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HomeNOIR LEGACY (The Reign Of Monsters)NOIR LEGACY (The Reign Of Monsters) -Episode 24

NOIR LEGACY (The Reign Of Monsters) -Episode 24

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(The Reign Of Monsters)

𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑬: 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝑮𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔

Written By, 𝐀𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧_𝐀𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞


Vladimir stood before the ominous door, apprehension tugging at his senses. He persistently rang the doorbell and pounded on the door, yet the eerie silence shrouded the desolate house, offering no response from within.

Peering through the dusty window, he discerned no signs of life, no telltale movements. The entire dwelling appeared forsaken. Fueled by a growing sense of unease, Vladimir resolved to breach the mysterious solitude and uncover the enigma lurking behind the abandoned facade.

Summoning his strength, he delivered a single powerful kick, breaking the fragile barrier between him and the unknown. The door swung open, granting him entry. Cobwebs adorned every corner, silent witnesses to the passage of countless days untouched by human presence.

Silently navigating the dilapidated interior, Vladimir sought clues to unravel the fate of the absent occupants. Room after room, his quest yielded nothing. Kitchens and toilets offered no solace; the house maintained an eerie order, devoid of the expected signs of habitation.

Frustration crept into Vladimir’s demeanor, and with a sigh, he ran his fingers through his disheveled hair, inadvertently disturbing the stagnant air. In the process, his back brushed against an inconspicuous object, and it crashed to the floor.

Turning abruptly, Vladimir confronted a fallen frame, its glass shattered, and its contents obscured by cobwebs and dust. Retrieving the artifact, he painstakingly cleared away the filaments, revealing a photograph frozen in time. The image captured a lady and a young girl—undoubtedly her daughter—bearing identical emerald eyes and radiant smiles.

“Where did you vanish to, Sneaky Ɓîtçh?” Vladimir glowered at the woman, then shifted his gaze to the daughter, a sly smirk gracing his lips.

“I knew I recognized you” he whispered, meticulously cleansing the dust from the young girl’s face.


Arriving at his towering corporate domain, a sea of reporters awaited him like vultures hungry for scandalous prey. Their cameras clicked and flashed, creating a chaotic ambiance as questions swirled around him.

“Vino, you’re looking quite dashing today” a daring female reporter complimented Gavino on his appearance.

“I’m a billionaire; should you expect anything less?” Gavino retorted, leaving her instantly embarrassed.

“Please, we’d like to know about your relationship with Beatriz Martins, the beautiful Brazilian model” inquired a reporter, th-ru_sting his mic and camera forward to capture every detail.

“Are you two dating?” another journalist interjected, not waiting for a response to the previous question.

“No. We’re f-__-k buddies” Gavino replied, and their jaws dropped in surprise.

“Should I share a tape of how I bang her as well?” he provocatively raised an eyebrow.

“Why did you both appear so affectionate in the leaked photos?” one of the reporters questioned.

Gavino snapped, “Before jumping to conclusions, consider asking about her profession. What else could we be discussing other than business-related matters?” Some reporters discreetly lowered their microphones.

“Rather than prying into my luxurious life, find better jobs to work off your broke asses” he arrogantly added, striding away from the crowd.

Pausing for a moment, Gavino had a sudden idea and turned back to drop a bombshell.

“By the way, Beatriz Martins is far from my taste and not worth warming my bed with” he declared, forming a smirk at the end of his speech.

With those final words, he confidently strode into his company, escorted by his bodyguards who cleared a path for him. The reporters were left in a mixture of anger and shock, too stunned to approach him again.

Gavino erupted the moment he stepped into his office, exclaiming, “How the f-__-k did all those morons gather outside?”

Isabella presented the evidence – photos on social media of Gavino engaged in conversation with Beatriz Martins over a meal.

“I made sure there were no paparazzi around that restaurant. How did these get leaked?” he demanded angrily.

“She must have hired someone to secretly take them. That girl is cunnier than a snake” Isabella retorted with a scoff.

“Cancel our deal with her. Fenty is calling her in for a business proposal; make sure it doesn’t work out. Replace her for next week’s Paris Fashion Walk. Call her manager, name his price to terminate all her schedules” Gavino listed furiously while Isabella swiftly worked on her iPad to execute the orders.

