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HomeNOIR LEGACY (The Reign Of Monsters)NOIR LEGACY (The Reign Of Monsters) -Episode 18

NOIR LEGACY (The Reign Of Monsters) -Episode 18

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(The Reign Of Monsters)

𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑬: 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝑮𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔

Written By, 𝐀𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧_𝐀𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞



“Gavino, $h00t!” Gavino’s mother’s anguished
cry shattered the stillness of the night, her voice
abruptly silenced by a sinister echo—a bullet
that reverberated through the dark recesses of
Gavino’s nightmare, jerking him awake.

His eyes snapped open, scanning the dimness
of the room. Reality seeped in slowly, and he
realized he was safe in his bed. The corners of
the room remained cloaked in darkness,
signaling the lingering grasp of night.

Turning his gaze to the left, Gavino observed
Elmira, peacefully asleep with only a hoodie and
pants. A frown etched across his face as he
recollected the events that led them to share the
same bed.

Running a hand through his disheveled hair,
Gavino sighed, his thoughts heavy. He rose
from the bed with a sense of urgency, leaving
Elmira undisturbed. As he entered the bathroom,
his reflection stared back at him in the
expansive mirror.

The cold surface mirrored a face marked by the
remnants of a haunting nightmare. The pain
etched into his features betrayed the attempt to
bury a bloody scene and wounds from his past.
Though he embraced the moniker of a monster,
there existed scars, indelible reminders of a
history he sought to conceal.

Water from the tap cascaded over his face,
attempting to cleanse away the mental residue
of the night’s terrors. Gavino’s eyes met his
reflection again. Monsters, too, bore scars that
defied erasure.

Leaving the bathroom, he returned to the room,
the weight of silent contemplation lingering.
Before stepping out, he grabbed his pack of
cigarettes, a solitary comfort he needed at the
moment. As he lit one, the smoke curled around
him, obscuring the specters of his past that
continued to haunt him.


The sun had just begun its ascent in the sky,
casting a warm glow over the sprawling
mansion. As Elmira descended the grand
staircase, her voice rang out in a cheerful
response to the maid’s morning greeting.

“Master is waiting for you at the pergola” the
maid informed her, prompting Elmira to nod in
acknowledgment as she made her way towards
the open air.

Stepping outside, Elmira found herself
captivated by the sheer elegance of the estate.
While it might not rival the grandeur of the
Italian mansion, this abode still exuded an
unmistakable air of wealth. The surroundings
resembled a paradise that had managed to
escape the clutches of reality.

Her eyes quickly located the pergola, and she
hastened towards it. Gavino was casually
seated with an air of effortless sophistication. A
cigarette dangled between his lips, and a
newspaper was clutched in his hand.

“Good morning, Master” Elmira greeted, but her
words seemed to fall on deaf ears as Gavino
remained silent.

“Sit” he eventually commanded, prompting
Elmira to glance around for an available seat.

The only vacant spot was on the very chair he
occupied. Understanding his unspoken request,
she approached and settled on his lap, an
action that still felt awkward to her despite its

The newspaper was placed on the table, and
Gavino took hold of Elmira’s chin, redirecting
her gaze toward him.

“Did you sleep well?” he inquired dryly, his
fingers deftly tucking a stray strand of her hair
behind her ear.

“Yes, I did” Elmira replied with a nod, unaware
that Gavino had observed her attempts to
conceal the hickeys of last night.

“Don’t cover my marks on you. I like to see
them” he asserted, pulling down her dress to
reveal the array of hickeys that adorned her

Feeling a flush of embarrassment, Elmira
averted her eyes.

“You didn’t react this way when begging me not
to stop” he smirked, evoking a sense of shame
in Elmira as she recollected her unbridled

Reaching for a small bottle of medicine on the
table, Gavino extracted a pill and issued a

“Open up” he instructed, and Elmira complied.

Placing the pill on her tongue, Gavino then
handed her a glass of water, asking her to
swallow the medication. Grimacing at the bitter
taste, Elmira received the bottle of medicine
along with a stern admonition.

“Take a pill whenever I don’t use protection or
any news of pregnancy will be the end of you
and that horrible thing” he warned coldly, fixing
a penetrating gaze on her stomach.

Elmira swallowed hard, the weight of his words
sinking in. Clutching the bottle of medicine, she
couldn’t shake the fear of bearing his child, a
prospect she dreaded above all else.


Jinx meticulously inspected her dress, ensuring
it possessed the allure and sensuality necessary
to captivate anyone’s attention—specifically,

Positioned directly in front of his door, she held
a tray bearing his deliciously prepared meal.

“Here goes nothing” she mumbled, lightly
tapping on Chase’s door.

After receiving no response to her first and
second knocks, confusion settled in. She was
certain he was inside.

“Chase” she called out, knocking again. “Please
open the door; your meal is here.” Her plea
accompanied another gentle knock.

Deciding to depart after one final attempt, the
door swung open before she could follow
through. The dishes she carried spilled outside
as she was forcefully pulled in.

“Ahh…” Jinx whimpered, the impact against the
wall sending a sharp jolt through her back.

Opening her eyes, she found herself cornered by

“Chase?” she murmured, confused.

