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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Childhood lust….🔞)

THEME: War of heart







Alaina stepped down from the car and her mum guided her into the house, she helped her sit on the couch and gave a water to drink

“I will go and check on Jordan” Alaina said and stood up

“Rest Ana, you will see him tomorrow” Her mum said

“I won’t take long, I just want to see him” she said already walking upstairs and her parents sighed. She got to Jordan’s door and knocked but no one answered

“Dan?” she called

“I know you are listening to me, I just want to say I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hide anything from you, I was just been cautious, I didn’t want you to get hurt because of me, I’m really sorry” she sighed

“I promise I won’t keep anything from you again, just forgive me this once huh” she said again but he still ignored her

“Good night, sleep tight” she said and went to her room, immediately she left, he opened the door and sighed before entering his room back.


Jordan came down and joined everyone at the dining table

“Good morning” he muttered and Alaina stared at him but he avoided her face, she sighed again. Everyone ate in silence until Jordan broke it

“I’m going back to my room” he said and cleaned his mouth

“You are not going to school?” Their dad asked

“It’s weekend” he said and they all nodded their head

He stood up and started walking upstairs, Alaina tried going after him but her mum held her hand

“Let him get over it, he will be the one to talk to you himself” She said and Alaina smiled lightly.


A knock sounded on the door and Alaina stood up to get it, she opened the door and she stared at the person weirdly

“Sorry, who are you?” Alaina asked

“I’m Arielle, I’m looking for Jordan” Arielle said and Alaina smiled lightly

“Come in, I will get him for you” Alaina said and she nodded before sitting on the couch.

Arielle looked around, she has been worried ever since Jordan left the school in a hurry and hasn’t come back since then, she had to beg her bother for his permission so she can look at his details in the student record and she’s at his house.

She heard footsteps and saw the lady who opened the door for her coming downstairs but without him

“Why don’t you go to his room?” Alaina asked


“Go to his room, it’s the first room immediately you walk upstairs” she said and Arielle nodded before walking upstairs looking back at Alaina. She got to the first door and inhaled before knocking

“Ana, I will talk to you when I want to” Jordan snapped from inside, she knocked again and he opened the door

“I said I will t….” he was still saying but stopped immediately he saw her

“Hi” Arielle muttered

“Ari?” he asked to be sure

“My legs hurt, do you mind if I come inside?” she asked and he opened the door widely for her

“Come in” he muttered and she looked around, everything is all black, guess he loves black, she wondered

“First time I will be in your room” she said

“What are you doing here?” he suddenly asked after he remembered he’s supposed to be angry with her

“How did you even know my house?” He asked again

“Ohh, I forgot, your family owns the school” he muttered and sat on the bed

“I thought you weren’t mad at me anymore” She said and he looked at her

“I’m sorry for forgetting about our date, I know I’m at fault, that’s why I’m apologising right now and I mean it, I don’t have any excuses but just forgive me alright? I promise I will be the one to set the next date, you don’t have to worry about it” She rushed her words and Jordan looked at her

“I mean it” she said placing her hands on her chest and he chuckled

“So am I forgiven?” she asked gently and he looked at her with no expression on his face making her nervous

“Say something” she said again and he smiled

“You are forgiven” he said and she smiled widely

“Gosh!! That took a whole lot of courage” she muttered and he chuckled

“Did you really come here because of this?” he asked

“Yeah and I came to give you this” she brought out a book from her bag and stretched it to him, it was the book that fell down when he was rushing out of the class yesterday

“Ohh, thanks” he smiled and collected it from her making their hands brush each other, they both looked at each other that moment and started staring at each other, Arielle suddenly cleared her throat and walked to a table, she saw a picture on it and chuckled loudly, she grabbed it, looking at it intently and Jordan looked at her, immediately he saw the picture she was holding, he rushed to her immediately but she moved back

“I’m keeping this” she said

“No you can’t” Jordan said and tried taking it from her

“Fine, let me snap it then” she said again still moving her hands around

“You can’t do that also” he said again

Arielle started running around the room looking at the picture and laughing loudly, Jordan rushed after her and grabbed her hand, his legs hit her leg making her loose balance

“Ahh…..” she gasped and held his cloth to balance herself back but he loosed balance also and they both fell on the bed with him on top, their eyes widened immediately but none was making an effort to move out of the uncomfortable situation, they started staring at each other, minutes passed and they were still staring, Jordan stylishly raised his hand to her hand and grabbed the picture from her hand gently still looking at her hoping she won’t notice, he successfully took it and smiled at her, that was when Arielle came back to her senses, she blinked close to ten times making him chuckle.

