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Friday, October 18, 2024
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“What do you care for ma’am?” Mandy asked and the middle aged woman looked up

“Ohhh, I’m sorry dear but I want her to take my order” the woman said pointing her index finger at Alaina who was attending to another customer

Mandy scoffed silently

“I’m sorry ma’am, but she’s currently attending to another customer, but if you don’t mind, I can take your order also, I will make sure to do well” Mandy faked a smile

“I understand what you mean but I want her to take my order, I will wait until she’s done” The woman replied

Mandy left there not without giving her glare secretly. She walked over to Alaina

“That woman wants you to be the one to take her order” Mandy said

“But I’m busy with another customer” Alaina muttered

“Maybe you should go and tell her that” Mandy scoffed walking away jealously

“I don’t know what they all see in her honestly” Mandy said immediately she stepped back inside the shop

“Maybe cuz she’s pretty” One said

“I’m prettier!!” Mandy snapped and they all cleared their throats scurrying away

“I h@ťě everyone!! She said loudly

“Is that all you need sir?” Alaina asked the man she was attending to and he nodded

She walked over to the woman

“Good evening ma’am, what do you need? I’m taking your order” Alaina smiled and the woman face lit up immediately

“You are here!! Sit down first” She suddenly said and Alaina’s eyes widened


“Sit down for a minute dear, I wanna tell you something” The woman said again and Alaina looked around before sitting on the chair opposite her

“Is there anything you wanna talk about ma?” Alaina asked

“So dear, I’ve always wanted to ask, are you married?” She asked and Alaina choked on her saliva


“Are you married? She asked again and Alaina gulped

“I’m not married ma, I’m still in college as a matter of fact” Alaina replied and she smiled

“Then do you have a boyfriend?” She asked again and Alaina looked at her weirdly

“Is there a reason for all these questions ma?” Alaina asked curiously

“The thing is that my son just came back from the states few days ago, and I’ve always wanted him to get a wife but he isn’t listening to me, I’ve always liked you ever since I came to this restaurant and i knew you are the perfect wife for my son” The woman said smiling

“What…” Alaina asked

“I’m saying you are the perfect wife for my son, so I will like you to meet him” she continued

“Wait ma’am….I think you are getting this all wrong, i told you I’m in my third year in college, I’m not even ready to get married yet, you can’t just say I should meet your son because you think I’m the perfect wife for him” Alaina said

“What I’m saying is……

“Just stand up if you are not comfortable” A voice suddenly cut her short and Alaina turned back, only for her eyes to meet Angelo

“Angelo?” she muttered

“Who are you?” the woman asked looking at Angelo

“You don’t have to know me but don’t you think it’s improper to talk about this with a staff?” Angelo asked

“I’m asking who you are? How dare you interfere in my business?” she asked loudly and all eyes turned to her

🗣️Wait… when did Angelo come in?

🗣️I can’t believe I’m seeing him again

🗣️But what’s going on though?

“What’s going on there?” Mandy muttered and everyone rushed to the counter to watch what’s going on

“I don’t think you wanna know who I am Ahjumma( older lady)” Angelo said

“What? Ahjumma?” The woman screamed again

“Do you know who I am?” she asked

“I don’t care to know and I don’t wanna know, I’m just telling you that you can’t be talking about this kind of things with a staff here” Angelo said again

“Who are you to decide for her? Are you her boyfriend?” She snapped loudly

“Gosh!!! You are so noisy, doesn’t your lungs hurt?” Angelo asked and everyone chuckled

“What? How dare you say that to me?” She moved closer to him

“Do you know who I am? I’m the founder of F&K Foods, how dare you speak to me that way?” She asked again and Angelo chuckled

“F&K Foods?” he asked and she nodded proudly

Adrian moved closer to him

“It’s the company that is recently trying to partner with us” Adrian whispered and Angelo smirked

“You are the founder of F&K Foods and you don’t have any manners? Angelo asked and everyone gasped including Alaina

“What?!!” Her face squeezed in anger. She suddenly raised her hand and landed a slap on his face, everyone screamed and Alaina’s eyes widened, Adrian moved closer but Angelo stopped him with his arm. Angelo touched his cheek and smirked, his face was looking cold at this moment

“How can he change expressions that quickly?” Alaina thought fearfully

Angelo moved his face closer to the woman’s face and she stood with courage

“Did you just slap me?” Angelo asked

“I will do more if you don’t know your place” She replied and he smirked, he sweeped his hair to the back and Alaina could swear she drooled at that moment, his cold face was matching his physique, he looked incredibly hot, that was all Alaina could think at that moment but she suddenly snapped out of it when she remembered a serious matter was at ground.

Angelo grabbed his phone from his suit pocket, he scrolled through and seconds later, he raised the phone to his ear

“I don’t wanna say much, make sure F&K Foods doesn’t have any business to do with us and even with other companies and I wanna hear it closed down before the end of today” Angelo said loudly and everyone gasped for the countless time again. Adrian looked at him In shock

“Did he just do this because of a girl?” he thought

“Huh….what…did…you…just say?” The woman stuttered

“Let me introduce myself to you since you don’t know, I’m Angelo Wilkerson, the first son of Stefan and Roselyn Wilkerson, the highest paid Model in Germany, the second richest man in Germany and the CEO of Wilkerson Enterprises ” Angelo said proudly


“Is this enough information or you need more?” Angelo asked and Adrian chuckled silently, Alaina stared at him with no expression

“You…you…are who?” The woman asked again, suddenly a call came in and she grabbed her phone from her purse

“Hello?” she said after she picked it

“Wha…what…did…did…you…just….say?” She stuttered and Angelo smirked knowing what he did already

“Wilkerson enterprises doesn’t wanna partner with us anymore and my company is closing down? How? What are you talking about?” she screamed loudly and everyone looked at Angelo

She dropped her phone from her ear and looked at Angelo

“Are you really Angelo Wilkerson?” she asked

“Need my I.D card for proof?” He smirked and some.of the customers chuckled

“I can’t give you my I.D card though, but you can just search for my name and see if it brings out my picture, ohhh wait…..Or should I share you hotspot?” Angelo smirked crazily and everyone laughed. The woman suddenly slump to the floor as if been pushed and everyone gasped

🗣️ What’s wrong with her?

