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HomeNOIR LEGACY (The Reign Of Monsters)NOIR LEGACY (The Reign Of Monsters) -Episode 20

NOIR LEGACY (The Reign Of Monsters) -Episode 20

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(The Reign Of Monsters)

๐‘ป๐‘ฏ๐‘ฌ๐‘ด๐‘ฌ: ๐‘ฉ๐’๐’๐’๐’…๐’š ๐‘ฎ๐’‚๐’Ž๐’†๐’”

Written By, ๐€๐Ÿ๐ซ๐ข๐œ๐š๐ง_๐€๐ฉ๐ก๐ซ๐จ๐๐ข๐ญ๐ž

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๐–ฃ˜๐‚๐‡๐€๐๐“๐„๐‘ ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐–ฃ˜
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Entering his office, Gavino’s workers refrained
from uttering their customary welcome-back
greetings. Settling into his swivel chair, he
opened his long-shut laptop and immersed
himself in work.

“Dark as your soul with less sugar” Isabella
remarked, placing a cup of black coffee on his

“You can leave” Gavino replied without glancing
at it.

“Someone is sounding like he didn’t miss me”
she muttered, sauntering towards him.

“Why should I?” he asked plainly, focusing on
the laptop while she ran her palms on his chest.

“Because only my Pลฏ$$ยฅ takes you in real good”
she whispered and nibbled on his ear.

“Don’t flatter yourself” Gavino scoffed.

“We can do this later. I need to concentrate” he
said, and she frowned lightly before stopping
and leaving.

Gavino suddenly slowed his typing, imagining it
was Elmira who had touched him. There was no
f-__-king way he would tell her to stop. Her hands
always brought sparks to his body.

An image of her sucking his ร‡0รงฦ™ until her
mouth was full of his Com came to his mind,
and he shook his head to end the distraction.

Feeling his ร‡0รงฦ™ throb, he quickly drank the cup
of coffee in one gulp and doubled his typing
pace to fend off any more distractions trying to
mess with him.

โœฎ๐„๐Œ๐ˆ๐๐„๐๐“ ๐ƒ๐„๐•๐ˆ๐‹๐’ ๐Œ๐Ž๐โœฎ
(๐‘ฌ๐’๐’Ž๐’Š๐’“๐’‚’๐’” ๐‘น๐’๐’๐’Ž)

Jinx delicately brushed Elmira’s hair in front of
the ornate dressing mirror, sensing Elmira’s
distant thoughts.

“Miraโ€ฆ Mira! Elmira!” Jinx playfully called out,
breaking the silence.

“No! I h@ลฅฤ› blood!” Elmira responded abruptly.

“I didn’t say anything about blood” Jinx

“Really?” She furrowed her eyebrows skeptically.

“Yeah, I didn’t.”

“That’s it. I have officially lost my mind” Elmira
muttered, sighing under an unseen weight.

“Is something bothering you?” Jinx inquired
worriedly. “You’ve been acting off since you got
back from Russia.”

“Don’t worry. It’s not something to get worked up
over” Elmira replied.

“Sweetie, you trust me, don’t you?” she asked
gently, and Elmira nodded.

“Go on. Tell me what happened.”

“I ki||ed someone, Jinx” she confessed, the
words hanging heavy. Surprisingly, Jinx didn’t
react with shock. “I didn’t mean to do it. I was
only trying to protect myself, and thenโ€ฆ”

“Shhโ€ฆ” Jinx interrupted with a comforting
gesture. “I know you didn’t mean it.” She offered
a soft smile, and Elmira hugged her tightly, tears
streaming down her face.

“No matter how hard I try, I can’t erase the
memory. It keeps messing with my head” Elmira
admitted. “Even in my sleep, I am being haunted
by horrible nightmares.”

“Try not to think about it for now, okay?” Jinx
suggested, gently patting Elmira’s hair.

“I am scared, J” she mumbled, holding Jinx as if
seeking refuge.

“There is nothing to be afraid of. I’m here with
you” Jinx reassured.

“Let me tell you a secret” she began, and Elmira,
curious and desperate for distraction, broke the
hug to listen.

“When I was in high school, I was made a target
for bullying. I always tried my best to cope with
it all and never complained to a single soul
about how badly I was being treated in school,
not even my grandma. One day, something
happened that changed my life forever.” Jinx
paused, licking her dry lips lightly, as if the
memories were resurfacing.

“The girl who was the leader of the bullies had
approached me after school. She requested
money, but I didn’t have any. The only thing in
my schoolbag was a candy bar, so I offered it to
her. She threw it away, slapped me soundly, and
banged my head on the wall. When she was
about to strike again, I pushed her, and she lost
her footing, falling down the stairs. The next
thing I saw was her laying on the cold floor in a
pool of blood with a cracked head.”

Elmira covered her mouth in shock after Jinx
recounted the traumatic experience.

“Till today, that blood, the ambulance siren, and
her mother’s loud cries have never escaped my
mind” Jinx confessed.

“But you only did it to save yourself” Elmira
countered, trying to find a justification.

“Yes, but that’s not how the world works” she
smiled sadly. “Our conscience was made to
suffer the consequences of our sins, no matter
how little they were.”

