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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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NOT MY BLOOD – Episode 13

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Crowd is beginning to gather in our compound but Dad instructed the soldiers to chase them away without hurting any one.

The soldiers did as instructed but trust human beings now, majority of them refused to go, they stood afar off trying to witness what’s going on

I quickly rushed inside and brought our two plastic chairs for mum and dad, I brought out our old bench and together I and bro Kingsley sat down, my sister and my brother who has returned from fetching water also sat with us while my mother was meant to sit on the ground

Woman! Dad began, I am not here to beat you up or anything, there in that vehicle is all kinds of tortüring equipments and will not hesitate to use them on you if you prove stubbørn or refused to answer my questions.

I will only repeat myself once or twice for mercies sake so if you don’t want any of that tools to be used on you, give us your maximum cooperation, do you understand me? dad asked her gently but intimidatingly

Yes sir! yes sir!! my mother nodded visibly shakenig in fear

And if you try to run away again, you will be shøt! mum added, looking at her with disgüst

Who is Amarachi to you? Dad asked her

Amarachi, Amarachi is my daughter… my mother answered without looking up

Do you know who I am? Dad asked her sir, my mother replied shaking

Ofcourse you don’t know me that’s why I’m going to be asking you for the last time woman! Who is Amarachi to you?
Dad asked her, with a thunderous voice, rage burning in his eyes

I will talk, I will talk, my mother said lifting her two hands on her head and shading crocodile tears

Better for you and as you’re talking, I want you to be looking at me and not the ground, dad added

Okay sir… My mother said as she wiped her eyes with the edge of her wrapper

Few minutes has passed, yet my mother is not saying anything, she was only crying, mum and big brother was already getting fed up with her attitude, mum wanted to say something to her but dad motioned her not to

“People as wîcked and emotionless as her are very cunning, you guys should allow her shade her crocodile tears in peace, she will eventually stop crying when she can no longer remember anything that will warrant her to cry. Dad said smiling in certainty”

True to Dad words, mum stopped crying in no time because tears refused to come out of her eyes anymore

Now that you have finally stopped shading your deceitful tears, will you talk or we should call the soldiers to use the tools on you?

Mum barked at her looking very angry, I haven’t seen bro Kingsley’s mum angry before, this is my first time and is kinda funny, I mean her facial expressions is second to none

Please you people should forgive me, I have sinned against God and man, I didn’t mean to push her into prøstitutiøn but is poverty and also the work of the devïl, it was engineered by hunger and fraustration

My mother said, changing her sitting position to a kneeling position with both hands clamp together in pleading manner

Captain Striker!! Dad beckoned on one of the soldiers

Yes sir! he answered saluting dad

please bring the box of totùreing equipments since it seems this woman wants to play with my intelligence by deviating from the question I asked her, she thought we are here for jokes. I think she needs a little bit of totùreing

Yes sir! the soldier answered with a salute and left for the car

Please sir I will answer, I will talk sir…… This girl Amarachi is not related to me, I don’t even know where she is from… She finally said

You mean you didn’t birth this girl? Mum asked very curious

Yes! yes ma! “She is not my blood” the woman whom I thought to be my mother all these years replied

I said it! I know that no mother will put her child out to prøstitutë. Goddamit! Bro Kingsley exclaimed folding his knuckle, I guess to hit her but eventually stopped and punch the air instead.

I guess it’s home training that made him change his mind from giving that crùel woman the punch, how I wish he did, I said in my heart wiping the tears that has flooded my eyes

Go on! Dad said looking at me with pity while bro Kingsley hugged me so tight

Many years ago, I closed my saloon and was trying to lock my shop when a fatal accident happened just in front of me.

A big vehicle loaded with cement knocked a private car over, instead of the vehicle to stop the driver increased it’s speed and run away

I looked inside and heard the cry of this baby and carried her out. I started shouting for help but before the police and others could come both the husband and wife had bleed to deåth.
Nobody agreed to take the child that was how I brought her home.

If not for bro Kingsley’s strong hold on me, I wanted to fall to the ground cry and roll myself. Hearing the story of my life left my heart bleeding in so much pains even more than my traumatic experience with the old man.

Mum already left her sitting position and is now sitting beside me as both her and Kingsley keep holding me from falling to the ground.

Continue! that was the only thing I heard dad said

When I asked her what her name was, she said Amarachi, I asked her of her age and she said three years old. So since I don’t know her accurate birth month and date, I decided to be celebrating it for her at the very date and month I picked her from his parents accident

I don’t mean to treat her bad, but it was because of her illness that made me close down my saloon business, it emptied all my money and left me broke, I’m so sorry … She pleaded

And you decided to push her into prøstitutiøn so as to recover back all the money you’ve spent on her since childhood as tender as she is? Mum barked

So tell me, if she was to be your own child won’t you spend money on her treatment inorder to save her life? Answer me! Mum screamed at her standing right in front of her

I will, I will, the cruél woman answered trembling in fear

If she was to be your biological daughter, would you have sent her into prøstitutiøn because she was sick and made you spent all money and also close down your shop, you lazy woman!? mum bombard her again

Please I’m sorry, Is the work of the devïl maa….

She was still talking when an unexpected thunderous slap landed on her cheek from mum. Blame it one more time on the devîl and I will inject you with everlasting madnêss you monstêr!

Mum screamed at her making to hit her again before dad asked her not to, she gradually brought down her hand and gave her a dreadful look before coming to sit by my side again.

Dad brought out his phone and zoomed the pictures of my bruised back, then showed it to the wîcked woman….

Did you see the kind of pains you and your so called chief subjected this little girl into? Dad scolded at her with his deep bass voice

Sir, I swear to you, I don’t know that Amara is still a Vírgin, I thought my husband disvirginêd her few years ago, I…

What!!! All of them exclaimed in shock.


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