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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Addicted to you..)


THEME: The Man next door


By, Manuel blaq .A.







But after five minutes of kissing, Edgar’s body turned into golden ashes, disappearing into thin air

“No! Ooooooooooo!”



Golden ashes erupted the place and snow smiled as it’s began forming Edgar,he was putting on white just like every other person in the before heaven

“Finally, you are here!”Snow smiled but Edgar glared at her, you would notice just by mere glancing at him that he’s mind and soul is completely broken

“Don’t talk to me for the rest of my stay here”He said coldly and made to walk away

“What if I say there is a way”Snow said and Edgar super sped to her and grab her neck, she started struggling to breathe

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!”He yelled and his voice echoed thrice, other members came out when they heard his voice

?️ He’s back fully!

“There….there….was…….was..was…a.reason”snow managed to say, hitting the hand he grabbed her neck with

“What reason?”Edgar said and let go off her

“It’s could be only effective if it’s done here and it’s gonna take two whole years”snow rushed her words and heaved a deep sign after she was done talking

“Start now!”Edgar said

“She won’t remember you though,”Snow said

“What? What do you mean?”Edgar asked

“No one would remember you, your friends nor the citizens who watched you use your powers, secondly you are returning there as a human who would die after fifty years”Snow said and Edgar began calculating

Charlotte gonna be 29 years in the next two years, five years is enough to marry her and bore kids, he’s gonna make sure his children gets married in their twenties, sure fifty years was a lotta of time but the problem now is no one gonna remember him

“There’s no way she could remember me?”Edgar asked

“If you love each other very much as you claim, you can try showing her any gift she gifted you,its may or may not work”Snow rolled her eyes



Two figures was seen laying on the bed with a white duvet covering their body,though their legs and heads was visible

The annoying alarm from the clock rang, and that made Jennie eyes flew open, but the rays of the sunlight made her shut her eyes closed back

She yawned and open her eyes again, she made to leave but she felt an arm wrapped around her body, she raised up the duvet and found Thomas’s arm wrapping her small waist

His three fingers were still buried in her ćƖĩť, his mouth still on her n!pples,last night must have been an long night

She smiled and removed the duvet off their body,they were still naked, she tapped Thomas’s back

“Wake up! Wake up! It’s morning”She said and his eyes flew open,he let go of her, pulled his fingers out of her ćƖĩť and released her n!pples

“Good morning,hubby!”Jennie said giving him a peck on his lips

“I love you”Jennie said

“I know”

“Then instead of saying good morning say those words instead, I want to hear it every morning I wake up”He said

“Okay,noted”Jennie said and climbed down the bed, Thomas followed

“Let’s bath, I need to go work”Jennie said

“Me too.. I have an advertisement to do this morning”Thomas said

They entered the bathroom to bath and Thomas never stop playing naughty with Jennie, which always earn a “stop” as she chuckled


As Thomas and Jennie made their way out of their room,they met Helena

Well, Helena naked videos got leaked and she loosed all she had in one year, her money and fame, her house too

She needs a place to live, so Thomas did good by letting her work as a maid and nanny to their kids, she repented for good and was forgiven by everyone but she never get the chance to be a friend to Charlotte like before,they all forgave her but they didn’t forget all she did

“The kids?”Charlotte asked

Actually, they are married with kids, twins, they’re one year old

“They’re still sleeping”Helena replied

“Okay, I will come back in the afternoon”Jennie said

“I sent money to you, you can go manage it wisely, it’s uncomfortable having you here, your replacement would soon be here”Thomas said


“Let’s go, hubby”Jennie pecked Thomas lips dragging him away

Helena frowned


Melvin has a apron on as he cuts the veggies, Kelvin was filming

“Best twin ever,others are fake,, woah!”Kelvin said and Melvin chuckled

“Stop filming and go fry the chicken”Melvin said with a smile

“The chicken can wait, I need to show off my twin brother”Kelvin said

“Go show off your girlfriend”Melvin said but Kelvin already ended the video

“Really? I don’t think am ever dating, I don’t want happened to repeat”Kelvin said as he posted the video on his Instagram account

“Not all girls,,My master’s daughter is lovely, she’s still single though”Melvin said

After Edgar’s disappearance,no one remembered him, like he never existed

Kelvin smiled at him, knowing fully well what the smile was all about, Melvin laughed shortly

“Don’t go there,, she won’t even accept if I woo her, for some reasons she doesn’t like men”Melvin said

“Enough of your master’s daughter,, let’s talk about us”Kelvin said and took a glance at the video he just uploaded

He was surprised to see 200k likes and 300k,450k views comments in just twenty minutes,he started going through the comments

The twins are cute!