“Right away, Sir” she responded, smiling deviously.

“Sir, about the Infinite Sparkle Exhibition, who will you go with since you’re not working with her anymore?” she asked, hoping he’d choose her.

“I’m not attending” Gavino said dryly.

“What?!” she exclaimed, earning a glare that sent her out of his office with an apology.

Gavino’s phone rang, and he glanced angrily at the caller bothering him in this state. It was Delrico, so he ignored him, knowing he would tease him about the situation. After ignoring two more calls, he growled and picked up the third.

“What the hell is it!?” he barked.

“Easy, tiger. I’m not the cause of your misfortune” Delrico replied.

“If you don’t start telling me why you called, I won’t mind coming over to teach you an unforgettable lesson” Gavino thr_@tened.

“Called to let you know Papa wants you to attend that Infinite wh@ťěver tomorrow” Delrico informed.

“I’m not going” Gavino said bluntly.

“Sorry, Mister. He said he’s not taking that as a reply.”

“What about you?” he gritted his teeth.

“I might come, but I’m not getting involved in your guys’ crap” Delrico responded nonchalantly.

“Don’t give me that bullshit. You’re his real son, blackguard” Gavino thundered.

“You’re his adopted, lothario” Delrico fired back, ending the call.

Gavino squeezed the phone tightly in fury, eventually throwing it, causing it to shatter a vase in the distance.

“What’s the matter, sir?” Isabella asked, rushing into the office due to the loud crashing sound.

“Clean up that mess” he said harshly, and she began carrying out his command as he exhaled rapidly.


Delilah’s gaze narrowed as she sifted through Tiago’s belongings, her fingers grazing a mysterious envelope tucked beneath his shirt. She pulled it out, her eyes widening at the sight of cryptic notes.

“What’s this, Tiago?” Delilah questioned, her tone laced with suspicion. “Who are these people, and what are you hiding?”

Tiago’s eyes darted nervously as he rushed to snatch the envelope from her hands.

“Lilah, it’s not what you think. Those are just notes from a friend. Nothing shady, I promise.”

Delilah wasn’t convinced. Her intuition told her otherwise. “Explain the notes, Tiago. ‘Meeting at midnight’ and ‘Don’t trust anyone’—what’s going on?”

Tiago sighed, frustrated. “Delilah, you’re blowing this out of proportion. It’s work-related stuff, and I can’t discuss it with you. Just trust me on this.”

She folded her arms, skepticism painting her expression.

“Trust you? Tiago, we’re supposed to share everything. Why are you keeping secrets?”

He shot her a pained look, tension thick in the air.

“I can’t deal with this right now, Delilah. I need some space. I have things to do.”

Without waiting for her response, he stormed out, leaving Delilah alone with unanswered questions and a sinking feeling in her chest.


The sun bathed the extravagant poolside of Beatriz’s mansion, casting a golden hue over everything it touched. A soft breeze carried the scent of freshly bloomed flowers, mingling with the faint aroma of citrus from her meticulously prepared orange Ç0çƙtail. In the opulent surroundings, Beatriz lounged on a plush chair, reveling in the expert touch of her maid’s foot massage.

“Nothing comes close to a good foot massage” Beatriz sighed contentedly, her eyes closed in bliss as she sipped on a refreshing orange Ç0çƙtail.

“I was born to be queen” she mused, a playful giggle escaping her lips.

Suddenly, the tranquil atmosphere was shattered by the urgent call of her manager, whose hurried footsteps echoed across the terrace. Irritation flickered across Beatriz’s features as she cast a disdainful glance in the direction of the approaching figure.

“Quiet down, can’t you see I am trying to relax?” Beatriz snapped, $h00ting sharp glares.

“Watch how you talk to me; I’m your manager, not your assistant!” her manager admonished authoritatively.

“Don’t see any difference” she shrugged. “Will you go on with wh@ťěver made you yell my name, or will you give me space for fresh air? I need to look spotless for my Fenty contract signing” she added, slipping on her sunglasses and settling back into her chair.

“That won’t be necessary” he revealed cryptically.

Confusion furrowed Beatriz’s brow as she absorbed the implication of his words. “What do you mean?” she demanded.

With a heavy sigh, her manager reluctantly disclosed the truth. “They said they’ve found someone better for the job.”