Jordan was about standing up from her when Alaina suddenly barged in and their eyes widened, they turned to look at her and saw her staring at them with widened eyes. Jordan stood up immediately and straightened his cloth

“Yo…you…ca…can… continue” she stuttered and rushed out immediately

“Continue what? Sis it’s not what you think” Jordan rushed after her immediately leaving Arielle alone in the room, she stood up from the bed and smiled lightly before walking out of the room also.


Angelo was putting on all black with a pistol tugged at the back of his pants, he was backing a board and staring at everyone in front of him, everyone was looking like it’s a black costume day, there wasn’t any colours found on anyone’s cloth.

Alex and Adrian were beside him dressed exactly as him, they were looking like the three musketeers

Angelo suddenly faced the board and everyone tugged their hands behind their backs

“This is the map of Waylon’s house” he pointed a red object on the board

“Looking at it, I’m sure he won’t keep the girl in an opened place, it might be an underground so we have to make a plan B incase of anything going wrong” he continued and they all stared at him keenly with no expressions on their faces

“Carlo, Tony and Vincent, take some men, I want you to enter the house from the back gate, don’t use the gate, use the fence and meet in the front, Carpo, John and Finn will be waiting there with some men while Adrian, Alex and I will find a way to get inside and we will all be meeting there, we won’t be entering together so as not to gain attention, understood?” Angelo asked

“Yes boss” they all chorused

“Now, we move” Angelo said and they all rushed out into the car

“Has she woken up?” Adrian asked Alex

“No” Alex sighed

“Focus, no mistakes” Angelo said and they nodded before walking out of the house also into their car , their car moved first before the other buses followed them.


They all arrived at the house and they got out of the car immediately everyone started dispersing in different directions taking Angelo’s orders into actions, everyone left already leaving the three of them, Angelo, Alex and Adrian

“We should be able to get in through the roof, I will check it first” Alex said grabbing an instrument from the bag in the car

“I will give you the signal when it’s opened”Alex said

“Be careful” Adrian said and he nodded before jumping to grab the fence, he climbed it and jumped to the other side, there wasn’t any sounds when he jumped down

“He’s still ski||ed” Angelo suddenly said

“We still have to protect you so we can’t loose guard” Adrian said and Angelo looked at him

“Don’t die while trying to protect me, protect yourself first” Angelo said seriously

“Never, who the hell does that” Adrian shaked his head

“I m…” Angelo was still saying when the heard a silent whistle from the top of the building

“He did it, let’s go” Adrian said and started moving immediately and Angelo sighed before following him, they went in the same way Alex entered and traced where the whistle came from

“Here” Alex whispered and they both raised their head up, they climbed up and looked inside from where Alex opened the roof

“I will go first” Adrian said and jumped in

“Go in, I will guide your back” Alex said and Angelo nodded before jumping in also, Alex followed, they all hid behind the pillars waiting to see where they will move to

Adrian moved first, looking at every door but nothing was suspicious about it, Angelo and Alex followed suit with Alex looking back continuously incase of anything going wrong, they kept walking past every door until Angelo stopped at a particular door

“Is anything wrong?” Alex asked

Angelo moved closer to the door, he looked at the frame placed in the middle of the door, it has Waylon’s picture on it, but there’s a black button on a particular place, if not looked closely, a normal person won’t see it, Angelo raised his hand and touched the button, a case opened up beside the door, Alex and Adrian eyes widened

Alex moved closer to the case and touched the button

“It needs a code” Alex said

“What do you think it will be?” Adrian asked looking at Angelo

“I can’t seem to think of anything right now” Angelo replied

“His date of birth?” Alex asked

“Try it” Angelo said

“Why would I keep that motherf-__-ker date of birth in my head?” Alex asked and Angelo rolled his eyes

