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HomeOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A BetOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 19

OBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 19

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✍️ Authoress Cathy ✍️


? CHAPTER 19 ?


Fiona smiled the moment the entered the mansion. She’s so happy they’re finally out of that suffocating hospital. The hospital is a big one but she isn’t a fan of it.

“Finally! Home sweet home.” She exhaled, smiling broadly.

“Mom said we can rest today, she’ll be watching over dad.” Swayer said, falling on the couch.

“I hope Mr D’vile recovers fast. I really miss seeing those beautiful smile on you face Sway.” Fiona pouted.

“Any news from school?” Swayer asked ignoring her statement.

Fiona frowned, biting her lips.
“Anna texted me yesterday. She said we have an early quiz competition in two weeks.”

“Why?” Swayer frowned.

Fiona shrugged, walking up to the television set.
She grabbed the remote, going back to the couch next to Swayer.

“When is the exam?” Swayer asked, picking up her phone she had earlier dropped on the couch.

“It’s in four days now.”

“I don’t think I can make it this time.” Swayer replied while going through her mail.

“But, we are going to Canada this time and it’s against those Bridge students.” Fiona frowned.

“I can’t leave my father-”

“Mrs Marshal is here for goodness sake! She’s gonna watch over him.” Fiona cut her off.

“I won’t leave my dad for some travel. we can go to Canada during the holidays.” Swayer said, dropping her phone. She ruffled her hair with a long sigh.

“Swayer, you’re our best student, if you don’t come, we might not win.” Fiona said making a puppy face.

The Bridge academy were known as the number one winners of international competitions. They were supposed to compete with the Salvatore students last semester but it was cancelled.

“Swayer come on, think about it. I really wanna go but I don’t wanna leave you alone here.” Fiona added when Swayer didn’t reply.

“Sebastian is smart, ask him to go.” Swayer said, standing up from the couch and walking towards the stairs.

Fiona frowned, getting up as well.

“Come back here missy, you cant just walk away during a serious conversation!” Fiona scolded her.

“I can because we are done talking. I’m not going and that’s final.” She said climbing the stairs. Fiona followed her as well till they got to Swayer room.

The room is painted pink except the floors and celling. The flower had white tiles and the celling white paint on it.

“Swayer you can’t be serious. This is going to be the first we haven’t attended.”

“We can’t attend everything you know. We are always top sixth, don’t you think other students want to try out as well?” Swayer asked, falling on her bed.

“Where is this coming from?” Fiona asked folding her arms across her chest.

“I’m just saying. I think we should change a bit. People see and judge us even before they know us. If we can show them we aren’t so bad, maybe they won’t h@ťě us so much or go spreading bad news to new students.” Swayer rushed her words.

Fiona furrowed her brows. She walked towards the bed, taking a seat beside Swayer.

“I’m guessing this has to do with Natasha?” Fiona said focusing her gaze on Swayers face.

Swayer sighed, standing up from the bed.

“I just don’t get why she h@ťěs me so much. We use to be best friends and then all of a sudden she started spacing out. I’m guessing is because of this stupid rule of no third wheel. She would always get jealous when I give some else too much attention and that’s the same thing we are doing.

You all were mad at me when I asked Sebastian to join us at the cafeteria. He’s also human you know. If we keep up with this, I’m afraid we might end up not being friends again just like Natasha and I.” Swayer said turning to Fiona.

“I don’t wanna end up alone again.” She added with wet eyes.

Fiona got up immediately, pulling her in for a hug.

“Hey stop saying nonsense. We are going no where okay? Natasha spacing out is her loss.” Fiona said, hugging her tight.

She pulled away, staring into Swayers eyes.

“I love you Swayer, we all do and your father would be alright okay? If you don’t wanna go for the competition I totally understand and I’m gonna stay here with you okay?” She said pulling Swayer in for another hug.

Swayer cried on her shoulders for some minutes before pulling herself together.

“Come on, I’ll cook for you.” Fiona smiled, pulling her out of the room towards the kitchen.


Anna sighed when she received Fiona’s message. She got up from her bed and left the room to inform Ivory and Maeve. She found Maeve in the studio.

She had an headphone on and seems to be working on another song.

Anna sighed watching Maeve. Her parents wanted her to run the company as well but Maeve had a passion for music which they didn’t find interesting.

She hide the fact that she had over thirty five recorded albums but non published due to her parents disapproval of it.
The main reason she stayed here with them is because it’s the place she can write her songs without being scolded by her parents.

Anna walked up to her, tapping her on the shoulder.
Maeve took off the headphone smiling.

“It’s perfect.” She smiled handing another headphone to Anna.

Anna smiled, sitting down beside her. She put the headphone around her neck, wanting to talk first before listening to the music.

“Before I hear this beautiful piece you’ve written, I have bad news.” Anna said, taking in her button lip.

“What’s wrong?” Maeve frowned.

“Swayer and Fiona won’t be coming with us for the competition.”

“Why!” Maeve yelled.

“Swayer says she wants to watch over her father and Fiona is staying with her. I don’t blame her anyways, she’s really worried about her dad.”

Maeve sighed, putting the headphone on her ears.
Anna did the same as well.

