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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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㊙️⏹️My Secretary and I?⏹️

⬛♓(The surrogacy’s desires )❤️?
Type: Korean drama ??

©️Richie Ayomide™️

♦️ CHAPTER 6 &7♦️


⏩⏩ Flashbacks
“Bo Ra… Where did you get the money to pay the hospital bills??”
Her mom asked as they got home..

“Someone did gave me the money
So let’s just forget about it and you have some rest… You were just being discharged”.
She lied.

“Alright?? If you say so
She said in a tired voice and sat down..
“Where is your dad??

“He went out with his friends..
Bo Ra replied and she became pissed.

“That good for nothing husband… Always drinking with his friends and coming home drunk”.

“Mom… Don’t worry too much about him and focus on you getting better”
She said and cover her with a blanket.

“Doctor am pregnant??
I haven’t even had segz with any man..
Am still 22”
Bo Ra asked sadly.

“Yeah… We run our test, you are actually carrying a baby in your womb through the surrogacy you did…
The zygote of someone’s else fertilization was implanted in you…
Did you know about that??

“No… Nothing I could remember”.

“Are you sure??
The doctor asked again.

“Or maybe I remember… The doctor told me my body was used as a carrier”.

“Yeah… I think you have to see that your doctor’
He replied.

“Alright thanks
Bo Ra stood up sadly and walk out…

“You are pregnant??
Bo Ra’s mom said angrily and slap her on the face.

“You disgrace me, bo Ra.. your father embarass me outside, drinking himself to stupor and coming home late and drunk and now you come home with pregnancy”

“Mom… Am sorry
I didn’t know it will results to this??

“Well… You should have known that…
Where is the man who is responsible.. You are 22.. you should be ready to get married by now”

“No one is responsible… I was just pregnant”

“Are you out of your mind??
No one slept with you?

“Gosh… What type of family have I raised??
Bo Ra’s mom said sadly and sat down with tears in her eyes…

Bo Ra’s dad walked in drunk as usual…
“Am sorry I came late, my friends and I are celebrating”
So I decided to drink a little soju.
He said drunkenly with his eyes halfly closed… He staggered and hit his legs on the table..

He fell the ground…Bo Ra quickly stood up and help him up.

“Mom… Go have some sleep… I will help dad to his room”.
Bo Ra said…. Her mom just hissed and walk to the kitchen.
⏩⏩⏩ Flashbacks ends ⏩⏩⏩

“Omg, it’s a cold morning ?”
Lee Bin stood up from the bed and yawned to the air stretching his joint and body..
He pulled off his shirt leaving him in his boxers.. he tossed the shirt to the bed and did a press up..

“Kate… Any found searches on Ha Ri??
He asked his AI computer again.

“No, Mr Lee Bin… No results found” he sighs and continue his press up.

“This is taking longer than I expected”
He muttered breathing heavily… He stop to take a little rest..

He look round his bedroom and his sight caught ha ri’s picture painting.
He quickly stood up and walk to it.. he place his left hand on the wall and point to the painting with his right hand… “Am going to find you soon, trust me”

He remove the painting from the wall and hugged it…
“Why did you disappear?? Why?”
He said and tears fall off his eyes.

“Did you toss away my love and disappear? Don’t you love me anymore? After what we have shared? Ha ri please come back to me, look at what we built together… Finance innovation is now a top notch company in Korea”
We have finally achieve our dreams… All I need is you”… He cried like a baby and sat down on the ground..

“Please come back to me, ha ri…
He continues to cry until Cha walked in.

“Not again”
Cha muttered.

(BIN’s family mansion)
“Sorry, Mr Bin
The family doctor said and signal Chung bin (Nam’s mother) to come with me..
He coughed and stare at his doctor as he walks out with his wife.

“Mrs Chung… I don’t think he is going to live that long anymore… The Cancer has spread throughout his body and he is not going to make it… He has less than four months to live ”

“That’s a bad news… What can we do, doc?”
She asked.

“Nothing… It’s over for your husband… All he have to do is to spend time with his sons”.
The doctor replied.

