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HomeOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A BetOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 56

OBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 56

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✍️Authoress Cathy ✍️



Mr Griffin kept shaking his head in disbelief and frustration. These students can’t just do anything right, can they?
Josey was with Fabiola, drying her hair with a towel. She was shaking like a scared little kitten and that only made her so cute.

“It’s fine Ola, you’re safe now.” Josey smiled at her. Fabiola furrowed her brows at her new nickname.

“Ola?” She asked almost in a whisper. It’s obvious she’s cold. Shaun came back to the living room with a mug in his hand, going straight to Fabiola.

“Here.” He said with a sad expression, handing it over to her.

Fabiola took it silently without saying a word. Shaun could tell she’s angry with him.

“Right on time.” Josey smiled at him, returning her gaze back to Fabiola as she sipped from the mug of hot chocolate.

Sebastian kept ruffling his hair now and then, trying to keep his cool. He would steal glances at Fabiola and Swayer not knowing who to be more concerned about. Of course it’s definitely Fabiola he’ll be more worried about, she’s his blood but Swayer also go hurt, again.

Everyone could tell Mr Griffin was really pissed off at them and they felt really bad about it.

Okay let’s back up here. I know everyone is wondering what happened at the beach, well let’s do a review.

“Okay everyone, are you ready?” Mr Griffin asked.

“Yes sir!” They chorused.

“In that case, let’s begin. Good luck everyone.” He said and they all Started their boats.

Fabiola immediately wrapped her arms around Shaun’s waist as he had earlier told her. Speedboat or not, she isn’t taking any chances. Shaun smiled to himself on feeling her fragile and tiny hands around his waist, he wanted to turn around to look at her obviously scared face but he had to keep his focus on where he’s going. Also he had a game to win. He immediately increased the speed of the boat to make it go even faster than it already is.

“Whoa!!! This is amazing!” Anna screamed as she bent to the side, stretching her arm to the water so it would be slapping her palms as Chrystal rode it.
Chrystal smiled sadly. She wished she’s the one enjoying the feel of the water but she had to drive and also, she had a game to win.

“Where are we turning back from?” Fiona asked Swayer as she wasn’t seeing any signs or indication that they should turn back. They’ve already given the shore a long distance and soon they won’t be seeing Mr Griffin anymore.

“I don’t know, maybe we just need to keep going.” Swayer shrugged, keeping her focus ahead. She could see Ethan and Maeve reaching them so she added more speed, giving them some distance.
“That’s more like it.” She smiled on seeing them behind again. She needed to win this game this time to make up for loosing badly the other time.

“Isn’t it time for us to turn back?” Natasha furrowed her brows. She turned back and couldn’t see the shore anymore.

“This is a race, there’s supposed to be an indication for us to turn around.” Kandle replied increasing his speed. They were way others because he was still trying to get the hang of the driving. It’s his first time driving a speedboat and even though it isn’t that hard, he’s still an amateur.

“Hey what’s that up ahead?” Natasha frowned on seeing the tiny head of something that looks like a headlamp inside water. But that’s not even possible, a headlamp would have gone under the water, deep down due to its mass but here this strange object is, waiting for them to approach.

“I have no idea. I think we should turn around now.” Kandle said as he wasn’t understanding this game anymore. Just where in Jupiter’s name were they driving to.

“What about the others?” Natasha furrowed her brows.

“We’ve already gone passed Mr Griffin, he’ll never know we didn’t reach the ending.” Kandle smirked and Natasha smiled. He wanted to slow down and turn around but their boat had already gotten too close to the diffuser and the next thing they knew, it stopped.

“Huh? What’s wrong?” Natasha asked with a slight frown as she watched Kandle turn the key over and over again but the boat still didn’t start. The others were already up ahead now so there was no way calling them back.

“Oh no, I think we took a faulty boat.” Kandle said with a worried expression. He’s a good swimming but at this distance, he’ll eventually get tired before he reaches shore.

“Or maybe it’s this strange object.” Natasha frowned as she stared at the funny looking lamp. She leaned over the edge of the boat, stretching her hand to reach it. Maybe if she gets it out of the way, the boat will start again.

