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Friday, October 18, 2024
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(Childhood lust….🔞)

THEME: War of heart






“I will like to borrow her throughout the end of today, can I?” he asked and Alaina eyes widened.

“What are you doing Mr Angelo?” She whispered only to his hearing

“Just watch me” he muttered also

“Yeah, you can” Mrs sandy answered and Alaina looked at her shockingly

“Ana, get changed, I didn’t know you guys were friends” Mrs sandy said

“What!! Friends? I don’t even know him” Alaina muttered before dropping the tray, she walked into the changing room and Mandy followed her immediately

“Woah!! So you already took it to the next level” Mandy clapped

“Took what to the next level?” Alaina asked putting off the apron

“With Angelo Wilkerson, where are you guys going? A hotel? Maybe he wants to f-__-k you” Mandy smirked

“I don’t have time for this Mandy, if you don’t have anything good to say, get out” Alaina said

“He’s just gonna use and dump you, do you think he will really settle for a college student and a middle class at that?” Mandy asked and Alaina looked at her

“I don’t know what’s making you think I have that kind of relationship with him, stop assuming things, no one told him not to choose you, he only realised that you were not worth his time, get over it girl” Alaina smirked and Mandy glared hard at her

“Take care of this place when I’m gone, I know customers will ask for me, just help me apologise to them alright” Alaina smiled and walked out of the room

“That Ɓîtçh!!!” Mandy muttered

Alaina walked back to the counter

“You kept me waiting” Angelo smiled and she rolled her eyes

“So can we go now?” He asked and she started walking out of the restaurant

👥Wait!! Where are they going together?

👥Are they really dating?

👥 Don’t tell me he really wants to settle for that Middle class waitress

Immediately Alaina heard that, she turned back to look at who said it, she ignored it and walked out of the restaurant, it’s obviously the ones that wants his attention that say those kind of stuffs so she waved it off.

Angelo walked to his car and pressed a button on the car key, it beeped and he helped her with the door, she rolled her eyes before entering and he chuckled , he went back to the driver’s seat and he drove into the road.

“Why are you doing this?” She suddenly asked

“I thought you went mute for some time” he smirked and she couldn’t help but stare, she snapped out of it seconds later and looked out through the window

“Mr Angelo….

“Stop adding the title to my name and I will tell you” he said and she looked back at him

“What!! How do you expect me to do that?” she asked

“Since we talk casually, just remove the Mr”. He said

“You are obviously older, I can’t” she shaked her head

“You know you don’t respect me, so just remove the title” he said

“I will think about it” She replied

“Call it now, I wanna hear it” he looked at her for some seconds before looking back at the road

“Angelo?….” she muttered and he smiled, the way it rolled out of her tongue couldn’t help but make him smile, he would do anything to hear it everytime

“Don’t ever add Mr again” he instructed and she rolled her eyes

“Where are we going?” She suddenly asked

“To sell you” he replied and she glared making him smile, she got lost into his smile for a minute, Angelo looked at her when he didn’t hear her voice and their eyes met, she immediately took her eyes away and cleared her throat nervously, Angelo smirked

“Seriously, where are we going?” she asked again

“Where do you wanna go?” he asked back

“Don’t tell me you don’t even know where to take me” she said and he shrugged

“I just wanted to be with you today, I can’t explain it also” he tugged his hands in his hair using one hand to handle the wheel, Alaina couldn’t help but stare

“Why am I feeling hot?” she thought still staring

“Done eye raping me?” Angelo smirked and she snapped out of it

“I..I…I wasn’t….

“Let’s go to a restaurant, I guess you haven’t eaten” He said and her stomach grumbled immediately, she bit her lip in embarrassment making Angelo chuckle.


“We are going to Dynamite? She asked and he shrugged

Dynamite is a popular restaurant owned by the best chef, almost all dignitaries come there to eat, it’s like a paradise in one word.

“I’m not even wearing the clothes for it” she looked at herself, she was putting on a black cargo pants and blue hoodie

“You look good in wh@ťěver you wear, I don’t care about others opinion” he said and she looked at him again for the hundredth times today

“Can we go?” He stretched his hand, she looked at the hand and looked at him, he tilted his head

“It’s fine, we don’t have to do that” she said and he nodded once before dropping his hand

“Ladies first” He said and she walked to his front, they stepped on the porch and the door opened, immediately Alaina entered, she breathed in and Angelo looked at her to see she was nervous, he fixed his hand into her hand immediately and Alaina looked back at him, she tried removing her hand but he held it tighter, someone came to them and directed them to their table, Angelo helped her with her seat before sitting.

