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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY ?
(will he ever notice me)???
By Bella writes

? Sarah pov?

“Like seriously Sarah why did you have to steal the sketch book?” Linda asked as the three of them walked back home.

“I didn’t steal anything, why won’t you just believe me” Sarah said for the umpteenth time.

“We saw the video, so there is no use denying it” Sandra said.

“What’s going on?” Martha asked as soon as they walked in. Noticing the angry look on her daughters face.

“Its Sarah mom,Sarah has shamed us” Linda said

“What did she do?”

“Sarah stole a book and not just anyone book but the book of a famous singer” Sandra chipped in.

“I didn’t steal the book Martha”

“I can’t believe you could do something like that after all the good training I taught you” Martha said.

“But I didn’t do it”

“Shut up! your words don’t mean a thing. Just get out of here, go to your room, I don’t want to see your face” Martha said

Sarah ran into the tiny room given to her.
no one believed her,no one except Cassie.

She remembered the look on William face when he called her a thief.

Her phone beeped and she picked it up,turns out the message was from him


I won’t answer you,you deserve to be ignored she said to herself.

And after minutes of thinking it through, she finally texted back.

“Hello William, how are you?”

“Rough, throughout the day have been trying to look for you at school today but I found nothing” he texted.

“Oh really? I thought you were occupied with Jessica through out today” she texted back.

“Did you see me?”

“No I didn’t but someone told me about it” she lied.

“I wasn’t spending time with her if that is what you are thinking. If am with Jessica is only because she offered to help me find you”he texted.

“Did you tell her about me?”

“I did and she offered to help me” he texted.

“Okay, hope you find me soon”

“I was robbed of the book you gave me” he texted suddenly.


“Yes the sketch book, an annoying girl took it and ruined it”

And I am the annoying girl you are talking about, Sarah thought within her.

“Did she really steal it?”

“She did, we all saw it in her bag”

“What if she was framed?”

“She wasn’t and besides are you trying to support her?”

“No am not but what if she wants to apologise to you,what can she do to make it up to you” Sarah texted.

“Well she could get me the sketch book back, I really like the sketch book you bought for me” he texted and she smiled.

If she wants William to see her in a good way she has to get him a new sketch book and that won’t be a problem, it won’t be a problem at all.
On her way to work Sarah went to the store she had bought him the sketch book a year ago, luckily for her the sketch book were still there.

she bought it and went to the pizza shop where she worked part-time.

? William pov?
He sat in his room thinking about what his damsel just said to him about the girl who stole his sketch his book earlier.

Would he really accept it if she buys a new one?

He was still thinking that when he got a phone call.

It is from Jessica maybe she has news on his damsel.

“Hello Jessica”

“Hi William, have got some news,well not about your mysterious damsel but its about the househelp”

“What is it?”

“I just found out that she is Brad spy. well from my source, Brad told her to steal your music book for him to use but the fool took your sketch book instead so she is really a thief” Jessica told him.

“Okay thanks for the info” he said and hang up.

So she is really guilty and he was thinking of accepting her apology. That won’t be possible now because she is a thief and he will make her pay for it


? Sarah pov?
Sarah smiled as she walked into the school. She had with her the sketch book and was going to give it to him, Sandra and Linda had both went off leaving her to come herself.

She got to class and saw him sitting by himself reading a book.

She walked to him and dropped the book in front of him

“Am sorry about the book yesterday but I didn’t steal…..” she couldn’t finish her word because William took the book and tear it to shreds.

What is wrong with him now???


Poor Sarah???

William is a cruel jerk???

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