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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Hareton Stewart, you are under arrest for the murder of Clifford Bronte”the superior cop said


The camera flash light shone on Lorenzo face countless times as he gave his speech,Every other member of the Dragon confraternity was arrested except, Lorenzo and Stella, and also Byram who is on the run

“My daughter and I knows nothing about the accusations, Byram and Hareton was the one that ki||ed Clifford and framed his daughter,we know nothing about it”Lorenzo said confidently

The reporters hands was dancing so fast on their laptop’s while some of them were throwing questions at Lorenzo,

Well, Evenly was the one who leaked the evidence to Jennie, Jennie promise to defend her in caught so she could get a lower sentence, when the arrest started, Lorenzo was quick to hold a press conference to defend himself and his daughter

?️ Lorenzo Rodgiro,are the accusations true?

?️ Why did you ki||ed, late Clifford Bronte?

?️ How are you feeling?

?️ A word please, Mr Rodgiro

?️ Say something

?️ Please say something

“Like I said earlier,we aren’t guilty of the crimes labeled against us, I suspect Byram and Hareton, they are the ones that needs to arrested and am glad Hareton is in jail”Lorenzo said

?️ Do you have proof?

?️ Why did you suspect them?

?️ Are you close to them?

?️ Hareton was the one that defended your grandson, any relationship with him?

?️ Mr Rodgiro, say something

?️ Answer our questions!

“I have no relationship with them, and secondly I suspect them because I got a video of how they murdered Late Clifford Bronte from an anymonous informat”Lorenzo said

?️ Can you show us the video?

?️ Yes, please show us

?️ Let’s confirm?

?️. Who’s the informat?

?️ When did you get the video?

“I got the video this morning, the informat told me I would need it but I didn’t understand what he meant not up till now”Lorenzo said

“Put the video on the projector”Lorenzo ordered no one in particular, the video of how Hareton and Byram ki||ed Clifford came to view

The video automatically went by viral, it’s got a million views just in few minutes, sure, technology is amazing

?️ Hareton and Byram are wicked?

?️ Hareton was once engage to Charlotte Bronte

?️ And he got the heart to do this?

?️ Clifford helped Byram, he is what he is today is because of Clifford’s presence in his life!

“A thread, the heart of men are bloody and wicked”Lorenzo said

?️ Lorenzo Rodgiro, sorry for the accusations?

?️ Are you still running for the presidential race?

“Yes, I will run for president and make my supporters proud, the evil ones may try to stop but they can’t”Lorenzo said

?️ That’s the spirit, Lorenzo!


Evenly was in her prison, watching the press conference with the small television in the prison, thankfully she got no inmate’s, she’s alone!

“Byram was right,they did throw us away”Evenly smirked,

“Stella, that b!tch!”She punched the prison walls hard and started bleeding from her knuckles

“How dare she betray me,How dare she?!”She yelled angrily but when she remembered she was the one who leaked the evidence and would still be out of jail soon, she smiled

“I might be in prison now but not forever, let’s see who laughs last”Evenly smirked

Meanwhile, Hareton was watching the press conference with tears in his eyes

His body and face was full of bruise, unfortunately for him he got 5 hefty thugs as inmate’s

“You ki||ed the only good man in Florida”The leader of his ruthless inmate walked to him

Fear overtook Hareton’s body immediately he heard his voice,are they gonna beat him again??

“It’s wasn’t my fault, I was only following orders, I swear–” Hareton could finish his sentence when he punched him, he bled

He punched him again, again and again

“Deal with him!”He ordered his men and they started kicking and stepping on him

“Arghhh!”Hareton screamed in pains but that didn’t made them stop


Edgar, Charlotte and Thomas was still in the hospital and they are watching the conference from there

“He got back on his feet again”Charlotte said

“I gets his not an easy type”Edgar smirked

“But why did Evenly leaked the evidence?, she’s one of them”Thomas said

“She did that for two reasons, she knows she’s gonna end up like Marcel and Mathew if she keeps quiet, secondly I think she wanna repent”Edgar said

“That’s true, but the repentance part… I don’t think that’s the case”Thomas said

“It may be, she has being a member but she never got her hand stained with blood”Edgar said

“That’s makes it easier to defend her, she might even be sentence on probation”Charlotte said

Melvin’s finger moved but no one saw it, slowly his eyes flew open

“Where am I?”He asked

“Melvin….. doctor!”


“He’s alright,he might get discharged in three days”The doctor said after checking up on Melvin, who is awake now

“Okay Doctor, please keep his stay here a secret,they might attack him again”Edgar said

“Sure”The doctor said and left

“Why?”Thomas asked

“He witnessed the death of Marcel and Mathew, Byram may come for him again”Edgar said

“That’s true”Charlotte replied

“Melvin!”Edgar called

“Boss”Melvin said in a fainting voice

“Am so sorry for keeping you guys worried, I just want to avenge my master’s death”Melvin said in the same tone

“It’s fine”Charlotte said

“You can avenge his death but not at the expense of your own life”Edgar said

“Okay, boss”Melvin said

“From now on, don’t involve yourself in this revenge stuff, you have tried enough, keep yourself hidden from Byram”Edgar said

“But boss, I need to avenge–”

