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HomeNOIR LEGACY (The Reign Of Monsters)NOIR LEGACY (The Reign Of Monsters) -Episode 13

NOIR LEGACY (The Reign Of Monsters) -Episode 13

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(The Reign Of Monsters)

𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑬: 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝑮𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔

Written By, 𝐀𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧_𝐀𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞



In the cold and hushed arena, a chilling silence
enveloped the lifeless form of the young girl on
the ground. Elmira, paralyzed by shock,
trembled as Gavino’s icy, calculating eyes bore
into her, signaling imminent danger.

Ryder had fired the fatal shot, preventing the girl
from pulling the trigger aimed at Elmira. It was a
plan between him and Gavino.

Gavino released the chain in his grasp,
unleashing his savage hyena upon the lifeless
girl. The beast tore into her fragile form,
reducing her to tattered remains. Onlookers
watched in morbid fascination, while Elmira,
gripped by horror, contemplated her narrow
escape from a gruesome fate.

Gavino rose from his seat, advancing toward
Elmira, and she retreated in fear.

“You know well who was meant to lie there” his
voice cut through the silence.

With accusing eyes fixed on the girl’s corpse, he
scolded Elmira, “Don’t you grasp the first
instinct of every mobster? ‘ki|| or be ki||ed!'”

“Why did you f-__-king hesitate?” Gavino
thundered, prompting Elmira to flinch.

“Ryder!” He called, and Ryder rushed to his side.

“Yes, Don.”

“Fifty unrelenting strokes” he delivered a chilling

A collective gasp echoed as the final decree
was declared. Gavino exited the scene, leaving
Elmira to be dragged away like a thief to face
brutal consequences.


“Stop taking my liquors as if you had a hand in
buying them” Delrico snarled, grabbing a bottle
of liquor from Leona’s hand.

“Oh please, they’re not even worth half the price
of the ones I take” she scoffed, rolling her eyes

“What’s stopping Princess Diana from returning
to her castle to continue taking her extremely
expensive wines?” He questioned mockingly.

“Quit feeding yourself the lies that I can’t leave

“Please, there’s the exit” he pointed towards the

Unfazed, Leona rose and began striding
towards the door.

“Just so you know, the moment you step
outside that door, those mobsters that marked
your face as Pedro’s daughter will rip you apart
before an order is even given to them” Delrico

Pausing at the door, Leona hesitated her fingers
on the knob, contemplating the risks and

“Be a good puppy and come back and tell me
how much Papa is willing to pay to have you
back in your cage” he taunted, engrossed in his

Reacting impulsively, Leona rushed back,
attempting to snatch the phone from him, but
he held it out of reach.

“Puppies should only do what their owners order
them to do, so sit!” he commanded.

“Give the phone to me” she demanded.

“What a nice way to request what’s not yours”
Delrico scoffed.

“I know you’re a clown, enough with the circus”
she fired back.

“Since you’re such a bad puppy, it’s high time
you return to your cage.”

“I’m sorry for talking rudely” she quickly
apologized, sensing the need to placate him.

“Not satisfied” he coldly replied.

“I will do wh@ťěver you want” she muttered,
surprising even Delrico.

“Let’s start with a mind-blowing BJ” he
suggested with a sly grin.

“I will do it” she reluctantly agreed.

As he unzipped his trousers, Leona dipped her
hand into his boxers to grab his Ç0çƙ.

“You’re not even big” she scoffed.

“Should we find out if that’s a lie?” he smirked,
and she rolled her eyes in response.

As she began her task, Delrico closed his eyes,
blissfully unaware that an unexpected twist
awaited. Abruptly, she bit him hard, causing him
to scream in pain.



“Arrgghhh!!!” Elmira’s cries echoed through the
cell with each brutal lash from Flame’s
relentless hand striking her back. The pain was
beyond description.

Energized by malevolent strength and deep-
seated hatred, Flame continued the merciless
assault. Elmira endured the torment, tears
mixing with sweat streaming down her face. Her
once-intact clothing now lay torn and soaked in
the crimson evidence of her suffering.

After a few beatings, Flame paused to mock
Elmira’s agony.

“What number was that?” She jeered. “Oh wait,
who’s counting?” With a maniacal laugh, she
raised the ominous rubber lash, poised to
resume the onslaught.

Unable to bear witness any longer, Chase
decided to retreat before succumbing to the
urge to intervene. As he exited, he encountered
Jinx, anxiously pacing outside.

“How is she faring?” she implored, reaching out
with genuine concern.

“Can’t you hear her screams?” Chase retorted
sharply, forcefully pulling away.

Continuing his departure, an unexpected pain
seared through his head, causing him to groan
aloud. Blurry images and incomprehensible
voices overwhelmed him, prompting Jinx to
rush to his aid.

