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HomeOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A BetOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 36

OBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 36

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Kings sat on the bed, patiently waiting for the nurse to remove his bandage as usual. He didn’t expect a positive result since the last three change didn’t give him any.
Rose had assured him of his business stability for now but sooner or later, he’ll have to come back onboard.

“Okay Mr D’vile, I want you to roll your eyeballs while keeping your eyes closed.” The nurse instructed and he did just that.

“Okay now open them slowly.” She said again and he did just that.

At first everything was dark and he sighed, not surprised at the result but then he slowly started seeing debris of light -if I’m permitted to use that English – and soon in became a full view though not a clear one.

“I..I can see?” He said that more like a question as he wasn’t sure yet.
The nurse raised her five fingers to him, smiling slightly.

“How many fingers I’m I holding up Mr D’vile?” She asked.
Kings tried to keep his focus on her fingers but he’s vision was just too blurry.

“It’s blurry. I can’t tell but I can see your fingers.” He said sadly.

“That’s progress Mr D’vile. I’ll get the doctor.” She smiled leaving his room.
Kings sighed, laying back on the bed. He needs his eyes to run his restaurant. He can’t let Rose do everything again or she might just leave him this time.

Before Logan was born, they would always argue over the fact that rose was providing more. She owns Salvatore so she got a lot of money from it plus her family is wealthy all round.
Rose’s parents were actually against her marriage to kings since he wasn’t a man of high status. Back then Kingston was merely an average restaurant in New York. They only agreed to their marriage on terms that Rose doesn’t change her last name.

Rose and Kings were madly in love back then so they accepted the terms without complaints.

Rose helped Kings expand his restaurant after their marriage and after three years, it became highly recognized. They eventually moved to Colombia where he opened a smaller restaurant..that is smaller than the original one but still spacious. He often travels to New York to inspect the restaurant. His last travel though took longer than expected for him to come back and when he did, he was shocked when Rose showed him little Logan.
She had hidden it from him, planning to surprise him on his return but she didn’t expect for him to stay a year in New York.

Kings kept leaving and coming back and after Swayer’s birth, Rose eventually got fed up. It was like she’s raising the kids all by herself. She asked kings to move permanently to Colombia and hand over the New York restaurant to someone he trust but Kings refused. He tried convincing her on reasons for his travel.

Rose eventually died the matter not until rumors of his affair with one of his workers got loose. Swayer was only seven years old then. And then the problem of Logan using drugs.

Kings blamed it on Rose for not taking care of their children well and Rose lost it. She brought up his affair case and decided to do some digging which she later discovered were true. She was devastated by the turn of events and decided to move out.
She bought a mansion not too far from Salvatore and not too far from Swayer’s middle school, leaving the former house for Kings. That’s why they’ve been living separately but they never got divorced for Swayers sake.
Kings stopped his affair after that as he realized his mistake. He could never turn things around but he tried his best to be better. Swayer loved her dad and Rose couldn’t deny she’s still in love with him but even with that actualization, she never moved back to living with him. she would let Swayer visit whenever and sleep over at his place but she never visited him unless he visited her which he rarely did.

All these and yet now that he’s in a critical situation, she’s still acting like a darling wife. She’s still taking care of him. He’s a fool to have hurt her in the past and he’s sure if Sawyer knew about this, she would cut off from him.
Rose had kept this a secret since she knows how much Swayer loves her father. She didn’t want her marriage and family to fall apart if not her parents would blame it on her for not listening to them at the beginning.

Kings tugged at his hair in frustration. He really messed up. He really did.
The doctor came in minutes later with a box.

“Good evening Mr D’vile. Nurse Olivia told me you could see but only blurry images so I thought I’d be fit for us to give you lenses to assist your vision.” The doctor said politely.
Kings rose from the bed and the doctor began examining his eyes.


Ivory sat on the living room couch, waiting for Gina to get home. She picked up her phone, logging into her Slap account.

She began scrolling through recent posts and saw some people posted about the game.
She paused to read them one by one.

