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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Childhood lust….🔞)

THEME: War of heart






Angelo looked at his wristwatch and his eyes widened when he saw the time

“What the f-__-k, it’s this late” he muttered to himself and closed his laptop

“But where’s Adrian and Alex, why are they not here yet” he asked himself and picked his phone, he dialed Alex number’s first but he didn’t pick, then he dialed Adrian’s number, it went straight to voicemail

“What’s wrong?” Angelo muttered and dialled their number again but it was the same thing, he decided to wait for some time before calling them again. After few minutes, he dialed their number again but it was the same thing. He suddenly took his phone and stepped out of his office, everyone left for their house already so there was no single person in the company again, he stepped outside of the company and looked around hoping to see them somewhere around but it was futile.

He would have gone home himself had it been they left the car but it seems wherever they went to, they took the car with them. He started walking around hoping he would catch a glimpse of them somewhere but little did he know, he was getting far away from the company, he suddenly stopped and looked around and he found himself somewhere unknown

“What the h*ll, why is today like this?” he slapped his head frustratingly and looked around hoping to see a car around but none went by, he was about to give up and start finding his way when a car suddenly drove past him, he tried stopping it but it was too late, the car suddenly stopped and he started running there immediately thinking the person stopped for him, he saw the female figure making a call, he ignored her and opened the car door and entered, he suddenly flinched when he heard her scream

“WTF” she screamed and he flinched

“Are you okay sis?” he heard from the other end

“I’m fine, lemme call you back” Alaina said and cut the call

“Who the f-__-k are you?” Alaina asked and he raised his head.

“What are you doing inside my car Mr?” Alaina asked and Angelo chuckled

“Mr? Seriously? Do I look old?” Angelo asked inwardly

“Who are you?” Alaina asked again and his eyes widened

“Wait, you don’t know me?” Angelo asked pointing his index finger directly to his chest

“I’m I supposed to know you?” Alaina rolled her eyes and his eyes widened again

“Is she pretending not to know me or what?” Angelo asked inwardly again

“Just drive Tinkerbell” Angelo suddenly said and leaned his back on the car seat

“Hey Mr, this is my car, you can’t just suddenly barge inside my car and expect me to listen to wh@ťěver you are gonna say” Alaina said trying hard not to look at this hot delinquent figure beside her

“Car? This is a box not a car” Angelo said and her eyes widened. Her dad gifted her the car on her 18th birthday and she had always cherished it since then and this hot man is trying to ridicule her car in front of her

“Wait, did I just call him hot? f-__-k, Ana, he’s not hot, Focus okay?” She said to herself.

“If you had one, you wouldn’t be here telling me to drive you to wherever you are going to” Alaina said and he chuckled

“Just drive snow white” Angelo said again

“Tinkerbell, snow white, what’s with the nicknames?” Alaina asked but he ignored her and closed his eyes

“I don’t even know where you are going to, where am I supposed to drive you to?” Alaina asked after some while

“Gosh!! You are a talkative” Angelo said without opening his eyes and she rolled her eyes

“And why are you driving like you have crippled hands and legs” Angelo suddenly asked

“How I’m I supposed to drive Mr” Alaina rolled her eyes

“Stop the car” Angelo said and she looked at him

“Why?” she asked

“Just stop the car Tinkerbell” He said and she stopped the car, his phone suddenly rang out and he picked it up when he saw who it was

“Where are you guys?” Angelo frowned

“I’m sorry boss, where are you, we will come and pick you up now” Alex said from the other end and Angelo told him where to wait for him

“Who was that?” Alaina asked

“Stop been nosy snow white” Angelo said and flicked her forehead

“Heyyy, you can’t do that” Alaina said rubbing her forehead

“And stop calling me those names you gave me, my name is Alaina” She said

“Alaina? Hot” he smirked and Alaina could swear that was the hottest smirk she has ever seen

“Stop checking me out princess” Angelo smirked again and her eyes widened when she saw that she was really checking him out

“Why would I check you out” she stuttered and looked away embarrassingly

“Let me drive” Angelo suddenly said

“I can’t let you drive my car” She said

“I told you it’s a box not a car” He said

“Get one first before you can call someone’s own a box” she said and he chuckled again. He suddenly carried her from the driver seat, he moved to the driver’s seat and dropped her on the passenger’s seat, during that process, their nether regions touched and Alaina’s face reddened in embarrassment. He suddenly started the car and started driving crazily in the road, swerving in between cars

