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Friday, October 18, 2024
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“Did he do that intentionally? She asked herself immediately she got outside, she touched her chest and her eyes widened when she felt her heart beating crazily fast

“I think I’m sick, I need to see a doctor, I can’t possibly be reacting to that right?” she asked herself dramatically

“Mummy!! I need a new heart, this one has spoit” Alaina screamed dramatically in the hallway beating her chest crazily.


Angelo and Adrian walked in and Roselyn walked over to him immediately

“You are here son” Roselyn smiled and he returned the smile kissing her temple

“Come have a sit, let’s eat” She grabbed his hand and took him to the dining table

“Does he think he can come here to eat anytime he likes?” Caroline suddenly asked

“Are you the one buying the foodstuffs?” Stefan asked back

“What!!??? Are you defending them?” Caroline asked shockingly

“Just keep quiet and eat your food, don’t cause a scene here” He replied

“Wait…is that lowlife gonna join us also?” Caroline asked referring to Adrian and Angelo dropped his spoon loudly on the table in anger, everyone flinched

“I think you should mind what you say mistress, I won’t take it if you say any disrespectful words to him” Angelo said calmly and she scoffed

“Sit down dear” Roselyn made Adrian sit and she ruffled his hair, she treats both Alex and Adrian as a children also, Adrian smiled

Arielle suddenly came downstairs, she rushed to Angelo immediately she saw him

“Woah!!! You didn’t tell me you are here” She hugged him tightly and he chuckled

“It was a surprise” He whispered and she smiled

“Did you bring lot of chocolates?” she whispered and he laughed

“A lot, I will tell them to take it to your room before I go” he relied and she kissed his cheek

“I love you champ” she smiled

“I love you too kiddo” He ruffled her hair

“Okay, that’s enough let’s eat now” Roselyn said and she went to sit on her seat

“Wait… where’s Lexi?” Angelo suddenly asked

“She told me she doesn’t have any appetite, that she will eat tomorrow morning” Arielle replied and he nodded

“Do you and Zendaya still talk?” Stefan suddenly asked and Angelo paused, Roselyn looked at Stefan

“Uhmm” he replied and continued his food

“When are you going to go out with her to know her more?” Stefan asked again

“I will decide when to do that” Angelo replied, it was taking everything in him not to burst out and vent his anger

“You know, she’s actually a pretty and nice girl, she will make a good wife and mother, you just…..” The banging of Angelo’s spoon on the table cut him off and everyone flinched

“Hey!!! You can’t keep doing….” Caroline snapped but a glare from Angelo cut her short, he looked back at his dad

“Mr Stefan Wilkerson, do you think you have the right to choose a wife for me? Do you even think you have the right to ask how my relationship life is going? Do you think you have the right to tell me whose family to marry into? You lost that right ever since that day, so stop butting in my life, it’s peaceful without you in the picture alright?” Angelo said and Stefan looked at him tearingly.

Angelo stood up

“I lost my appetite” he said and started walking upstairs, Adrian followed him immediately, Roselyn tried calling him back but he already left, she looked at Stefan angrily

“Are you happy now?” She asked angrily and he looked down in embarrassment

“Eishhhh!!” She walked out of the dining room.also

Arielle stood up also leaving just him and Caroline

“Do you think it’s that easy to win them over again?” Caroline asked and he looked at her

“You lost everyone of them since that day, there’s no way you can get them back” Caroline smirked and he gave her a deadly glare

“Glare all you want, it’s the bitter truth” She said and continued eating her food, he stood up also and left the dining room

“I guess more chicken for me then” Caroline chuckled and grabbed a chicken lap.