“Chase, what’s wrong with you?” she inquired

“It’s none of your f-__-king business!” he barked,
staggering away from her and the haunting
echoes of Elmira’s suffering.


Gavino found himself in a crucial business
meeting with foreign investors, but his mind
wandered beyond the boardroom’s confines.
Despite repeated calls for his attention, his
focus remained elusive.

“Mr. Gavino? Mr. Gavino!” Urgent voices
attempted to reclaim his attention.

Nodding, he acknowledged their efforts to bring
him back to the pressing matters at hand.

“Are you with us?” A concerned inquiry
emanated from one of the men present.

“Yes” he responded.

Despite efforts to shake off distractions,
Gavino’s gaze lingered on the document before

“That’s all it takes to seal this deal?” he
questioned, directing his stare at the carefully
prepared paperwork.

“Yes, that is all” came the reply from a member
of the negotiating team.

In a decisive move, Gavino grasped his pen and
swiftly signed his signature where required.

“We look forward to working with you” the head
of the foreign delegation expressed, extending a
handshake that Gavino reciprocated.

The meeting concluded, and the participants
dispersed. Gavino resolved to bring the day to a

“Cancel my other schedules” he instructed
Isabella as she entered with a cup of coffee in

“But the next one is very important” she

“Who makes the decisions here?” Gavino’s gaze
sharpened as he asserted his authority.

“I will cancel them right away” Isabella
acquiesced, and Gavino seized his suit jacket,
leaving the office.


Kendra’s eyes were fixed on the extracted bullet
that Ryder displayed. The wound in her arm, still
oozing slightly, fueled determination in her gaze
as she clenched her fists.

“I swear I’m going to ki|| her myself” she vowed
with seething anger.

“That’s not what I want you to think about right
now. Just try to get some rest” Ryder attempted
to redirect her thoughts.

“Rest after that little witch caused me to get
shot?” Kendra retorted. Ryder silenced her with a
gentle touch, placing a finger on her lips.

“Your health matters the most to me, Kitty” he
smiled sincerely.

“If you want a cat, go get one and stop referring
to me as one” she snapped, swatting his hand

“I prefer the talking one” he teased, earning a
sharp glare from Kendra.

“What are you trying to do?” she questioned as
she noticed him leaning closer.

“Trying to steal a kiss as a thank you” Ryder
grinned playfully.

“Ahh!” he groaned in mock pain, holding his
stomach as she landed a punch on him.

“There’s still more where that came from” she
warned, brandishing her folded fist.

“I should have known better than to help an
ungrateful soul” Ryder mumbled while Kendra
redirected her focus to the wound he had
assisted in treating.


The cell door creaked open, revealing Elmira
within. Gavino strode in, commanding the
untying of her hands. Weak and drained, Elmira
crumpled to the frigid floor. Gavino’s gaze
lingered on her until he reached down to assess
her condition, discovering the cruel lashes on
her back.

Without a word to anyone, Gavino gathered her
limp form into his arms, carrying her away from
the haunting confines of the cell.

Observing their departure, Nevio and Chase
exchanged hushed words.

“I can’t fathom why he spares her, opting for
torment over death. His previous victims barely
lasted two nights, yet she endures” Nevio
pondered, watching the retreating figures.

“Doesn’t his pleasure lie in witnessing others
suffer?” Chase replied skeptically.


Gavino and Elmira immersed themselves in the
comforting warmth of his expansive jacuzzi.
Determined to cleanse her, Gavino took it on
himself to wash away the traces of blood,
discarding Elmira’s blood-soaked clothing.

In the quiet bathroom, Gavino studied the lash
marks on Elmira’s back, a disquieting
realization settling within him – had he gone too

With deliberate care, he traced his finger along
each line, each touch evoking a wince from
Elmira. Silently, he methodically used a liquid to
cleanse her back. The bathroom witnessed their
prolonged presence, and eventually, Gavino
lifted Elmira out of the water. Adorned in towels,
they transitioned into the adjoining room.

Upon the soft expanse of the bed, Gavino gently
laid Elmira. Extracting a first aid box, he set
about tending to her injuries. Elmira remained
composed, observing him applying the healing
ointment with stoic silence. Amid this intimate
care, she contemplated the enigma of the man
before her, wondering how the devil could
coexist within a human frame.

Behind Gavino’s impassive facade, Elmira
sensed concealed agony, an internal strife that
he vehemently shielded from the world. The
ointment was applied, and Gavino returned it to
it’s kit, placing the box back in it’s designated

Reclining on the bed beside her, Gavino covered
their bodies with the duvet. His robust arm
encircled Elmira, drawing her close as he buried
his head into the crook of her neck, inhaling her

“Don’t make me hurt you this way again” he
uttered, breaking the silence. Elmira clutched the
duvet to her chest, making no movement.

Even as slumber claimed Gavino, she lay
awake, haunted by both physical pain and fear.




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