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HomeOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A BetOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet - Episode 5

OBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 5

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“Hey Sebastian, wait up.” Natasha called as she spotted him coming out of the library. She’s been waiting for him to come out since she saw him going in with Swayer.

Sebastian smiled the moment he saw her.


“I’m guessing you were working on your assignment?” Natasha said, holding his hand and leading him away.

“Yes, aren’t you supposed to be doing the same with Shaun?”

“We have two days before submission, a little break won’t hurt. You hungry?” She asked and almost immediately his tommy made a loud grumble.

“I’ll take that as a yes then.” Natasha chucked.

“Are we going to the cafeteria?”

“By this time? No we are going to eat out. There’s a fast food joint very close to the school.” she replied and he stopped walking.

“Are we allowed to leave the school?” He asked.

“Oh come on Seb, it’s a school not a prison yard.” Natasha smiled pulling him along.

“Seb?” Sebastian raised a brow. Only his mom calls him Seb.

“I think it’s cool to call you Seb rather than Sebastian all the time.” Natasha winked at him.

They walked out the school from the back gate as the front gates were often locked by this time of the night. They got to a nearby fast food joint MacDonalds as she said and she dragged him in.

“Don’t worry, it’s my treat so just order anything you want.” She smiled and he nodded.

At the back seat, Anna and Chrystal were having a burger and omelet when Anna spotted them coming in. She nudged Chrystal to take a look and Chrystal frowned upon seeing them.

“What now?” Chrystal rolled her eyes.

“Oh come on now Chrystal you need to apologize, remember?” Anna said getting up from her seat.

“And where are you going?” Chrystal frowned.

“Not me, we. Come on!” Anna said excitedly pulling Chrystal off her seat. Chrystal grabbed her juice before Anna could pull her away. She dragged her to the table where Sebastian and Natasha sat.

Natasha glared at them the moment she saw them especially Chrystal.

“Hi.” Anna said smiling at them.

“What do you want?” Natasha asked still glaring at them.

“This is pointless.” Chrystal muttered and made to leave but Anna got hold of her hand.

“We just wanted to say sorry, right Chrystal?” Anna said smiling at Sebastian. She faced Chrystal with a hard glare when Chrystal refused to say anything.

“Sorry for embarrassing you at the Cafeteria. I had no idea you were a new student.” Chrystal said, trying to sound nice.

“So you’re saying this is how you treat old students then?” Sebastian frowned.

”You see, I told you this is pointless!” Chrystal snapped, removing Anna’s hold of her hand and walking out of the joint.

Anna exhaled, shaking her head. Chrystal isn’t one to be humble.

“Why don’t you just leave with that friend of yours.” Natasha said glaring at her.

“You know if you keep giving everyone that look you won’t have any friends left.” Anna scoffed facing Sebastian.

“Welcome to Salvatore freshman. My advice? Keep good company.” she added before walking out as well.

Natasha rolled her eyes before sipping from her milkshake.

“You should really avoid these girls if you want to have a peaceful semester. They think they own this place because they’re parents are f_cking popular.” she scoffed.

“Tell me about them.” Sebastian said. He observed that they all have different characters.
“That Swayer girl seems nice.” he added.

“Don’t be fooled by her display. She’s just like the rest of them. Her mother owns this school so I guess she sees herself as some think of princess.” Natasha said mulching on her hotdog.

“So what about you? I heard this school is for rich people so you’re parents must be of high status.” Sebastian smiled.

“My mum owns LADYBUG.” She said bluntly.

“Shut up! That’s like the most popular shopping mall in southwestern Colombia!” Sebastian said almost choking on the french fries he had in his mouth.

Swayer got a call from Anna to come to MacDonalds immediately. She rushed out thinking it’s some urgent emergency. On entering, she spotted Sebastian and Natasha at the side table but no sign of Anna or Chrystal.

She walked over to Sebastian from behind, tapping him on the shoulder.

“Sorry but have you seen my friends?” She asked smiling slightly.

“Why won’t you just leave us be!” Natasha yelled. She’s h@ťěd the FAMICS since middle school because they have everything she’s always wanted. Fame, beauty, closeness. She use to be friends with Swayer in middle school until Swayer started hanging out with the others and she became lonely.

“Are you stalking me right now?” Sebastian asked with a slight frown.

“Why would I…”

“Oh please cut the act! You think because your mother owns our school then everyone is supposed to like you?” Natasha cut her off.

“Okay I don’t know what the hell is going on with you two but I’m only here because my friends called me here.” Swayer said trying to keep her cool.

”Let’s go.” Natasha said to Sebastian, standing up. Sebastian looked perplexed at her sudden action.

“Why are you being such a Ɓîtçh right now? What happened to you?” Swayer frowned at Natasha. She couldn’t understand why Natasha is suddenly acting this way especially because they use to be close friends.

“You want to know how a Ɓîtçh behaves?” Natasha said picking up her milkshake cup. “Let me show you.” She said and immediately poured the milkshake on Swayers hair.

“Natasha what the hell!” Sebastian yelled standing from his seat.

Swayer didn’t know if she should shout, slap her or just walk out. She stayed still, watching the milkshake slide from her head to her blouse, messing it up.

“How does it feel to be humiliated huh?!.” Natasha yelled. She had tears sliding down her cheeks which got Swayer confused.

