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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Addicted to you)


THEME: The Man next door


By, Manuel blaq .A.





Blood…..”She said, pointing at a particular direction


“What?, blood?,where?”Edgar rushed his questions but Charlotte was too shock to say a word, so he traced her eye and it landed on his face,

“Is there blood on my face?”He asked touching his nose,he moved down beneath his nostrils and that’s when he felt his fingers touch a liquid substance,

“What..”He gasp when he saw blood on his fingers

“What the f-__-k is this?”Edgar questioned no one in particular,

“I think you are sick, let’s go to the hospital,,you got nosebleed…no… this can’t be happening to me, I can’t loose you too”Charlotte said worriedly

“Doll face, it’s nothing just get me a tissue”He said and she did just that before cleaning the blood beneath his nostrils,

“Let’s get to business”He made her sit on his Ďïčk again, trying to change the topic

“Are you sure you’re okay?”She asked again

“Nothing is wrong with me,am not human, yunno”He said,

“If you say so…. but am still worried”She said

“Don’t be, okay?”He said and she nodded

“This can’t be happening, not now, hope it’s not what am thinking, I need to meet snow”He said inwardly,

Charlotte gave herself a deep th-ru_st and Edgar groaned,

She started twerking on his Ďïčk

“Ughh….f-__-k!”He groaned

“When did you learn how to do this?”He asked with a naughty smile,

“Am a fan of porn back then in highschool, but not anymore”She said

After few minutes they were out of the bathroom, Edgar was putting on a red bathroom robe, same with Charlotte but hers was white

“Can you help me apply body lotion?”Charlotte bit her lips,

“Of course”He smirked and took a little content of the body lotion, rubbing it against his two palms, she was sitting on the bed, so he went on his knees and started from her thighs to her laps then to her leg,

Charlotte kept blushing as she stared at this perfect man in front of her,his doing what no man can do,

“I love you Eddie”She suddenly said and he smiled, he was about saying something when her phone rang,

“Spare me a sec”She said and Edgar turned his gaze to her dressing table, his eyes beam gold and a perfume lifted up without anyone touching it,

The perfume started flying towards him but it fell and broke before it could reach him, he sighed,Charlotte ended the call and was walking back to him

“How did this happen?”Charlotte asked, staring at the broken pieces of the perfume,

“What was the call all about?”Edgar changed the topic,

“It’s the movie industry, they want me back”Charlotte replied,though he didn’t hear her, he’s mind was somewhere else

“Is he loosing his powers??”He asked himself inwardly,

“Eddie!”She called and he got startled

“Mm”He replied

“What’s wrong?, you were absent minded”She said

“It’s nothing”He replied with a smile


In Thomas room,he couldn’t sleep since last night incident, right now he was smoking a cigarette,

He isn’t a fan of smoking but always finds himself doing that whenever he’s angry or pissed off,

He ruffled his hair for the umpteenth time puffing out smokes from his nostrils,

“What is that he actually feel for her??”He asked himself,

Strangely,he badly wants to give her a chance to heal him,he badly wants to know if she can really heal him,

He has being thinking about her,those words she said taunts him whenever he lays his head to sleep,

He has kissed some Ɓîtçhes before but his kiss with her last night felt like his first kiss, it’s was so sweet and enjoyable,

If he was ask to choose ice creams and her lips,he did go for her lips

He found his heart beating crazily as he thought about the kiss, badly wants to have a taste of her lips again,

“Why did she kiss me when she knows she’s gonna leave did way she did”He groaned, ruffling his hair again,

“Jennie! What are you doing to me?”He questioned no one in particular,in a calm voice,

“Just admit it, you are in love with her”His subconscious told him

“Okay… what if that’s the case, do you think she would agree to date a playboy?”He asked as if he was in a invisible conversation with his subconscious

“Quit being a playboy then”His subconscious replied again


“Princess!”Andrew screamed as he search for her everywhere,

Strangely the way she left and what Isabella told him got him worried

*”Jokes do hurts sometimes”*that word rang in his head again,

Right now he was in the female’s restroom searching from door to door,he started hearing sobs, he followed the sounds of the sobs, leading him to a door,he pushed the door open, his eyes widened at what he saw

“Princess!”He called

Princess was seen sitting on the floor of the restroom hugging her knees to herself

“What are you doing here?,”she asked but he didn’t reply,her eyes were red as f-__-k,they were also swollen,

“I thought you all h@ťěd me,so what the f-__-k are you doing here?!”She yelled this time

“Come on, Princess, that’s was a joke”He said and she scoffed

“Do you always love joking with me?, you intentionally did that to hurt my feelings,so stay the f-__-k away from me!”she yelled again

“Princess,am sorry”He said and tried touching her but she stood up

“Don’t dare lay your fingers on me, it’s Shirley you want right?, come on,go have her… I don’t give a f-__-k about you any more, for a while I thought you were kindhearted but now I think am a f**l to have think of you that way, I think am fated to stay single forever and am going to accepted that”She said and try walking away,

“Don’t leave, princess!”He said and suprisly she stopped walking, she wants to run away but her legs were betraying her,

Andrew hugged her from the behind and her body reacted crazily at that single act

“Don’t say that again, it’s hurts, if you want me to stay away from Shirley, I will do just that, please don’t say those hurtful words to me next time”He said,tears thr_@tening to pour

“Andrew!”She sniffed

“Let me stay like this for ten minutes…. please”He said


It’s being a week since Jennie went for a blind date and that’s because of work and most especially Thomas,