The shock of the news jolted Beatriz from her reclined position, her heart pounding with disbelief.

“What?!” she exclaimed. “Tell me you’re joking.”

“Here, you can read for yourself, or should I get glasses for a clearer sight?” her manager taunted, holding out a document for Beatriz to see.

Without a second thought, he made a swift decision.

“You know what? I quit!” he declared. “Instead of wasting your money on purchasing unnecessary things, buy yourself a f-__-king attitude. You need that more than anything, honey” he spat out.

With a flick of his wrist, he donned his signature black shades and made his dramatic exit.

“Walk away, you ungrateful @$$h0le. Who needs you anyway? You’re useless” Beatriz thundered, even though he had gone out of sight.

“Who the f-__-k are you staring at? Your dead parents?!” she lashed out at the maid glancing in her direction.

The maid recoiled, her eyes brimming with hurt as Beatriz stormed past.

Anger coursed through Beatriz’s veins like wildfire, fueling her every step as she stomped her way into the heart of her mansion, her mind consumed with thoughts of revenge and retribution.


The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the training ground. Kendra, the no-nonsense instructor, raised her hand, bringing an immediate halt to Elmira’s brisk run. A sharp blast from a whistle pierced the air, and Elmira, breathless and concerned, slowed to a stop before her.

“Why? Did I do something wrong?” Elmira’s worry echoed in her panting breath.

Kendra shook her head, smiling faintly.

“No, dear. Quite the opposite. You’ve outdone yourself. Take a break for the day.” She extended a bottle of water to Elmira, and she accepted it with gratitude.

“Grazie (Thank You)” Elmira murmured her thanks, a genuine smile gracing her features as she retreated to a shaded spot.

“You’re becoming nice to her. Hope it’s not what I’m thinking” Ryder teased from behind.

Kendra rolled her eyes dramatically as she turned to face him.

“I’ll always be nice to anything without a penis” she retorted with a smirk.

“So chopping my cucumber off is all it takes for you to fall for me?” he asked excitedly.

“Don’t worry,” Kendra shot back, her smile taking on a mischievous edge. “I’ll try to make my tears realistic at your funeral.”

While the exchange unfolded, she paid little attention. Instead, her gaze fixated on Nevio as he briskly mounted a nearby bike and accelerated away.

“Where is he going?” Kendra mumbled to herself, her brows furrowed.

“Hey, J, where are you coming from?” Elmira asked, her eyes narrowing as she spotted Jinx emerging from an unfamiliar direction.

“I just served someone” she replied.

“I thought your work resided with only me?” Elmira questioned possessively.

“It does, but I begged Don to let me do more because I needed the pay” she explained, her eyes darting away momentarily.

“Must be stressful” Elmira sighed in sympathy.

“Better than living under a bridge” Jinx quipped, managing to inject humor into the situation and Elmira chuckled.

“There you are” Chase’s voice interrupted their conversation as he approached them.

“Have you been looking for me?” Elmira giggled, directing her attention to Chase.

“Yes. I saw how drained you were during practice, so I went to get you these” he said, offering a bag of snacks. “I know you love sweets.”

“Wow! You’re so sweet” Elmira smiled adorably, blowing him an air kiss as she gratefully accepted the bag.

“Um… Do you two know each other?” Jinx interjected, feeling like an outsider.

“Yeah. He’s my best friend here after you” she replied casually, and Chase, seemingly indifferent to Jinx’s presence, didn’t spare her a glance.

“I have to get going, take care” Chase said, placing a soft peck on Elmira’s forehead before strolling off.

Jinx was left dumbfounded by this unexpected display of affection. Elmira, noticing Jinx’s shock, called out to her repeatedly.


“Yes” Jinx replied hastily, trying to shake off her surprise.

“Are you okay? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost” Elmira said, concerned.

Indeed, what Jinx witnessed had shaken her to the core.

“Nothing is wrong with me; I’m fine” she insisted, forcing a smile to mask her internal turmoil.

“Are you sure?” Elmira furrowed her brows, skeptical of Jinx’s reassurance.

“Hundred percent!” Jinx nodded repeatedly, brightening her smile to project normalcy.

“Well, I have something to tell you.”

“What is it?” She asked, regaining her composure.

“I’m going to escape this place, J.”





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