* Gosh Fabiola is such a cry baby but a hot and Șëx¥ one though.*

She scoffed and smiled at the same time, remembering how Fabiola cried when the ball hit her hand. Natasha had to finish up what she started by throwing the last one on her stomach which knocked her out.

* I actually thought Ethan would win over Shaun. He’s always boasting to be better than everyone*

“I thought the same too.” Ivory smiled scrolling up.

*I never knew Swayer could be such a softie. She fainted just after one hit.* Ivory frowned, clicking on the post to check replies.

*That’s because Sebastian is so strong*

*Yes he’s really hot especially in that uniform*

*Too bad he’s poor. I would have tried my luck with him*

*Hot or not I can’t be seen with a looser like him*

*I think he’s forcing himself around the FAMICS to look cool*

*He doesn’t even dress well. He’s too retard*

*But Fabiola is really hot. I wish she wasn’t his sister*

Ivory stopped reading immediately. The comments were just making her mad. Who the hell do they think they are to talk about him this way?

So what if he’s poor? He’s smarter than any rich student Salvatore has to offer. She turned off her phone, taking deep breaths to calm herself down.

*He doesn’t even dress well* She remembered one of the comments.

A smile creeped up her face. If he’s dressing is the problem problem, then she’ll do something about it.

She picked up her phone and sent a message to the FAMICS group chat.

*Get ready ladies, we are on for a makeover. Details will be sent as soon as I’m done here.* She clicked send and smiled.

After some seconds, her phone beeped. She picked it up and saw Anna’s reply.

*Who are we making over?*

*Someone very familiar* Ivory sent her reply.

The door came open revealing Gina laughing hard with someone close to her.

Ivory paused, waiting for the person to come into view. The moment the man came into view, she frowned.
She hasn’t met him before so who is he?

Gina paused the moment she saw Ivory.

“Oh sweetie, I didn’t expect you here until tomorrow.” She said smiling sweetly.

“You said it was urgent so I had to come now.” Ivory said getting up from the couch. She walked up to Gina and Gina embraced her.

“It’s nice to see you sweetheart.You’re growing really well.” Gina complemented.

“It’s nice seeing you too aunt Gina. Who is your guest?” Ivory asked politely.

“Oh, my manners.” Gina laughed.
“This is Drake Lavier. Drake, this is my niece Ivory.” Gina introduced.

“Nice meeting you Ivory. Gina has told me so much about you.” Drake smiled extending his hand.

“Really? I’d love to know what she said.” Ivory said taking it.
“So Aunt Gina, is this a bad timing or are you going to tell me why you needed to see me so urgently.” Ivory said facing Gina.

“How about we have dinner first.” Gina smiled leading them to the dinning room. The maids had already set their meal some minutes ago upon hearing their arrival.

“Is there a special occasion or something?” Ivory asked on seeing the massive light dishes set on the long dinning table.

“Oh well, we are celebrating sweetie.” Gina smiled. The maid began dishing the food individually and after she had done that, she bowed at them all before leaving.

“Celebrating?” Ivory furrowed her brows.

“Lets eat up first shall we.” Gina said smiling at Drake.
“Ivory would you do the honors?” Gina smiled at her.

Ivory nodded closing her eyes and both Gina and Drake did the same.

“Bless us oh Lord and this your gifts, which we are about to receive from your bouquet through Christ our Lord. Amen.”

“Amen.” Gina and Drake chorused.

They began eating silently at first until Gina and Drake began talking or more like whispering to each other and making slight chuckles.
Ivory furrowed her brows, not quite sure she understands what’s happening.

“Is there something I should know?” Ivory frowned.

Gina looked at Drake and he nodded. She turned to Ivory and smiled.

“Ivory..Drake here is..he’s my boyfriend.” Gina smiled.

“What!!” Ivory almost choked on her own saliva. She picked up a glass of water to drink when Drake spoke up.

“Actually I was her boyfriend. Now I’m her fiance.” He said and Ivory spat out the water she had sipped a moment ago on the table. Her eyeballs were bulging out of their sockets.

“ can’t be serious!” She blinked severally facing Gina.

“We are.. getting married.” Gina smiled and the glass fell from Ivory’s hand, shattering on the ground.


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