“No, you aren’t doing that, who knows what will happen next??”Edgar cut him off

“I will be extra careful”Melvin said

“You still can’t”Edgar said

“Come on love, he said he will be more careful”Charlotte said

“Edgar, let him do what he wants, I know the feeling too well”Thomas said

“Fine…. but don’t reveal yourself to anybody, make them think you are already dead”Edgar said and Melvin smiled

“You haven’t tell us what happened”Charlotte said and Melvin begin his story, skipping the part that Kelvin is his twin brother


Byram stood on a rooftop of an abandoned six stoery building,his with kelvin

“Why did you have to ki|| him?”Kelvin asked with tears in his eyes

“Because he saw what he should have not seen”Byram said

“But I said he didn’t see anything, I blocked him for going in”Kelvin said

“Why you so concerned about him?,are you that weak?, you should know by now that ki||ing humans is nothing to me but happiness, it’s gives me Joy, am gonna ki|| everyone, everyone of them who made me this miserable, I won’t spare their lives,trust me I pluck out their eyes and feeds it to the bird’s of the air, their heads are gonna be my trophy, I will make them witness all that I have witness,am not gonna spare anyone!”Byram yelled in anger, his eyes beamed red and his veins pooped out as he breaths heavily,

Kelvin was just sobbing without saying a word, not that he doesn’t know what to say but nothing he says would bring back his twin brother back, now, he regrets ever betraying his brother, his twin, he’s blood….

Byram took out a picture from his pocket,a picture of Lorenzo and Stella, he folded it in his arms tightly,as his anger became fresh again,he badly wanna end this two and he is surely gonna do it but the problem now is that he can’t wait, he’s eager to end their life’s, hear their pleas and turn deaf ears, he badly wanna do that

“Call Johnson, I might need the remaining zombies”Byram ordered, trying to control his anger

“Yes, boss”Kelvin said with teary eyes, his mind couldn’t think of betraying Byram, he is his second god, he helped him when he had nothing

Byram took out a lighter and burnt Lorenzo and Stella’s photo,he took out a cigarette and started smoking

Maybe that would make his anger subside


Jennie came out from the law firm and found Thomas already waiting for her, he was leaning on his car, legs crossed and hand in his pocket,

He smiled when he saw Jennie walking towards him, Jennie retuned the smile

“Hope I didn’t keep you waiting?”Jennie asked with a smile

“I will gladly wait for 72 hours just to see you”Thomas smiled and she blushed

He claimed her lips immediately, Jennie didn’t waste much of her time before deepening her fingers into his black silky hair,

Thomas was palming her @zz, while their tongues danced on each other,

“Mmm….”It earned a Mõ@ɲ from her when Thomas finally gave her butt a gentle squeeze, he kept squeezing it, till she broke the kiss

“Let’s go to your house”She winked

“Sure”Thomas replied,they entered the car and left

Meanwhile, Kingsley has been watching from his office window with tears in his eyes,

“She’s already dating”He muttered sadly and he could only feel his heart breaking into pieces, his first love was gone just like that, without even trying

“No!”He finally left the tears to pour


All the prisoners were outside,in the field,they came out to work but they aren’t working yet,

Evenly walked to Hareton who was sitting alone with his face buried to the ground

“Do you regret it now”Evenly voice made him raised his head up,

“Regret what?”Hareton scoffed

“You should have continued living your peaceful life as a corrupt lawyer”Evenly said

“No matter how I think about it,we got betrayed by an insider and I think it’s you, you leaked the evidence, right?”Hareton asked

“Yes,so?”Evenly said


“You should be happy I showed you what kind of people you work for, didn’t you see how he denied you”Evenly said

“This wouldn’t have happened if you had kept your mouth shut!”Hareton yelled and stood

“You wanna fight me?,go on beat me if you can”Evenly said confidently

“You are the reason am like this, you are the reason am stuck in this hell of a prison, everything is your fault, you should have keep your mouth shut,all what I have done in this life was hurt people who would take my side now, you destroyed my life, how could you do that?”Hareton said at the edge of tears and that touched Evenly

She felt so emotional to the extent that her tears visited her tear ducks,now, she feels guilty, guilty of being the caused of his nemesis,

Her conscience was judging her so badly,was it a wrong decision confessing the crimes??

“Am sorry, but that’s the only way I could think of, it’s the only that could help me and you”Evenly said

“How? How?, when am alone in this world…. just get out of here!”He yelled


“Get out of here!”He cuts her off with a yell and she finally left,

Few minutes after she left, two of his inmate’s came and grabbed him by his two arms,

“Please, let me go, not now!”

“I will do what you want just let go of me!”

Hareton kept pleading till they finally took him to the restroom,

“Beat him up!”The leader ordered and they started dealing with him again….

Kicking his face,head, legs, arms, chest and even his groin, slow and steady he began loosing his breath, but they continue beating him not mind his suitation, finally he breathed his last breath and gave up the ghost

His bloody mouth made his death more cruel and painful, without the knowledge he was dead already,they continued with the beatings

But when they heard no screams from him neither did he move his, one of them placed two fingers on his neck to confirm whether his dead or not

“Boss, I think he died”One of them said and the boss spat on Hareton’s dead body

“Let’s go”He said and they left the scene







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