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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Childhood lust….🔞)

THEME: War of heart






“Denise!!” Alaina muttered and slumped on the floor.

“Ana!!” Matty hurriedly put on his trousers and rushed to Alaina who was lying unconsciously on the floor, he tapped her but she didn’t move, he immediately carried her in a bridal style and Denise opened the door, she has dressed up also, they both rushed out with Alaina in Matty’s arms


“Nurse!!” Matty called running inside the infirmary until a lady rushed out, she directed him to a bed and he dropped her on it

“You can go, we will attend to her” the nurse said but Matty declined

“Let’s just go Matty, they will take care of her” Denise said and took his hand taking him out, when they got outside, he snapped his hand out of her grip

“Did you plan this?” Matty suddenly asked

“What?!” Denise muttered

“Did you plan this to make her know?” Matty asked again

“Are you trying to put the blame on me right now? You were clearly the one that’s at fault here, I was the first one to go to the classroom, you came to meet me there, you are clearly the one to be blamed because you didn’t lock the door, so stop trying to blame me for anything here” She snapped

“I guess you are happy now that she has found out since that’s what you have always wanted” Matty said angrily

“Ohh please, we both are to be blamed here, you never even liked her, you told me that day that I came to meet you about the deal.


“Hi Matty, I’m Denise” Denise smiled and he stared at her weirdly

“Do I know you?” Matty asked

“I wanna talk to you about something, do you have time?” Denise asked and he nodded before moving closer to her

“You are Alaina’s boyfriend right?” She asked and he nodded

“Do you like her?” Denise asked and he raised one of his brows up

“Why won’t I like my girlfriend?” Matty asked

“Yunno what, I can be giving you what she hasn’t even given you before” Denise said

“What do you think you can give me that my girlfriend hasn’t?” he smirked

“segz, I once eavesdropped you guys talking about it one day, I didn’t mean to” She said and Matty smirk fell

“But it’s not free, you have to do what I want also” She said

“And what makes you think I will comply?” he asked

“I know you want it also, stop playing the good boyfriend card” she said and slide her fingers down his chest

“What do you want?” he asked

“I don’t really want much, I just want to hurt her whenever she finds out about it, you don’t really like her, so we are both not loosing” She said and he smirked before dragging her closer to him, he slammed his lips on hers.


“I guess you are happy now, she found out, so our deal ends” Matty said and walked away from her

“Jerk” she muttered

“Alaina Jenkins, let’s see how it goes” she smirked and walked away also.


“Did you find it?” Alex asked, his hands was moving crazily on the laptop in front of him

“No, I don’t know if the person is an hacker like us, he/she literally stopped the serial number of all the cameras from working, he imputed his own password and now I have to hack the person system if I want to get the password to the cameras but it seems so hard” Adrian replied without looking at Alex, his hands was moving insanely on the two laptops in front of him.

“We have to find the person before the end of today, else Angelo won’t take it easy with us” Alex muttered still typing crazily on his laptop

“I guess I have to show you that where you craziness stopped, that’s where mine started from” Adrian mumbled to himself

“Yes!!!” Adrian screamed minutes later

“Did you get the person?” Alex stopped typing and walked over to Adrian’s table

“Al–most” Adrian muttered, he clicked the last button on his laptop

“Yes!!!” Adrian jumped up and Alex smiled

“I guess you are better than me then” Alex rolled his eyes

“Yunno I’m better, no need for argument” He scoffed

“So what’s next?” Alex asked and Adrian sat down back

“Hack into his system and get the f-__-king password to the cameras, then I will be able to see what happened that day” Adrian said

“Okay then, continue, I will get you a drink” Alex said and ruffled his hair before walking inside one of the room.


