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HomeNOT MENOT ME - Episode 9

NOT ME – Episode 9

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NOT ME…chapter 9
….As I was about going out of the gate,I heard my name,Charity,I turned and behold it was Derrick’s mom,my eyes were swollen from crying too much,ma,I answered,she walked to were I was and hugged me,,,you have live here for some weeks and I see in you a nice young woman, I shall take you by your word,but please do not make me regret it,come inside and live with us,as long as you want,you are my son’s friend,I also respect you,for not allowing my son leave the house,and for not making me lonely, you are a good child,most young women would have encouraged him to go live in his house,but you didn’t and made sure he stayed home,you are well mannered, and for these, you have won my heart,please don’t go,please…she hugged and led me inside.
Derrick was shocked to see us both,my son,I changed my mind,you have a good friend, she can stay,,,we had a group hug,and Derrick thanked his mom for her kindness,His mother called Lara immediately and told her never to disrespect me again, but she should treat me like she would treat an important guest of the family,Lara was ashamed and begged for forgiveness, but honestly i had nothing against her,because I know it wasn’t her fault….I went back to my room and everyone was happy..
I became really close to Derrick’s mom ,I call her mom too…everything was going fine and life couldn’t have been better,Derrick takes me to school almost everyday and brings me back, I accompany mom to markets and saloons sometimes, I had become part of the family…. I regarded Derrick as a big brother as he had never made any passes at me,neither has he tried asking me out,I knew he wasn’t into me,he’s just an Angel sent by God to me…
Some months later,I was at home watching the TV when a beautiful young lady entered the house ,she was on her NYSC uniform, I greeted her,and she asked about Derrick and mom,Derrick wasn’t home,but mom was taking a nap,the maids heard her voice And came out,aunty Bella welcome,e don tai ohh,how service,she didn’t rely their questions and warm gestures, she asked them who I was, and they told her I am Derrick’s friend, she gave me a weird Starr and asked the girls to take her bag to Derrick’s room,which they did ,she followed them inside,as Nana came out,I asked her who the lady was,na ogaaaaa..,.I am Derrick’s fiancée, his wife to be,the lady interrupted,,didn’t he tell you he will be getting married soon, you are one of his play things I guess,well I am his Queen. Welcome ,I have nothing to do with Derrick, he’s just a friend,like a brother,that’s all,I said.,Really, a friend like a brother indeed,you think I haven’t heard how he gave u a scholarship and every other thing he’s done for you,I have nothing going on with Der…….will you shut that trap of a mouth,you useless good for nothing thief,,,,yesssss,like i said I know you,,,you had better take your miserable self out of my man’s life,otherwise you will regret your life you hungry looking, God forsaken thief.I will take exception to all your insults, you just got here,you don’t know me,and you are insulting me like I have wronged you before,oh shut that gutter of a mouth,you have wronged me,yes you have,by trying to steal my man,just then mother came out,
Ah Bella you are back,welcome, they had a hug,how was service, fine thank u ma,you are looking good ma,thank you my dear,all thanks to charity, she has been taking care of me and has been a wonderful company,,,, Charity,meet Bella, Derrick’s fiancée, welcome miss Bella, thank you she responded ,pretending because mom was there, where is Derrick mom,he went to visit his uncle, oh I see,we have a lot to talk about mom,she sat with Derrick mom and started gisting,I left them to have some time and went to my room..
Derrick came back some hours later,he was very happy to have his fiancée back,they hugged and kissed,,, darling meet my friend,who’s like a sister,Charity and Charity my fiancée Bella,Derrick introduced.we have met,Bella said,nevertheless, nice meeting you for the third time,she feigned a smile and we shook hands,I knew she didn’t like me,but I played along each time…we ate dinner together, she didn’t seems to like the fact that I was dinning with them on the table, she was all over Derrick, they had a lot to talk about,after dinner,I went inside my room,and I wondered why I was kind of jealous about Bella, I stopped myself, by saying Derrick was just helping me,he never told me he loved me,neither did he promise me anything,, I snapped out of my stupidity and was happy Derrick was happy, but why didn’t he ever talked about her, well I never asked either,,,I focused and stopped my foolishness..
The next day, Derrick was about taking me to school,as i was about to enter the front seat,Bella ran out,Aaaaa,excuse me,use the back,Derrick was shocked,Bella what was that for,sweetheart, am bored,let’s go together,,, okay dear,he said,I was mute all through the journey, she did most of the talking, giving details of her service year…..when I came back from school that evening,Bella called me to the garden,I would like to talk to you calmly woman to woman,its either you take it calmly or you would have to deal with me in this house,she said,I do not like the closeness between you and my man,the way he drives you to school,charts with you,buys you gifts and all that,I don’t like it,Bella, Derrick only sees my as a sister, he loves you,oh shut your mouth, I know my mam loves me,but I don’t want you been a distraction, or giving those outside a wrong impression….. Hence forth,don’t allow him take you to school any more, else you shall face my wrath….
The next day Derrick wanted to drop me off as usual, but I asked him not to bother, when did that one start,come on get in the car madam,so you want all these Lagos traffic to make you go late to classes right, butttt no but,get in the car,I entered,and I saw Bella starring at me with so much anger….Derrick drove’s been four days and Bella didn’t talk about the matter,so I figured she has gotten over the whole issue and realized Derrick and I are just friends…..
After about one week,that morning ,it was almost 6:30 am and mom was ready for church soon she raised a loud shout,we all rushed to her room and saw her dressed for church,what’s it mom,Derrick asked,my 25karat gold necklace set is missing, I can’t find it,mom maybe you kept it somewhere, this is my jewelry box,but it isn’t inside,come on mom let’s help you search for it,we all did but couldn’t find it ,,,,well there is only one person with stealing history here,Bella said,what are you trying to say,mom asked,mom why not check Charity’s room,it could be there, oh come on Bella, what’s wrong with you,stop that,Charity is nothing like that,Derrick said ,let’s just check her room,for clarity seek,Bella added.
Fine,fine Derrick, that isn’t a big deal,let us go to my room,I led the way with all confidence, because I know I didn’t Stole anything, We all searched and searched, for almost thirty minutes,but we couldn’t find anything,we were about leaving when Nana shouted,
“Madam see arm ohhhhh”

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