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HomeNOIR LEGACY (The Reign Of Monsters)NOIR LEGACY (The Reign Of Monsters) -Episode 25

NOIR LEGACY (The Reign Of Monsters) -Episode 25

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(The Reign Of Monsters)

𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑬: 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝑮𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔

Written By, 𝐀𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧_𝐀𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞


Elmira’s heart raced as she glanced nervously at the group of young mobsters passing by, their eyes lingering on her for a moment before continuing on their way. She quickly covered Jinx’s mouth, forcing a smile that felt awkward and out of place.

“Did you notice a sprinkle of white substance on your breakfast?” Jinx asked, finally uncovering her mouth.

Confusion furrowed Elmira’s brows. “No. Why are you asking?”

“Because you just sounded like you were high on some drug” she replied bluntly.

Elmira rolled her eyes. “I’m not high on anything. I just wanted to inform you of my plans.”

Jinx shook her head, her tone serious. “Your plans for an early grave.”

“How long has your grandma been waving at you?” She continued.

“I’m being serious, J” Elmira said, her frown deepening.

“No, no. This isn’t being serious. This is hilarious, Mira” Jinx retorted.

Determined, Elmira crossed her arms defiantly. “Nothing you’re gonna say or do will make me change my mind because it’s made up.”

“Listen to me” Jinx implored, placing her hands on Elmira’s shoulders. “Have you ever wondered why this town is called DenVille? Let me tell you. It’s because there’s no escape. It’s either you get eaten or kept for later.”

Elmira’s resolve wavered for a moment, but she quickly shook her head. “And that is the very reason I want to escape. Because if I don’t, I would get ki||ed anyway.”

“Staying without knowing what the future holds for you is better than trying to do something stupidly impossible. Please, Mira” Jinx pleaded, her eyes searching Elmira’s for any sign of doubt.

But Elmira remained steadfast. “I’m sorry, I can’t” she said, taking a few steps backward. “I can’t keep spending my nights filled with nightmares of people I have ki||ed and get haunted by them every moment of the day.”

Jinx released a deep sigh, her expression falling to one of sadness as her hands slid down dejectedly.

“Don’t worry, I won’t put you in any trouble” Elmira said, offering a faint smile that did little to mask the weight of her decision.


The screech of tires echoed as Beatriz pulled into the parking lot of Gavino’s towering company building. With a furrowed brow, she caught sight of Gavino emerging from the grand entrance, flanked by his entourage of bodyguards and his ever-present assistant, Isabella.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Beatriz flung open the door of her car and stormed toward Gavino. However, her path was quickly blocked by the imposing figures of Gavino’s security detail.

“Move aside!” Beatriz’s voice cut through like a knife as she demanded passage.

“Ma’am, this is private property. We cannot allow any hostile behavior” one of the guards stated firmly, his arms crossed in front of him.

“You’re the ones being hostile! Now get out of my d@mn way!” Beatriz’s frustration boiled over.

Before the situation could escalate further, Gavino himself stepped in, his presence commanding attention.

“I recall your profile stating you’re a graduate, or were his orders too difficult to comprehend?” he snarled as he intervened in their argument.

With a deep breath, Beatriz faced him squarely. “I need to speak with you” she said, her tone pleading.

Gavino’s lips curled into a smirk, his demeanor smug. “Ah, but according to my schedule, I don’t recall any meeting with you today” he retorted sarcastically.

“I’m sorry” she blurted out.

Gavino’s expression hardened, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Sorry for what, exactly?” he demanded, his voice sharp.

Tears welled in Beatriz’s eyes as she sank to her knees, her pride crumbling before him. “I’m sorry for spreading lies about us, for messing with your life” she confessed.

Gavino’s features softened, but there was no warmth in his gaze as he regarded her.

“Those rumors nearly cost me everything” he admitted.

“I know, and I’m begging for your forgiveness” Beatriz pleaded.

Gavino remained firm as he turned away, his footsteps echoing down the marble corridor.