“Alright, thank you so much, doctor ”
“It’s my job… He said and left.
Chung Bin sighs…
“Now, I have to convince him to transfer all his stock properties to Nam Bin since he is going to die soon”
She muttered…

“What did the doctor discuss with you??
He asked as she walked in.

“Nothing serious… Just how he wants us to look and pay attention to you the more.. and he said your health is improving”
Chung Bin lied and he smile.

“Oh that’s good news… Can you ask lee Bin to see me?? I need to discuss with him… It’s very important”.

“Why lee Bin all the time?? Lee Bin this lee Bin that…
What happened to your real son, Nam

”Did something happened to Nam Bin??

“No… But you have been in touch with Lee Bin and I wonder what you two discuss”.
She replied.

“It’s okay, darling..
Alright invite the both of them over”.
He said in a faint voice and coughed.

The taxi stopped in front of Fin as Bo Ra got off from the taxi…she was speaking with Ar hee.
?Mom… I will be late for school
He shouted over the phone.

?Am at work already, son… Tae Ra will take you to school

?No, mummy I don’t want tae Ra… I want you and I don’t want to be late.
He replied.

?Give the phone to tae Ra now ..
She said and immediately she heard tae Ra voice.

?Tae Ra, Make sure Ar hee goes to school… He might want to act stubborn but he make sure you take him.

?Don’t worry, bo Ra… I will handle it, just have a nice day at work

?I will…
She ended the call and sighs.
“He is just so stubborn?”
She muttered and walk into Fin but was stopped by the security guards.

“Please, your work ID card ma’am…
One of them requested.
Bo Ra looked surprised. “But have not been given.. I was even allowed in yesterday without it”

“No one was employed yesterday ma’am…
They replied.

“Please let her in.. she is with me”
Cha said from a distance.

They quickly opened the glass door as she was let through…. Cha increase his pace and walk to catch up with her.
“We so sorry, Kim bo Ra… We should have given you a work ID card yesterday before you Left”.
Cha apologized.

“No,.. it’s okay.
Can I have it now?’

Let me show you your office first”
He said and as they both walked into an elevator.

“Why do I need an office when am only using just three days here?’
She asked.

“And why would you request for a work ID??
Cha asked also.

“Because I will need it to gain entry into this building…

“And you will need an office table in order for you to feel comfortable so you can give us a very efficient work like a normal employee will try and achieve to impress his boss”.

Fine… I will need both of them”.

I told you I wanted to see you”
Cha Said.

“Yeah… What’s that??

“We will have a talk after work”
He said and the elevator opens..

Bo Ra just grinned.

They both came out of the elevator to receive a warm welcome from the other employees..
Cha pat her shoulders.
“Lee Bin will call you to his office soon”
He said and walk away.

“Welcome to finance innovation…
Am Karen”
Karen said smiling widely.
“This is Hwan, Jo boung and Choi

Am bo Ra.
“Nice to meet you”
They all shook hands with Bo Ra.

“So?? This is your personal space..
Karen said pointing to the office table beside Choi.

Bo Ra smile and walk to have a sit.

“Also… We have the lunch cafeteria, everything there is free”.
Hwan said.

“Wow… That’s nice, I love free foods
Bo Ra replied and Hwan laughed.
“Who doesn’t like free food… We do have a glutton here”.
Hwan eyed Choi.

“Hey, am not a glutton.. I just have to eat, that’s all”
Choi defended himself.
“But be careful of the CEO… He can be frustrating sometimes”
Hwan warned.

“Don’t worry… I can take that”
Bo Ra replied.

A telephone rang on Bo ra’s table..
“Ding ding…
That’s the boss calling”
Hwan said and winked. She move her moving chair back to her table and face her work.

Bo Ra picked it and immediately, a harsh loud pitch voice was heard from the speaker.

Hwan look at her…
She gave her the ” we are used to it” look.
“Kim bo Ra… To my office now”
Lee Bin shouted and bo Ra quickly drop the phone.

She stood up and walk into the elevator.

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