Maeve pressed a button on the controller and the music started playing.

It started with a beautiful intro beat.


So long ago, I told you so
I told you how I loved your smile.
I walked with you, I made you bold
but then we suddenly fell apart.

You said that I’m not right for you
You said I’m so so insecure
you said you loved someone new
That’s she’s the one and you need to go.

I know I need to be brave.
But this ruby love is ki||ing me so.
I love to move along
But this ruby love is driving me insane.

Anna removed the headphone with a sad expression. Maeve also did the same.

“Maeve this is really beautiful. I’m really sorry you can’t publish your songs. They are really good.” Anna smiled.

“Yeah maybe one day.” Maeve smiled.

“You hungry?” Anna asked and almost immediately, Maeve’s tommy made an upset sound.

“I guess that answers your question.” She chuckled and they both left the studio.

“Have you told Ivory yet?” Maeve asked as they walked towards the kitchen.

“No, I haven’t seen her though, maybe she’s at the pool again.”


Natasha got out of the bathroom, trying to untangle her tangled hair.

Fabiola held the rules manual, laying on the bed while mulching cheese balls.
She looked up at Natasha and smiled.

“There are so many rules here.” She said dropping the book and walking towards the dresser.

“Here lemme help you.” She said grabbing a handful of Natasha’s soft and silky brown hair.

“Thank you.” Natasha exhaled as she was started to get frustrated.

“You have a beautiful hair. It just need proper care to maintain it.” Fabiola said, using her nails to separate the tangles.

“I might just cut it if it keeps doing this.” Natasha sighed.

“Don’t you dare or I might shave your eyebrows.” Fabiola chuckled.

Natasha smiled, looking at Fabiola through the mirror.

“Have you heard about the competition?” She asked and Fabiola paused.

“What competition?”

“It’s a quiz. We normally have it every semester.” Natasha smiled.

“Are you going?” Fabiola asked, brushing Natasha’s hair.

“I will take the exam, it’s left for the FAMICS to give me space to qualify.” Natasha frowned.

“The what now?”

“Famics. They are a group of girls that think they own this school because their parents are popular billionaires.” Natasha scoffed.

“I don’t like them already. Can you show them to me when we go to school tomorrow?” Fabiola asked.

“Why would you want to meet them at all? Anyways I will if you insist.” Natasha nodded.

“How many are they?” Fabiola asked, dropping the brush. She’s done with the hair.

“Its beautiful. Thank you.” Natasha smiled, standing up from the chair.
“six. They are like the top six brilliant students of Salvatore but your brother is outstanding.” Natasha smiled.

“How do you mean?”

“No one has ever toped the FAMICS before in anything test or exam but your brother did. He’s like a legend now.” Natasha chuckled.

“My baby is always making me proud.” Fabiola smiled.
“I will take the test. We would study together and we would get qualified. FAMICS or not.” Fabiola added.


Fabiola filled her tray with her usual delicacy. She turned towards the seats, eye searching her favourite spot as usual but frowned upon seeing someone there.

She walked up to him, vigorously dropping the tray on the table. It made a loud thud.

Shaun looked up from his food and his gaze landed on the angry looking Fabiola.

“You again!” Fabiola frowned .

“If it’s because of your phone, I’ve already gotten you a new one.” Shaun said with a sigh.

“Well I don’t see it.” Fabiola rolled her eye.

“It’s in my room. I’ll give it to you tomorrow.” He said looking at her tray. It’s the same meal he’s having.

“This is my spot.” Fabiola said folding her arms across her chest.

“What? I don’t remember there being another FAMICS in this school.” Shaun chuckled, his gaze fixated on her fragile looking face. She’s really cute.

“I am not going to repeat myself. This is my spot.” Fabiola frowned.

Sebastian got into the cafeteria to have his breakfast and on seeing Fabiola, he sighed.
Judging from her stance, he could tell she’s already creating trouble for herself.

He immediately walked up to her to drag her out of there.

“I like to eat alone and this is the only place that’s secluded in this cafeteria so please get lost!’ Fabiola yelled.

Shaun was about to reply when he spotted Sebastian.

“Great, your boyfriend’s here.” Shaun rolled his eyes, focusing on his food.

Fabiola turned to see Sebastian glaring at her.

“What now? You’ve barely been here a week!” He scolded.

“He is at my spot.” Fabiola pouted her lips.

“Lets go, now.” Sebastian ordered turning around.
Fabiola sighed, picking up her tray. She looked at Shaun and he smiled victoriously.

She glared at him and turned around but then halted.
She smiled, turning back to the table.

“Do you still wanna argue?” Shaun frowned.

Fabiola picked up her orange juice bottle, opened it and took a sip from it.
Shan furrowed his brows as he didn’t understand what she’d doing.

“I don’t like jerky guys.” she said and immediately poured her juice on his face.

“Fabiola!!” Shaun yelled.
Sebastian turned around immediately and widened his eyes. He actually thought she was following him behind.

Shaun got up immediately, picking up his own orange juice to pour on her but as he raised his hand, another hand held his tightly.

“Don’t you dare” Sebastian said glaring at him.

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