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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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㊙️⏹️My Secretary and I?⏹️

⬛♓(The surrogacy’s desires )❤️?
Type: Korean drama ??

©️Richie Ayomide™️

♦️ CHAPTER 8 & 9♦️
(Lee bin’s Mansion)㊙️㊙️
The doctor came out of Lee bin’s room… Cha quickly rushed to him.

“He is fine now.. he had a cardiac arrest earlier”
His personal doctor said.

“Cardiac arrest??
When does that happened?
Cha asked.

“The ICD he is using for his memory is already having a side effects on his body which is the cardiac arrest…
If he didn’t stop using them, he is going to die of cardiac arrest one day”.
I already explained to him already.

“Alright Thanks doc… I will have a talk with me right now”
Cha said and walk into lee bin’s room.. Lee Bin stood up and stare at ha ri’s painting.

“I have heard from the doctor ”
Cha said and lee Bin look back at him folding his arms.

“I cant stop using the ICD for now or I would barely remember or have memory of everyone ”

“But if you do… You are going to die…
Do you want to?? Mr Lee?

Lee sighs and sat on the bed.
“I still have to use it till when our app project is done”
He said it like he mean it and lie on the bed.

Bo Ra came out of the kitchen with a bowl ? of noodles in her hand and a book file in the other.
She kept staring at it and sat on the floor… She began to eat the hot bowl of noodles as she stares at the book.

The bedroom door opened and ar hee came in rubbing his two arms..
“Hanh… I told you there is cold.. go wear a sweater quick before you sleep okay?

“Alright mom, I will do that.. Grandma refuse to tell me moonlight stories”
He replied.

“She is busy, arhee… She will read them to you tomorrow.. it’s late already”.
Arhee grunt.

“Mom… You have been reading this book ever since you came back from work??
Is someone stressing your peace I should teach them a lesson?
Bo Ra laughed.

“Go inside… And that’s reminds me why did you beat up your classmates in your new school..
Tae Ra reported to me.

“Mom… I have too.. they called me fatherless”.
He said and bo Ra groans.

“Please ar hee, don’t beat up your classmates anymore… Just ignore them okay??

“Mom… I need to sleep”
He said and entered his bedroom.

Bo Ra just nodded and put her eyes back on her book.
“Maybe I should start a business after this…
75mullion would go a long way ”
She muttered eating up the tip of her pen. She sighs and face the ceiling.
Her mind went back to what Cha said in the car.

“Wonder if it’s the same ha ri”
She said.

(The next morning ?)
Finance innovation ㊙️
“Good morning, bo Ra ”
Jo boung came in.

“Morning… Did I came too early?
She asked.

“No… I was always the first to get to work and now you broke my record.
He replied and bo Ra laughed… He sat down and drops his bag.

Director Cha walked in with his hands in his pocket.. he smiles on seeing Bora.

“You are early”
Cha said.

Am done with the file the CEO gave me”

“That was fast??
And you understand every single one of them?

I took the whole night”.

“Well.. that’s great, let go grab some coffee.. Jo boung will you join us?”

“No… Am okay”
He replied and turn on his computer.

Guess it’s just you and I”
Bo Ra smiles and they both walked out of the employees unit into the elevator.

They walk into the cafeteria and grab a coffee before walking to find a seat…
“Does the CEO do come this late every time?”
Bo Ra asked sitting down.

“Yeah… Sometimes we come to work together
Cha replied.
“So you and the CEO are like best friend?”

“We are not really best friend but am the only friend he can run into or called a friend”

“That is typically a friend also, Cha
That’s what friends are meant for?”

“Okay? If you say so..
Why are you asking anyway?

“Am just curious maybe your cold boss has a good heart to few people”
Bo Ra replied and Cha laughed.

“You just have a day to go now.. Once you are done with the project, you are off”.

“Yeah… I will surely find a better job Sooner… Companies will even like to employ me if I tell them I have once work in Fin.

“Maybe… They might not accept your three days work days..
What are you going to do with the 75million won?”
Cha asked and bo Ra sighs..

“It’s a lot of money.. and if i don’t get another job, I think am going to Open a chicken shop just like my mom”.

That’s sounds nice”
Cha said and his phone rang.
He picked it.
?The CEO is around, he needs you in the office”
Jo boung Said over the phone.
? Alright thanks.

“Let’s go,.. lee Bin is around”
Cha said and stood up.

(Employees unit ㊙️)
“Good morning Choi”
Hwan greeted and smile.
Choi just nodded and continue with his business on the computer.

Hwan hissed and raises her eyelashes at him before taking her seat.
Director Cha and bo Ra walked in… Bo Ra walk to them and Cha went straight to Lee bin’s office.

“Good morning, Hwan”
Bo Ra smile..
“Morning, my dear
How was your night?” Hope is not like that of this stubborn man right here”
She said rolling her eyes at Choi.
Choi just sighs.

“It was fine…
Thanks for asking”.
Bo Ra replied and sat down.

“So I heard you are here for just three days?? “Yeah, as fate would have it…

I was only employed for a project”.

“Am sorry about that… How I wish you were an employee like us…
Hwan said and pout her face.

