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HomeOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A BetOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 28

OBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 28

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✍️ Authoress Cathy ✍️


? CHAPTER 28 ?

Fabiola sighed, walking away. She let her legs lead her, not having any specific place in mind. She ended up leaving the main School building entirely and entering another building not too big but not too small either..
It had several lockers and a door infront which Fabiola entered of course. She gasped when she saw the massive swimming pool and someone swimming like a fish.

Swayer reached the end, coming out totally as she had exhausted her strength. Her mother called telling her about her dad’s current state and she didn’t want to panic or feel depressed anymore so she had to come here, taking her anger out on the pool.

“Wow! you swim really good Swayer just like my baby.” Fabiola smiled. Swayer picked up a towel, tying it around her head.

“Fabiola right?” Swayer smiled slightly.

“Yes yes. I’d really love to see you complete with baby, he thinks he’s the fastest swimmer but I bet you’ll beat him.” Fabiola smiled sheepishly.

“I’m guessing you’re referring to Sebastian. Can I ask you a question?”

“Yeah go ahead.” Fabiola still had her smile on.

“Why do you call him baby? and who is older amongst you two?” Swayer asked carefully even though that isn’t her real question. It has to be step by step.

“Oh, he’s older and that’s because I love him. He’s been like a second father to me, always looking out for me even when I act all childish and annoying. I wouldn’t trade him for anything or anyone else.” Fabiola smiled faintly this time.

“So how come you both are in the same level in collage?” Swayer threw her main question.

Fabiola’s smiles disappeared immediately. She walked to the bleachers, taking a seat in the front roll. Swayer followed her.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to intrude.” Swayer said facing her.

“When baby finished high school, he’s high grades had gotten him into Stanford university but our parents neither had the money to send him there nor pay for tuition. He had to try a school here in Colombia but non were offering full funded scholarships so he had to wait a year. That’s when I graduated from high school. The money did come for tuition but he told our parents to use it for me instead, he was willing to wait for a full funded scholarship opening no matter how long it took. Thankfully mom was able to meet Mrs Marshall and she agreed to give him a scholarship here. I was so happy that he had finally gotten into collage, I just wanted to be with him that I also applied here on scholarship though mine isn’t full funded.” Fabiola sighed. She’s never told anyone this and she’s sure baby would get mad at her if he finds out she told someone.

“You have to promise me not to tell baby, he’ll get mad if he knows I told someone.” Fabiola pleaded and Swayer smiled.

“I totally understand.” Swayer said standing up from the bleachers. An idea popped up in her head and she smiled at Fabiola.

“How about I take your things to our apartment now and then we go shopping, would you like that?” She asked trying to cheer the mood. She also needs a distraction.

“Oh no no. I would love to get my things out now but as for the shopping, I’ll pass. I didn’t tell you this for you to feel sorry for me.” Fabiola smiled slightly.

“Who says I feel sorry for you? My dad is at the hospital now with a bandaged eye, there’s a chance he might not see again so I kinda need to clear my head.” Swayer sighed.

Fabiola rushed out immediately.

“Shopping it is.” She smiled taking Swayers arm. They left the pool room to the locker room where Swayer put on her clothes before leaving the swim building.

Swayer got into her car with Fabiola at the passengers seat and they drove off to the girls hostel.

Shaun frowned as he checked the entire main school premises but couldn’t find Fabiola. He lastly entered the football field and met Sebastian taking laps.

Seb stopped the moment he saw Shaun, carrying that distressed look on his face. He walked towards him with a slight smile.

“Hey.” Seb smiled.

“Hi. I’ll just leave you to continue.” Shaun said turning around.

“Why the rush? I’m done by the way. Come on.” Sebastian said taking a seat on the bleachers.
Shaun sighed, following him.

“I know things might seem complicated now that I’m dating your sister.” Shaun said after a minute of silence.

“It’s not. I’m actually happy now as I thought our friendship had ended because of Natasha.” Sebastian sighed.

“I’m sorry I locked you out that night. Didn’t mean to.”

“Oh you did all right.” Sebastian laughed.

“Do you like her?” Shaun asked.

“Like who?” Sebastian faced him.

“Natasha, do you like her?”

“Of course I do. She’s the first friend I made here and she’s the one who introduced me to you. I like her but only as a friend.” Sebastian smiled at Shaun.

“Okay.” Shaun said trying to hide his smile. It’ll be suspicious if he shows his happiness over what Sebastian said especially since he’s now dating his sister.

“How are things going with Fabiola? How did you even manage to make that baby tigress like you?” Sebastian laughed.

“Baby tigress?” Shaun chuckled.