Omg! Can someone be this handsome?

You guys home address please!

Am getting married to one of them

My future boyfriend!

The one cooking is exactly my type!

They’re both cute!

Can I visit you?


Do you have a girlfriend?

The one filming is driving me crazy!

Are this twins for me?

My neice is getting married to one of them!

Kelvin could only read that much, before screaming,

“Yes! Am becoming a celebrity! Am popular!”He screamed and hug Melvin from the behind,Melvin smiled

“C’mon,look at this video,am sure it’s gonna reach one million views in the next 10 hours”Kelvin said breaking the hug,he showed Melvin the video

“Maybe we should become singers,we are talented, yunno”Melvin said

“Being a musician is f-__-king stressful”Kelvin said

“Go fry the chicken,, I would be done cooking the rice in ten minutes”Melvin said and Kelvin brought out a frying pan

“Okay”He said as he poured the vegetable oil into the frying pan


Jennie arrived at her office, she dropped the documents she was holding on the desk, she sat down and made a phone call

“Kingsley at work today?”She asked

“No, ma’am”A tiny voice sounded from the background

“What?”Jennie screamed and hanged up, well Kingsley got engaged to Evenly and he hasn’t being coming to work since then, today makes it a week

Jennie called Kingsley and he picked up after the first ring

“Why are you still absent at work?”Jennie asked

“Am having a good time with my fiancee”Kingsley voice sounded from the background, the sounds of water hitting the floor was heard too, making it’s obvious he was in the bathroom

“Today makes it a week,are you planning to stay for a whole month? Then what happens if you get married? You did go on a honeymoon for six months”Jennie said

“Actually am planning to stay home for three months, then our honeymoon would be for a year”Kingsley said


“Bye”He cuts her off and hanged up

“That jerk!”Jennie shouted


Meanwhile at Kingsley mansion, Evenly resumed the kiss immediately the call ended

She was putting on only her P@ŋtîēṣ,which was stuck in between her @zz,her bra was off her body,as the shower drenched their body

Kingsley was putting on only his boxers,he wasn’t that segzy but still he showed off his six growing packs, Kingsley squeezed her B-__-bs, before caressing her n! pples

“Mmm ..”It’s earned a silent Mõ@ɲ from her

After kissing for what seems like forever, Kingsley bent her and she followed his lead, bending her head to stare at him in between her legs

Without warning, He rode into her ćƖĩť

“f-__-k!”She Mõ@ɲed, feeling her wetness covering his Ďïčk

He started going in and out of her as the pleasure he never felt washed through his body

Evenly on her own part was enjoying every bit of it,though it’s wasn’t her first time having s*x , but sure this would be the best!…


The students of oxford gather around the notice board, everyone trying to see his or her position,

?️ f-__-k! Am dead!

?️ Mom is gonna ki|| me!

?️ Dad the son you wished to be your successor…. took the 99th position out of hundred, isn’t that great?(smiles)

?️ Oh….. my! I took the 8th position, Mom is gonna be happy

?️ Always coming 23th( scoffs)

Some students dropped a comment after seeing their positions

“Your position,baby!”Princess who’s arms was linked with Andrew said

“First position, always!”Andrew smiled

“Boasting,huh?”Francisco scoffed

“I took the second position”Shirley said beside Francisco, they’re dating now.