She’s the one that poured milkshake on her and yet she’s the one crying?

“If you think she’s so proud and full of herself, aren’t you suppose to try not to act like her? Aren’t you suppose to try to be better than her? And yet you’re being the Ɓîtçh you claimed she is.” Sebastian said frowning at Natasha.

He grabbed Swayers hand, surprising both Natasha and Swayer, taking her out of the building. Thankfully the place was almost empty so the embarrassment wasn’t much.

Natasha threw the cup on the floor, dropped money on the table and stormed out of the place. She couldn’t sight Sebastian and Swayer anymore so she just headed back to the school.

★ ★ ★


Ivory held her phone, scrolling through posts on the Slap. She was waiting for Anna and Chrystal to arrive so she decided to check for new posts to pass out time.

“Thats a good one.” she laughed as she read a twit. It’s says;

so I was bored today and I decided to pull a stunt on my neighbor. I sent him a gift basket containing a bunch of flowers, chocolates and a note card saying “I miss you. Love Diana.” His girlfriend was the one to receive the gift basket and up till now they are still arguing.

Ivory kept scrolling until a particular twit caught her by the throat. She sprang up from the couch, blinking severally to check if she’s seeing clearly.



Ivory stared at the twit for a minute before she actually believed it’s real. It already had a thousand likes and seven hundred replies with a thousand shares.

Anna and Chrystal got into the apartment and seeing Ivory in that state, they didn’t need to guess why. They already saw the twit and that’s why they called Ivory here. They knew Maeve would go mad if she saw that and they wanted to take it down before that happens.

“That b*stard!! How dare he disrespect Maeve this way!” Ivory yelled throwing her phone at the wall. It shattered.

“I’m guessing you’ve seen the twit. I’m gonna f_cking ki|| that dude the next time I see him.” Anna said grabbing a handful of her hair.

“Where is Swayer. I thought you told her to meet us?” Chrystal asked Anna.

“That was before we left MacDonalds. She must have gone there instead.” Anna said falling heavily on the couch.

“What do we do about this? it’s already gone viral.” Ivory said looking very worried.

“I know a hacker who can erase it in just an hour but…” Chrystal trailed off.

“But what? we don’t have time for..” Ivory trailed off when Anna’s phone began buzzing.

“It’s Maeve!” Anna said showing them the phone.

“Oh no, she’s seen the post. Answer it!” Ivory said grabbing the phone from Anna.
“Maeve, calm down okay, I know this seems bad..”

“Yes it’s really bad! Can you imagine my mom brought home my cousins from south Africa and now they are going to be attending Salvatore too! I’m just so mad right now.” Maeve cut her off.

Ivory exhaled as she was sure Maeve haven’t seen the post yet.

“That is messed up. What are you going to do?” Ivory asked giving Anna and Chrystal sign to do wh@ťěver they are going to do fast before she sees the post.
They both left the building immediately.

“Here.” Sebastian said handing her one of his shirt. He had taken her back to the school and into the Block 4 hostel. Shaun isn’t around so it’s just them.

Swayer took the shirt, still shocked that he’s helping her.

“Thank you.” she said.

“You can use the bathroom, Shaun isn’t around right now so you have to be quick.” Sebastian said.

“Thank you…” she started. “First you didn’t want anything to do with me and now you’re helping me?” she asked raising a brow.

“I’m not heartless if that’s what you’re thinking and I want nothing to do with the FAMICS but…” he trailed off.

“Let me guess, Natasha told you that avoiding us would keep you out of trouble.” Swayer sighed. She couldn’t understand what happened with Natasha. They were good friends until all of a sudden, Natasha started giving her attitude and then distancing herself from them.

“I just don’t want anything that would ruin my scholarship.” Sebastian said exhaling.

“I really want us to be friends and if you give us a chance, you’ll see we aren’t so bad.” Swayer smiled.

“You do seem different from the rest.” He said looking at her messed up hair and blouse.
“You should go clean up now.” he added before leaving the room.

Swayer smiled before entering the bathroom. She looked at her reflection and gasped upon seeing the mess on her hair.

“ it’s a good thing it’s evening.” she muttered and began Washing her hair.

She came out few minutes later, holding the messed up shirt. Her hair is still wet though. She heard her phone vibrating from her bag and brought it out.

It’s a call from Anna.

“Swayer where are you! I’ve been calling and texting. Why didn’t you pick up!” Anna scolded over the phone.

“I’m kinda in a messy situation now Anna. What’s up?”

“Check your message. I sent you a photo and meet us at the paper lantern in an hour.” Anna said.

“But it’s already late..” Swayer trailed off as Anna ended the call. She checks her message box and widened her eyes upon seeing the screenshot of the twit.

“Are you okay?” Sebastian asked upon seeing the look on her face. He is holding a bag.

Swayer looked up at him and then the bag. She put her phone in her bag and smiled.

“What’s in the bag?” She asked curiously.

“Umm here. You need it.” He said handing the bag to her.

Swayer smiled taking the bag. She opened it and saw a black ladies jean trouser. She furrowed her brows wondering why he would get her new trousers. She brought out the trouser showing it to him.


“There’s something else.” He said looking at the bag again.
She looked down and widened her eyes.

“A…a… tampon?” She asked frowning at him.

“You’ve got your p*riod.”


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