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HomeOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A BetOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 62

OBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 62

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✍️ Authoress Cathy ✍️


? CHAPTER 62&63?



The audience were slowly occupying the seats as more people came in every minute.

The stage though was still empty since the host would have to call in the contestants.

The two schools were lined up at the back stage, waiting for the event to start. They had only thirty minutes to get themselves ready.

“How many people do you think are going to be watching us?” Fiona asked nervously. She’s always nervous before the beginning of every event even if it’s her own birthday party.

“Even if you count the audience as a thousand, it’s still on live TV and others from different countries would be watching.” Anna replied, squeezing her hand a bit.

“That Swayer girl looks like she’s about to have a heart attack.” Lucy whispered to Charlotte and she immediately laughed out loud.

Everyone turned to them wondering what’s so funny.
Sebastian faced Swayer and concluded they were laughing because of her. She looked like she had seen a ghost and was processing it.

“Hey, you okay?” He asked but it seems she didn’t hear a word.

“Swayer?” Sebastian called again and she finally snapped out of her thoughts.

“Huh?” She blinked severally, feeling perplexed as to why he was looking at her that way.

“Are you okay? You seem lost.” Sebastian said worriedly.

“I’m fine.” Swayer replied feigning a smile. Truth be told, she is no where close to being fine. Her heart is beating so fast and her mind is in chaos. What would happen if they don’t win? It’ll be bad news enough coupled with telling Sebastian a bet was placed on him. And then it’s back to Columbia. The shame alone would be too much for her

Even if they do win, Sebastian’s joy won’t last long the moment she spills the beans. Why must she be the one to tell him? She isn’t the one who brought up the bet anyways and Ivory is still hellbent on making him hers.

They had decided to put everything aside until after the competition but how can she focus knowing what’s waiting ahead?

“Swayer!” Fiona yelled a bit since she hasn’t been hearing anyone’s call. She finally got herself and looked at them.

“Swayer are you sure you’re alright?” Fabiola asked this time.

“I’m just a bit nervous that’s all.” Swayer smiled.

“A bit? You haven’t been nervous before.” Anna frowned.

“Can we go now? Mr Griffin is calling us.” Chrystal said almost rolling her eyes. She’s been getting disgusting a student of Bridge academy and she wanted nothing more than to get away.

“Yes ma’am.” Ivory chuckled and they left through the backstage exit.

Mr Griffin and miss Diane were all smiles, waiting for them. On seeing them, her smiles brighten.

“You all look so elegant.” She complimented. They were dressed in their outing uniform.

“When exactly does this start?” Natasha asked and everyone faced her. She’s been quiet this days that anytime she talks, everyone is just shocked to hear her voice.

“In about twenty minutes.” Mr Griffin replied and they bounced their heads.

“We called you all here to wish you goodluck. Remember that teamwork earns more points.” Miss Diane advised.

“Also don’t forget what we practiced yesterday. Make us proud students and most of all have fun.” Mr Griffin smiled and they all bounced their head.

The heard the voice of the host and they all went back inside.

“We’ll be watching from the audience.” Mr Griffin said before leaving them.

Sebastian faced Swayer one more time and she looked better than before.

His gaze locked with that of Natalia and he looked away immediately.

Natalia exhaled, feeling bad for the way she had talked to him the other day. She’s just a bit tempered and used that anger on him. She decided to talk to him after the competition.


“Okay ladies and gentlemen, parents and teachers, good day to you all.” The host started speaking and everyone applauded.

“My name is Jimmy Shepherd and I’ll be your host today. I’d like to welcome you all once again to our 11th international quiz competition.” Jimmy said and everyone applauded again.

“Now as you all know, we divided this competition into two stages. The first round and second round with a fifteen minutes break for our students to refresh themselves.” Jimmy said with a smile.

“Now I’d like to introduce our judges first. If you look a little to your left, you’d noticed the four empty seats which shows we have four very special guests today that will be judging our students.” Jimmy announced and everyone applauded.