“What are you doing?” Alaina screamed and he smirked

“Did you just get out of rehab or something?” she screamed again

“Slow down please, the speed is crazy, we might die” she screamed but he ignored her completely. After few minutes, the car suddenly stopped and Alaina grabbed a bottle water from her bag, she gulped all of it in one go

“We could have died” she said breathing heavily

“We didn’t and thanks for the ride” he smirked

“What are we doing here?” she asked and he suddenly stepped out of the car heading towards a Blue Bugatti Veyron

“Don’t tell me he owns that” Alaina muttered chuckling, she suddenly felt like keeping her car in her pockets when she saw him entering the car, they drove away and two other cars followed suit.

“Woah” she muttered

“Who is he?” she asked herself again, she stepped out of the car and went to the driver’s seat, she started her car and drove home immediately.


Alaina stepped out of her car and opened the door to her house

“Sis!!” Jordan called and ran to her immediately hugging the daylife out of her

“Dan, what’s up?” She asked worriedly

“I thought something happened when you suddenly screamed from the phone, you almost gave me heart attack” he said almost crying

“I’m fine okay? I just saw something terrifying” she lied, she didn’t bother telling him about who she met since they won’t be meeting again

“Are you okay?” Jordan asked again scanning her body for any injuries

“I’m fine, where’s mum and dad?” she asked

“They are in their room, they were already preparing to report to the police when you suddenly came in” he said

“You told them? Why? You know they get scared easily” she was still saying when her parents came downstairs, they immediately sighed in relief when they saw her

“Is everything okay princess?” Her mum asked

“Yes mum” she answered

“Hope you are okay darling?” Her dad asked

“I’m fine dad, nothing happened” She answered again and they nodded

“How was school?” her mum asked again

“It was fine” Alaina answered

“What about Matty?” her dad asked

“He’s fine dad, I was supposed to spend tonight with him but I had to come home” Alaina said

“You could have just called and we would have allowed you to stay” her mum was still saying when Jordan suddenly cut her short

“She’s never gonna spend any night with that motherf-__-ker” Jordan said angrily

“Words Jordan” Her dad said

“I’m really serious, she will never ever spend a night with him, i’m trying to keep my cool even with him dating her because he’s not even worth her and you are saying she’s free to spend nights with him, not when I’m alive” Jordan said angrily and went upstairs to his room and his parents sighed

“I will talk to him” Alaina said and ran after him but he already closed the door when she got there

“Open the door Jordan, let’s talk” Alaina said banging on the door

“Just leave me, I wanna be alone” He said

“I won’t give you what I brought for you if you don’t open the door” Alaina said and he opened the door immediately making her smile

“Where’s it?” he asked with a frown on his face and Alaina pouted

“Don’t tell me you lied” Jordan asked

“I’m sorry, I will get you anything you want later on” Alaina said

“Come on, let’s talk” She said and dragged him to his bed

“Talk to me, what don’t you like about him?” She asked seriously

“I don’t know okay? He just gives me the creeps” he answered and she sighed

“Do you love me?” Alaina asked

“You know I love you” He said

“I love him so much, he makes me happy and you love seeing me happy right, then if you want me to keep been happy, just be happy for us Dan” She said and he looked at her

“But he’s a f-__-ker, he’s not even handsome and I h@ťě him, i don’t know why also , I’m just listening to my instincts” he said

“Dan!!” Alaina called

“I’m sorry, it’s fine if you love him, what can I do, like I have a choice here again?” he asked

“Thanks Baby, i love you” Alaina hugged him

“I love you too” he hugged her back.


The first class ended and everyone stepped out of their classrooms. Alaina, Leslie and Piper walked out with other students heading towards the cafeteria, they ordered their foods before walking to their table and they started eating


Matty sat on a desk hitting the floor with his legs and he looked up immediately he heard the door opening, a female figure stepped in and looked around before locking the door

“You are late” He said

“I know” she said and walked closer to him, her face stayed Hidden until she started rubbing her hands on his chest and her face came to view and it turned out to be Denise. Matty suddenly smashed his lips on hers and started smooching her butt and she stroked his Ďïčk from his pants in return.

T. B. C

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