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Friday, October 18, 2024
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My possessive boss ❤️
(Mr Jeffrey Kingsley)


Alexa’s POV

What? I almost yelled out as u heard what he says. He will fire me and make sure I don’t get a job anywhere?

How wicked can he be?

” Hope I am cleared ?” He asked with a neutral expression. Can’t he just smile for once?

” Y. Yes Sir ”

” d@mn it, did you have to stutter in all your response? It shows how weak you are ” he yelled punching his telephone.

I took in a deep breathe bowing my head, will I be able to work here with this grumpy man as my boss?

I will have to quit if I get enough money, his cold attitude is freaking me out.

” Yes Stella, to my office ” he said and hung up.

I stood there fidgeting with my fingers without looking at him.

The only thing I was hearing was the sound of his keyboard he was pressing aggressively.

The door opened revealing the lady earlier, that should be Stella, his secretary.

Seriously, Stella is very strong to have worked with him all this while.

” I am here Sir ”

” Yes, take Miss Sidney to her office and put her through her work ” he instructed without raising up his head.

” Yes Sir, please follow me ” she said to me and I did just that.

Stella opened the office opposite Mr grumpy.
Wow! It looks so beautiful!

” This is your office Miss Sidney, as might have had the idea, your work is to assist the boss. You are to receive calls, reply and send emails ”

” Copy and go through files before he sign it, he can give you other works to do also so please settle in and welcome to J Group of company ”

I passed her a smile nodding my head.

” Thank you and please call me Alexa ”

” Right and I am Stella ” she smiled.

” I advice you not to get Mr Kingsley angry, he gets angry easily and won’t hesitate to fire you instantly. In just a month, he fired three of his personal assistants ”

Huh? Three in a month? Goodness! Does that mean I will be fired too?

I heard a roar of laughter, Stella was laughing!

” You don’t have to freak out, just make sure you do anything he ask you to and on time, he h@ťěs tardiness and lazy people around him ”

I sighed softly placing my hand on my desk.
Mr Kingsley is really a big problem to deal with.

” Yeah, I will try. Thank you Stella ”

” You are welcome, see you later ” she waved her hand leaving my office.

Now where do I start from? There are lots of files on the table and I have to reply the emails again but first, I need to call Andrew to pick my kids. .

I brought out my phone dialing his number.

? I know it’s a good news buttercup ?

I removed the phone from my ear as I heard his loud scream. Is this guy okay?

? Hey did you have to scream ? You almost damaged my eardrum ?

I replied rolling my eyes like he was seeing me.

? Wh@ťěver so tell me, how was the interview??

He asked

? Well, I got the Job and. … ?

? Oh my goodness, I knew you were going to get the job, you are intelligent and have a good CV, who wouldn’t pick my buttercup to work for them? You know what? Just wait for me, give me few minutes and I will be there ?

I creased my forehead together !

? Can you calm down already Andrew?? I said chuckling

? No buttercup, I am with my car keys already expect me in ten then…?

? Andrew! I already started work today ?

I cut him off tiredly! He talks too much.
I waited for him to say something but it seems he was processing what I just said.

? Wait what? ?

He finally spoke after what felt like forever.

? Yeah, Mr CEO is going to be a pain in the @zz Andrew, after the interview, he asked me to start work immediately, he’s too cold and insulting ?

I said with a pout. I heard him cracked and I hissed. I could have smack him if he’s to be here.

What’s funny about what I just said huh? So annoying.

? Wow! I think I love him already! Is he handsome? Or segzy? ?

He asked which made me miss again.

? Andrew! You’ve lost it ?

? I am sorry buttercup, I heard he’s rude but you have to endure it but if he tries hurting you, do not hesitate to tell me, I will break his arm and leg ?

He said in a serious tone, I know he meant it. Just anything for me. Aren’t I lucky?

?I have heard you Mr warrior, I want you to help me pick the kids from school please handsome ?

? What am I getting in return??

? Are we talking some kind of business here Andrew??
What am I going to do with him?

? If I don’t get anything in return then I am not picking them ? he said.

? Fine, when I receive my salary, I will take you on a treat ?

He grinned devilishly while I rolled my eyes.

? That’s like my best friend, I gotta go take care buttercup ?

? Andrew don’t….?

He hung up before I could say anything else. Seriously!

Dropping my phone, I opened the laptop to go through the emails.

Gracious Lord ! 112 messages! How on Earth am I going to finish replying all this?

I am so done for!
I breathed out and got to work, I will reply some then complete the rest tomorrow.

The first email was from Minnesota Industry.
A meeting with Mr Kingsley by Monday 12pm, I will have to go through his schedule to see if he will be free on Monday.

I jolted out in fear as I heard the telephone ringing. Gosh! When will I stop being afraid of little things?

I picked up the call.

? hello, this is J group of company. How may I help y…?

? Quit talking Miss Sidney, look for a red file in your shelf and bring it right now. In two minutes ?