“Make sure she stays away from here” he ordered his assistant, Isabella, who had been watching the scene unfold with interest while recording it.

With a nod, Isabella motioned for the guards to remove Beatriz, a triumphant smile playing on her lips.

“Maybe next time, you’ll think twice before crossing someone like him” she taunted, joining Gavino in his car with a triumphant, devious smile.

“I never want to see her anywhere near my premises again!” Gavino warned.

“Noted, sir” Isabella acknowledged.

Observing Gavino’s restlessness, she reached out to unbuckle his belt, prompting a questioning glance from him that seemed to say, “What makes you think you can touch me?”

“Allow me to alter that mood” she whispered seductively.

Without a response, Isabella swept her long hair to one side, lowered her head, and ski||fully attended to him.

As she fulfilled her promise, Gavino’s expression shifted the second her lips enveloped his arousal.


Approaching the door to the designated location at Gavino’s insistence, curiosity gnawed at Elmira’s mind. What could he possibly want from her now? With a tentative hand, she pushed the door open and stepped inside, greeted by the sight of Gavino engrossed in conversation with a man whose appearance leaned towards the feminine side, accompanied by a group of young women that seemed to serve as his assistants.

“Is she the one?” the man inquired, his gaze fixing on Elmira as she entered, and Gavino affirmed with a nod.

“She’s charming. A little makeover will only enhance her beauty” the man remarked with a smile, his eyes already envisioning the transformation.

“Then let’s not waste any time. Get to work” Gavino commanded.

“Hello, dear” the makeup artist greeted Elmira warmly, gesturing for her to take a seat. “Please, come have a seat.”

Elmira complied, settling before a large mirror adorned with an array of high-end makeup products.

“Alright, Barbie, let Ken work his magic” he declared, deftly wielding brushes and palettes with the ski|| of a master craftsman.

Hours seemed to blur into one another as Elmira underwent the meticulous process of transformation. With each stroke of the brush and each dab of color, her features were enhanced, her natural beauty accentuated until she emerged, finally, in her complete attire, a vision of elegance and grace.

As she emerged from the changing room, accompanied by one of the assistants who had helped her dress, Elmira was met with a chorus of gasps and compliments.

“You look…” the makeup artist trailed off, approaching her with an admiring gaze. “Perfect!”

“Really?” Elmira responded, a soft smile gracing her lips at the praise.

“Absolutely” he affirmed with a flourish. “You’re simply stunning, Amore.”

“Is she ready?” Gavino’s voice interrupted as he entered the room, resplendent in his tailored tuxedo and immaculate grooming.

“Alluring, isn’t she?” the makeup artist declared proudly, earning a scoff from Gavino in response.

“At least my investment wasn’t in vain” he remarked gruffly, asking Elmira to follow him as they prepared to depart.

Outside, their awaiting cars stood poised for their journey, but before Elmira could step inside, she cast a lingering glance back at the mansion, her eyes meeting those of Jinx, filled with pity. In return, Elmira offered a faint smile.

“What the f-__-k are you staring at?!” Gavino broke through the moment huskily, snapping Elmira back to reality as she hurried to join him in the car.

As they sped away from the mansion, she stole one last glance back, silently bidding farewell to the life she was leaving behind.


Pulling up to the event venue, the driver briskly exited to open the car door for Gavino and Elmira. Sensing Elmira’s unease in the unfamiliar surroundings, she instinctively drew closer to Gavino, who offered his arm for her to hold onto.

Reporters swarmed around them, eager to uncover the identity of the gorgeous lady accompanying Gavino. Before the press could linger for long, they were ushered inside by a team of vigilant bodyguards.

Elmira’s eyes widened in astonishment at the opulence of their surroundings. The entire venue exuded an aura of wealth, with every surface gleaming with the unmistakable luster of gold. The atmosphere itself seemed almost surreal as if plucked from the pages of a fairy tale.