Ignoring her call, Chase shocked her by doing
something unimaginable—he kissed her.

He was kissing her hungrily, leaving Jinx in a
state of disbelief. Convinced it must be a dream,
she closed her eyes, attempting to convince
herself it wasn’t happening.

Reopening them, the reality persisted. Chase
continued kissing her fervently as if he had
been starved for affection. Initially
reciprocating, Jinx assumed it would end there.

However, a sudden tearing sound shattered the
moment. Her eyes widened as she realized it
was her clothing being torn away. It became
evident that Chase desired more than just a

Trying to break free from the kiss and push him
away, Jinx found herself overpowered. Adding
to the complexity of the situation was Chase’s
seemingly inhuman strength, as though an
unseen force was empowering him.

“Stop” she whispered into the heated kiss, but he
appeared oblivious.

“Please” she begged as he ripped off her dress

Chase lifted her on his shoulder, threw her on
his bed, and got on top of her.

While unbuckling his trousers, Jinx attempted to
close her legs, but he forcefully separated them.
Without delay, he tore open a condom, put it on,
and positioned his penis near her ćƖĩť.

“Please, don’t do this” Jinx pleaded, shaking her

“Stai zitto! (Shut up!)” he barked and th-ru_st
inside her.

“Argh” she cried loudly, a tear slipping as she
dug her fingernails into the bedsheet.

Chase groaned, th-ru_sting deeper and increasing
his pace without consideration or remorse for
the pain he was causing.

It had always been Jinx’s burning desire to be
intimate with him, but not like this. He was no
longer the guy she craved; he had become an
unknown beast.


“Okay, boss. I’ll keep things going as planned”
Nevio affirmed before ending the call.

The sudden sound of Kendra’s voice caught
him off guard, and he flinched.

“Who were you talking to?” she inquired.

“Learn to stop poking your nose into people’s
business” he snapped defensively, irritated by
her intrusion.

“I asked a f-__-king question that demands an
answer” she snarled, $h00ting him a h@ťěful

“An answer I won’t give” he retorted, their gazes
locked in a battle of wills.

Tensions escalated, and Kendra clenched her
fist, poised to strike. Suddenly, Ryder appeared
at her side, holding her back.

“Let’s try not to get messy” he suggested.

“Tell your Ɓîtçh to stay off my lane” Nevio
scoffed as he made a hasty exit.

The moment he left, Kendra’s anger boiled over.

“Did that bastard just call me a Ɓîtçh?” she

“Chill, Kitty. He’s not worth the energy” Ryder
advised, smiling faintly.

Ignoring his counsel, Kendra struggled against
his grip, determined to settle the score.

“Take your f-__-king hand off me” she snapped,
freeing herself forcefully. “And leave me the
f-__-k alone!” she yelled as she stormed away,
leaving Ryder behind.

“I’m always here if you need a Ďïčk to f-__-k off
that anger” he shouted after her.

Kendra responded with a defiant ‘f-__-k You’
gesture, causing him to chuckle lightly.


Gavino, accompanied by his vigilant bodyguard,
approached the rear of a sleek car. With
practiced ease, the bodyguard popped open the
trunk, revealing a bound man with limbs
secured by rope and a sealed tape silencing his
attempts to speak. Gavino’s icy gaze fell upon
the captive, who struggled fruitlessly against his

“What of his men?” he asked.

“We’ve taken care of them as per your
instructions” the bodyguard replied, prompting a
nod from Gavino, signaling him to close the
car’s trunk.

From a nondescript box, Gavino retrieved a
mask crafted to mimic the features of the
captive man. As he donned the disguise, he
seamlessly blended.

“Stay with them and wait for me” he instructed
Elmira, and she nodded.

Leaning in, Gavino issued a chilling warning.

“A single scratch on her, and your families can
decide the color of the coffins before I return.”

With that, he pivoted, making his way to his car,
where he swiftly entered and accelerated away.


Vladimir lounged in his chair, grinning slyly.
“This deal benefits both of us. Together, we’ll
dominate the entire territory.”

Gavino responded coolly, “True, but trust doesn’t
come easy for me. What guarantees do I have
that you won’t double-cross us?” His gaze
remained icy.

“Loyalty is my middle name, my dear friend”
Vladimir chuckled confidently.

“In business, there’s no room for friendship or
loyalty” Gavino countered.

“Yet, here you are, without a single bodyguard”
Vladimir pointed out. “Doesn’t that imply we’re
already forming a bond?”

“I suppose so” he replied, a mischievous smile
playing on his lips.

After extensive discussion, both parties dropped
large, heavy black bags on the floor.

Vladimir signaled one of his men to open
Gavino’s bag, revealing the drugs inside. Taking
a pack, he opened it, sniffing the substance.

“Knew you wouldn’t disappoint” he smiled

“Had to satisfy my customer” Gavino

“Looking forward to more future business” he
said, rising from his seat and extending his right

“As am I” Vladimir replied, shaking hands with a
more mischievous smile.

As Gavino grabbed the bag and headed toward
the door, on the verge of being opened, a gun
pressed against the back of his head.

“Did you think I would be stupid enough not to
recognize you, Gavino Di Grazia?”




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