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HomeOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A BetOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 12

OBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 12

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? CHAPTER 12 ?

Sebastian pulled away almost immediately. He was a bit shocked by what she said that he didn’t realize she was going for his lips.

”Natasha what are you doing?” He asked with a slight frown.

“I just said I love you Seb. You didn’t take it seriously so I had to show it.” She smiled.

“We met a week ago and all of a sudden you’re in love with me? Be real Natasha.” Sebastian frowned and turned to leave. He saw Shaun at the entrance staring at them.

The look on Shaun’s face isn’t a friendly one and for the first time since he’s known Shaun, he’s actually glaring at him.

Shaun turned around immediately, leaving the entrance. Sebastian decided to meet him and talk just to be sure there are no hard feelings between them but Natasha hugged him from behind.

“I’m not letting you go until you give me a response.” Natasha said tightening her hold on him.

“Natasha are you crazy! Let go of me now.” Sebastian said trying not to raise his voice too much.

“Not until you give me-”

“I don’t f-__-king love you!” Sebastian cut her off and she let go immediately.
“What is wrong with you?! I thought we were good friends, I mean you did help me when I first enrolled here but now you’re acting all clingy and it’s annoying.”

“I can’t help it Sebastian. FAMICS have always gotten everything I wanted. Fame, beauty, good grades and what’s more! Why can’t I get the hot boy to myself?!” Natasha yelled.

“So this is what it’s all about? You want to prove a point to the FAMICS and that’s why you’re shaming yourself this way?” Sebastian chuckled.

“Shaming myself? I’m telling you how I feel and you call it shame? It won’t change the fact that I love you se-”

“This isn’t love Natasha. You’re obsessed with the FAMICS and that’s why you think you’re in love. Just go talk to them and settle your difference already.” Sebastian said walking away immediately.

Natasha glared at him, breathing heavily.
“If I can’t have you, I will definitely not let anyone else have you, especially the FAMICS.” She muttered like a kind of promise before leaving as well.



Anna waited in the living room for Gracie to come in. She needed to talk with her as she couldn’t continue like this. She’s not a f_cking lesbian and doing this would only make her hurt Gracie more.

Gracie entered the living room with a tray of fruits and milk. She placed it on the center table and pecked Anna’s lips.

Anna smiled faintly before exhaling.

“Gracie, there’s something I want to tell you.” Anna said watching Gracie’s expression keenly.

“Nothing that can’t wait till later.” Gracie smiled leaning in to kiss Anna again but Anna shifted her face.

“Now Gracie.” Anna frowned.
Gracie nodded also carrying a serious face.

“I can’t do this anymore. I know we made a deal but I can’t f_cking do this anymore. I’m not a lesbian and I will never be. Yes the s*x is good but it changes nothing. I’m really sorry but I would like to pay you for your help instead. I hope you understand.” Anna rushed her words.

Gracie kept mute for a while before smiling slightly.

“You know I was actually beginning to like you Anna. I was hoping before the month cones to an end you would like me too but I guess I put too much pressure on you.” Gracie smiled taking Anna’s hand.

“I had the best four days of my life thanks to you. I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to so you’re free to break up with me.” Gracie smiled again.

Anna looked at her completely taken aback. She was actually expecting Gracie to yell and get mad or something but she got the complete opposite.

“You’re not mad?” Anna asked feeling bad.

“I am but I can’t hold you against your will. You’re free to go Anna.” Gracie smiled picking up the tray of fruits. She began eating it silently.

“Can I join you?” Anna asked as the mere appearance of the fruit made her mouth watering.

Gracie smiled bringing the tray to her. They both ate silently till Anna paid Gracie and left.

Gracie cleared the plate to the kitchen and washed them before going into the bedroom. She opened the cabinet, bringing out a box. She opened the box and brought out her Diary.

She flipped through some pages until a paper fell off. She picked up the paper with a sad expression. She opened it and read the test results which she got two months ago.

She had been diagnosed with adenocarcinoma and since she refused to go through with treatment, doctors said she would only last three months before the cancer begins to weaken her.
That was why she had put that deal on Anna. She had been trying new things since she found out she’s dying and so she thought she might try lesbian s*x as well. But she didn’t want to ruin another person’s life just because she’s dying so she had to let Anna go.

