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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Childhood lust….🔞)

THEME: War of heart







Alaina walked in on them setting the table

“Ohhh you are back, I was just about to call you” Her dad said

“Evening dad, evening mum” Alaina smiled and they nodded

“Where’s Dan?” Alaina asked

“I’m here, did you miss me that much?” Jordan said coming down the stairs

“Punk” Alaina replied and he chuckled

“Let’s eat” Their mum said and they all sat down around the table

“Dan!!” Mara called and Jordan looked up

He grabbed his water and started drinking it

“I’ve always wanted to ask, a girl came to visit you one time , who is she?” Their mum asked and Jordan spat the water in his mouth out, he started coughing, Alaina immediately gave him more water to drink

“Thanks sis” he said

“Now answer the question, who is she?” Alaina suddenly said and he glared at her

“I’m listening” Mara said again

“She’s my classmate” He answered

“But I saw you both kis…..“Alaina was still saying

He cleared his throat to cut her short and gave her a bombastic side eye

“What happened?” Jacob asked

“Ohhh nothing” Jordan answered

“But she was about saying something” Mara said

“Don’t mind her , she doesn’t know what she’s saying” Jordan chuckled awkwardly

“She’s my classmate and friend, she came to give me a book that’s why” Jordan said

“Oh ok” Mara said and he nodded

“Be careful” Jacob said also

“I will” He replied and they all smiled at each other


“Can I come in?” Alaina knocked on the door

“Yes, it’s not locked” He answered and she came in, she sat on his bed looking around

“I know you are here for something, what is it?” Jordan asked

“Okay, fine… caught me” Alaina rolled her eyes

“So I’m really curious, who is she really?” Alaina asked

“My friend” He answered

“You know you can’t lie to me right? No matter who it is, you would rather take the person to the living room to talk rather than let them stay in your room, except for me though but you allowed her, what’s up?” Alaina asked

“It’s really nothing serious, she’s just a friend” He replied and she raised her brow

“Okay, she’s more than a friend” He replied fastly and Alaina’s eyes widened

“She’s your girlfriend?” she asked with widened eyes

“No……I mean, not yet” He replied

“What!! Is it one sided?” She smiled

“I don’t really know, i can’t say right now” Jordan sighed

“Awwn!!! Can’t believe my kid bro is in love” Alaina pouted

“Stop!!” he chuckled

“Why do you think she’s not into you also? Do you have a rival or something?” Alaina asked

“Yes, but I don’t know if she likes him they way she likes me, cuz i once heard her talking to her friend about me and she kind of confessed her feelings to her friend, I heard it when I was passing by” Jordan said

“Hmmm, have you asked her out?” She asked



“What if I get rejected?” He asked

“You are scared of rejection? that’s normal but you still have to go to her and tell her how you feel, she might also be waiting for you to make the first move but if you don’t, she might decide to go for the other guy and that means you lose” Alaina said

“I don’t know how to” Jordan said

“When you are ready to talk, just go to her and you will find the right words to say” Alaina said

“I will try” he replied and she raised her hand to his long hair, stroking it fondly

“Stop doing that, I’m not a baby” he pouted

“You are still my baby, even though you found love before me” she smiled and he laughed

“What am I doing with my life, my kid bro found love before me” Alaina said with fake tears and he laughed

“Get out of my room” He laughed pushing her outside

“Goodnight kiddo” She smiled before leaving to her room.


“What happened?” Alex rushed to them immediately they came in

“Just those stupid paparazzi that don’t know what to do with their life” Adrian replied

“How are you gonna handle this?” Alex asked Angelo

“I will settle it” He replied

“Just tell me incase anyone of them calls for an interview, I will be in my room” Angelo walked upstairs

“I’m sorry this is happening because of me” Violet said

“It’s no one’s fault, just keep calm” Adrian said

“Take viola to her room, we will talk tomorrow” Alex said also and Viola went to Violet, they went upstairs together

“He’s not fine, he’s just acting fine” Alex said

“I know” Adrian replied

“I will try to track who sent that picture to the press, it’s obvious it was taken by someone in the restaurant” Adrian said and Alex nodded.


Angelo put off his shirt and dropped it on the bed, he walked to the fridge in his room and took water, he drank out of it before dropping it on the table

“Gosh!! They annoy me so much, can’t they just stay one place” Angelo swiped his hair to the back.

