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HomeNOT MENOT ME - Episode 2

NOT ME – Episode 2

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NOT Me…chapter 2
…As I walked the streets, I imagined why she was so mean to me, even if she wanted me out of house, she would have given me some money to go back to my parents in Edo state,,,, going back home wasn’t what I wanted though, my parents has problems on their own to deal with,I didn’t want to add,still confused,my mind went to the church,,,, yes that’s the only place I can run to now, I went there and I saw the door open,I entered and looked for where to sleep, and rest,I hadn’t slept since I got back form the vigil, I was weak and feeling sleepy..
Hours later, I felt someone tapped me,,,I open my eyes and it was the pastor,,,sister Charity,what are you doing here sleeping in the church he inquired,,, good morning sir,,I manage to say,,,I woke up,and explained everything to the pastor,,you mean she sent you out like that without telling you what you have done,yes sir I said….so what do you have in mind,,,, he asked,nothing sir,I have nothing…you can’t be living in the church alone,, I shall take you home to live with us until you get a place.I was very happy and thanked him
When we arrived the pastor’s house,he explained everything I had said to this wife and their only child living with them,since others, had gotten married or living by themselves,,, I noticed mama(the pastor’s wife),was really not comfortable with the idea,but. Because daddy(the pastor), had spoken,she didn’t have much of a choice…..
Its been two weeks since I started living with the pastor’s Family, I was free with the child at home,Bridget ,she was almost my age ,,,but for mama,I made sure I was careful with her,I stayed most time in my room, unless I was send on errands, or during church services or devotion time…Mama works in a bank,she came home one evening and said her colleague at work needed a house keeper, and asked if I was interested, I saw it as something beautiful, as I would be able to save up money to further my studies… I told her I was interested, and she smiled happily, probably happy I was going out of her house,, daddy wanted me to be with them,so did Bridget,,, how you sure you want to do that again,pastor asked,,,remember how it went with madam Joyce,, why not stay here and we shall register you in a trade,,come on honey,allow the young lady,she wants to make some money of her own,,mama really wanted me out,I know daddy said all that in good course and out of concern,but I wanted mama to be comfortable in her home,,I didn’t know mama is a person like this,she’s all smiles and meekness in the church, never did I imagined her been like this away from the church.
No wonder a friend of mine says many people in the church are actors and actresses, wh@ťěver character you see them exhibit in church,is far from who they really are..daddy was nice,and I appreciated it,but I really wanted to go to school, hence I needed that job to be able to safe…..mama told her colleague about me,and she was happy to have found someone…
Five days on I had moved to my home,it was a Sunday after Service I moved to Mr and Mrs Douglas’s house….A well furnished and beautiful home,,Mrs Douglas welcomed me warmly and so did her husband, but the man was rather too happy to see me,as though he has been expecting me….Mrs Douglas took me round the compound and showed me what I should be doing every morning, she later took me to my room,she seems nice….I made dinner that Sunday, and they liked the meal….
It was Monday morning,and Mrs Douglas was set to leave for work very early,now I know why she needed an house keeper,,,, she told me what to make for her husband for breakfast, but I can change it should he request for something else,she also told me what I should do for the day,and then she left…
Immediately she left,her husband came and was smiling in my front,,, I was confused as to why he was smiling idiotically in my presence,baby you are the badest,the real bad babe,so you have missed me so much that you had to act like a maid to be with me,chai,I have missed you too ohh,oya let’s get to business, where do you want it,in the parlor or you room..excuse me sir,what are you talking about,come on babyim,leave the sir alone,we are just alone, it’s me now,just me your Dogie,yes,your Douglas the Dogie, she said smiling,,, sir what is going on here,I don’t understand,baby come on,leave understand and come to daddy, he tried to kiss me forcefully,so I gave him a hot slap and ran to my room…
Getting in,I started crying, regretting why I had slapped my boss,on the other hand I knew he deserved it,he was harassing me for God’s sake,,,I remained in my room for sometime,but I knew I can’t stay inside for long, I needed to make breakfast for him,because he met soon be going to work,,,,what if he beats me for slapping him,what if he throws me out,what if,what if,,,,too many WHAT IF in my heart but I needed to face him,I opened my door, came out and went to the kitchen, I was making toasted bread for him ,,then he walked in,,,,I was very scared,I felt the ground was going to swallow me,,,he came and was still smiling, this time I was shocked as to how stupid he was,,,he was touching my face in an annoying manner,why did you slap me chickito ,didn’t you miss me as much as I had missed you,,,i didn’t know what to say,or do,but I didn’t want to hit him again,so i tried to change the topic, are you not going to work sir,I asked, come on dear,I own a big school you know,and of course schools are on holidays, come on dear, you know and I know why you are here,,,let’s stop the talking and get down to business sugar baby,he said,I ran to my room and told him his breakfast was there….
What kind of problem is this one, how can I be going through stress and assault just a night of being here…this certainly isn’t good I said to myself….what can I do now I asked, should I tell his wife,but how would she believe me,or should I call mama who brought me here,mama doesn’t like me that much,she may not believe me I concluded, I decided to put everything in prayers….
Unfortunately the harassment didn’t stop, Mr Douglas tried to take advantage of me every single minutes,even when his wife is around, he was just so obsessed with me,and I didn’t know how to free myself from this his’s been four months and everything has been the same, including the harassment…
One afternoon, Mrs Douglas had forgotten a document at home, and had come to pick it up,when she entered and found her husband trying to force himself on me…

Written by
Rejoice Igbinovia Aluyi

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