“Yh she can be a handful. I’m surprised you’ve survived more a day. ” Sebastian laughed again.

“Fabiola isn’t all bad and yes she can be a handful.” Shaun said trying to go with the flow even though he knows almost nothing about Fabiola.

“Just try not to hurt her okay, I can’t stand seeing her sad.” Sebastian said tapping Shaun’s shoulders before standing up. “I’m glad we’re cool again.” He added before leaving the bleachers.

Shaun sighed, ruffling his hair. This was really a bad idea. He needs to end it now before it gets worse but ending it is not even an option anymore because then Sebastian would come for him.

“$h|t Shaun, what did you get yourself into? And where the hell is Fabiola?” Shaun muttered, leaving the football field.


Swayer drove to the nearest mall she could see outside Salvatore. She doesn’t shop here but since she’s with Fabiola, it’ll be best if she goes to a place closer to the school.

Fabiola got out excitedly, rushing into the mall even before Swayer could get out of the car.

“Hey no fair!” Swayer chuckled going in after her.

“Welcome miss, how may I help you?” A lady greeted, smiling cheerfully. She must be one of the sells girl.

“Oh no worries ma’am, we’ll help ourselves out.” Swayer smiled, dragging Fabiola to the ladies section of the mall.

Fabiola’s eyes widened as she admired the beautiful designer clothes, shoes and bags. Swayer took her further in to the underwear section.

“We’ll start from here first.” Swayer smiled. Fabiola nodded obediently and began going through matching bikinis and lingerie which she abandoned after checking their price tags. Even though Swayer had offered to pay for everything, she didn’t want to abuse the offer by being greedy but nothing in here is cheap.

She frowned, sitting on a side bench as she couldn’t pick out anything.

Swayer got to her, holding different sets of beautiful matching underwear.

“Here, I think these would fit you perfectly.” Swayer said handing them to her. She knew Fabiola would be reluctant to pick anything so she had done it herself.

Faby collected a pair of black net-like P@ŋtîēṣ, checking the price tag first.

“This is too much, I can’t take this.” She said stretching it back to Swayer.

“Oh come on Fabiola, I’m not complaining. Go on take them and let’s move on to the clothes section.” Swayer smiled dropping them all on Fabiola’s laps and moving to the clothes section. Fabiola sighed, picking them up.

“These are really beautiful.” She smiled folding them nicely and following Swayer to the clothes section.

“Hey you have to get something for yourself as well.” Fabiola frowned.

“Aye aye captain.” Swayer giggled and they began digging through beautiful blouse, testing each to see if it’s good or not but Swayer still collected them even after Fabiola had returned them back.



Sebastian just arrived at the place to check up on his sister since Natasha told him she had moved out. Natasha seem more distant now and he felt a bit worried.

He was about ringing the bell when a car pulled over behind him.
He paused, watching the car to see who it is and to his surprise, it’s Swayer and his sister, both had their hands filled with shopping bags.

“Baby!” Fabiola smiled. She would have gone to hug him but her hands were filled up.

“Sebastian. Good evening to you.” Swayer smiled.

“Umm yeah, I just came to check up on her…were you two out all day?” Sebastian frowned.

“Is there a problem grandpa?” Swayer asked and Fabiola turned black immediately.

“Grandpa!!” Sebastian and Fabiola said at the same time with Fabiola laughing her @zz out.

“I think that’s a better name than baby!” Fabiola kept laughing.
“Have a good night grandpa!” She added going into the house, still laughing hard.

Sebastian turned to Swayer who had a smile on her face.

“Really?” He frowned.

“Relax Sebastian, we were just having some girl time. Come in.” Swayer said going into the house as the bags were heavy.

“I would have offered to help you but too bad grandpa’s waist isn’t strong enough.” Sebastian smirked and Swayer shot him a hard glared before placing the bags on the couch.

“Even old men know how to be gentlemen.” She scoffed. “I’ll be back.” She added carrying the bag again towards the stairs and up to her room.

Sebastian smiled, going into the guest room as he knew Fabiola would be there. He knocked slightly before opening the door and froze on seeing her on a designer gown.

“You like it?” Fabiola smiled checking herself out in the mirror.

“What.. what are all these?” Sebastian frowned moving to the bag. He started opening them one by one with a frown on his face until he opened the one containing her underwear. He closed it immediately.

“What? Can’t I go shopping again?” Fabiola frowned folding her arms across her chest.

“I’m sure you didn’t pay for all these. I didn’t bring you here to take advantage of them Fabiola. I thought you’d be better than this. you’re retuning all these and that’s final.” Sebastian said not letting Fabiola speak before leaving the room. He met the angry glare of Swayer.

“What did you just say?” Swayer glared at him.


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