Matty, Leslie, and Piper were inside impatiently waiting for her to wake up

“What did you say happened to her?” Leslie asked Matty

“She fainted and I brought her here” Matty replied

“Why?” Piper asked

“I said she fainted” Matty snapped

“And I’m asking you…” Piper was cut short when they heard sounds from Alaina’s bed

Alaina stirred from her sleep and her eyes opened slowly, she held her head when a sudden headache gripped her and they all rushed to her

“Ana, are you okay?” Leslie asked and Alaina stared at her

“What happened?” Piper asked

“We will ask her all that later, lets just wait till she gets better” Matty said and immediately Alaina heard his voice, she turned to him

“Matty, what happened?” Alaina asked and they all stared at Matty

He was about talking but Denise rushed in immediately

“Hey Ana” Denise smiled, which was obviously fake

“What are you doing here?” Leslie asked

“Calm down tigress, I came to check if she’s still alive” Denise said and all eyes widened

“Ohh, I didn’t mean that” Denise laughed

“Get out” Piper snapped

“I will after saying this” Denise said staring directly at Alaina

“Denise don’t” Matty said

“Don’t what?” Leslie and Piper asked

“I just wanna carry my part of the deal out, I don’t know if she doesn’t remember or she’s trying to convince herself that it’s not true” Denise walked around the room

“Are you trying to tell me all what I saw was true?” Alaina looked directly at Matty hoping he’s gonna say no

“Alaina please” Matty tried moving closer to her but she stopped him

“Just answer me” She said

“It’s true” Denise said and Alaina’s heart shattered immediately, she didn’t know when a drop of tear fell from her eyes

“What are you guys talking about?” Leslie asked

“What is your excuse?” Alaina suddenly asked

“Let’s just talk Ana, I promise I will explain everything” Matty said

“Is it because I never gave you the chance to access my body? Is that it?” She asked

“Then you could have just given me when I asked, you even broke a glass cup on my head, I was your boyfriend but it even took us weeks before we had our first kiss” Matty said

“Did that warrant you having segz with Denise in a f-__-king classroom?” Alaina shouted and Piper gasped, it wasn’t really a surprise to Leslie, she has always known.

“What did you just say?” Piper asked

“I was heading to Mr Daniel office and I saw him entering a classroom, I wanted to surprise him but I saw him f-__-king her senselessly in a f-__-king abandoned classroom” Alaina said pointing to Denise

“Since when has this been going on?” Alaina asked looking at Matty but he ignored her

“Since he isn’t answering you, should I answer you?” Denise asked

“Denise!!!” Matty snapped

“Well I would say you are really stupid though, your friends don’t even like him to begin with but I guess you were blinded by love to see he never liked you, well it started during our first year in college, I know you guys haven’t even announced your relationship then but I once saw you guys kissing one time, I h@ťěd you, so I had to do something to hurt you and guess what? it worked” Denise giggled

“If it has been going on since our first year, and we are in our third year in college right now, you have been cheating on me with her for three years matty” Alaina muttered and she didn’t know when the tears came rushing down like a waterfall

“Get the f-__-k out you both” Alaina said

“Get out” she screamed angrily

“I hope you never get over it” Denise smirked before leaving and Matty followed her

“Leslie, did you know about this?” Piper asked. Leslie fixed her hands inside her pockets before taking turns to stare at both of them before nodding

“What!! And you didn’t talk” Piper said angrily

“Talk? Like you mean I should tell her that her boyfriend is sleeping with her rival, the last time i told her about Matty, she asked me if I’m trying to steal her man and you think it’s that type of person I will tell that her boyfriend is sleeping with some other girl, she won’t even believe me cos she’s blinded by love, she literally disgraced me in front of everyone in the cafeteria but I was silently hoping she finds out before it gets too late and you are accusing me of not telling her about it” Leslie said angrily and Piper sighed

“I hope you get over it Ana” Leslie said before walking out of the ward

“Leslie!!” Alaina called but she ignored her and Alaina bursted into tears immediately

“I didn’t mean to, I’m so sorry Leslie, I don’t want to loose you” Alaina said and Piper walked to her, she patted her back to calm her down but it wasn’t having any effect on her, she was crying about losing a friend and suddenly finding out that your boyfriend has been cheating on her with her rival, it was too much to take in, her cries got louder that she had to hold her chest cos of the pain. Piper immediately went to call the nurse and they sedated her immediately.


Caroline(Waylon’s mom) suddenly picked up her phone on the dressing table and she scrolled through a contact before clicking on it, the person picked up after few rings

“You called” she said

“He tried escaping, so I was thinking if we had another closed room to put him in” the person said

“There’s an underground under the house, I will give you the map to find it, put him there, I guess he wants to be locked up forever” She said

“Yes ma’am” the person said and she cut the call, she swirled the phone in her hand smirking dangerously.

T. B. C

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