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HomeOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A BetOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 44

OBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 44

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✍️ Authoress Cathy ✍️



They finally broke the hug, smiling at each other.

“Finally. I’ve missed that smile of yours.” Sebastian teased and Sawyer smiled even more.

They heard footsteps coming from up, like someone or more than one person is rushing down. They waited patiently until five happy females reached them, smiling sheepishly.

“Omg Swayer!!!” Fiona screamed.
“You won’t believe what I saw!”

“There’s a beach not too far from here. You can see it from Fiona’s window.” Maeve smiled.

Sebastian and Swayer exchanged glances before smiling at them.
Chrystal frowned immediately.

“Don’t tell me you already knew and you didn’t tell us.” Chrystal said with a frown.

“I just found out now.” Swayer shrugged.

“Let’s go!!!” Ivory screamed running towards the back of the stairs which led to the back door and the rest followed, except one of course.


Sebastian glanced up, locking gaze with her.

“Are you okay?” He asked smiling slightly.
Natasha alternated gazes between him and Swayer before settling her gaze on him.

“Do I not look okay?” She asked instead.

“You are practically glaring at us.” Swayer muttered but they both heard her. Natasha blinked immediately, feigning a smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

“Have fun.” She said dryly, following behind the rest.

Swayer took in her button lips, preventing herself from laughing. She doesn’t know why Natasha is still bitter towards her but she’s certain of one thing, as long as Sebastian is involved, there won’t be anything like peace between them.

“A penny for you thoughts.” Sebastian said as he noticed her expression.

Swayer faced him, shaking her head.

“It’s nothing.” She said and he nodded. His gaze fell on her luggage.

“Here, let me help you.” He said, taking the box and bag from her.

“Please do.” Swayer exhaled and Sebastian paused, staring at her.

“A while ago you were hellbent on carrying it yourself.” He said frowning a bit.

“A while ago we weren’t speaking to each other.” Swayer rolled her eyes, smiling afterwards.

“And now we are good, superwoman’s suddenly gone weak.” Sebastian chuckled, lifting the box as he climbed the stairs. Swayer just followed behind, shaking her head. She would have carried it though but why stress herself when she has someone to help?

“Wait….what about yours?” She asked after they had gotten to the first floor.

“I’ll go back and take it later.” He replied, looking at the next flight of stairs.

“Let me help you. I saw you holding a small bag aside your box, I’ll help you carry it.” Swayer said running down the stairs before Sebastian could even protest.
He just shook his head, smiling.
He had to wait for her to get back since he didn’t know which is her room.

She got back seconds later with the navy blue bag hung on her shoulder.

“What’s in this bag?” She asked out of curiosity. it didn’t feel like clothes and due to the way it’s packed, it’s hard to tell what exactly is inside.

“Oh that, my novels. Just to while away time.” Sebastian replied, looking at her box.
“Which way?” He asked and she raised her head towards the flight of stairs. He got the message that they’ll have to go further up so he quietly carried it again, climbing further up.
Swayer followed behind.

When they got to the second floor, Swayer opened the first door by the right for him and he got into the room, placing the bag on a chair resting close to the window and the box beside it.

He looked around the room and nodded.

“So Swayer like.” He said facing her.

“So where do I put this?” She asked raising his bag a little. Sebastian walked out of the room, stopping infront of the door just opposite hers.
Swayer followed behind, watching him open the door for her to get in.

“I’m guessing no one has taken this room. I’ll be here.” He smiled at her. She dropped the bag on the chair next to the window like he did hers. The rooms were almost the same with only minor changes like the position of the bed and bathroom door. The bedspread and duvet were also different but every other thing is the same.
Swayer’s bed had a purple spread and duvet while Sebastian’s had a blue spread and duvet.

“Let’s go then.” She said and they both headed back downstairs, going to the backyard to join the rest.



Anna exhaled before turning the knob. The door creaked open revealing a sleeping Gracie on her hospital bed. She had a nasal cannula on and Anna furrowed her brows upon seeing her. Luckily there was a nurse in the room and she was about leaving when Anna came in.

“Excuse me, why does she have that on? I thought it’s just cancer?” Anna asked, frowning a bit.

