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HomeOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A BetOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 53

OBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 53

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✍️ Authoress Cathy ✍️



Fabiola bit her buttom lip, expecting Sebastian’s scolding. Seb finally stopped glaring at Shaun, shaking his head a little. He shouldn’t be surprised, well maybe a little bit. Two days ago Fabiola looked so miserable and now she’s practically letting her face get chewed by the same person… literally. He’s glad she’s happy but he doesn’t want them to take it too far.

“Can I have a word with my sister please?” Sebastian asked even though he wasn’t really seeking Shaun’s approval. He just wanted to sound polite. Shaun immediately bounced his head, facing Fabiola and giving her a peck on the cheek. Fabiola understood as she would do the same if she were to be in his shoes.

The moment Shaun left the room, Sebastian’s cold face turned into his usual calm, sweet, friendly and inviting face.

“I’m sorry about that.” Fabiola pouted her lips. She still needed to clear the air.

“I just want you to take things slow. Don’t do anything you don’t want to do.” Sebastian said with a serious face before smiling sweetly, spreading his arms. Fabiola immediately buried her small frame into his embrace, smiling cutely. She loved how he was always there to support her in her every decision and even if it doesn’t go well, he will still be there to console her.

“Thank you.” she said breaking the hug.

“How are you? I never got the chance to check up on you after the game. How on earth did you end up in a mud pool?” Sebastian laughed slightly, composing himself as this is night time.

“I don’t even know myself. One minute we were laughing and happy that we had found all items and the next we were in the mud.” Fabiola giggled.
“How is Swayer? I haven’t had time to check up on her.” She asked feeling bad for not doing so.

“She is fine I guess… just being Swayer.” Sebastian shook his head. She wasn’t showing any signs of being hurt so she had to be fine.

“Fiona told me everything…how you became the hero and saved her.” Fabiola giggled. She was trying to tease him.
“You must really care about her not to let Mr Griffin administer CPR to her.” She laughed out.

“What are you talking about?” Sebastian poked her head. it was painful but Fabiola wasn’t done teasing.

“Don’t think inflicting pain on me will change the fact that your cheeks are cherry red right now.” She laughed out loud, covering her mouth to stop herself as this is night.

Sebastian groaned and made to leave but she blocked him.

“Where are you running to? I’m not done talking yet.” Fabiola frowned.

“Look, I did what every good friend would do, it’s nothing personal.” Seb rolled his eyes.

“Oh please Sebastian.” Fabiola scoffed. She was serious now and the fact that she had called him Sebastian instead of baby, told him that.
“Just admit that you wanted your lips to be the only one to touch hers. Mr Griffin could have also saved her but you didn’t want his lips to touch hers. I’m not dumb! You like Swayer.. just admit it.” Fabiola frowned.
She hasn’t seen her brother with any girl since he broke up with his ex girlfriend. Not that she wants to share him with anyone but if that person is Swayer, she’s a hundred percent okay with it.

Sebastian frowned a bit, shaking his head. This sister of his was just too smart for her age. She was right about everything except the ending. He wasn’t sure of his feelings for Swayer. He felt that way too with Ivory when she helped him that rainy night and they became good friends but he never got the urge to want to kiss her.

“What are you waiting for? Admit that I’m right and you like Swayer.” Fabiola folded her arms across her chest.

“It’s not like that. Swayer is a good friend, just like Ivory and the rest-”

“But you obviously like Swayer more, right?” Fabiola cut him off.

“I’m not sure. The game must be what’s confusing me… you know the kiss. I don’t want to rush into conclusions about anything yet.” Sebastian sighed. He really couldn’t decipher what he felt and he’s not the type to rush into conclusions without being at least 98 percent accurate.

Swayer is a sweet soul, that part is crystal clear but wether or not he likes her in the romantic way…that part is still a bit foggy to him.

“Get out of my room and don’t come back until you have an answer for me.” Fabiola frowned, opening the door wide for him to leave. She couldn’t understand why he was holding back. It’s obvious he likes Swayer and no one needs to tell her for her to know that Swayer likes him as well.

It’s probably because Gwen had hurt him pretty bad and he didn’t want that to happen again. Who would blame him? Heartbreak isn’t something anyone would want to experience and she would know that more than anyone else since two days ago she felt like a living zombie.

“Hey that’s not fair.” Sebastian pouted his lips and she couldn’t help but laugh out loud. He just looked so cute doing that.

“All I’m saying is you need to figure yourself out. Not everyone is Gwen you know.” She said that last part giving him a knowing look and he immediately got the message.

“Fine, I was about leaving anyways.” Sebastian sighed, walking out of the room.

“Goodnight Baby.” Fabiola smiled sweetly. Sebastian turned back and winked at her before walking away. She closed the door immediately, running to her bed and falling on it excitedly.