“12-04-01” Angelo said and Alex pressed it immediately but it was wrong

“I can’t seem to think of anything else” Angelo immediately said when they started looking at him

“Wait…” Alex suddenly said after minutes of silence

“What about the day he brought her here?” Alex asked

“Do you know it?” Adrian asked

“I looked into it” Alex said tapping his head to remember it

“Got it” Alex said and pressed it, it opened up immediately and they all smiled

“I didn’t know you were this smart” Adrian ruffled his hair

“Ohh please” Alex muttered and they all went in. They kept walking down the hallway looking around for any sign of danger, they finally got to a door after some minutes and it also required a pin, they tried the same thing and it opened up, they sighed in relief

They heard whimpers immediately the door opened and they grabbed their guns immediately, Alex and Adrian both stayed closely beside Angelo and he frowned, they saw a bed and someone was curling inside the sheets, Angelo moved closer to the bed

“I will check it out” Alex suddenly said

“Calm, I will do it myself” Angelo muttered and they sighed holding their guns tightly incase of anything, Angelo grabbed the sheets but the person held it tightly, he immediately dragged it away from the body and it turned out to be a little girl looking scared as hell, she gently raised her head up

“Please don’t hurt me again” She said gently and they sighed looking at her closely, she has a tube connected to her nose, different kind of instruments was on her body, fresh wound were also on her body

“How can he do this to a little girl?” Alex asked with anger clearly written in his voice

“I came to save you, do you want to come with me?” Angelo suddenly asked

“Are you going to hurt me like he did to me?” She asked gently and Angelo sat beside her

“I promise I won’t, your sister sent me” Angelo said and her face lit up immediately

“My sister sent you?” she asked eagerly and Angelo nodded

“Let’s go then” She immediately said but stopped and they all looked at her

“What is her name if she really sent you?” She asked and they all chuckled

“She’s really smart for her age” Alex muttered

“Violet Debrocks” Alex smiled and they all stared at him

“Is that really her name, I thought it was Shirley?” Adrian muttered for only Alex to hear

“We will talk about that later” Alex replied in the same voice

“Let’s go, that’s her name” She said and they all nodded

“Is she really with you?” She asked again

“She’s a real talkative” Alex muttered

“I heard that” She suddenly said and Alex chuckled akwardly. She suddenly grabbed Angelo’s hand and he looked at her

“You seem like the nicest one around here, so I will only talk to you” She said and they all chuckled leaving Angelo speechless

“You are so hot” She said again, Alex and Adrian choked on their saliva

“What the h*ll are the both of you thinking? I mean he’s sweating” She rolled her eyes and they shut their mouth immediately

“How can a seven years old girl be swearing?” Alex muttered gently so she won’t hear

“I’m still shocked” Adrian replied

“Don’t worry hot boy, I will be you fan, so you won’t sweat too much” She smiled and Angelo chuckled

“Did this little girl just use a pick up line on him” he wondered. Alex and Adrian couldn’t hold it anymore, they bursted into laughter and she looked at them weirdly

“You both are so weird” she shaked her head. They all got to the door and Angelo turned to her

“I want you to hold on to me tightly and don’t let go okay?” Angelo bent to her height and she nodded lightly

“Good girl” he ruffled her hair and she smiled

Alex opened the door and they could see their men fighting with the guards, Waylon caught on already, the three of them put on their masks but their eyes were not covered from the mask

“Don’t be scared and hold on tight okay?” Angelo said

“Your face alone is enough to not make me get scared” She said and they looked at her speechlessly again

“This little girl never sees to amaze him…” he thought

Alex blowed a whistle indicating retreat and they started rushing out of the building still exchanging bullets, Angelo’s men made sure they are not $h00ting anyone’s vital points and they also blocked the guard’s bullet till they were all able to get out of the building.

Angelo suddenly carried the little girl and helped her sit in the car, he dropped his gun on the chair but unknowingly to them, Waylon was about $h00ting his pistol from upstairs, he pulled the trigger but before it could hit Angelo, someone stepped in and the bullet hit him, everyone eyes widened especially Angelo.

T. B. C

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