He grabbed his phone and looked at it

“Okay….what’s wrong with me?” he asked himself

“I gave her my number, I’ve never given my number out, how? Why? And why am I expecting her call right now?” Angelo wondered and chuckled

“I’m going crazy, what is she doing to me?” He asked himself again

“Angelo snap out of it, you need to focus on your company” he hit his head

“Ouuch!! It hurts” he said rubbing where he hit

“Okay….why can’t I stop seeing her face in my head?” he asked looking at the wall

“Why am I picturing her smile in my head?” he asked again

“Why do I keep thinking about the time we went on a date?” he asked again

“Why can’t I bear to see her sad?” He asked again

“It’s because I’m not getting enough sleep right? That’s why all these is happening, I guess that’s it, I’m not getting enough sleep, let’s sleep now” Angelo layed down and closed his eyes

Minutes later, he opened his eyes

“Okay, this is worse, I’m imagining her beside me right now” Angelo said

“I’m really going crazy, I need to take a bath” he said and rushed into the bathroom.


“I’m going on a date with Richard today” Piper smiled

“Oh my!!!” Alaina said

“God!! Leslie completed

“Stop been dramatic, it’s just a date” Piper blushed

“But you are blushing” Alaina laughed

“It’s cuz of the sun” Piper replied hiding her red cheek and they all laughed.

“Be careful, I know you are into him already” Leslie said

“I know” Piper replied

“Did you all see the news?” Piper suddenly asked

“What news?” Leslie asked back

“Angelo Wilkerson” Leslie replied

“f-__-k yes….but I mean, if he was really hiding it, he wouldn’t have brought her out in the open like that and in a open place at that” Piper said

Alaina suddenly remembered last night, she forgot to call him

“f-__-k!!” Alaina said


“I was supposed to do something last night but I forgot” Alaina answered

“You can do it later on if it’s not that serious” Leslie said

“When I get home then” Alaina replied

“They don’t even look alike” Alaina said

“Maybe she looks like her mum” Piper shrugged

“Some might call him for an interview, we can just hear what he has to say there” Leslie said

“Did you hear that the director called Denise and Matty to her office yesterday” Piper said again

“How did she find out?” Alaina asked

“Denise announced it publicly, obviously others will gossip about it and she heard it from there” Leslie replied

“What’s the punishment for pregnancy?” Alaina asked

“Suspension or probably expulsion” Piper shrugged

“How many weeks suspension?” Alaina asked

“Not weeks, month” Leslie replied

“How many months?” Alaina asked again

“Two months or three months” Leslie replied

“So what do you think they will give them?” Piper asked

“I don’t know, we will see to that” Leslie answered and they nodded their head

“Let’s forget about them and let’s go eat, or are you going to your boyfriend?” Leslie asked sarcastically

“c’mon, we are not dating yet” Piper blushed

“Are you sure about that?” Richard asked from the back

She turned to him

“Richie!!” Piper called

“Whats up?” He asked

“I’m fine, what about you?” she asked back and he smiled nodding his head

“Have you eaten?” He asked

“No….” she pouted

“f-__-k!! You are so cute” Richard poked her cheek

“Are you really doing this in front of us?” Leslie frowned and they turned to them

“Ohhh, I didn’t know you were still here” Richard said and Piper laughed

“Woahh!!! We just got insulted indirectly, let’s go find our own boyfriend please” Leslie grabbed Alaina’s hand

“See you later piper” Alaina waved at her before walking away with Leslie

“What was that about?” Piper asked


“What you said when I said we are not dating yet” Piper said

“When did you start calling me Richie?” Richard smiled

“You don’t like it?” Piper asked

“I love it but don’t you think it will sound better while I’m in you?” Richard replied and her eyes widened

“Did you just say that?” Piper asked with widened eyes

“I didn’t say anything……

“Naughty jerk” She said

“Your naughty jerk” he smiled and she blushed

“What do you want to eat?” He asked and put his arm across her neck

“You” She replied and his eyes widened

“What!!! I wasn’t expecting that” Richard laughed

“Where did you learn that from?” he asked

“Don’t underestimate me” she replied

“Yes ma’am” he chuckled

“Are you sure you will be able to handle me though?” He asked

“Shut up!! I didn’t mean it, stop been naughty” Piper laughed

“Okay, I’m serious now, what do you want to eat?” He asked

“Let’s go, I will decide on the way” Piper said and he nodded, he collected her bag and hanged it around his shoulder, his arms across her neck and they walked away.


“Oh my gawd!!!” Waylon laughed out loudly

He was checking the news about Angelo

“Gosh!! I love these journalists” he laughed again

“Let’s see how you are going to come out of this Angelo” he smirked and checked his phone, he started laughing again.

T. B. C

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