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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Childhood lust….🔞)

THEME: War of heart






“The one I choose is enough, I don’t think she needs another companion, it’s not really a big event” Angelo dropped the bombshell and Mandy heart dropped.

“What do you mean sir?” Mandy asked slowly and Angelo looked at her

Sandy immediately stepped in

“Are you sure you will be okay with only her?” she asked and Angelo directed his gaze towards her

“I’m sure, I guess we can leave now right?” Angelo looked at Alaina who rolled her eyes secretly but he saw her

“Yes” Alaina answered silently

“I can’t hear you” Angelo smirked and she looked at him

“We can go sir” She said with a fake smile and they all stepped out of the restaurant, Adrian helped Angelo with the door and he stepped in, then he came back to open the door for Alaina who bowed her head before entering, Adrian sat in the front seat and they drove into the road

Alaina held her bag tightly on her laps looking out the window, she was feeling so uncomfortable, she kept biting her bottom lip every second to ease her anxiety but it didn’t help, she stylishly looked at Angelo but he was busy on his phone, immediately she looked away, Angelo raised his head to look at her and he stared for a second before taking his eyes away.


The car drove into the garage and they all stepped down, Alaina gawked at the mansion in front of her and she couldn’t help but stare, she kept looking around muttering “Wow” every second, minutes passed and she was till looking

“Is this what you came here for?” Angelo asked coldly, they have been waiting for some minutes now because she was staring at the house, Alaina immediately dropped her head down in embarrassment

Angelo started walking in and she followed them quietly, the door opened and immediately Alaina entered, she almost fainted, this is literally heaven, she immediately composed herself incase of any other embarrassment but still kept looking around stylishly

“You are back?” Alex came out of a room

“How’s your arm?” Adrian walked closer to him

“It’s fine” Alex replied

“Are you still mad at me?” Alex pouted walking closer to Angelo but Angelo glared at him

“Don’t come closer!!’ Angelo snapped but Alex ignored it, he wrapped his hands around Angelo’s biceps and started wriggling him

“What the hell are you doing right now?” Angelo muttered

“Forgive me” Alex pouted and Adrian chuckled

“Forgive me” Alex kept wriggling him making Adrian chuckle more

“Okay fine, I’ve forgiven you, now stop doing that” Angelo snapped

Alex immediately stepped back and stood straight, he raised his hand to his head and raise his left leg up before dropping his hands and legs

“Yes sir!!” He said loudly and Angelo chuckled

Alaina kept wondering what was going on

“Is it the same guys that were always acting like the world is about to end, they are the ones acting like kids right now” she wondered

“Did he just laugh?” she muttered looking at Angelo who was looking at Alex drama

“You are annoying” Angelo muttered

“Handsome!!!!” Viola suddenly rushed in running directly to Angelo, immediately she got to him, she hugged his legs immediately

“I missed you so much, where did you go to since, that weirdo told me you went out” viola said all at once

“Ehmm…I went out” Angelo said, he doesn’t know how to talk to kids and this is hard for him right now

“I don’t know why you don’t smile but you are still the most hottest guy have ever seen” Viola winked and everyone eyes widened

“Did she just flirt with him again?” Adrian and Alex wondered

“You are not like this two weirdos here” Viola rolled her eyes at Adrian and Alex and they both glared at her

“Did you just glare at me?” Viola left Angelo’s legs and started walking towards them, they immediately composed themselves

“We dare not” they muttered

“Better!! Bend down I want to tell you something” Viola said with an innocent smile and they both bent down foolishly. Viola suddenly raised her hands and grabbed the both of them ears

“Ahhhh!!!” they both screamed

“Your punishment for glaring at a whole queen” Viola said and started dragging them out with their ear, everyone suddenly started laughing including Angelo

“See you later handsome, I wanna deal with these two first” Viola said loudly walking out with the both of the who wouldn’t stop screaming, Angelo and Alaina continued laughing staring at them till they went out of sight. Immediately they went out of sight, Angelo stopped laughing and cleared his throat awkwardly

“Where am I supposed to go sir?” Alaina asked gently

“Walk down the corridor, you can find the kitchen from there, just make something good that will be enough for a people of six” Angelo said gently and walked away

“Gosh!!!this is hard, he didn’t even tell me what to cook, how I’m I supposed to choose for them?” Alaina wondered before taking the directions he gave her, she continued walking down the corridor, she finally saw the kitchen, her mouth fell open immediately she entered, the kitchen alone is as big as the whole of her house, she dropped her bag, she started opening the cabinets one by one and there were different foods everywhere, after much thought, she finally settled for chicken casserole and lasagna, she brought out all the ingredients and settled them down.