“Oh, we recently uncovered that she has a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). We wanted to use venturi or an air-entrainment mask as it is a high flow device that delivers a fixed oxygen concentration of 24% to 50%. This device is appropriate for patients who have a hypoxic drive to breathe but also need supplemental oxygen but the patient insisted on nasal cannula instead.” The nurse explained.

“Oh, okay thank you.” Anna smiled slightly and the nurse excused herself. Anna sat on the chair beside the bed, studying Gracie’s features. She had lost most of her hair but not all had fallen off yet. Her skin is slightly pale and she had dark circles under her eyes. Anna sighed, resting her back on the chair and shutting her eyes. She wondered how they girls were doing in Canada.

Gracie stirred in her sleep, slowly opening her eyes. She faced Anna with a slight smile, moving her hand a little to touch Anna’s knee. Anna opened her eyes immediately, facing Gracie.

“Hey, you’re awake.” She smiled at Gracie.

“You came. Thank you.” Gracie said sadly.

“Course.” Anna said, taking her hand.
“How do you feel?” She asked.

“Like my body is slowly deteriorating.” Gracie chuckled. She’s been preparing for this moment since she got the news but now it’s here, she feels scared. She wish the doctor will just come in telling her she’s okay and there isn’t any trace of cancer in her system anymore.

“I’m really sorry.” Anna said sadly.

“Why? You’re not the one who gave me cancer.” Gracie said smiling at her. “Your being here is more than enough for me.” She added, squeezing Anna’s hand slightly.


CANADA 20:15

Fabiola sat at the veranda, staring into space. Everyone is inside doing one thing or the other. Mr Griffin said they would rest for two days and then begin prepping them for the quiz. They would also pay the venue a visit on the day, to get familiar with it.

She just wanted to clear her head. This negative energy would affect her performance so she’s trying so hard to get herself together.

Inside the house…

“Okay okay I’ve got it!” Chrystal said excitedly. Everyone in the living room faced her, waiting for what she’ll say. Mr Griffin and miss Diane had retired to their rooms as they were already exhausted so it’s just the students.

Fiona came into the living room, carrying a tray of twelve glass of pineapple juice.

She dropped the tray on the center table, picking up two glasses and going to sit beside Swayer. She handed Swayer one and Sawyer blew her a kiss.

Everyone else stood up, walking to the table to get theirs.

“What was it you wanted to say?” Ethan asked facing Chrystal.

“Let’s play spin the bottle.” Chrystal replied smiling.

“What are the conditions?” Maeve frowned. Knowing Chrystal, she would say something naughty or stupid.

“Whichever two people the ends of the bottle points at, the person at the buttom end gets to ask the other a question and if he or she can’t answer it, they’ll have to do a silly dare.” She rushed her words.

Everyone nodded in approval and Kyle rushed to get a bottle of the soda he drank not long ago in the trashcan.

“Where is Fabiola?” Swayer asked looking around the living room.

“I’ll go get her.” Kandle said before Shaun could say anything. He stood up immediately, heading outside. He had seen her going out about ten minutes ago.

He saw her sitting on the staircase, cradled up. He sighed, walking closer to her. She’s been moody since they got here.

“Hey.” He called sitting beside her. Fabiola looked up at him before returning her focus to no where.

“We want to play a game. You coming?” Kandle asked but Fabiola shook her head.

“You okay? You seem…down.” He said, scrutinizing her face. She looked really pale even with all the flesh on her face.

“I’m fine.” She muttered.

“No you’re not. What’s the problem? We are all friends here you know.” Kandle smiled.

“If I agree to play this game, would you stop asking me questions?” Fabiola asked. She faced him when he didn’t reply. He had a worried expression on but the moment she faced him, he put on a smile.

“Fine, I’ll let you be for now.” He said standing up. He stretched his hand at her but she just stood up, ignoring it. She began walking towards the door and he followed her.
When they got in, Kyle was back with the bottle and everyone had positioned themselves, giving space for the remaining two. Kandle sat next to Shaun and Fabiola sat opposite them.

“Alright, let the game begin.” Chrystal smirked.


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