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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY SEX TEACHER – Episode 13

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💦 MY
segz Teacher 💦

❄️Use what you have…..
To get what you want🔥
(segz at Paragon High)
Written by: Empress BIMS 🌻
(Not edited expect mistakes)

The man was busy sipping his tea without paying attention to the school girl that just entered his office. But he noticed her when she made her crying evident.

“Helena? Why are you crying? And why are you here? You should be in school by now?” he asked

Helena sat down angrily without saying anything but keep crying the man stretched his hand to clean her face but she dodged it.

“What’s wrong with you? Don’t tell me you failed in the mission?” the man asked again.

Helena stood up angrily and flared up….. “Are you praying that I fail? Well I didn’t fail so can I go back to back to France? I have faced more than enough humility can I go back now?” she yelled.

“How did you execute it? What did you do that will make Adam and his father loose face in front of grandmother?” the man identified as Joseph Paragon asked.

He’s the elder brother to Mr Japheth Paragon, the current director of Paragon high school. The real story behind Paragon High school was that it was owned by their Grandmother who’s living at India for a long time.

Mr Joseph had been looking for all possible ways to become the director of Paragon High school and in this regard, he found Helena who died right in front of Adam who failed to save her.

He decided to save her and made her his puppet. “Yes I Did everything I can…. And i must say that as from now on…. Things will be tough” She reported.

“Good girl, but I can’t let you leave for France yet, you won’t leave Los Angeles not until I get on that seat as the director of Paragon High schools then you’ll be free to go back home” Mr Joseph said.

Helena exclaimed furiously….. “What? What else did I have to do for you? You saved my life and I ruined the life of a friend that’s always there for me, I ruined Rebecca’s life, I lost all trusts I had from my friends and Adam that loves me h@ťěd me and you still expect me to stay with you?” she asked

“Yes, that’s out contract….. I saved your life and you’ll help me get to the seat of the director of Paragon High school…. And you won’t be lonely here… My son’s are here too” He argued.

“But it’s still not fair, if I was here and what if I got noticed that I am here? Adam and his dad are not as bad as you think can’t you just let me go home?”Helena pleaded

“It’s not easy babe…. Neil and Flynn are your age mates, I’ll arrange for you to go to their day school so keep shut and live here let’s just wait and see what happens” He said and sipped his tea again. Helena just cried and cried and left the room.

“This is the worst thing that ever happened since o arrived in this school” Ricco murmured as he Stood in a corner with Judy and ian watching Rebecca stand in front of the discipline committee which consists of thier class teacher, Vice principal, thier Dorm mistress and some parents.

“As I was saying, a student like this shouldn’t be in this school, I mean how did she even get out of the school compound? She’s going to let out Kids emulate her bad attitudes” One of the mother’s said.

“I know that you’re all concerned that a boarding student is the one involved in this and she shouldn’t leave the dorm during school days until holiday, but this girl here Rebecca Ken is no a bad student…. She had never had any tarnishing to her image this is the first time, so shall we pardon her?”Miss Tiffany defended.

The vice principal stood up fiercely….. “Hey Miss Tiffany, are you trying to support this student? She did a bad thing you shouldn’t speak for her! He bellowed.

Miss Tiffany stood up too…. “No sir! She’s my student I have been her homeroom teacher since she was admitted to this school I won’t allow her to be expelled because of this Stupid scandal!”She replied.

Ricco and Judy hissed in sadness after hearing what miss Tiffany said they didn’t expect her to be such a teacher.

“Miss Tiffany can be mean and segz freak but she actually cares about her students? Ricco exclaimed.

“Maybe she had a good f-__-k overnight…. Who knows?” Judy replied.

Rebecca was just standing with tears in her face and Ian don’t know what to do.

“Look at the stupid teacher protecting her student! Is this kind of protecting she needs? I don’t allow this kind of student to study with my kids”, another mother said.

Still on this, Ian came out of the hiding and faced the discipline committee with sharp face….

“Rebecca Ken is not the only one to blame for this…. I am Also at fault” he said

“Ain’t your the son of thr director? Ain’t you ashamed already that you even have the guts to face us? What a bad school! The mother that talked earlier left angrily.

After series of arguments and arguments, Rebecca was told to leave the school for the moment while the attention of the director is needed because of his son.

Rebecca had packed her bags, she had resolved that she will go to the university her elder sister was and scout there before the matter escalate…. She can’t afford to let her father if all people know about her scandal.

“I can’t believe I’ll sleep alone without Rebecca and her strange attitude” Judy said sadly.

“You never listen to me anyways, when I said that Ian of a guy has bad aura but you never listen to me, you think I was jealous and now… It has Happened” Ricco said too.

Rebecca hugged Judy and kissed Ricco…. “I am sorry dudes, I don’t know it will turn out this way, and Ian is not at fault and so as Helena, she might had her reasons for doing that to me”, Rebecca pacified.

Judy hissed…. “okay, as your lordship thinks…. You don’t have any other sensible person to protect it was now Helena of all people? Anyways call me when you get to your sister’s side”

Rebecca nodded and they all left the room burner Miss Tiffany at the door…. Rebecca saw her and broke into tears…. Since she was in the school, she had never had this close affinity wit miss Tiffany she never even met her alone… She was surprised that the teacher could stood up for her.

“I am sorry Teacher…. I am really sorry” she sobbed.

Miss Tiffany cleaned her face caring lovingly….. “It’s Okay Rebecca, I should say sorry instead I am sorry there’s Nothing I could do to protect my student” she apologized

“No teacher…. You tried your best…. Don’t worry teacher when I cleared this mess I’ll come to your room for some cringe things”Rebecca said trying to make the teacher smile.

The woman left afterwards.

“Eish!!! What a cry baby we have for a homeroom teacher,x, Regina of Gravity Girls said.

“Hey! Rebecca Ken… Come back to school soon so that I can bully you! Mary called.

Rebecca didn’t say anything but left the school compound with her friends and they left her too when they got to the school gate.

“I’ll miss you Judy…..” She said

Rebecca got to the bus stop to Meet Ian there….

“Why are you here? She asked

“I don’t have the courage to face you in school… This is partially my fault” He said remorsefully.

Rebecca sat beside him and sighed…. “No it’s Also mine… Your dad and the school will be in turmoil because of me… ”

“And your dad will also flare up of he learns of this?

“No… I am going to meet my sister in her school… I’ll stay with her till the matter is cleared if my dad knows about this then I should dig my own grave” She sans and they both laughed.

The boss pulled to a stop, he hugged her before she was about to go in but meet the most horrible scene of her life…

What’s she had never imagined to happen….

What she dreaded…. Rebecca froze…

What did Rebecca see?

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