She wore a hair cap and and apron and she started the work, she started with chicken first cutting it into medium pieces, then she put them in a bowl before rinsing it under the tap and she transferred it to a pot, she was about taking the onions when someone stopped her

“I will help with that” Violet said from the door and Alaina turned back immediately

“Hi..” Alaina said gently and Violet walked to her

“Hello…, I’m Violet” Violet smiled and she smiled back

“It might take a lot of time if you do it all alone, so let’s work together, what should I help with?” Violet smiled and Alaina looked at her

“Thanks, you can help with the onions as you want” Alaina smiled and she nodded, Violet dropped the onions on a chopping board and took a small knife, she started cutting them into small pieces, Alaina kept looking at her

“Can I ask who you are?” Alaina asked gently

“I thought I already told you” Violet replied

“Ohh sorry” Alaina muttered and Violet laughed

“Don’t mind me, I’m just playing with you” Violet said and Alaina smiled

“I’m actually someone that owes this people a lot, you must have seen a little girl here right, that’s my sister, I don’t really know how to explain it but all I know is I will do anything for Mr Angelo, he’s a Godsent” Shirley smiled

“Godsent? That cold devil?” Alaina thought loudly and Violet turned to her

“I didn’t mean that” Alaina said awkwardly

“That was what I once thought but now i know those were just camouflage for his good characters” Violet said and Alaina rolled her eyes

Alaina grabbed the seasonings and poured them inside the chicken

“I guess you will understand later on” Violet said

“Your little sister is cute actually” Alaina said after few minutes

“I know, I pray I don’t lose her” Violet said sadly

“What do you mean?” Alaina asked

“She has a heart disease and needs a transplant as soon as possible” Violet said still cutting the onions and Alaina’s eyes fell, she rinsed her hands immediately and turned to her

“Are you okay?” Alaina asked and Violet tears started dropping

“It’s the onions, I’m not crying because of that” Violet said cleaning her tears

“It’s okay, let it all out” Alaina hugged her tightly, violet hugged her back crying so loud and Alaina continued patting her back to calm her down

“It’s okay, everything will be fine” Alaina whispered to her

Alex stood in a corner staring at them with different emotions written in his eyes, he has been standing there for some minutes now but they didn’t notice him, few seconds later, he left.


“Are you okay now?” Alaina asked gently and she nodded

“Thank you so much, I don’t why I felt comfortable with you, we just met” Violet chuckled

“It doesn’t matter” Alaina smiled also

“I spent so many minutes crying here, we were supposed to be cooking” Violet said

“It’s okay, we can continue now” Alaina arranged her hair for her and smiled at her before they turned back to what they were doing.


Everyone was settled at the dining table except Angelo. Alaina and Violet came in with trays, they settled everyone’s food in front of them

“What about yours?” Violet asked

“Me? I just came here to cook, nothing else” Alaina said

“You can serve yours and join us here” Angelo said walking into the dining room and all eyes turned to him


“I’m not repeating myself” Angelo sat down on one of the chairs

“Oh okay” Alaina muttered and went to serve her food before settling on one of the chairs also. Everyone ate in silence making everywhere awkward, everyone has almost finished their food but Angelo was still in the third spoon

“Handsome, you don’t like it?” Viola suddenly asked and they all turned their eyes to him

“Uhmmm….I love it” He answered

“Then why are you not eating?” She asked again

“I will” he replied

“Do you want me to feed you?” She asked again and he suddenly spat out the water he drank

“Wtf!!” Angelo thought and everyone chuckled silently

“Don’t worry about me kid, you can eat your food” Angelo said and she nodded

“The food was nice, I enjoyed it” Alex said immediately he finished eating and Alaina smiled

“Thank you sir” she said

“I’m Alex, nice to meet you” Alex said and she smiled

“I’m Alaina” She stretched her hand and they shook hands

“I enjoyed the food also, I’m Adrian” Adrian said also and she nodded

“I’m Viola, the queen of the house” Viola said also and everyone chuckled again

“I’m Alaina ma’am” She said, Viola laughed.

Alaina packed the plates and was about leaving

“Pack mine too, I’m done” Angelo said

“But you didn’t eat anything” Viola stared at him with widened eyes

“I’m okay” he smiled lightly

Alaina packed his plates also and Violet helped with some, she dropped the plates in the zinc and started washing them

“Thanks for today” Violet said

“You are welcome” Alaina replied

Minutes later, she was done with the plate, she walked back to the dining and everyone was still seated on the chair waiting for their food to digest, she grabbed her bags

“I will be leaving now” Alaina bowed her head and they nodded, immediately she turned back to walk to the door, thunder striked and an heavy rain started falling immediately, Alaina gasped

“Wtf!!” Alaina muttered

“Let me take…..” Alex was still saying

“I will take you home….” Angelo cut him short and everyone turned to him with widened eyes including Alaina.

T. B. C

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