Alaina looked around and she could feel eyes on her, he noticed it

“Should we go somewhere secluded?” he asked

“ I’m fine” she answered.

He called someone over and they talked for a few minutes, he walked back to Alaina

“Let’s go, I already made the arrangement” he said

“What arrangements?” she asked in confusion

He grabbed her hands and helped her up, they followed the man until he directed them to their suite

“You made arrangements for a suite?” she asked surprisingly and he nodded

“Why?” she asked immediately they both sat down

“You seemed uncomfortable, I had to do something” he replied

“You didn’t have to” she muttered.

Someone brought the menu and placed it in front of them

“What do you want to eat?” he asked looking through it

“Steak” She replied and he smiled

“Is that all?” he asked

“I’m not a foodie” she replied

“What drink?” he asked again

“Chapman” she answered and he called the waitress over, he told her what they ordered and he nodded, minutes later, they brought it over, they dropped her steak in front if her

“Thanks” she said and the waitress smiled

They dropped a bottle water in front of Angelo and she stared at him weirdly

“What about yours?” she asked

“I’m really not hungry, I’m fine with this” he replied

Angelo carried her steak and started helping her cut it into smaller pieces

“What’s your favourite food?” He suddenly asked still cutting the steak

“Chicken Casserole” she replied and he smiled before dropping her food back in front of her

“Thank you” she said and he nodded, he opened the water bottle and poured some inside a glass cup, he drank from it and Alaina looked up that moment, she couldn’t help staring with the way his lips fit around the rim of the cup and the way his Adam’s apple moved anytime he swallowed was seducing

“He’s hot….” she thought loudly

“Did you say something?” Angelo asked and she cleared her throat immediately

“No…no” she answered and he shrugged

“Are you sure you are fine with that? You can just take from mine, I can’t really finish it though” Alaina offered

“If you feed me” He smirked


“Just kidding” he smiled seeing her widened eyes

Alaina dropped the steak in front of him

“What? He asked

“Just eat a little, I feel bad” she replied and he smiled

“With the same fork you used?” he smirked

“Can you just stop?” she rolled her eyes

He picked a steak with the fork and put it in his mouth before dropping it back

“Continue eating, I’m fine” He dropped it back in front of her

“We just kissed indirectly if you don’t know” Angelo smirked again

“f-__-k you Angelo!!” Alaina coughed and he chuckled

“I guess you are getting used to it, you just called my name without the title” he said and she shrugged.

“Thanks for the last time” Alaina said again and he nodded

“I’m okay” Alaina dropped her fork

“You sure?” he asked


“Your drink?” He asked

“I don’t think I will be able to drink it, I can just take it with me then” Alaina said and grabbed the drink in a plastic bottle

“Let’s go” he said and she smiled, she stood up and they both walked out of the restaurant

He opened the door for her and she entered, he entered the driver’s seat also and he drove into the road

”What about your guards?” She asked

“They are not my guards, they are my brothers” He said


“I don’t consider them as guards, I just call them my brother’s instead” he explained and she nodded

“That’s good” She sipped from her drink

“It tastes really good, you sure you don’t want?” she asked and he looked at her

“Okay, give it to me then” He said and she stretched it to him

“In my mouth” he said and her eyes widened

“You want me to feed you?” she asked

“I can’t collect it from you since I’m driving, you can just help me by putting it in my mouth instead” he said and she nervously stretched it to his mouth, he fixed his mouth on the straw and looked at Alaina who was staring at the window, he smiled before taking his lips away

“It’s really good, thanks Tinkerbell” he smiled

“Why do you always call me Tinkerbell?” she asked

“The first time I saw you, you were looking exactly like it” He said and she sipped from her drink again

“We are almost at your house” He announced

“You only came here once, how were you able to get the direction?” she asked

“Am a genius” he said and she rolled her eyes for the hundredth time again

“Your eyeballs might fall anytime soon” He said and she rolled her eyes again

“You did it again” he chuckled

“Just leave me alone” she pouted and all he wanted that moment was to do something unexpected but he snapped out of it immediately.

“We are here” he stopped the car

“Thanks for today Angelo” She smiled and he nodded, she stepped out of the car and started walking to her house, immediately she got to the door, she looked back and waved at him before entering making him smile

“Today was fun” he muttered before driving home.


She picked up her phone and dialed a number, the number picked up after few rings

“Yes boss?….

“I sent a package this morning, have you seen it?” she asked

“It just got here boss….

“When you open it, there’s a syringe there and bottle there” she said

“Take just 10ml out of the substance in the bottle and give it to the man in the underground, use it on his legs only, not any other part of his body, it will paralyze his legs” Caroline said

“Understood boss……”

T. B. C

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