Thinking about him made her sometimes ditch her blind date, she doesn’t want anyone to stop her from thinking of him

“Getting over him is the best, he’s a playboy”She said to herself

Her phone buzzed and she brought it out from her handbag, it’s Kingsley on the caller’s id so she swipe the green icon

“Where are you?”Kingsley voice sounded from the background,

“Stella’s restaurant”She replied

“Blind date??”He asked

“Is this why you called me?”She asked

“I was worried about,yunno”Kingsley said

“Like am your girlfriend??”Jennie smiled

“Jennie, just stop, being worried about my best friend is normal”He said


“What?”She asked

“Nothing”He replied

“Hang up if you don’t have anything else to say”She said,

“I don’t want to say anything, I just want to be hearing your voice to make sure you are safe”He said

“Are you mad?”She asked and he smiled

“No,am in lo..”Bye, I think my date has arrived, she hanged up, before he could complete his sentence,

“Hey,are you Miss Jennie?”The handsome man who approached Jennie said

“Yes, I am”Jennie replied

“Oh…am Cooper, your blind date”The man replied

“Sit”Jennie said and he sat down

“Let’s order something”He said

“Sure”Jennie said and before Cooper could say anything,a waiter brought their menu to them and they ordered what they wanted

“Ever dated before?”He asked with a charming smile,

“No, you?”She asked

“Have dated severally but always ended with heartbreak”He said

“Sorry about that,they must be stupid for playing a handsome guy like you”, Jennie said

“You think so?”He asked

“Yeah… you are too handsome”Jennie smiled

“And you too…. you are pretty” He said and placed his palm on her laps,

Just then Thomas entered the restaurant,he was wearing a black jean and a white shirt, he’s putting on sunglasses,

He removed his sunglasses to be sure of what he’s seeing

“Isn’t that Jennie??… with a man?,bet she’s on a blind date”He smirked, even when he knows he’s blood were boiling

Meanwhile, Cooper took a glance at his buzzing phone for the fifth time

“Why not pick up the call”Jennie said

“Oh… I will do that now,give me a minute”He said and left,to the restroom

“Why are you calling me?”That’s was the first word that came out from Cooper’s mouth when he reached the restroom

“There’s no more baby diapers in this house, there’s no provisions too”A female voice sounded from the background,a infant cries assisting her voice

“And that’s why am doing this, wooing the president daughter to get some cash”Cooper said

“Is that why you are calling me?”Cooper added

“Isn’t that enough reason?”She questioned

“Rose, you know what?…f-__-k you… yeah,f-__-k you for calling me at this important moment”He said and hanged up,he made to go but saw a male figure behind him,

“Who are you?”Cooper questioned

“Ask your grandma that f-__-king question”Thomas said and punched him, he staggered backwards

“Where you planning to dupe her?, how shameless can you be?,huh?”Thomas spat

“Hey you punk, I asked you earlier, who the hell are you?!”Cooper yelled this time

“Wanna know?”Thomas smirked and gave him a high kick on his head,

“AHH!”Cooper winced

“That’s my reply”Thomas said

“Because am keeping calm, you think you can mess with me?”Cooper said and made to punch Thomas but he held his fist and twisted it

“Ahh….my arm…my arm! “Cooper cried in pains,

“Am not done with you and you are already crying?”Thomas smirked,

Thomas kicked his tummy, releasing his fist in the process before crashing his back on the sink, it’s broke into pieces

“Arghh!”Cooper cried

“After am done with you, next time you will run away at the mention of Jennie”Thomas said

He went in between his widened and knelt down with one leg and like that he started blessing Cooper’s mouth with punch’s,

At every punch, Cooper cries in pain, Thomas finally left him and took his (Cooper) phone

“How many children do you have?”Thomas asked

“Th..r…ee..three”Copper trembled in fear


Thomas sent to Jennie, through Cooper’s phone, he threw his phone back to him,

Thomas brought out three bundles of money and threw it at him

“For the children…. don’t think am helping you”Thomas said and started leaving

“What… thanks…. thank you sir, you can come punch me again”Cooper said with bloody mouth, Thomas ignored him

Meanwhile, Thomas came out from the restroom and couldn’t find Jennie

“She left”He muttered sadly


On the stage of the town hall was seated two people Lorenzo and Edward keys, plus a women in her 40’s, she seems to be the primary debate moderator

“Let’s exercise patients,Mr August Austen isn’t present”The moderator said and the, audience started murmuring to theirselves

“Hope you aren’t feeling uncomfortable?”The lady smiled

“No,am not”Lorenzo smiled

“Why did hell is he keeping us waiting?, who does he think he is?”Edward scoffed

“Lorenzo and I can just start the debate, after all it’s two people at a time”Edward added with an angry look on his face

“Please, let’s exercise a little patience”the moderator said


A car parked at the garage of the town hall and the August Austen everyone has being waiting for alighted from the car,he started walking in with his guards, they were just five,

A male figure appeared in a black hoddie with a gun on his hands,a selincer was attached to the gun,

In a blink of eye he shot down three guards, August Austen made to run away but he shot his leg, the remaining two guards started $h00ting at the unknown guy, leaving August on the floor

“f-__-k… who sent this men after me?, Edward keys?”August tried getting up but froze when a gun was pointed to his forehead

He looked around and found all the guards dead on the floor

“Say your last prayer, August Austen”The husky voice sounded and pulled the trigger

Unknown to the ki||er a camera was in a car, filming everything that just happened







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