After this month, she might not be able to leave the house anymore. She had no living relative as she ran away from her foster home when she was sixteen.

She put the paper back into the book and began scribbling words into the Diary.

“Great you’re home.” Miguel said dryly as he closed the gate after her.

“Nice seeing you too.” Chrystal rolled her eyes. Miguel isn’t her favorite sibling infact, she wished Brianna had only girls but she had to give birth to this annoying step brother of hers.

“Dad isn’t home yet, you’ll have to wait.” He said before walking away.

Chrystal sighed as she was really looking forward to seeing her dad. She carried her small box to her room, falling heavily on the bed.

Beverly and Anastasia rushed intot the room immediately.

“Chrystal!” They shouted simultaneously.

“Hey cuties, what’s up.” Chrystal smiled hugging them both. Unlike Miguel, she loves her step sisters as they were the sweetest amongst the three. She sometimes ask herself if Miguel is actually related because everyone including his mom is nice but he’s a complete jerk.

“I baked cookies, you want some?” Beverly asked smiling sweetly. She’s the youngest of them all.

“I would love to eat your cookies Bev but right now I just need to rest okay?” Chrystal smiled.

“How is that guy of yours…what’s his name again?” Anastasia asked

“Austin is fine. I’ll call him soon.” Chrystal smiled.

“Alright, let’s give you some space.” Anastasia said taking Beverly’s hand and leading her out of the room.

Chrystal exhaled, picking up her phone to call Austin. She paused for a while as a thought came through her mind.

‘He never calls to ask how I am. I’m always the one checking up on him. What if he’s no longer interested in me anymore? What if I’m the next to get dumped? No! No one will dump me, I rather call the shots here.’

She opens her message box instead and taps Austin.

*Hey Austin. How are you? Look I think we should break up. This relationship doesn’t seem to be working and I don’t think you care about me at all. It was nice being with you. Goodluck.* She typed and sent it to Austin.

★ ★ ★

Sebastian got to the library but couldn’t find anyone there. He climbed the stairs to the upper room but only saw one person. She had her head rested on the table so he couldn’t tell who. He went closer and recognized her as one of the FAMICS.

“Um hey.” He said tapping her. Ivory opened her eyes slowly, yawning like a baby. She looked at Sebastian for a while before actually recognizing him.

“Oh you’re that new guy, why are you here?” She asked rubbing her sleepy eyes.

“Oh um Swayer asked me to join you girls after school, I’m I early or late?” He asked as he couldn’t see anyone else, not even Swayer.

“I thought she already cancelled? She said she was going to meet up with you and cancel as something came up.” Ivory said packing her books.

“What happened?” Sebastian asked following her to the exit.

“Her dad’s in the hospital so she’ll be leaving this evening to see him.” Ivory said before opening the door.

“Can I see her, please?” Sebastian asked Ivory as he needed to know if she’s alright.

Ivory looked at him for a bit before nodding her head.

She got into her car and he entered the passengers seat.

“Let’s hope she hasn’t left already.” Ivory said before driving out of the library and to the FAMICS apartment.

She parked swiftly before getting out of the car.

“Come on.” She said to Sebastian and he got out of the car as well. He looked at the three story building in Awe. Even though their hotel is a four story building, the fact that this is a single house and not some shared space is very thrilling.

Ivory opened the door inviting him in.

Sebastian entered the living room and widened his eyes. This place is typically a small mansion. Even his entire house can’t compare to the size of this living room.

Swayer just entered the living room with her bag ready to leave when she saw Sebastian and Ivory. She froze, giving Ivory a questionable look.

“He said he wanted to see you.” Ivory shrugged as she knew why Sawyer gave her that look. She immediately excused herself from the living room to give them space.

Swayer sighed, hanging her bag on her shoulder. She kept a straight and tried walking past Sebastian but he grabbed her hand.

“Hey what’s wrong? I’m sorry about your father.” Sebastian said smiling a bit.

Swayer yanked her hand off Sebastian, walking past him and going out of the house.
Sebastian frowned a bit not understanding why she’s behaving that way.

He followed her out and saw her pressing her phone.

“Hey Swayer are you alright?” Sebastian asked trying to hold her hand but Swayer glared at him.

“Stay away from me!”


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