🗣️ Someone do something

Adrian immediately called the Ambulance and it arrived minutes later, they took her away and drove off.

Angelo looked at Alaina and Smiled naughtily before walking away, she tilted her head not still grabbing what was going on, she doesn’t want to think he just did that for her

“It’s because she slapped him, can’t be because of me, what am I thinking?” Alaina muttered smiling fakingly, she stopped smiling

“It really can’t be because of me right?” She pointed a finger at herself staring at nowhere in particular panicking slightly.

“Are we all just gonna ignore the fact that Angelo Wilkerson just defended Alaina?” Mandy suddenly said and her co-workers looked at her

“So? He would have done the same if it was any of us” one said

“No!!! I saw it, he wasn’t annoyed because of the slap, I don’t know what the woman was talking about with Alaina but I’m sure it’s because of it” she said but no one was paying attention to her anymore, they kept gossiping about how hot he is

“It’s of no use talking to you all” Many muttered, she walked away angrily.


“What was that for?” Adrian asked pouring wine in his cup


“The whole thing that happened few minutes ago” Adrian said

“I don’t know what you are talking about” Angelo said

“Yaaa!!!!” Adrian snapped and Angelo flinched

“What!!?” He snapped back

“Are you really gonna keep silent?” Adrian asked but he ignored him and Adrian smirked

“Make sure none of what happened today gets out to the public, I h@ťě been the center of attention for all those paparazzi” Angelo ordered and Adrian nodded

They heard a knock on the door and they turned their head towards it

“Come in!!!….” Angelo said and Alaina opened the door and walked in, he smiled

“I will excuse you both” Adrian smiled mischievously, he secretly winked at Angelo and he glared at him.

Alaina sat down immediately Adrian left

“Hey!! What was that for?” Alaina whispered

“What?” he whispered also

“Are you playing with me? What was that all about?” Alaina whispered again and Angelo moved his face closer to her

“I don’t know what you are talking about” he whispered again and Alaina moved her face back, he moved it closer to her again

“What are you doing?” she muttered

“I thought we were doing whispering competition” Angelo shrugged and smirked, Alaina gulped, she tried moving away but he held her shoulder

“What are you doing?” she looked at his hand on her shoulder

“Where are you going to?” he asked instead

“I’m not going anywhere, can you let me go?” she asked and he did but he held her again, her back this time around and she gasped

“What do you think you are doing?” she asked a little loud

“I asked where you were going but you said nowhere and you are suddenly moving, so i’m stopping you” Angelo shrugged and she gulped with the way their faces are are close to each other

“I just want to move away from you” She said and he moved more closer to her face

“Why? He asked staring at her eyes

“It seems uncomfortable this way” she stuttered in between her words

“For you? But not for me though” Angelo said

“Can you just let me go? She pleaded, she really doesn’t know what’s going on right now but she doesn’t like what this is doing to her


“Should there be a reason?” she asked

“Are you scared of me?” Angelo suddenly asked

“Why would you think that way?” She asked back

“Then I guess you don’t mind if I hold you like this” Angelo moved his hand lower to back just above her waist and a gasp fell out of her mouth

“Ehm….Mr Angelo….I mean Angelo, wha…what…are…you doing?” she gulped again, her eyes moved away from his beautiful green orbs which added an endearing gaze to his face and extremely long lashes, her lashes isn’t even as full as his, his full eyebrows was something to write about, her eyes landed on his perfectly sculptured nose and it moved to his Red love shaped lips, she breathed in, it was looking enchanting to touch, her fingers moved.

Was he created on a Sunday? She thought to herself, his face only could be used as a G.Q model, her eyes didn’t leave his lips, she really wanted to touch it but she’s literally fighting with her hormones right now

“Are you done checking me out Tinkerbell?” Angelo whispered and she looked at him

“Wha…what!!, I…I…I wasn’t” She stuttered and he chuckled silently staring at her with so much affection, his green orbs made it look more endearing and she couldn’t help but continue staring, few minutes later, she got herself back, she cleared her throat and he raised a brow

“Can you let me go now?” She asked and he chuckled before releasing her, she released the breath she didn’t know she was holding, she moved away from him and grabbed a bottle water on the table, she drank from it hurriedly, she was feeling hot in all places

“What’s wrong with me?” she thought

“Get a grip of yourself Ana!!” she snapped and breathes in and out, that helped a lot, she looked back at Angelo who was staring with her with a smile on his face

“Why….why are you staring at me like that?” She asked slowly and he chuckled saying nothing, he looked away from her and licked his lips, seconds later, he brought it out wet and Alaina mouth fell open

“What the f-__-k!!!” She screamed inwardly, she suddenly stood up and rushed out of the suite making him wonder why. Immediately she left, he smirked naughtily knowing what he did.

T. B. C

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