“I took the fifth position”Princess said

“Make way for the hottest couple in Oxford high”Isabella screamed as she and Ryan made their entry

“Shut up!”Francisco said and they laughed shortly

“I took the 7th position.. I f-__-ked alot I think I usually come 3rd and it’s your fault Ryan”Isabella pouted sadly

Ryan pecked her lips

“What’s your position?”Ryan asked Francisco

“77th”Francisco replied

“Thanks goodness, I should be around 50th to 60th, am more intelligent than you yunno”Ryan smirked

“Andrew, can you please tell Ryan his position?”Francisco said

“Yes,my Lord”Andrew said dramatically and confirmed Ryan’s position, he had checked it before

“You took the 90th position”Andrew said and Ryan fainted dramatically

“Faint all you want,kid bro!”Francisco said

Francisco and Ryan found out that they were brothers through Naomi and Evenly confirmed it, for one day Ryan never felt remorseful about his parents death

Living a peaceful life with Isabella is all he wanted

“Am not your kid bro! We were f-__-king born the same day”Ryan fired back as he stood on his fist

Actually Byram after having s*x with Stella R@P£D Naomi the same day,they got pregnant the same day and was born the same day


Director Charles and others were already gathered waiting for the supposed new handsome actor to arrive, he’s gonna be the male lead of the begining movie

Charlotte sat on a chair as she go through her script, the last one year didn’t changed that much from her, she couldn’t fell in love again

She doesn’t know but it’s seems something was missing in her life, she couldn’t lay her fingers on what it was

“Am here”A voice sounded, it’s wasn’t husky but it’s was a male voice

Charlotte turned to see a male figure,he was putting on a white trouser and a white shirt,hot and segzy should be his name

His brown eyes and red lips making him look more cute,

Tears gathered at Charlotte’s tears duck as she stared at the person in front of her, slowly her memories of him began returning piece by piece

It’s no other than Edgar, now she could figure out what was missing in her life,

Edgar having seen the main reason he appeared here, smiled and grab Charlotte hands

“I will be back”He said and left with her, she utter no word as he pulled her to the Garden

“Charlotte!”He smiled

“Who are you and why did you bring me out here?”She asked coldly and his smile fade

“It’s me, Edgar, you gifted me this”He showed her a necklace

“I don’t know you”Charlotte replied and Edgar knees landed on the floor, as his tears poured

“It’s me, Edgar, remember me,we did a lotta of things together”Edgar stood again

“We had our first kiss at the roadside,we also–”

“Why did you take so long to return,why??, I wanted to punish but I can’t, why can’t I?”Charlotte cried hitting his chest

“You remember me?”He asked

“Yes,, how could I forget you, I remember you”She cried and he hugged her

“Am sorry for leaving you, am came back as a human to stay with you forever”He smiled

“I miss those lips”Charlotte said breaking the hug, She leaned in for a kiss but Edgar slammed his lips on hers before she could make the first move

They started kissing hardly,as they let their tears,Joy, affection, pains flowed

They started hearing claps and they turn to see Director Charles and the rest clapping their hands,they smiled

Thomas appeared

“Do you–”

“Save it,, I remember you now”He smiled

“I do remember you now”Jennie showed up

“Me too”Melvin screamed coming out with Kelvin with a smile

“Glad you became human”Kelvin said

“I too”Kingsley appeared with Evenly

Edgar could only smile widely,feels good to have his friends back

*”Don’t be surprised if your friend’s remember because that actually means they missed you alot”* Snow words rang in his ear

“We all remember you!”Edgar turned to see his students running after him with the aim of hugging him

Francisco, Andrew, Shirley, Princess, Ryan and Isabella were among but before they could reach him, Charlotte block them, slamming her lips on his

“He’s my baby”She said when their lips parted, she reconnected their lips

They all laughed but that wasn’t the case for Edgar, he was already engrossed in the kiss

Francisco and the guys started $h00ting fireworks at the hair, while others watched the kissing couple with a smiles on their faces.


So now this is the end of another novel, for real?,am so happy, make sure you give me massive likes and comments on this chapter,300+ comments isn’t too much guys ??

Who was your favorite female character?

Your favorite male character?

Happiest scene?

Saddest scene?

The character you h@ťě most?

Your favorite couple?

Who would you miss the most?

Was it an happy ending?

Funniest scene?

The most funniest character?

Which character do you crush on

Say something nice to me, let me blush small ?

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