He scattered everything on his dressing table immediately he got inside the room, he moved to his laptop and smashed it on the floor, Adrian stared helplessly, it’s useless stopping him, it will add to it

“Who does he think he is? He calls himself a father?” Angelo chuckled

“He thinks he deserves to know everything about me? Who is he? That man is a disgrace to fatherhood” Angelo voice broke

“I wanted a father’s love, I needed it but I never got it, the little ones i experienced, I can’t even remember any of them because they were there when I was a baby” Angelo sniffed

“He stopped loving me ever since that day he brought them home, I endured everything, he never gave me his attention whenever I needed it


“Dad!!!” Angelo called and ran to him

“What?” Stefan asked

“Dad, there is a volley ball match I wanna go to, so i want us to go together” Angelo smiled

“Volley ball? You want to go and watch volley ball, aren’t you supposed to be studying?” Stefan snapped and little Angelo flinched


“Don’t call me Dad….Eishhh!!! You are annoying” Stefan said and Angelo sniffed

“Get out of my face and go read your book” Stefan snapped and Angelo scurried out

Minutes later, Waylon came in and Stefan smiled immediately he saw him

“My little boy, come here” Stefan called and Waylon sat on his laps

“Do you have something to tell me?” Stefan asked and he nodded

“There is a volley ball match coming up and I want us to go together” Waylon said happily and Stefan smiled

“Really? Then we must go” Stefan replied

“How about your mum comes with us also?” Stefan asked and Waylon nodded smiling happily

Unknown to them, Angelo was still at the door hoping he will change his mind, immediately he heard all what they said, he bursted into cries immediately.


“How could he treat his son like that? I was hoping one day he will come around but he never did, then why is he suddenly acting like a father now? Does he think I will forgive him?” Angelo voice broke tearfully and Adrian walked to him, he hugged him and started patting his back

“I was hurt, I felt unloved, I just acted strong but I really needed a father’s love, it hurt to see him loving him more than me” Angelo muttered and he didn’t know when he fell unconscious in Adrian’s arm

“Wait Angelo!!! Gelo!!!Angelo!!! Wake up” Adrian shouted tapping his cheek, Arielle who was at the door quickly rushed in

“Let’s take him to the hospital” Arielle said

“Don’t worry, just get me a bowl of cold water and towel” Adrian said and helped Angelo to the bed, he removed his shirt and started using the water to cool his body when Arielle brought the water

“You see he’s getting better?” Adrian asked and she nodded smiling.

“I heard everything” Arielle suddenly said

“I guess you didn’t know most of it before” Adrian said

“I didn’t know he went through all those and he still acted strong” She muttered and he smiled

“That’s because he’s strong” Adrian replied

“He’s not, he’s just acting” a tear fell from her eyes

“I feel bad” she cried


“I didn’t even know what he was going through, all I saw was just his happy self, I didn’t know he had this side, I’m such a bad sister” Arielle cried uncontrollably and Adrian sighed, he moved closer to her and hugged her body to himself, he patted her back gently

“It’s okay, he’s not mad at you” he assured

“I’m a bad sister” She cried again

“He’s not mad at you” he assured again and she kept crying without saying anything again, her arms suddenly moved to his back and she hugged him back, his hand paused and he looked at her hands wrapped around him, he sighed and continued patting her.


“Class captain, collect each and everyone’s note and send it to my office alright?” The teacher instructed immediately the bell rang

“What!!! Mine is not completed!!” Mary screamed from her seat after the teacher left and everyone laughed

“No one stopped you from writing” A fat boy replied her

“Shut it bull!!!” Mary snapped and the class laughed again

“As you all heard, do wh@ťěver you want to do and send your notes to my desk in thirty minutes time, I guess you all should be able to complete wh@ťěver you wanna complete by that time” Arielle said

“Awwwn!! You are the best” A boy said

“If not that you have so many guys that wants you, I would have asked you out but I can’t even compete with their shoe, how will I compete with them for you” Another boy said from the back and everyone laughed again, Jordan and Kingston raised their head to look at him

“Two of them are looking at me right now but I just wanna tell you two I don’t mean it” The boy said again, everyone looked around, Jordan and Kingston immediately carried thier face away, Lexi fumed angrily in her seat