“Hope Jo boung is done with the game project?”
Lee Bin asked.

“Not yet, I would have a talk with him and maybe speed it up”…
And also, bo Ra is done with the assignment and she is ready to present”.

“Oh .. that was fast??
Once you are on your way out, call her in”.

“Alright, lee Bin.
That will be all then”
Cha said and walked out. Lee Bin breathe out in relief and relax on his chair.
He look around the room and trace his mind to what his father said.

“⏩Am going to transfer all my asset to your step brother”.
He remembers and scoffs.
“What does dad take me for?? Does he think am after his properties or I want a share?
He thought.

“I can build my own legacy myself without anyone’s help…
Who the f-__-k is he?? Let him die for all I care ”
He was lost in thought not until bo Ra waved her hands across his face.
He came back to reality.

“Am sorry,lee Bin
Have been knocking for over some minutes now and you weren’t answering.. I guess you are not in the human world.
What’s wrong?”
Bo Ra asked.

“Mind your business…
He replied gave her a cold look.

You sent for me”.

“Yeah… Cha told me you are done with the assignment and you are ready to present”.

Bo Ra replied.

“Okay?? You seems assured.
He said and brought out a file..
“Take this and memorize them now..
You are going with me to a lunch meeting”

“But that’s not part of our deal”
Bo Ra blurted out.

“Yeah I know… Just say wh@ťěver amount of money you want for this…
I can’t seems to remember some people’s information and I don’t have time to scale through their information right now”.
Lee Bin said showing no remorse.

Bo Ra smiles.
“I will do it for free”
Lee Bin stare at her weirdly.
“It’s seems you don’t like money, am going to give you a blank check right now if you want”.

Keep your money”
Bo Ra replied sharply and took the file from his hands and walk out leaving him shocked.
He then grunt..
Who cares

Bo Ra walk to her seat and start her assignments on the file..
She memorize every single information of each of Lee bin’s client.

“Hey bo Ra… I thought you are done with the project”
Karen asked her.

“Yeah I am but the CEO gave me….
“Mind your business, karen”
Jo boung interrupted her.

“See who is talking??
Are you angry because hwan denied your precious date?

“Let’s leave date from work please”.
Jo boung replied.

“What really happened?”
Bo Ra asked… Jo boung sighs.
“I knew she is going to tell everyone”
He said.

“Hwan rejected his offer for a date in front of everyone at the bar… Hwan told him she likes Choi and not him.”
Karen replied.
Choi doesn’t know about this yet.

Bo Ra just nodded.
“Sorry, Jo boung… Sometimes this $h|t happens”.
She said.

“Did you know how it feels to get rejected??
Jo boung Said sadly.

“Love will find you one day… Don’t worry”
Bo Ra replied and Karen laughs.
Choi was on headset and could not hear what they were discussing.
He saw bo Ra staring at him continuously. He took off his headphones and face her.
“Is there any problem Bo Ra?”
He asked.

“No .. not at all
Am surprised on how you are really busy with work on your computer.

“Oh this??
I have to finish this game project for Jo boung it’s a new game Called “free fighters”
I added a new features… It can allow users to teleport into thin air before being shot and also weapons bullets are now unlimited…
The public will surely like this”.

“Wow… That’s a lot of work.
You really tried”.
Bo Ra complimented.

Choi smile.

Lee Bin walked into the unit.
“Bo Ra…
Let’s be on our way now, it’s 1pm already”
He said and bo Ra quickly stand up.

She took her handbag and the file before walking to Lee Bin.

“I will see you guys later”
She smile and waved at her colleagues. The others were surprised.
Bo Ra going out with Lee Bin is very weird.

Lee Bin and bo Ra both walked out of Fin building…
The security guards at the entrance bowed before them.
“Wow… You’ve change your dress”
Bo Ra noticed.

“Yeah… It’s a lunch meeting, not for work purpose”
He said and stare at bo Ra’s dress.

“f-__-k, you were on white and black…
You will need a classic dress and look like my secretary”
He sighs.

Lee Bin check his watch on his wrist and keep tipping the ground with his feet.
“We are late and we need a dress”.

“Pull them off… Fast and the black shoes you are wearing”.
I will get you a new dress”

“What?? I should strip naked??
I can’t do that.. it better I go on this dress”
Bo Ra snapped.

“But you can’t go on this dress” and we are f-__-king late
Lee Bin replied angrily.

Bo Ra jerk back in fear.
Lee Bin hissed and walk to a guy, throw him some money and grab his coffee.

They guy first became pissed but when he saw the money… He smiled.
A money enough to buy More than fifty cups of coffee.

Lee Bin took the coffee, walk to Bo Ra and pour it on her dress.
Everyone passing by stare at them.

“? Omg… You ruined my dress”
Bo Ra said shocked.

“Yes… Now Will come with me and change the dress”
He said like he doesn’t care of what he did.

Bo Ra calmed down and enter into his car. He also entered and drove off.
He put a call to his fashion designer.
?Hey, I need a sharp dress for a Lady right now..
I will send you her pictures.
Lee Bin said and ended the call. He snapped her from her head to her waist.

He stare at the pictures.
“Hmm…This looks great”
He muttered.

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