The assembled guests, both present and arriving, epitomized extravagance. Men clad in impeccably tuxedos and women adorned in breathtaking gowns. The allure of the event was further heightened by the presence of numerous renowned celebrities, drawing hordes of paparazzi eager to capture every moment.

“I knew you would come” a voice exclaimed, prompting Gavino and Elmira to turn in it’s direction.

Approaching them was Delrico, accompanied by a striking woman with an hourglass figure. Despite the heavy makeup adorning her features, Elmira couldn’t help but notice the woman’s undeniable beauty and innate elegance.

“Nice to meet you, Gavino. I’m Leona” she introduced herself.

“Blackwell” Gavino interjected, prompting Leona to respond with a graceful smile. “Learn to give a proper introduction” he snarled, and she simply shrugged it off.

“Hey, no bullying her in my presence” Delrico intervened, earning a sharp glare from Gavino.

“Let’s talk” Gavino suggested, motioning for them to step aside.

While Elmira engaged in light conversation with Leona, Gavino, and Delrico retreated to a secluded corner to confer.

“They have arrived” Delrico whispered solemnly.

“I know” Gavino replied, his gaze sweeping across the hall to observe the presence of several formidable figures.

“I can’t shake the feeling that tonight will be a challenging ordeal” Delrico remarked.

“Pů$$¥” Gavino retorted.

“Seriously? Take a look at that @zz over there” Delrico gestured towards Leona. “It’s too soft to die yet” he added, eliciting an eye roll from Gavino.

“Stop fretting. I have everything under control” Gavino asserted, before discreetly signaling to Delrico the presence of a lookout positioned atop the building opposite theirs.

“Just know that if things take a turn for the worse, I’m getting my girl out of here” Delrico declared firmly before departing.

The jewelry exhibition was in full swing, and a multitude of attendees flaunted their wealth by outbidding one another. Gavino refrained from participating, yet Delrico eagerly engaged and even made a purchase.

As the auctioneer took center stage, the anticipation heightened.

“Behold, the ‘Gold Tale’!” he proclaimed, introducing a captivating gold necklace.

“Bidding starts at five million euros” he announced, prompting a swift response from a lady who raised her paddle in eagerness.

Casually, Delrico countered with, “Ten million.”

A sly smirk accompanied a challenger’s bid of twenty million, drawing fierce glares from others as she secured the necklace.

As the evening reached its pinnacle, the auctioneer presented the pièce de résistance.

“For tonight’s final showcase, Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you: Royal Radiance!”

The unveiling of the sparkling necklace encased in glass captivated the audience, leaving them breathless.

The hall buzzed with heated anticipation as greed-filled eyes locked on the priceless, jaw-dropping jewel.

“Let the bidding begin at thirty” the auctioneer muttered.

“I’ll pay in cash” a man boasted, revealing a case filled with money.

“Not so fast, I’ll double that” chimed a lady, brandishing her paddle.

“Sixty-five” objected another bidder from the crowd.

Gavino and Delrico exchanged glances amidst the cacophony, silently communicating their thoughts.

“Eighty” someone asserted, hushing the room into silence.

“Any further objections?” inquired the auctioneer, met with silence.

“Going once, going twice…” He began, but before he could finalize the sale, Gavino’s voice cut through the tension, “One hundred.”

The room erupted in murmurs and stared at the unexpected bidder. Delrico beamed proudly at his stepbrother.

As the jewelry case was brought to Gavino, an explosion outside shattered the tranquility, followed by armed assailants bursting in, firing indiscriminately. Panic ensued as people scrambled for safety.

Gavino sprang into action, brandishing his weapon and joining the fray, while Delrico swiftly seized Leona’s hand to flee.

Elmira, paralyzed with fear, seized the opportunity to escape, slipping away unnoticed through the chaos. Once outside, she sprinted aimlessly, desperate to evade capture.

Breathless and disoriented, she paused to catch her breath in the eerie quiet of the deserted streets. Suddenly, a palm clamped over her mouth, dragging her into the darkness.




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