“So that’s all” Arielle said awkwardly and went back to her seat

“Gosh!! What was that?” she fanned herself

“What was what?” Mikaela asked

“Didn’t you see what just happened right now?” Arielle asked again

“I wasn’t concentrating, I just knew Jordan and Kingston raised their heads immediately that guy said what he said” Mikaela shrugged

“And you think it’s a good thing, I’m feeling uncomfortable here” Arielle groaned. Lexi suddenly banged the table and everyone flinched

“Hey!!! What’s wrong with you?” Michelle snapped

“None of your business fool” Lexi replied and grabbed her bag

“That’s my note, don’t come to ask me for it” Lexi said and walked out of the class, everyone stared at her until she went out of sight

“Is she happy that they like her?” Lexi scoffed immediately she got outside

“She was even bragging, trust me it won’t last Arielle” She smirked and walked faster.

“What was that?” Arielle asked in shock

“It’s nothing to worry about, maybe she’s in a bad nood” Mikaela replied


“It’s okay Ari, we will talk to her later” Mikaela assured and Arielle nodded gently. Immediately Arielle looked away from her, Mikaela sighed worriedly.

Kingston suddenly walked up to Arielle and immediately Jordan saw him, his heart skipped beats

“Is he gonna tell her?” he thought

“Arielle” Kingston called and Arielle turned back


“How are you?” he asked

“I’m fine…..

“So I wanted to ask, are you busy?” he asked

“Uhhh…no?” she replied not to sure

Jordan suddenly stood up and walked to them

“We were supposed to go somewhere remember Arielle?” Jordan said from the back and they both turned their eyes to him

“Huh….we were?” she asked and he nodded

Kingston smirked

“I’m sorry then Kingston, I forgot I was supposed to go somewhere with Jordan” She said with pleading eyes

“No…it’s okay, maybe another time” Kingston replied and she nodded fastly

“Okay, let’s go” Jordan grabbed her hand and they walked out of the class

“Wait….what just happened?” Mikaela asked confusingly


“Will you let go of my hand now?” Arielle asked immediately they left the class and he dropped her hand

“I’m sorry” he said

“Where were we supposed to go together?” She suddenly asked


“You said we were supposed to go somewhere together, where?” she asked again and Jordan scratched his head nervously

She looked at him weirdly

“The thing is that….I…I…I…just wanted to be with you” Jordan said


“I…I…I didn’t want you talk to him” He said again

“Why?” she asked

“I don’t know” He replied

“Wait, what’s wrong? Why are you acting weird?” She asked

“I’m fine” beads of sweat formed on his forehead

“The thing is that, I wanted to tell you something” he said and she nodded for him to go on

“Something happened one time, it was a mistake and I…I…i” he paused

“You what?” She asked


Immediately Lexi left the class, she went to the Garden, she sat on the bench available enjoying the view, she started hearing the trees rumbling and she looked up only to meet Jimmie sleeping on the tree eating a fruit and she gasped in shock

“What are you doing here?” she asked still in shock

“I thought this place is meant for everyone, I didn’t see where they said it’s for you only” Jimmie replied

“I’m leaving then” She grabbed her bag but he stopped her, he came down from the tree

“No…no…don’t leave because of me, I will leave alright?” He said and she looked at him

“Go then” she snapped and he nodded before walking away

“So annoying” she muttered after he left.


“Hey!! You both” Piper called

“What?” Alaina and Leslie asked

“Is there something you are hiding from me?” She asked suspiciously

“Are we hiding anything from her?” Leslie asked Alaina and she nodded negatively

“Are you both playing with me right now, if you don’t…” A scream cut her short and they looked at where it came from

“Why did you scream like that?” another girl said

🗣️Oh my f-__-king gawd!!!

🗣️ What’s going on right now?

“Wait, what’s wrong?” Leslie asked and they looked at her confusingly also, they walked out of the class to the hallway and immediately Alaina saw it, her feets stopped walking and her breath seized

“Wha…what’s….he doing here?” Alaina asked gently

“Who?” Piper asked

“Matty!!” she said and they gasped when they saw him also.

T. B. C

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