She really wished Sebastian hadn’t interrupted her moment with Shaun but maybe it’s better he did. They wouldn’t have stopped anytime soon.

★ ★ ★


Everyone got out of their rooms with a frown as usual due to that annoying bell or wh@ťěver it is that Mr Griffin uses to wake them up. Kyle still remained in his room though since he was still under quarantine.

“Good morning everyone.” Miss Diane smiled. She’s a cheerful person by nature and that’s why she was chosen to assist Mr Griffin as the kids would need someone like her around to cheer the mood. Yesterday was indeed a moody day for everyone and they needed something to cheer themselves before the competition next week. They only had five days left for prep.

“Please don’t tell me we are playing another stupid game today.” Natasha begged. Her skin was red but the itching had stopped.

“No, we are following our schedule. As agreed we are going to see the quiz center for you to get acquainted with it.” Mr Griffin answered with an expressionless face. He was praying deep down that nothing goes wrong today. They haven’t even been here up to a week and things were getting out of control.

“That sound more safe.” Kandle exhaled and everyone laughed shortly.

“Okay go freshen up and meet us back here in thirty minutes.” Miss Diane smiled and they all climbed back up to their rooms.

Thirty minutes later, they were back in the bus that had brought them here.
Mr Griffin had taken the bus man’s details to make their transportation easier. The drive to the venue wasn’t as fun as the drive to the airport with Chrystal’s terrible singing.
Everyone was lost in their own world of thoughts, thinking of god knows what.

They arrived at the venue an hour later and all jaws dropped and the large octagonal building…the first octagonal building they’ve ever seen.

It wasn’t built with normal bricks, that is a hundred percent accurate.

“Welcome to sky crop event center.” Miss Diane smiled as she noticed the looks on their faces.

“This building is so beautiful, I can even see my reflection from the glass windows. How many windows are there anyways?” Fabiola asked smiling sweetly.

“I don’t think those are windows babe…they are the walls of the building, covered with the glass.” Shaun smirked and Fabiola widened her eyes. Natasha furrowed her brows at the name Shaun had used to address Fabiola. She had noticed their closeness during the game but shrugged it off since they were teammates. Now it’s a little disturbing.

“It’s so beautiful.” She muttered, admiring the large building. The compound was a very large one with several flowers and ordinary bushes planted around to beautiful it. The flowers went round the main building, with a space only at the entrance to allow people freely come in and out of the building. As for the little bushes, they were used to adorn the rest of the walls that acted as fence for the compound.

“What are we waiting for? Let’s go in already!” Fiona screamed, running towards the entrance and the rest followed her, except the boys of course who took their time to walk to the entrance.
Just as expected, the insides were as big and beautiful as the outsides. The walls were also glass like and you could see your reflection but couldn’t see the outside from it.

“This is so cool.” Ivory smiled at Swayer as they walked towards the main door which Fiona rushed to open. That’s when they saw the large hall, big enough to house hundreds of thousands of people. It had seats arranged in pattern like the bleachers at football fields, that way no matter your position, you’ll get to see the stage with was at the far end of the hall. They noticed other students as well, taking a look at the place from the other end. Probably the Bridge students.

“Looks like our rivals are here.” A girl on red crop top and blue jeans said to her teammates and they all looked up to see Salvatore students at the entrance door.

“I’m sensing an upcoming trouble.” Swayer muttered as the Bridge students approached them, looking so proud.

Bridge academy is another school for the rich. They’ve been trying to outshine Salvatore in a lot of things but that never happened. Salvatore will always remain number one as far as Mrs Marshall is concerned.

“Well look who we have here, it’s the Salvatore kids.” The girl spoke up with a smirk.

That’s Charlotte Eves, daughter of billionaire Romero Eves, owner of the best winery in Canada. She’s just a spoilt brat.

“It’s nice to meet you all.” Another girl said and Charlotte glared at her. Sebastian smiled at the girl as she seems to be the only nice person amongst them. The rest were glaring at them like they wanted to set them on fire and watch them burn.

“It seems we don’t have much to worry about. They don’t look intimidating to me at all.” Another girl said beside Charlotte. She had the same arrogant smirk as Charlotte.

That’s Lucy Demeldo, also a Billionaire’s daughter. She’s Charlotte’s best friend. The two of them fit so well as they are both arrogant, selfish and proud Ɓîtçhes.

“I would agree. You guys look like you were forced to come for this competition.” Fiona scoffed though no one looked moved. Fiona isn’t so good with insults…she should probably leave that part to Chrystal and Natasha, maybe even Ivory.

All these while Swayer had her eyes on one girl, the same girl who had welcomed them politely. The girl had her gaze fixated on someone and Swayer didn’t like whom she was staring at….. Sebastian!.



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