โœฎ๐ƒ๐„๐‹๐‘๐ˆ๐‚๐Ž’๐’ ๐‘๐„๐’๐ˆ๐ƒ๐„๐๐‚๐„โœฎ

Delrico, upon returning home, was puzzled by
distinct sounds from Leona’s room. A loud
Mรต@ษฒ caught his attention, prompting him to

“Who the hell is it?” Leona’s sharp voice echoed.

Breaking down the door, Delrico was confronted
with a surprising sceneโ€”a male segz worker
attending to Leona. The intimate moment was
interrupted as he intruded.

“Can’t you see I need privacy?” Leona retorted,
using her leg to pull the man back to resume his

“This is my house!” Delrico exclaimed.

“Why the harsh tone? Wish you were getting all
this tasty juice?” Leona’s teasing fueled his

Her provocative remark momentarily silenced

“Oh, God! You are f-__-king good, baby” she
Mรต@ษฒed loudly, exacerbating the tension.

Unable to tolerate the scene, Delrico took action.
He seized the segz worker, delivering a punch
that sent him sprawling. Straddling the fallen
man, Delrico unleashed a barrage of heavy

Alarmed, Leona pleaded for him to stop.

“Stop it! Please, Rico” she implored, softly
touching him.

Suddenly aware of his actions, Delrico ceased
the assault. After ejecting the segz worker, he
angrily demanded to know why she had hired

“I felt horny” Leona confessed unapologetically.
“What? I don’t have the right to do that too?” she

“No, you don’t. You are in my possession now,
and that means I own you. You are mine, Leona
Blackwell!” Delrico asserted defiantly.

Leaning in, he declared, “Every bit of you
belongs to me!” He sealed the statement with a
kiss on her neck.

Leona held his face and reciprocated with a
peck on his lips.

“Then f-__-k me till I accept that as the truth,
Delrico Montanari” she challenged, locking eyes
with him.

“As you wish, Senorita” Delrico responded,
smiling dangerously.

Lifting her by the hips, he carried her to the bed
and placed her gently on it.

โœฎ๐”๐๐Š๐๐Ž๐–๐ ๐‹๐Ž๐‚๐€๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐โœฎ

Vladimir awoke to the embrace of cool
darkness, startled by a cascade of icy water. His
surroundings revealed a disconcerting truth โ€“ he
was bound and naked. Before he could
comprehend the dire situation, a voice emerged
from the shadows.

“Hope you dreamt about hell, ’cause you’re
going to say hi to the devil again” ominous
words sliced through the air, accompanied by
the appearance of a perilous-looking girl.

“Misโ€ฆ” Vladimir’s attempt to respond was cut
short, a surge of pain penetrating his eyeโ€”a
haunting reminder of Gavino’s gunshot during
their brutal confrontation.

A growl emanated as he clenched his fist,
recalling the miraculous escape from the
battleground, whisked away in a waiting car just
in the nick of time.

“I seriously warned you to avoid failure, yet you
disobeyed” the voice, dripping with disdain,
echoed in the dim space, punctuated by the
cruel impact of a whip against Vladimir’s
defenseless body.


“You had the guts to return alive” Another lash
found its mark, extracting a pained yelp from

“Please give me another chance” he pleaded
amidst the onslaught.

“Another chance to humiliate me?” The girl
rebuked, and the whipping continued, each
strike carving its mark into Vladimir’s flesh.
Soon, blood flowed freely.

Exhausted from the relentless flogging, the
assailant finally ceased, exhaling audibly. A bag
of sugar, retrieved by one of her minions, found
it’s way into her hands, it’s contents poured on
Vladimir’s wounded form. Following this
macabre act, a jar of fire ants was produced.

“After now, you will learn to carry out every order
I give like a good dog” she sneered, reveling in
Vladimir’s suffering as the fire ants explored his
agonized flesh.

“No, noโ€ฆ Ahhh!” Vladimir’s anguished screams
echoed through the desolate space, drowned
out only by the malevolent laughter of his


“Why aren’t you eating?” Gavino’s annoyed tone
filled the room as he glanced at Elmira, keen
eyes observing her untouched plate.

“I lack appetite” she replied, staring at her barely
disturbed meal.

“Then leave the dining instead of wasting my
hard-earned money” his stern gaze intensified,
and Elmira reluctantly dropped her spoon.

“Go to your room!” he ordered, and she hastily
stood, escaping the uncomfortable atmosphere
by running upstairs.

“I’m not giving you any d@mn money, Brielle. Get
the f-__-k out of my phone” Delrico’s voice
echoed through the corridor as he entered the

“In case you missed your way to a rehab center,
this is the wrong destination” Gavino muttered,
cutting a piece of pork that he promptly shoved
into his mouth.

“That girl wants to be the end of me” Delrico
growled, pulling out a chair to settle down at the
dining table.

“Where do you think she got the trait from?”

“I’m not her parent. I have a ร‡0รงฦ™, not a V@ฤฃฤญล„@!”
Delrico retorted.

“Mind that infested tongue; I am eating!” Gavino
snapped, $h00ting a fierce glare across the

“Wh@ลฅฤ›ver!” He rolled his eyes sarcastically.

“Are you still living with her?” Gavino’s question
caught Delrico off guard.

“Who?” He furrowed his brows, attempting to

“Don’t play dumb with me.”

“How did you find out about her?” Delrico
countered, realizing that Gavino was referring to

“What are your plans?” He ignored Delrico’s
question and threw his own.

“Getting her pregnant!”




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