“First I’d like to call upon Miss Angelina Walters. She’s one of Canada’s most recognized scientist and also the owner of Walters Tech and growth industries.” Jimmy announced and the students at the backstage began mumbling to themselves.

“A scientist? Does this means they are asking questions academically?” Kandle asked with a smile.

“I hope so. I’m terrible when it comes to political issues.” Maeve muttered.

“Give it up ladies and gentlemen for Angelina Walters!” Jimmy announced and a middle aged woman rose from the audience and began making her way to the stage while the audience applauded her.

“Thank you.” Angelina smiled at Jimmy before taking a seat at the first end of the four aligned seats.

“Next we have a botanist from Africa, he came all the way just for this event and it’s with great pleasure and honor that I introduce to you, Mr Joel Ogu.” Jimmy announced and an elderly man, probably in his late Forty’s stood up from the audience and made his way to the stage while the audience applauded as usual.

“Our next guest is one of our own known judge, Mr Noel Quin.” Jimmy announced and the cheering increased since everyone loved Mr Quin.

“We love you Mr Quin!!” A young lady shouted from the audience and everyone cheered even louder.

“And our final judge is actually a medical doctor in San Francisco. Give it up for Miss Gwen Stefani.” He announced and everyone applauded.

When the judges were properly seated and the hall silent, Jimmy proceeded to calling out the students.

“We have two schools which consists of twelve students each and the first is no other than our own pupils from Bridge Academy.” Jimmy announced and the audience applauded as the students from Bridge came into the stage, taking their seats as they did the previous time with Hank Williams.

“And the second is a visiting school from Columbia, Salvatore Academy.” He called out and they all came out, taking their position.

“Now that everyone is seated, I would have loved for us to sing our anthem but we have a guest school with us whom I assume have their own anthem so I’d be skipping that part.” Jimmy said and Salvatore students exhaled.

They don’t mind singing their anthem but with Chrystal, the audience would surely cover their ears.

“Now without waisting further time, I would like to start with the instructions.” Jimmy said and began stating the instructions but no student payed attention.

After all, Hank had told them how it works the other day so they were rather carried away by their own thoughts.

“Is that clear?” Jimmy said and for a moment no students responded which got the audience muttering words that couldn’t be heard.

“Umm, kids?” Jimmy called and they all faced him.

“Did you hear the Instructions?” He asked with a slight frown and they all smiled awkwardly before responding.

“We understand.” They chorused and looked at one another shocked that they had all been victims of being absent minded.

“Alright and now we begin, the timer starts now.”

The judges immediately picked up the pen placed on the table and began observing the students.

“The first question goes like this.. In which physical state is a substance that boils at zero degree centigrade and has a room temperature of twenty five degree centigrade?” Jimmy asked and before he could bring down his hand, he heard the sound of the answer button.

“Solid state.” Natalia answered immediately.

“Very correct and that’s five points for Bridge students.” Jimmy said with a smile and the audience applauded.

Swayer pressed her lips into a thin line, trying to see what the next question would be like. She had wanted to answer the first but wasn’t quick enough to press the red button.

“Next question. “What are the two cohesive forces that may operate between gas molecules?” Jimmy asked and immediately Sebastian pressed his button, beating Natalia to it.

“Van der Waals forces and dipolar forces.” He answered and Swayer smiled to herself.

“Very correct young man. Five points for the Salvatore students.”

“This is all chemistry, we are so gonna win this.” Charlotte smirked waiting for the next question.

“Next question. Can you explain expansion of gas in the terms of the kinetic theory?” Jimmy asked as usual someone pressed the button.

“Expansion of gas according to the kinetic theory simply means a gas can explain and fill the any available space. This is because it is in continuous motion, hence it has neither definite shape nor volume.” Fabiola replied and Sebastian smiled, feeling proud.

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