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HomeOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A BetOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 34

OBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 34

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After Chrystal had rushed out of the clinic, Anna had narrated everything to her with the help of Shaun who was present at the principals office and swimming pool.

Swayer was shocked to hear that her mother slapped Sebastian twice before revoking his scholarship. It was definitely an accident even though it looked more like and Intentional one but Sebastian would never hurt her

He was angry that Fabiola got a black eye and everyone pressuring him to throw the f_cking ball and so he did even before realizing so.

She completely understood. It was her own uneasiness that led her here. She was already terrified right from the beginning of the game and when she got paired with Sebastian, it increased with the thought of her actually hurting him with her ball.

She put herself in the clinic bed not him and yet he had to go through all these.

She blinked off the tears that were blinding her as Anna told her everything even how she had prevented him from seeing Swayer.
She felt bad now for yelling at him. Swayer is like a sister to her and she did what every worried sister would do. She didn’t mean to add to his pain.

“Sebastian has already been through a lot. We keep adding to his pain.” Swayer sniffed, cleaning her wet face.

“I think what Fabiola said is true. We need to have a talk with Chrystal.” Maeve said sadly.

“We will but first I wanna see him.” Swayer said looking at Anna.

Anna pointed at the door next to hers and she headed there immediately.

“I think I’ll go check on Chrystal. She looked really hurt.” Fiona said leaving the building.

Anna sat down next to Ivory whose been quiet. She took hold of Ivory’s shaking hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

“He’s gonna be fine.” Anna smiled at her.
Ivory looked up at her feeling Perplexed.

“Huh?” She furrowed her brows.

“Sebastian would be fine.” She said again.

The door opened and Fabiola came out of the room, bumping into Swayer.

Swayer froze on seeing her messed up face.

“Fabiola.” She called not knowing what else to say. Fabiola shifted her gaze to Swayer covered chest.

“Does it still hurt?” She asked or more like whispered. It was as if she had lost her voice.

“I’m fine Faby. Is he alright?” Swayer asked looking at the closed door.

“I..I think so.” Fabiola muttered.

“Can I..see him?” Swayer asked carefully. Seeing Fabiola that angry before, she wasn’t sure if she’s totally calm now.

Fabiola shifted slightly, giving her space to enter. Swayer smiled at her before opening the door.
Fabiola left immediately to get the food. Shaun whose been at the corner followed her immediately.


Swayer got in to see Sebastian lying on the bed with his palms covering his face. She smiled sadly, moving closer to him. He didn’t take his palms off though.

She sighed, sitting beside him on the bed. That was when he removed his hands from his face.

“Swayer!” He sprang up from the bed, blinking severally to be sure he’s seeing well.

“Hi.” Swayer smiled sadly. She noticed the corner of his eyes were wet and couldn’t help but feel bad. Was he crying?
“Are you okay?” She asked since he just kept staring at her without saying anything. He still didn’t respond, instead, he walked around the bed to her corner, stopping infront of her.

Swayer got up, smiling.
“I’m fine Sebastian you don’t need to-” Sebastian pulled her hand forward, making her crash on his broad chest before wrapping his arms around her small frame. He hugged her so tight she was beginning to feel pain on her chest.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.” He kept repeating, not letting go. Swayer could tell he’s crying again because of the way he’s voice shook as he apologized.
She didn’t know when she too starting crying. She ignored the pains she felt from her chest, hugging him back tightly.

“I’m sorry too. I’m sorry my mother had to do that to you.” She said and he broke the hug. His gaze fell on her chest as he remembered where the ball hit her.

“It’ll heal soon. it’s just a bruise.” Swayer smiled sitting on the bed. She did feel tired. Sebastian sat next to her.

“You know I would never hurt you right?” He said facing her. Swayer looked at him and frowned upon seeing his wet face.

She stretched her arm to his face, wiping off his tears with her thumb. Sebastian closed his eyes, letting the last drop fall and she wiped it off too.

“Stop already okay. You’re making me feel worse.” She said after she had cleaned the last drop and he opened his eyes.
“I didn’t know guys could cry like this.” Swayer chuckled.

“We are humans too Swayer, of course we cry.” Sebastian said smiling slightly.

“You really gave Fabiola a scare there Sebastian. Why would you do that?” Swayer frowned.

Sebastian looked away, closing his eyes briefly.

“I don’t know. it was stupid of me.” He sighed.

“About your scholarship, I’m really sorry. My mom can be….well she’s just being a mother.” Swayer sighed.
Sebastian didn’t say anything though so she added.

“I can have her give it back to you. We have a competition next week so there’s no way she’ll let you leave this school. I’m very sure you’ll qualify so I can talk to her about it.” She smiled and he faced her again.

“I don’t care about the scholarship anymore. I don’t care about it Swayer. I’m just glad you’re alright.” Seb smiled, placing his hand on her hair. He pulled few stands, feeling it’s texture.

“You know the game isn’t quite over yet.” Swayer smirked and Sebastian faced her with a glare.

“Do you need another ball to hit that brian of yours this time? How can you still be thinking about that d@mn game?” He scolded.

Swayer laughed at the look on his face. He really looks so cute right now being terrified.

“You think it’s funny?” Sebastian frowned, though he felt happy seeing her laugh after all that had happened.

“It’s not…but the look…the look on your face right now.” Swayer kept laughing.

Sebastian sighed, palming his face. This lady would be the death of him

“Go on and laugh all you want. It’s better than being unconscious.” He muttered.

Swayer stopped laughing, putting on a serious face now.

“Sebastian, I really don’t know what I would have done if you didn’t wake up. I really don’t know.” She said, her eyes reflecting sadness.
Sebastian furrowed his brows. How did the oh so lively mood become so sulky again.

He pulled her into another tight hug, stroking her hair.

“It’ll take more than drowning me to ki|| me.” He chuckled.
Swayer buried her face into his chest, smiling at his joke.

“I love you.” She muttered.

Sebastian stiffened and so did Swayer. She just realized what she said now and she wished there was a way she could take it back. She had no idea where it even came from or how she had voice it out. That was only supposed to be an inside voice.

The thought of not seeing him again just scared the $h|t out of her.

Sebastian slowly pulled away from the hug and Swayer kept her gaze on her fingers. She felt so stupid right now.

“I..I’m sorry I don’t know ho-” She trailed off when Sebastian placed a hand on her cheek, making her look up to him.

“Did Swayer D’vile just confess to me?” He smirked.

Swayer frowned, feeling really stupid that he’s making a joke out of her confession.

“Maybe I should have drowned myself a long time ago.” Sebastian chuckled.
Swayer rolled her eyes, opening her mouth to respond but he closed it back with his lips.

She widened her eyes, a bit shocked but slowly closed them, kissing him back.


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