tears just kept falling down.

“Are you really this stupid Swayer? You think this is a joke to you? Is that how you rich girls behave!” Sebastian yelled and Swayer blinked at him feeling confused.

“Why are you suddenly yelling at me?” She asked almost in a whisper.

“How could you even think of doing such to me? What did I ever do to make you hurt me this way? What hurts the most is that I can’t even bring myself to h@ťě you no matter how hard I try!” Sebastian yelled ruffling his hair. He thought he could get over this just like he did with Gwen but it seems Swayer has a deeper effect on him than Gwen ever did.

“I’m sorry. Everything I said was a lie Sebastian. I was just angry and tried to find fault in you. I did agree to the bet when Ivory suggested it but that was way after Fabiola moved in with us. I never used her to get to you, I truly care about her and I’m not stupid enough to get stuck in quicksand just to get a guys attention. I just said all that so you…” Swayer trailed off as she didn’t even know why she said all that again.

Was it to hurt him or hurt herself because the later seems more true.

Sebastian chuckled, a bitter one though.

“And you want me to believe you?” He shook his head.

“Honestly, I don’t care anymore. Wether you believe me or not I don’t care. I’ve told you the truth and if that’s not enough for you then it means this was never meant to be. My concern now lies with Fabiola because she’s hurting too. I need to apologize to her but I can’t do that if you’re still mad at me, please.”

“Why would Ivory even put a bet on me in the first place?” Sebastian asked with a frown.

“Because she’s Ivory. You should ask her not me.” Swayer sighed, sitting at the edge of the pool. Her tears had long stopped for a strange reason she didn’t know of. it seems all she had to say was how she felt to feel better.

“And why did you accept the bet knowing it was wrong?” Sebastian asked again.

“If you’ve been with someone for so long, you wouldn’t want that bond to break and when something comes up that forces you to choose, you’ll definitely choose them.” Swayer said sadly.

“Can you make me understand all you just said cause you’re confusing me.” Sebastian said smiling a bit.

“I had to choose between you and the girls, that’s what I’m saying.” Swayer rushed her words.

Sebastian stared at her back for a while since she was now backing him. He still felt hurt that she had to reject him that way but now that she’s said the truth, he wasn’t sure avoiding her was necessary anymore.

He ruffled his hair before moving closer and sitting next to her.

“We are both missing class you know.” He muttered, staring at the pool.

“I don’t care. Even if I do attend, I won’t be able to focus.” Swayer replied, playing with her nails.

“I’m still mad at you though.” Sebastian grinned, facing her.

“It’s been two weeks, you can’t possibly still be mad at me.” Swayer pouted.

“I can. You broke my heart and you need to mend it.” Sebastian scoffed.

“Fine then…” Swayer said standing up. She went behind Sebastian and he furrowed his brows a bit confused.

“Let me mend it.” She said stretching her hand to him.

He stood up and was about taking her hand when she suddenly pushed him into the pool, laughing at her treachery.

Sebastian resurfaced immediately, glaring at her.

“Are you kidding me right now! It’s broad daylight and you just drenched me!” He yelled but Swayer didn’t stop laughing.

“You needed to cool off.” She forced herself to say before calming her laughter. She might still look like a walking dead but she feels a lot better now that they’re okay. Or are they?

“Sebastian, I’m really sorry I hurt you and I do hope we are okay now.” She said with an apologetic look.

“I’m sorry too and yes we are okay now.” Sebastian smiled.

“Help me out.” He added stretching his hand but the moment Swayer touched him, he dragged her into the pool.

Swayer wanted to tell at him but he didn’t even give her a chance as he kept splashing water on her and she eventually began laughing.

“You should laugh more. You looked half dead before now.” Sebastian joked but Swayer’s smiles immediately turned to a frown.

“And who’s fault is it?” She asked glaring at him.

Sebastian chuckled and moved closer to her, pulling her even more close by her waist.

“I meant every word I said to you Swayer. I love you and trust me I almost died when we weren’t speaking to each other. The night you were assaulted, Ivory told me she has feelings for me, that’s why I wasted time. I had to explain to her that I like her only as a friend. I told her I cared more about you.” Sebastian confessed, staring into her eyes.

“I’ve been hurt before by a girl I thought I loved. I guess she thought I was rich or something and I know I may not have much to offer you but I promise I would protect you at all cost. I won’t let what happened that night repeat itself. I might not have luxurious cars and fancy clothes and…” Sebastian couldn’t finish his words as Swayer shut him up with a kiss.

Listening to him at first was heart melting but when he began talking about his financial status, it made her a bit angry. She doesn’t believe the guy has to be rich for the relationship to work out. She doesn’t care about that. All she cared about was his love being true.

She broke the kiss shorty and smiled at him.

“I love you too Sebastian and I don’t care if your rich or popular.” She said with a broad smile.

Sebastian was about kissing her again when they heard they bell and widened their eyes.

“Wait what! How long have we been here?” Swayer asked with widened eyes as she freed herself from Sebastian’s hold and came out of the pool.
Sebastian followed as well and they rushed out of the building all drenched.

“Gosh, school is over for the day!” Swayer screamed as they watched students return to their hostels. They had missed all their classes which means detention!

Anna finally came out and gasped upon seeing Swayer all drenched. She was more confused when she saw Sebastian too.

“Where have you two been? You missed biology practical and English test..”

“English test!!” Swayer and Sebastian yelled at the same time but Anna burst into laughter instead of answering them.

“Don’t tell me you both planned to skip class today? You know what it means right?” Anna asked raising a brow.

“Was there no English test?” Swayer asked as that was her main worry. Her mom would never let her rest if she should miss a test.

“No, I was just messing with you.” Anna smiled.

Chrystal and the rest came out too and had the same expression as Anna when she first saw them.

“What’s going on here?” Ivory asked with a slight frown.

“I guess you two are good now?” Chrystal said and they both bounced their head.

“Finally, I was beginning to think I’ll have to knock sense into your heads.” Fiona scoffed and everyone laughed, except Maeve and Ivory.

“Wait but you know about the bet right? And you’re okay with it?” Maeve asked facing Sebastian.

Sebastian glanced at Swayer before facing Maeve with a smile.

“Actually, the bet is over.” He said still carrying his smile.

“Huh?” Ivory blinked severally.

“Yes, it is. Swayer won.” He said and faced Swayer cupping her face.

“I love you Swayer D’vile.” He said before kissing her Infront of everyone.

Chrystal’s mouth went wide and Ivory couldn’t believe her eyes. Maeve just walked away while Fiona and Anna kept awing at them.

“Baby?” Fabiola’s shocked voice made Sebastian break the kiss and they both faced her.

“What is this?” She asked glaring at Swayer.


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