Ugh! Mr Kingsley, can’t he be a little nice?
I stood up to the shelf in search of the red file.

How can he give me just two minutes for search for a book in this full shelf?

I checked the first roll, second, third, fourth, fifth! Ah! Found it.

Glancing at the wall clock, I shrieked in fear. Five minutes gone!

My legs began running out of my office to his. God please don’t let him fire me.

Stella’s words replayed in my head and I shivered more.

With a shaky hand, I knocked on his door and heard a faint come in.

” Are you trying to test my patience Miss Sidney? ” He asked angrily.

” No.. Sir, I couldn’t find the file on time. I’m sorry ” I apologized with my head bowed.

” That’s a lame excuse Miss Sidney, this is just your first day and you are already showing me that you can’t manage time. I am going to be a little merciful not to fire you ”

My head snapped at him and his expression was still same. I sighed in relief at that. He’s not going to fire me at least.

” And that doesn’t mean you won’t serve the punishment, here, take this file, go through it, correct the errors and submit it before lunch ”

My eyes widened in shock! Before lunch? This bulky file? How did he expect me to do that before lunch.

It’s like there are five files together. What sort of punishment is this? Coupled with the fact that I haven’t eaten since morning.

Did he want me to die? To finish this in less than 3hours?

” But Sir ”

” Out of my office Miss Sidney, be back before lunch with this file edited. You may leave ”

I stood there dump founded, how do we do this?

” Yes Sir”
I replied as I strode out of his office.

” Miss Sidney?” He called.

” Yes Sir ”

” I don’t know where your mind went to out of the four walls of this office, the file is still on my desk ”

I cursed under my breathe walking back to him. He made me forget about it.

I gently took the file from his desk and left his office.
Mr Jeffrey Kingsley was boldly written on it.
I won’t be able to handle this for long.


Andrew’s POV

I came down from my car searching for Emma and Evan amongst the pupils.

I am glad Alexa found a job, she’s strongest woman I have ever seen.

She have handled everything that comes her way bravely. Gone through a lot but she’s still struggling for her kids.

My eyes caught some children fighting and I discovered it was Evan.

He was beating up a boy! Goodness!
I quickly ran to him separating him from that boy

His face and mouth were swollen while the rest of the pupils were laughing.

” Evan, why did you beat him up?” I asked sternly.

He looks so angry like he wants to murder someone right now. I have never seen him this way and it amuses me.

” Uncle, he have the guts to slap my sister. Emma is not just my sister, she’s my twin sister and this idiot here laid his hand on her face ”

Evan fumed angrily. That was when it downed on me, Emma!

The moment I turned, my eyes landed on her. Her face was red! What the hell?

I turned to the little boy who was bruised up too, he should be older than the twins. Why will he slap Emma?

” Why did you slap her?” I asked calmly.
The boy stood and did not answer.

” You see now Uncle, he doesn’t have a genuine reason for slapping my sister. Just warn them, no one should come close to her ”

I chuckled at Evan’s words, if you don’t know, you will think he’s more than ten years old but he’s just four.

” You shouldn’t slap her next time, you see what it resulted to? Emma has a champ for a brother so do not fight her next time and I am sorry for the bruises”

” Do you have to apologize Uncle? He deserve it ” Evan groaned.

Like seriously? This two are like cat and rat and he just beat someone else for touching Emma?

I shook my head taking Emma’s hand!

” Are you okay baby?” I asked.

” Yes uncle, I am fine ”

” Let’s hop into the car then, I will cheer up your moods with ice cream ” I said and their face lit up. .

” Yaaayy, Uncle Andrew is the best uncle in the universe ”
They both yelled excitedly. Just what I wanted.


Alexa’s POV

I sighed sleepily, my pen has been falling down since.

It’s almost closing hour and I am not done with the work Mr Kingsley gave me.

When it was lunch time , I told him I wasn’t done and he asked me to finish it before I go home.

Why is he so wicked huh? I am glad I am in the last part. In few minutes, I will be done.

I feel so tired, weak and hungry! Not even water have I tasted since morning.
I might even pass out if time is not taken. I am sure my eye bag is full and red.

I closed the file, took it together with my bag and head out. .

I will just leave for home immediatetly I give this file to him.
I miss my kids already!
I heard a come in as usual and I entered.

Isn’t he going home? That’s his business anyways.

” I am done Sir ” I said handing him the file. He looked up at me folding his arms.

” Trash it ”

Huh ?

” I don’t get you Sir ” I replied staring at him.

” You are not daft Miss Sidney, you heard me right. I said fuçking trash it, it’s of no use to me, the file is a 2013 file and we are not using it. I hope you’ve learnt your lessons ”

Wait! I didn’t hear him right! Does that mean everything I did was useless?

Mr Jeffrey Kingsley, how wicked can you be?





This Jeffrey is something else o ?

And Evan is really a champ.

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