“Hey be careful.” Kandle warned and she turned her head back, still at her position.

“I’m only trying to shift..ahhh!” Natasha screamed as her second hand which was keeping her balance on the boat slipped and she tumbled over, falling into the water even before Kandle to catch her.

“Natasha!” Kandle called out loud, keeping his gaze on the water to see if she’ll resurface but after some seconds with no sign of her, he jumped into the water, only to find her underneath the strange object, holding her breath and trying to push it away from the boat. Why is she so hellbent on getting that thing away? What makes her sure it’s the cause of their situation?
Nevertheless, he decided to give her a hand and they both succeeded in pushing the heavy but surprisingly floating lamp like object away from the boat before swimming up to the surface.

“What the hell is that thing?” Natasha asked as she found her way to the boat. Kandle gave her a boost and she climbed back into the boat, helping Kandle get in as well.

“You’re bleeding.” Kandle frowned on seeing her bleeding forehead.
Natasha furrowed her brows, raising her hand to her head and on contact with the wound, she winced a little. She hadn’t even notice she has a cut until Kandle spoke of it. She must have scratched her skin on that object while falling.

“Oh it’s just a scratch.” Natasha smiled, shrugging the pain off. She moved to the controls, turning the key again and the boat started immediately.

“See, I told you.” She winked at Kandle, giving space for him to drive the boat.

“Should we inform the others or go back to shore?” Kandle asked, facing her.

“Go back to shore of course. We need to let Mr Griffin know that there are things ki||ing the boats powers. If we go after the others and come across it again, I’m afraid the boat might not start again.” She explained and Kandle nodded, turning the boat around immediately.


Chrystal had a grin on her face as an idea popped up in her head. She’s been trying to pass Sebastian and Ivory’s boat but each time they would block her.

Anna was still in her position, enjoying the feel of the water on her hands. Yes hands, she had put her two hands into the water.

“Hold on Anna.” Chrystal said increasing her speed to hit the boat infront but suddenly Sebastian and Ivory’s boat stopped and it happened so fast that Chrystal didn’t have the time to slow down. The two boats came clashing, sending Anna into the sea.

“What happened?” Ivory asked Sebastian. Sebastian turned around and saw the chaos caused by Chrystal’s boat so he assumed she’s responsible for it.

“Chrystal what the hell!” He yelled.

“Why are you yelling at me? You’re the one who stopped your boat so suddenly.” Chrystal frowned. She wasn’t even aware of Anna’s situation.

“Chrystal! Help! Get me out!” Anna screamed as she struggled to stay on the surface. The wave of the water was making it difficult for her to remain at a place. It had started moving her sway from the boat.

“Oh my goodness, Anna!” Chrystal screamed, trying to start the boat but it wasn’t working. Probably because it had crashed into Sebastian’s boat, she thought… but you and I know the real reason.

“Chrystal do something!” Ivory yelled as their boat wasn’t starting as well.

“It won’t start! Why the hell did you stop the boat Sebastian!” Chrystal yelled.

“I didn’t, I was thinking it stopped because you hit us.” Sebastian replied still turning the key to see if it’ll eventually start.

“I hit you because you stopped so suddenly!” Chrystal yelled again.

“Guys stop yelling and help me already!!!” Anna screamed. She was moving further away from the boat even with her efforts to swim back. The tides were increasing and the pushing her against her will.

“I’m coming in!” Chrystal called out, jumping into the water. She kept swimming towards Anna but Anna kept moving further away.

“This is terrible. I’m going in.” Ivory said and made to jump but Sebastian grabbed her hand.

“Are you crazy? Have you forgotten you can’t swim.” He frowned.

“Of course I can swim, I need to help Anna.” Ivory replied yanking her hand off.

“What about your cramps. This isn’t a swimming pool Ivory.” Sebastian said and that seems to have stopped Ivory. He was right, if she jumped into the sea and her cramps starts, she might just drown before anyone could get to her since the water is pulling Anna away from the boat, making it hard for Chrystal to get to her.

“What do we do now?”



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